THE MICHIGAN DAILY_ at tt74ateJ Al, NEWSPAPER OF THE NERSITY OF? MICIGAN ed every morning except Monday e University ytear by the Board in fStudent Pulhlications. rs ofWestern Conference Editorial gy. ssociated Press is e: lusively en~ he use for republication of all newsI credit-ed to it or not otherwisef n this piper and the local news pub. Iat the postoffice at Ann tAr' x: , 'as second class matter. Special rate c granted b". Third Assistant Post- eneral. ;;tics by~ caritcr, $3.5n by mail,, Annt,.ArbTor Press Ruilding, May- et. comnicat~iofl, not extceedmg 300o ill be published iu The Dail at tion of the Editor. Upon request, tT of communicant will, be re- sconfidential. _F14TORIAL STAFF :iepiiooes, 2414 pod 176-1 MIANAGING EDITOR H-ARRY D. 110EY Board Chairman.. . . . C. Morarity or .........3. C. Garlinghouse Night Editors les A. B1. Counable,.1%r Clai k T. '.l: iske }'. M. Wagner dito ,,........ Ralph 1 . byrs Euitor........Winona Hibbard ditor...............Ruth A. Rowell City Editor...., Kenn--th C. Kellar Michigaun:vews Bureau. R. G. Ramnsay sEditor ...Robert B. Henderson 'Assistants arley Eliz~abeth ieiberrnann rtcnan It. S. Mansfield i'acrcll E. C. Mack liqx er Verena Mor~an row'u llarold ;Moore ourad Carl Ohtlr~acher to Cote ll ydle Peirc6 avis Andrew Propper hrlch 1i0arie (Reed rnambterg Reina Reichrnant7 irtnerEdni1arie Schrauder Heath C. A. Stevens ry W. HI. Stoneman llouseworth Marjorie Sweet ine Frederic G. TFelmos Kamnin :'. R. Thal Kell 1V. J. Wa? thour ndalll Het an Wise FEMINIZATION AND THlE HUM-3A ITiES After all the discussion there has.1 been of co-education, its 'merits and~ its faults, it might seem to be ex-1 tremely difficult to say something new I mmrrrrmrrar~urrraimp. r RIE SPY CTPIJLLY D)EDICATED TO STEVE DE~CATUJR 7 6 i 6 r on the subject. Nevertheless, Prof. Rollo Walter Brown, an educator of considerable note, in a recent article. does bring forth a point that at least seems to be new. Professor Brovwn is opposed -to the mingling of the sexes in colleges, and yet he dismisses as either trivial or fabsurd practically all of the stock arguments against it. Hle ridicules the idea that young men and women1 ha~ve jany m~ore or different oppor- tunitie sfor' association in th~e co- e-iucatioal' institutions thanh they do fi those where the sexes are segre- gated, or than they do when at home. He does not share, or at any rateI he does not mention, the argumexat of such, a noted authority as. Dr. Muen- sterberg that girls when in classroom with boys necessitate a feminization ' f the instruction given. Professor Brown's grievance is dif- ferent from all these and perhaps puts a new bee in the bonnet of anti- co-educational cranks. Hle insists that when girls and boys go to college together the result is that there is a separation of the studies pursued ,ini- to two classes, those that are manly The reason this col is dedicated to 1 Steve Decatur, is, not, as we often said before, because we admire- hire~ Dior because we 'have personally bone-I fltddl by 'anything he ever did'." ourj life, we tell ourself confidently, has rolled along much the same as It, would have if ,Stephen had never been Iborni.. The only reason we dedicatgid they col to hiin is that: the Chic ago Tri- bune, w'hich someone has c~alled the World's °Greatest' Newspaper, thinks. a certain remark the misguided fellow once made is the right sort of founda- tion for an editorial policy. The sparkling epigram we refer to is this: "Our country! In her intercourse with foreign~ nations may she always be right; but our, country, right or wrong. Every, day the Trip runs this at-!I mosphere to America at the top of her editorial page; and every day the editorials folio wthe lead of Stu- pid Steplhen- IAll of wtih has~ been.'said before, but never 'by a youxng .fellow ina nastier mood. C AMPU S OPINION SOME ASPECTS OF THE LABOR} PARTY, To The Editor: - 1I appreciate Mr. R. M. Wetiley for his kind reference to my lecture. I{ like the sense of humor which istlg-I gests that I am a "gift horse" whoG carries "grains, of salt", in his mouth.j In fastening m'e. down. to the, state,- ' mient: that' Ramsay MacDonald's wife; was a "daughter of Lord Melvin,' Mr.. Weniey shows a naive faith in ' the accuracy "of newspaper reports." The curious thing is that Mr. Wenley' was prasent ate my lecture and hecard,. me say, that lyagaret Gladstone Way the "niece" of Lord Kelvin.. A word to the wise is indeed enough. But I Iwelcome the letter, at least it assures us that Mr. Wen ley knew Lord :Kelvin. _____Sidney F. Wicks GOODNE SS I I DETROIT UNiIED LINES ]EAST BOUND Limiteds : S a. in.. 9:(l A:. im. and every two hou.:! to 9: 10 P. in. Fxpresa: It a. mn., 8 a. in. and er*, two ;inure to 8 D. . m. Locals: 7 a. mn., 8:55 a. mn. and every two hours to 8:.16 p. mn., 11 p. in. To Ypsllaxi! only; l1:4{y a. m.,'1t2: 25 a. mn. and 1:15 a. i. Limit eds' 8:47 a: th.: and every iw o hours -to b:4'"p. Mr. E~xpress (making hocal sto[el : 9: a. W~. and, every two bou~r, to 9:50I f, ,ats: 7:50 a. mn., jIz:1+) a, .. ! 1 16. I Ii' ' t1I I I' ' - I I I. 'I I, I 'I I" I," '. Ii . hull 71 Xnnl~ual Al II utto the M ay I3ARBO& YM.NASIUM ItcV ) c flVIY ; t 8:30'arid 9:30 'i;" .,. cn:Sale a t Gah amrs and Wahirs f k Re ad the Want AO's mp To The Editor:-, CI did not intend to write but after seeing the Daily this. morning I can- not help myself. It seems " that you will use any trivial material except hat which you' have decided shall Inot go into the student Opinion coluimn. I do not know whether your excu;se twill be that the material was not BUSINESS STAFF Telephone 960 BUSINESS MANAGER LAURENCE H. FAVRO1 iertismwflg Perry . . T'.L. D'inne vertising ................Perry - Hayden ',ertisin .................. ...Rosr [ertiSing .................. ..fl. E. Rose coutls......................:. . it. L.~ Hale rculi;O1n1.................."" "....C.Purdy' -Wication ........ ........Lawrence fierce Assistants W. Cap iphell N. T . ITolland 1.nie Caplan ,Al. L. Lteland as. Champion Harold A. Marks hn Conlin Myron Park~er Dais Al. Dexter A. J. Sidman seph, J.Finn Geo. A. Stracke aiA.Fox I:. C. Winter uren Ilaight. SATURDAY, MAY 24, 1924' Nightt Editor-JOED KRLTGEPh UP 'IRO31 WTHE EVERGLADES and those that' are womuanly, and thatf among the latter there strongly tends' to be placed wh'at - Used to be called' the "humanities," including the an- cient and modern languages and their, literatures. 1 If this charge is well founded, and its author has collected from many- college catalogues a host of statistics, that seem to prove or at least to support his contention, the most serf-f ous part of it is the conclusion as to the development of the inhumane among the men ,going to co-educational institutions. At a time when it is especially desirable that men should be "humane," those who attend co- educational colleges' are made "in-' humane," it would seem, for lack of the gentler influences of the studies they scorn as "sisterly." Itkcannot be denied that the human-' ities are sadly neglected in the moderni college. Xenophon, Herodotus, Homner, the Bucolico poets; Plato, Euripides, Aristotle, Greek 'drama. Virgil, Hor- ace, Juvenal, Lucretius, Pliny, Taci- tus, and Livy are' but meaningless names to a great majority. 'Milton; Chaucer, early English drama,. or Spencer are too frequently strangears to college 'graduates. "The" high'er courses in modern languages are often shunned; Goethe and Schill'er, Moliere and Hugo in the original delight but1 i select few. [NAIL!I MAIL! DO YOV WANT YOUR My Dear 'Mr.-Cowles :- Your" review of the :picure, "The' Law rprhids," was asfnine all the way throtigh and in one place mali- cious. Where do you get that ~stuff about Baby Peggy's "cheap little face?" Are your own features so exquisitely formed that you cana- a-ford to criticize those of other peo- Iple? Also you" remarks some weeks ago at 'the time of Eleanor Duse's death were, to say the 'least, somewhat in bad taste. lI will not sign my name to this, be- cause you will probably write some- thing pseudo-humorous about it. Yours, j Alt 11' Wisher i 1,1 iNeglest of the hmaiie"is wide- ned an orator, a politician, an~dj ignoramus by as many factionsj ved his right to all of these titles the first day of the 136th general enibly of the Presbyterian church the 'United States of America. For eral monthas he, has been sub- geas it were, in the everglades Florida, studying the deleterious ats of evolution with his new'pres- atial candidate, only to, arise and ie to Grand Rapids and swing the tion of the moderator to a manl o leads the opposition to progress h1is church, 'hat his oratory was functioning, perly is demonstrated by the words' wisdom with which he' supported candidacy of Dr. Clarence E. Me- tney, ultra-fu 4damontalist an ler in the mmovement to removye Dr. ,ry Emerson Fos dick frorn,the pub- of the First Presbyterian Aurch New York city. He swung the es of many no doubt when he red the following characterization: is a man who will not surrender! modernism as a substitute for the ~d of God." No doubt that in- ous word "modernism" was suf- ent to convince the reverend pil- of the church that Dr. McCartney uld be placed in a, position of icient power to guard from dese- ion their theological dogma. hait Mr. Bryan is still a clever tician was 'also demonstrated. His rs of experience in running for sident of the United States stood tin good stead. His candidate, s true, won only by a smallma- ty, tut it is equally true that to t a man to a position of such pro- ien. e on a platform of retro- ~son requires real political genius. e mo1st astonishing aspect of the~ ale situation, however, is the fact~ cthe champion of fundamentalism uld deem this election an an- inceinent to the world that the l sbyterian church stands for "evan-I cal Christianity." Granted that this neglect comes as a result of. co- j -ducation seems far-fetched and 'iI- logical. Rather in these statistics an observer can vaguely glimpse a gen- teral tendency of the times-a ten- :ency Against all except directly. use- 'ful studies, those that help in the making of a living. And it is to the Working -out of the elective system '?n a too practical basis, rather than to "feminization" that the modern ignorance' and neglect of the "human- I ties"- is chiefly due. SCIENTIFIC JOURNALISM A newspaper is particular in select- ing the material which it prints. A political writer is nofr selected to -do sports, a humorist is not sent to cover funerals and a bachelor is seldom the proper selection for sa Won en's, page editor. Yet mny newspapers .of good journalistic s'tanding' ini~st onl peritting literary' men to' Wr-ite " supposedly scientific articles. Recently a series of articles appear- ed on the pages of a well-known Chi-: cago daily, on subjects of ,a scientific nature, written 'by. a man who showed himself vastly ignorant of physical science. He even failed to recognize the fact, so fundamental in physics, that no work is done unless a dis- placement occurs-a fact 'well known to any student of physics. That man is also a graduate of this university, but not from the college of engineer- ing or the department of physics. jNewspapers hire specialistg-to write their feature articles nowadays. The sport writers are usually ex-athletes; at any rate, men who know thoroughly the, sports they cover. Men of' ye ars experience in politics cover the nows at Washington and the state capitols, jWhy should not these same demands be carried. over into the fields of science? Au Initeresting literary style is notI the only requisite for a writer of special features on mechanics. He Inust, primarily, be well-informed on his subject. He must know whereof he speaks. If, at the same time. he Dearest Ill, wisl~er, you flatter youf- self. The new 'Ensians, which were being, peddled to waiting ;thousands yester- day at the tradesman's entrance to the. Librlary;, smell soliething terrific, 1We are aspured, hoevrbiy those who have had experience with pre- vious 'Ensians, that. the smell wears off in time. I*As an additionalselling. point, the book is plentifully besprinkled with cuts of Cowles in business . attire~. Every 1single oile of themn a fresh sokltoo. ; r'rsig hwingeni- ous these photographers are., They' ma'ke you look funny in so many dif= ferent ways.... If You Think You Can Get The I "RIeaders"' Hot About .Anything, Come' On And' Try It. RerJsn:It seems to" me that out of theI great number of studs who read your colyumn, there ought to be a, law stud who can solve this problem for me. Here it is: Last night I was waiting on the dead end of the wire trying to get a certain. . 390-wh'en I fell asleep and dropped the phone. I t hardly seemps right that I should .pay the damages amountin~g to a broken' receiver and Cmouthpiece. Please, Jason, let me know that the - expert advice of your realers turn3 { Very worried, yr ~ * * Jaycik SThe Drama column, nowadays, is having pretty hard going. There ain't much drama this time of the year. But R. B. H. is lucky compared to us. The humor at this dump wad3 used up years ago.... Time was when the barber shop was sanctuary to the male against the prying eye of any NICE girl. The female of yore who walked through the Nickels Arcade, for instance, used modestly to cast her eyes downward as she passed the joint that givesl away tickets to the Wisconsin game. But now!tEiquality of the sexes has sent all the pigs scurrying to get haircuts. Every shop swarms with Women getting what they are pleased i to' S call . - fShingles. . - Now nine tenths of the public think we ran all those words on separate lines so as to fill up space. INine tenths of the public is wrong. well written, or was not typewritten or simply that it did not pertain tol student affairs. After seeing some of the letters 'recently I know it is not he first point. If it is the second it is the most unfair regulation any "newspaper'' could have because all have not the access to a typewriter. If you knew the number of students whom I think are Klansmen and if you knew just how hot they think it will get around' here In the future you would not he so sure the subject is not interesting to student leaders. I Yes, I wrote a little comment con- cerning the Ku' Klux Klan, which organization recently put its man in as mayor of your beloved Youngs- town. If your r fte~ Eitorial, Board is responsible for the great unfairness ~I transfer all the condemnation to I them.4t May the guilty feeling of an Ameni- can wtlo su lirs's, ?tre ee =hre t 'on the one 'responsible. James W. McKnight new yearl T'HERE IS IN' ANN ARBOR,1 as you can guess, an Ann Arbor High School, i and after the manner of high schools! the graduating senior class presents 'Its annual Senglr Play when every May reaches it close. The function, as a national custom, has gained forl itself an unwholesome repute through the myriad abuses the practice has received. As.a rule the budding artist of the school or the leading football' player is cast in. the leading role and surrounded to the embarrassment of the players and audience with the poeudo il ge belles. The whole af- fair is almost unbeieab'y rode and 11wjward, and save for the pathtic pride of the d ,ting parents a crying sin against theatrical manner and :morals. Such a situation, in all honor, i not local. In Ann Arbor High. school[ Miss Lurene Osborn is the directr[ of dramatics, and under'tier very patient. guidance there. lav'e ev lved a series of highly , ,tllfactqW pro ., ductions.- Through her dogged per- severance and 'limtless~ tact she is able to instill ini her pupils an extra- ordinary appreciation of the better drama she insists on sponsoring, and to remove from the actors a major portion, of their adolescent self-con- sciousness. H'er work has included almost every type of play from the average one-act bill to Shakespeare' and Anatole France, and on occasion she has directed several numbers for the Players' Club in its healthier days. The' very fact that she has had the 1 courage' to present "A Midsummer} Night's "Dream," "The Man Who Mar- I ried a Dumb Wi'fe,"and 'The 'Etivals'~'' shouldibe indicaitive of hr success. Thl . year there will be offered under h er supervision Laurence Housman's I' difficult" fantasy, "Prunella," subtitledl I from :4o specific reason, "Love in a! Dutch'Garden." The play is generally considered among the best of the author's works, and during its initial presentation coined 'a fulsome salary for Winthrop Ames, who produced it in New York with Mrgueroite, vlrkI.i MAY Si. Al. .1'. XV. 'T. F. S. l 2 3 [p1 12 13 141 2e) 18 17 PS 19 20 21 2 2 :i 24- 25 26 27 -08 X29 30 31 STRAW HATS SMASH BANG Prices 25 per cent off right.: t the top of the season. Th- tenid-. ency toward the popularity of the cool and coinfortabi' PIant- ila Hat for'ces us to reduace the price of our entire stogy,;; of Straw Hats 25 per cent right 't the start of the season. Every' hat fresh from the makers and the latest to be had. See U~s For Yoiir PANvA11A HATy Our prices are RIGHT beeise 'we secure the Nvoven hats di- rect from the 'importers;and" 'block' and' trim them in' our own factory. 'work iin cleeaning, 'h1ca_(Ijig"Arid rehloceking stramw and 1miii~i a ha~ts. We use no acids. We do regular faicto'ry 'bvork. FACTORY HAT srrojii" 617 Packard Pbtoi'e 1;52 (Where D. U. IL Stops at Stazte) 61 E. [Huron Phone l: Par:ticulars, Reservations, Tiskets F a ,. .. 'I__ ReadTheDaiy-"Classihed""Colur NoTicls for Sale ait Door' ... i To Europe I THIS SUMMER 'A'-'cid i ojpo~ttrntv for tU rst , teachers, stutdents ana k.IN-- 'eJ' spirits to enjoy a surnm°r ,vacation. in Eu~rope. at a cos't w; in the reach. of everyone." TIJL SI'-IIPS--SA>'01NIA, June 21st '1AURET'ANIA,I July 2nd L ANCASTRIA, July 3rd T NE ACCOMMO;ID TlO2N-T'wo, three anud four berth rooms, spit a .iid span, commodious;' attractive pujblic ',rooins-coiiifortable lounge, smoking room, light, airy dining room. Good, wholesome food. An excelletnt prolnena(Ie deck with steamer chairs and all (-,inveniences. Thirni 7)n, but in name only. Passengers re- strictcd'to tdns Teachl~ers, Writers, Artists and Tourists- people of retfiieent waose society will be congenial. ENTERTAIN~ ENTO rhesracon~certs, dlancus and deck games will contribte, to your enjoyment of the trip. 'JE' aEI~hTiURN- Shimilar' arratngements are available for the Th- iiti' V l egd d etngs'everal1, sailing dates. -, - OrLE.G. KUEBLER, LocalAgent AV I EN A1 I¢ 0T.1It.'le isTom Wye,1 a"O r 'adley'l and sweaters andi Jacktets U00U KNiCES AND BREECH- E fr ~tac'i ~te ~lark: s'sortmnept Of ma-terials for ladie-,and rmen. C~ordu.' r" y and Whipcord S port Sit'3. Lad*(I ' Knickers, $1.98 up. Linen and Khaki Trous ers, Coveralls, etc., $1.85 uip. HI-i'ng shoes, Wool S04s', CGolf Hose, I!-Vggi" gs, Putlees, Officers Dress ai d Army Shoes, Tennis Shoes, Waterproof and High- Tops. Moccasin Packe Shu for' Ladies and MV~en. Array Shoes, $3.95 up. 0. D. Wool, Khaki and fine Poplin Army Shirts, P.Ongee Dress and Sport Shirts, all Kinds of Underwea r, Hosiery, Golf Hose, $1.50 up. White Navy Hats, 50" cents.~ lnr Gpcoaswo~incoats- Cravanettes, Whipcords, $13.98 and' up, Rain Coats, $2.98 up, Slickers All kinds and sizes. Auto-Touro,. Regulation Wall, Army, lMosquito, ~~ Shelter atnd Childlre'ns' Play' Tents. 'Nevt Armry.Piip Tents rt iai-t cst the 'governnient $10 for sale for $3.75.-, -; 'iu no anket , Cshons,''Ato Knapsacks, Barracks Bags, Canteens, Miess Cans, Grills, Stoves, Serving Sets, "Gold Medal Camp 'Furnitur(e," Cots, Stools, Tables, Folding Buckets, Sam Browne Belts, Scout A. L.L A ' A- ~ hrYan/p# - m ya --