THFE MICIHIGAN DAILY N 7m 4 =I fOHMRS SENIOR IN I OPEN AMS Na Wyvern society tces rwill meet at 7:15 at Betsy Barbour office of tihe Y. MW. 'ANeb' .\ ,Ifl~4~, 1 'ckt hall. ~ l Vlf'~UlI There will be a 2 0 be~rs of the Univers: .x rI " on 'bTe held at 4 o'cloc t 'IAa' ug 1( :~e 'Newberry residence. . .II f' mM~ u The Girls' Mandoli iciv n ,~~~ta lat' 5 O'clock tomor , . r~ pnn I econd semester i, *, .4u r~>§i ~ Cua; ' h W.A~A.MEMBERSHIP DRITE WN kSUPPORT HOUSESI Democratic Party Leaders Organize WILL DECIDE CA PUS Philu aspctcuargame through-; o'clock today cutesophocmore team easily defeat- house. cd the freshman six by a score of 24 M d COURT MARTHAI (001 ILI R "Every Michigan woman a member, -every house 100 per cent" is the gen- eralI sentiment among the w omen of the campus after two clays of the membership drive which is being car- ried on by thle Women's Athletic as- sociation. Athletic managers of the various houses have been working in com~peti- tion in an effort to have their houses reach the top of the list. As a re- suit of the first two days of canvass- ing the gymnasium classes as well as the houses, the followipg; houses are ahieal in the drive: League houses --Wilson house, 39 per cent member- si;Forsythe house, 30 per cenit; Vir- ginia house, 22 per cent. Sorority houses-Sigma Kappa, 56 per cent; Pi Beta Phi, 30 per cent; Alpha Gamma Delta, 15 per cent. Martha Cook dor- mnitory heads the list amnong the dor- mnitories on the campus. Membership in this organization is open to all University women and it entitles each member to attend the in- Ster-class and house- games as well as the annual indoor meet free of charge.' Directors of the association are hopingt to make athletic, activities play a]d greater part in the life of women stu- dents in the future.l Membership will be received at thec Athletic association desk in Barbour gymnasium any timne during the re-1 ;mainder of the week.t MISS Sage Visits4 Foreign Wom'en Miss Pauline Sage, of Chicago, one of the secretaries in charge of the foy- er. for foreign women in the central part of the United States, has been spending several days in the city, per- sn lyvisiting the women on the campus who have come, from other Scountries. The foyer of which Miss Sage hast Scharge, is an hospitality service. It is carriedi on under .the National board ofI Sthe Y. W. C. A. The secretaries keep I Sin touch with foreign women stiu-E dents, helping them to reach theirI friends and to select scholastic work . Warsao~ Feb. 19.--Thce Baltic States Conference' has ended ;without ini- Aportant' results. aBoth teams h; honors in their Martha Cook an etball team's w: today in Barbela championship of which should pi contest of the s court leagues. The silver cu presented to the be passed on ea( utive ceampus ch come the perme house only after 'for three ,years. The lineup for that many veter.; will battle for tl LAfrtha (look L. Chalmers.. M. Goddard .. C. Bowen... M. Munz...... A. Sheldon .. M. Smith ...... UAMD~flI~WD 'while the junior team bowed to TyusfrFeha il'Ge ''i icsuerorsenior squad by a score! club will be held from 4 to 5 o'clockj t___0 24 to 5. today in room 160 of the School ~ AI) ELT (V~Ir Good team? work marked the entire j ofmusic. iLL CIX R courtactio"n of the sophomores and ____ TOD)AY (-broorneO boie displayed great skill] Masques Dramatic society will meet tl 'o 1 1 hegae. aterne el !at 4 o'clock today in Newberry' raving easily wvon f ,rst r oad Nora Alsterlund were re- hall. respective lecue r ?Aiie for the points gained by the rehand tem.niArtoug hoethe Practices for the Junior Girls' play ill clash at 4 o'clock are as fandothe senior teams showedy Crgmaiu o h aI'elralle speed in their playing, the aesfolw:C ru9 t3tdy, the campus in a game;( - VS 1iE1t alhead of their opponentsinSrhCselA elha;7o- rov to, be the fastc :,t :iu all the plays. Norma Bowbeer clock, cast for second act in Univer- eaoni te o an' nd Lois Miller starred for the vic- sity.Hall. Tomorrow, 4 o'clock, chor- >easn inthewom~ i SI us 1; 5 o'clock, chorus 3; 7 o'clock, torious team. while Faith Dumas andicou 0 'lok hrs5 l T'hc xiialob va.. Roe played a remarkable game cou,1;8ocok hrs5 l vftriuoearil 0 the junior team. of these choruses will practice in Sar- e vicorios terll ill;ah Caswell Angell hall. Friday,9 ch yar o te cnse- Pr. MVargaret Bell acted as referee lam~insand wl e Cetrtrude Noetzel, umpire. o'clock, chorus 6; 10:30 o'clock, chor- us 4; 1 o'clock, chorus 12; 2:30 o'- enant possession of a 'clock, chorus 13, all in Sarah CaswellI it has won the honors 6"1)hH4e Crawl"' is Functioni at Oregon Angell hall. Saturday, 9 o'clock, cast~ the xvo eamssho The "Dime Crawl" is the latest so- and choruses for the first act; 10:30 r th twoteam sho (; val function to be initiated at the Un- o'clock, cast and choruses for the sec- ans in the court game iversity of Oregon. On these occasions, o nd act.1 he 'final honors, today. one dime will entitle its masculine bear-____ iDelta Glamin e r to enter the residence of any wonm- Extra practice for the members of ,L.F....... A. Crouse en's organization Wednesday night, teUiest il'Ge lbwl ......A. Miller. and there dance from 6:45 to 7:30 o nvrst ils leclbwl .-C be held at 3 o'clock today for second C........ M. Dixon clock. The dimes are to be given to lfl An4A'1irfnfpt bership in the Ui v -' I club will be held K, o'1'.b , i dlay, Feb. 26, in th('zl 'Maude Kleyn, School of Music. I Members of the rifle squad are re- FSLEEP A!NYWIE*REF, BUT EAT AT RE'S THE CLUB LUNCH 712 Arbor Street Near State and Packard Streets ' a N':gnts 50c to $ 2.50 'GA 9R " catIaCK00to$20 ----Ono ou iistii't Mllss 3fl t t' - Always something new on Biruunswick Records i Sr.Emily well Blair Womp en leaders of the Democratic party from Ohio, Indiana, Kentucky, Alichigan, Illinois, Wisconsin and Mm-_ nesota suet in Cleveland, 0., recently to organize a proposed campaign for the coining national election in these states. Under the leadership of Mrs. I ::sily Newell B3lair, of Missouri, vice- ch airman of the Democratic national committee and Mrs. A. B. Pyke, na- tional committeewoman from Ohio, they discussed plans for regional or- ganization the formation of women', ;tubs throughout the sevenl states and 'arrangemen ts for closer co-operation 'with the men's conmmittees. MISS 0LANE TO TALK ON INTERIOREOAIN Miss Edith Douglas Deane, of New York City, will speak on interior de- corations at 4 o'clock on March 4, 5, 6. 7 andl 8 in the -vest gallery of Alumni Memorial hall under the. auspices of the A. A. U, W. The tickets for the series of lectures will be $2, and will be placed on sale at thle dormitories and book stores. The course will be open to the general public. It's true' efficiency to use Dail Classiefleds-Add . S.C......K. Kocker L.G.......Baker .R.G....... L. Miller the Foreign Scholarship fund main- -"~ AJO uiwLYVA~. .'V i5 tane b teWomen's league. and second altos at Miss Maud Kleyn's tamed y thestudio, School of Music. Pari, Fb. 9.-ortycom~aits All j~nior women are requested to have ben filed charging exportation = attend a class meeting at 4 o'clockI of capital, causing a financial sensa-toainhesuhprrofNwry tion. L) ,) i 3 , ; i Panama, Feb. 19.-Rodolfo Chi art, a member of the Porra's cabinet, is running for president. $ for Winter Sports The tingling exhilaration that comes with winter sports brimgs also a K~een thirst. As a cold- weather stimulant A-B Ginger Ale is a happy substitute for coffee - the natural warmth ofpure Jamaica Ginger prevents any chance of chill. f '13 nail. Certificates for the club leader'sI training course given last semester may be obtained by women who have completed the course, by calling at the MEN4-anxious to rise to positions of re- sponsibilty in business should investi- gate the one year intensive training course offered at Babson Institute. Classes are conducted on the conference plan. The instructors are experienced busi- ness men, successful in their own lines. You work on actual cases-not hypothetical prob- lems. You are shown how to solve the same kind of problems that will confront you in actual business practice. Write for Booklet Send for booklet "Training for Business Leadei'ship." Describes the courses in detail and gives complete information about the facilities of Babson Institute and shows how men are trained for executive roles. Write today. No obligation. An rndowe'd Babson Institute [= Vt 318 Wasl ngtou Ave. Babson P'ark, (sue b O1) Mass. Adds zest to college life! IF you haven'tCheard Bennie Krueger's orchestra play "Linger Awhile" you've missed the biggest hit this season. When Bennie's Band starts, the wallflowers bloom again, the stagline gets busy cutting. The slip-horns tremble, the saxophones quiver--man, it's harmonylI Go to your Brunswick dealer. He'll gladly play the latest Bennie Krueger records for youx. New ones are on sae every few days. Here are more Bennie Krueger Records Bernie Krueger's Orchestra 2526 Linger Awhile-Fox Trot I'm Sittin' Pretty In a Pretty Little City-Fox Trot 2.549 Say It With a Ukulele-Fox Trot So This Is Venice 1-Fox Trot 2.551 Sleep-Fox Trot Dancin' IDan-Fox Trot 2528 Old. Fashioned Love- Fox Trot Out of Sight Out of Mind.- Fox'Trot 2485 That Old Gang of Mine"-o12 T Wonder If She's Lonely To. Fox Trot S * y . u i a r siePH O N O G A P H S A N D R E -C O KD A { , . 4f : , t : 1 I w~*/' t J 2 . 0-ti .30) 7 :00--8:30 " : ' i i!! I 1 r i ,I '* :. , °- t , f ."tr TWITH LOIS WILSON - 111PI'HlD; DIX- - MARJOIIIE DANY ON ThE S' t°a F KANI ,R' BLUJE and GOL "f "ORCHESTRA J~iMIE A)AMS RRZY NAT Inra C histie Comtedy a anewv "AGG1AVATYX(' PAPA"' AUESOP FABLE CARTOON Anheuser-Busch St, Louis 02ot-C Served at hotels, clubs and cafes Buy it by the case for your home V 1-1. ., M . fi ks, i. islifetime friend IBargain Matinees DailyN (" ; ) All Seats 25cr t .- I rBalconay 3 l Mai Floor _lic 1War tax 4c W)ar Tax ic Total 35Tc To&-4 50c I, Special Mthiinee WASINGTON'S BIRTHDAY De L uxe Show Schedule yy , , , { ,, , '1, ' tR}} ,"; a , , ,L'i. i t4 ,!1 yi i '° 1'111 ti f r( r r 114 i'tt. il "{k .i i,{ jl 'lalirlf ft rrti/ ATRUE friend is a staunch one-always reliable. Men who bought their Rubberset. Shaving Brushes way back in 1888, when we first started, still find them the same reliable friends each morning. 'I m ;,a ii NGW 9" 'ul""LAYiNG ANO I N Beautyin Rubber Fount i'n Pens T HE new. Wahl Pen in engine-turned black rubber is unlike any fountain pen you have ever sccn. Anyone who writes will be proud 'to own a pen,-of such grace and splendid writing performance. It is as prac- tical as it is beautiful. The man's-size fist with the, cast-iron grip will find a W~ahl Pen to fit it. And so\w ill the dainty feminine hand. There are sizes and shapes to suit every man and woman in college or business. time. The Wahl comb feed regulates the flow so that the pen writes the instant you touch it to paper. You never have to shake it, The ink never floods. The evcrlasting niib is 14-karat gold, tipped with tihe hardest, finestA iridium, Unbiased experts say it is thec ultimate in nib-making;. Clipped in pocket,pus or note book~, Wahl Pen cannot leak-the patented cap construction prevenfts it. Wahl Pen is so perfectly balanced and proportioned that it