THE MICHIGAN DAILY ... __ TilS' COLUMN' I CLOSES AT 3 P.M. DVERTISING DAILY CLASSIFIED RATES ged at the rate of 12c per reading tine for one or two insertions, 11c pea ng line for three cr more insertions. White space charged for at same . Classifieds charged only to those having phones. Ask about cnmtractsj 1assifed adventising. Oc per reading line for one or two insertions, 9c per reading line forI or more insertions, cash in advance. Minimum, 3 lines per insertion Classified Column Closes at 11 o'Clock Noon, Saturday. "Jbmmi-the-Ad, Taker" RUSICAL ll iiiIn lislii IillhlliillllllIll1111iIII11 ; FOR RENT YOUR PORTABLE canoe or camp Are you willing to work? You TWO OR THREE or four rooms co- Victrola is here. Get yours now, can easily earn $500.00 this sum- pletely furnished for house keeping prices from $25.00 to $50.00. Schae- for summer months or longer if de- Berle Son " "usic House. i er if you are. sired. 923 Greenwood, Phone 28- 0T1'EOur proposition is the most at- 63-W. tractive oter that you could wish for. CAN CARE FOR group in nice home IF SUMMIER COMES fron East University Ave. for next you can earn There is room for 25 more year. Florence Huddy, Box 125. (Not House-to-House Work) students left. Will you be one -,Ann Arbor. For Details See of those to get the job? -=NICELY FURNISHED rooms for elev-. D. D. GORIlAM-3ICHIGAN UNION Phone 283-J from 25 1en boys for summer school and next 10-12 A. M.-2-8 P. M. =1year. Phone - 3507-J. 517 East (We Guarantee $5.00 Per Day) . . J. Chic. .L. B. Abbott Madison. STUDENT AGENTS-Important-We ' FURNISHED house for summer, large have a' side line requiring not over shady lot. Phone 721. an hour a day. With a few dollarsFRR2 o investment and taking time not cov- 2 iesmdbyntatakin me noey-z rooms in a nice home, close to cam- ered ycontact you can make m ore - IS iiiiIiiiiiiiiIgli pus for a club of 8 or 9 girls. Board than your expense. Call between 3 --j if desired.. Box 15 Daily.. and 5 P. M., room 2, 2nd floor, 711 LI, sir. BIx 17aiy N. Univ. U OF1 Read the Want Ads SLEEP ANYWHERE, PUT EAT AT REX'S THE CLUB LUNCH 712 Arbor Street Near State and Packard Streets I RVI fj WAR1MOITS, D. S Chiropodist and S orthopedist 707 No, [i Universt Phone 2E Rdead the Want . F(R SALE SAY BOYS--try a pair of Harry's Moccasin oxfords, your choice of 14 ifferent colors, scotch grain, smokiedhorse, white-black top, tan Russian etc. Very beautiful comeC in and take a look at a special price of $5. Made to your measure. H. W. Clark, 534 Forest Ave. Phone 3043. EASY DOWN payment house in Eas- tern Section well'adapted for group. Florence Huddy. Box 125. BARGAIN FOR cash, speedster with good top, side curtains and tires. IExcellent condition. Call 397. Gilbert DODGE TOURING. Price $55. Phone 2990-R. 1921 FORD TOURING in excellent condition, no starter, demonutable rims. Call "Mack" at 1097-R. ALMOST new Remington PortabIle with case, perfect condition thruout. $35. Phone Tilden 131. 3-BURNER gas plate. Call 2316-M. WANTED 'CAN USE two or three young men this summer., Outside work. Position can be made to pay very well. Write or see Henry Meybring, Jr. Sales Manager The Ifeyering Laind Company ! 727 Farwell Building Detroit, Michigan. AGENTS wanted, very attractive pro- position. Call for appointment at 722 Arbor St. or phone 1597-W. MISCELLANEOUS TYPEWRITING and mimeographing promptly and neatly done by experi- enced operators at c onsiderate prices. 0. D. Morril, 17 Nickels Arcade, The Typewriter & Station- ery Store. MAKE MONEY THIS SUMMER-sell. ing high grade fountain pens to the ORDERS FOR Engraving should be' retail trade. Sell to established placed now to avoid possible delays dealers only. Easy to sell depart- and disappointment. 0 D. Morril, ment, drug and jewelry stors. Strict- 17 Nickels Arcade, The Typewriter ly high grade line of guaranteed . __Stationery_tore. pens. Liberal profit for dealer, 20 Supernuous per cent commission for you. You FACIAL HAIRS ought to make $40 to $60 per week. Removed Permanently by Write for proposition and state ELECTROLYSIS what territory you prefer to work ELECTRO-COSMETIC SERVICE in, Toledo Pen Co., 609-11 Huron St., By appointment only Phone 1167-N. Toledo, Ohio. I I ALL KINDS OF trunk and door keys. Lawn mowers sharpened. Keeler, 1136 W. Huron. Phone 2498. "THE COLLEGE MAGIVIAN" Engagements solicited from Fater- nities, Sororities, Clubs, etc. 2927 S. State Phone 2717-R. TYPEWRITING &LL MAKES. Agency Woodst ca aii Oliver typewriters, Sundstrand add- ing machine, Line-a-Time copy holders, rubber stamps, ribbons, cushion keys, type cleaners and sup. plies. Machines rented. ANN ARBOR TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE. Phone 866, downtown No. 9 Ann Arbor Sav. Bank Bldg. o u 11 riu ur'i u in F iiintuformenryI occupied by Dr. E. C. Ryle, D.D.S. Offices located at corner of Detroit! stret and 12th Avenue. Reasonable rental, address W. C. Pierce, 1340i Detroit Street, Flint, Micl. NICELY FURNISHED rooms for elev- en boys during summer school and next year. Phone 3507-7. 517 E. Madison. JUNE AND JULY, furnished cottage at Crooked Lake. Will accominmo- date six. Low rate. Call 296-?4l. I, I,; ; i iI{ 1 ,V M V M M . 11 w , r w r r r . a '1!llllil1llllllllflliil1lillillillllillllilllllll!In Iq Smart ..New, Strw First the m They Well a hest n Seasor Con Priced $2.00 to $5.0 indensc mitt :. I#1!1 1!1111111!ll !l1111llffillilllt!lil fllfl81 """" "'"' """' """ """" """" ""' choocers are naturally ost particular choosers. want smartest style as s comfort. All of the ew ideas for the 1924 ne and see them. Are Th( FURNT atio Fora Littl( ED TEA Room in good loc- Open for Summer school. rmation call 951-W. Polly ea Shop. 0 A WAITER. Call Mr. Plain at 188. STUDENT help wanted at Michigan Union Tap Room. Apply in person to Mr. W. Herman.I FORD SPEEDSTER in excellent con- dition, geared to 70 miles an hour, good tires. For information call 2605. CHEAP, a 3-4 length imported Burber- ry Coat and sport skirt to match. Size 38. Tweed mixture, like new, mistake in measurements reason for sale. Must be sold at once, leaving town. Telephone 2446 from 9 to 12.; MY NEW residence of Fiske Tapestry Brick. Ten very large rooms and dormitory. Decorations and ap- pointments of the very latest. There is nothing in Ann Arbor or Detroit that represents anything near theI price~. Its type and construction is of thebest with practically no de- p eciation to be charged off. Largef jnough to accommodate small fra- tenity or sorority. Box 25. OAK< ROLL top desk-nearly good as1 rew. A bargain. Call 296-M. 3 ATRONS tickets for May Festival for Saturday afternoon and even- rig. Call 1519. A FIRST and second cook-wh'ite, in a summer camp of 100 people in the northern part of the State. Wages good. Call University 148-M. be- tween 10 and 12 A. M. DISH WASHER. Call for Mr. Fos-I ter at SinFonia Fraternity. 514 Thompson; St.' Phone 1505. STUDENT agents to handle a special- ty profitable side line. Call 296-M. THESES to type. Phone 3431-J. SUMMER HELP A ROFITABLE VACATION YOU CAN EARN $1,000,learn the 1various phases of the real estate business and get practical selling, experience during the summer vaca. tion. Our representatives Mr. PrattI and Mr. Tanney will talk to students- at the Business Administration Building, Thursday,- May 29, 1924 at 2:00 P. M. An inspection trip" to Detroit will be arranged at this time. Interested students will be' shown how the rpal estate busi- ness is carried on. RAMM & CO 509 Union Trust Co. Detroit USED CARS. STUDENTS here is the chance to get a Used Car Cheap. Ford Coupe Chevrolet CoupeI Buick Touring and several others. Woolfolk Motors Co. 504 E. Wasington Patronize Daily Advertisers.--Adv.! ~ -j RUGS SHAMPOOED or dust cleaned. Ann Arbor Carpet Cleaning Works. Phone 50. Big Bargains in Shrubs, Roses, andj Vines this week. We must move all stock in our nursery. Prices half or I less.I HARRIS SEED STORE Cor. Washington & Fifth ' SPECIAL NOTICE TO STUDENTS I am paying the best prices, from 31 to $10.for suits call 1677-W, or bringI them to 203 N. Main St. D. Mordsky.3 A BUNDLE containing 2 gray flannel shirts at ball game Monday. Call Nufer. 1460. Reward. FOUNTAIN PENS RIDER'S REPAIR SERVICE is un- equaled. Real workmanship and one day service. RIDER'StPEKRSHOP 302 State Street Eatingplenty" doesn't ' mean "Eating right." TYPJS'2 with YEARS of EXPERI- ENCE give the most satisfactory re- us. BIJDDLE'S BOOK STORE, No. 11 Nickels Arcade. TYPEWRITERS of all makes Bought, Sold, Rented, Exchanged, Cleaned & Repaired 0. 1). MORRILL, 17 Nickels' Arcade The Typewriter & Stationery Store Dealer: Corona & L. C. Smith do ELECTRIC CHAFING dish $5.00 Card fable $2.00. Sewing cabinet $7.00. I at 1026 Lincoln Ave. LOST GOLD WATCH, Chain, and comb, Snday. Initials M. E. F. Call 22- 20 or at Daily office. Reward. $1LVER OCTAGON watch (Orator mrovement) Tues. P. M. between N. S. Building and Division. Call 3421- Loikrec. Reward. BETWEEN CHUBB HOUSE and Lib- rary May 19, bone-rimmed spectacl- es in tan case, which is marked with name Ruth Wilson. Will finder please call 3001-J. Eat proper foods. The sani- tary preparation, the expert cooking and the proper re- frigeration make our foods particularly desirable. Did you ever try our noon luncheons between 11 and 2, or our Special Dinners be- tween 5 and 8? When you do you will be dropping around regularly: WXTID 1 "ONCE' MEN ANd) 1OMJE AGtENTS PART TIME or FTLL TIME Phone 1044 for Appointment Either Before 9 A. :W. or After 8 P. 1. Women to Learn a ]Business of Happiness The happiest occupation in the world is showing women how to improve their appearance. It brings happiness to them-untold happiness, It brings satisfaction and fortune to you. (You can learn this business of happiness in a few weeks of fasci- nating work. First we teach you how to improve your own person- al appearance. That brings hap- piness to you. Then you learn how to improve the appearance of others. That brings happiness to them. Complete course in Facial and Scalp Treatment, Shampooing, Manicuring, Marcel, Water and Permanent Waving, Hairdressing, Electrolysis. Attractive surround ings. Easy terms. tThe time is past when women have to be contented with meager earnings just because they are women. In almost any point on the map we have Marinello Shop Owners earning from $3,000 to $20,000 a year in a highly respected calling. More salaried positionsl are open for trained Marinello graduates than we can fill. Right now decide to look into this business of happiness, it is the oooortunity of a lifetime. Write for catalog and complete booklet The Marinello System .31 Tower Court 366 Fifth Ave. CHICAGO Dept.Col.I NEW YORK R FVIVAL OF THE -PANAMA HAT By laboratory test the Panama hat is found to be the coolest, to sayl I nothing of its being the' most com-: fortable hat for summer wear. This i probably accounts more than any- thing else for the revival of the Pana-(1 ma and the fact that it is being worn this year by the best dressers at Palif Beach and other resorts. Theim portersareporth anr iparalleled de-': mand for the Panama. Tho following i are laboratory tests of temperature taken after wearing the Panama, Soft! Felt and Straw Sailor in the sun for' two hours; Panama coolest, tempertaure 77.9 , Soft Felt next, temperature . . . 79.71 -Straxr Sailor hlottest;- temp: ..56.0 i We clean, bleach and reblock Pana- mas, Leghorns, Bankoks and.all l*dsj of straw hats according to r" factory methods. We use no aids-- we are not boot-blacks. We do only High 'Class Factory Work.I FACTORY HAT STORE= 617 Packard St. Phone 17,92, (Where D. U. R. Stops at State) -Adv Iel &Co DON'T LET YOUR FRIENDS Am ',,ay. 7 DON'T MISS IT AND HillA STAY A) Ticket o S-------le -- Tickets on Sale at Slater's, Wahir's and Graham's iY YlAlYYYYY is tYta{Yt""f{faYY{tYYV tsYaYYRiAYOYYYYt At"t!"YYRtAsYYYaYY tf ilYYYtYYV Y!!'tYt tY!'l YYYVitRYs I , IENTAL RUG SALE )MB0ORAJIAN & CO. at 612 E. Liberty CHOICE COLLECTION OF BEAUTIFUL RU1G0 Rugs Washed and Repaired New Crop Flower Seeds Ann Arbor people-do not real- ize that right here in our own home town we have one of the largest stocks of flower seeds in the state. In annual seeds we have not only the well known varities but we have the new- est novelties in separate colors, as well as mixed. In perennial flower seeds we have a wide variety and carry many kinds not carried in retail catalogues. If a small quantity or an ounce is required we can supply. Our stocks are fresh and germina- tion is guaranteed. Everything in flowering seeds, plants, bulbs, shrubs. HARRIS SEED STORE Cor. Washington & Fif th A-Ye. THE ANN ARBOR RESTAURANT 215 South Main St ~ I 1 i Please Give Us A Visit; 1 )MBOORAJIAN & CO. 612 E. Liberty Phone 3000 1!t~fl~11il1111t1111t~11111 / I. ~L KJ ° , . _ _ . ' 1@ ~ l lllll@Illl@I I I lt1lilil!@III@Ittilll@!I@iI0@11@H 8@Ef @11i!I @@1@tO@1{l1111@Ii tt1111ll111{lltL!!1 -Ad- - S r r 4 , FORMAL SHO WING. OF THE NEWEST DOBBS STRAWS S. Direct from Fifth Avenue has arrived the last creation in straw hats. Low crowns and 'ide brims 2 , is the dictate of. Fashion. A unique feature that distinguishes a DOBBS straw is its comfortable flexibility. When the oval is disturbed by an unusual shaped head there is no r . unsightly gaping of the braid. Wear a DOBBS straw and enjoy the comfort of a soft hat. S I I / r PAUL WHITEMA AND HIS ORC1ESTRA Of Twenty=five Ar 111I l ttll r tists UM P M Flowers and People Individual's reaction to flowers differ in many ways. Some like them. Others i at enjoy them, and still more admire them. We realize this and thus our display evolves around this principle. HILL AUD ITQ RI I Thur., May 29, 3 M I I [