THE MICHIGAN DAILY________ iIlj a s ICIAL NIEWSPAPER OF THE' U1'VEJITY 4W OFMICHIGAN 1'ied er"ery IiornI Ig Fexcept Monday it s tlii1' Uiverint% year by the Board in trtd o ri Studt )! u1"ie ions. ernrs or3 'Westertn Conference Editorial ) ixion l d tot'u' u~. Io' rqU'Ilcatln e o~il en itdul rr'dIki ('t01'.r1 t 5~l~wise li li i pet a-rnd ltlo ea l it ss .ws ',tleired a.t the :lo f~c a t Ant) Ar'(n iala , . c¢.pl~ C 05F tLa~fr. )pecla rat ;,t aae r & itan ost iuhr co ...1,vratstl= "g~~ nu A11"r i'e Building, NMay' '.; ; trco-t, - 'oes itia,2414 a116 i 7b67M; basi- i, gbo. iin dcr connacjatlofls, not exceeding 300 At iIbe publisiied in The Daily at lscri"Tl ul the Fdi~or. Upon request,: ?.t1rity o'ejliniun icant will be re- ld as 1confidential. ti 3',TOIIIAL STAFF I'el ) tr~reS, 214 and 7- M4ANAGING EDITOR HARRY D.'HQE'Y ut Editor........Raba, 13. 'Tar torial B~oard Chairman... R. C. Morarity v Editor........... . .. C. Garlinghouse Nlight Editors It. Ailes A. B. Connable, Jr. rry C. clay, T. E. Fiske h, . 1.Wagner ort Editor ...............Ralph N. Byers mien's iuitor............ Winona B'ibbard .ic Editor .............. Ruth A. Howell sstant Caity 1,ditor. .Kenneth C. Kellar ector %)ichigan News Bureau. R. G. Ramnsay~ amratics Editor ...Robert B. Henderson Assistants ,ise B~arlev El.izabeth tLieb.ermann >rmaBl3i,.r.:eil E. C. Mack rnian Boxer Verena MVIoran len Brown llarold -Moore W. Conrad Carl 0Ohhnacher ,rnadette Cote Hlyde Terse WV. Davis Andrew Lropper Sol IEhrlicli Mrie Reed W. Fernainberg Regina Reichmann O. Gartner }:Amalie Schrauder lbetli heath C. A. Stevens 1'. Itemry W1V.LStonemnan inning iIouseworth 'Maijooie Sweet lily nine Frederic CG.1Telmos rothy Karnina N. 1:. 'rhal ra ret Keil W. I. Walthour ia Kendaillliennan Wise eph Kruger ~BUSINESS STAFF Telephone 960) BUSINESS MANAGER LAUREaNCE H. FAVRO1 Ivertistnq............... L. Dinne -vertisin {........ .F.erry ,S. Hayden I ertisilg..... .........W. Ricosser Ivertising..................""H. E. Rose cormls...................I..hale r Ion................ .....,. C. Puridy blic ation................. Lawrence Pierce Assistants -1 W. Carnpbell N. 1E. Holland nnie Caplan M. L. Ireland las. Champion Harold A. Marks hn Conli-n Byron Parker uis 1\1. Dexter A. J. Seidman. se{,h J, Finn Geo. A. Stracke aivd A. 1,ox . C. Winter FRIDAY, MAY 23, 1924 the student body as is evidenced byI the lack of interest in the spring gamnes. The new council must devise some means of inspiring a new in- lerest it traditions are to survive., The rooming house situation must be r".cmcdied. These are only a few ofI the manifold problems which the Stu-! dent Council must solve in the 'year3 1924-1925 if we are to consider its .txperimnental stage entirely past. I NetEJ RS RO1LASTIC TRACK 1~E:ET At the opening of the' track season a,,e'iy' year, we hear the complaint that 'too few athletes enter com~peti-! :ion for places on the squad. ' Aj ;mall track team, composed la'rgely of stars seems to. have, become a ira- dition at Michigan. In spite of this Coach Farrell has continued to turn out successful teams, but any failure to win in competition has been caused4 by the scarcity of aspirants for the track honors.l JDLOSOi WVe don't know when we've felt so completely uninspired to our priest- ly tank. We sit here, our fingers ' poised for action, but no words come.1 A new typewriter ribbon too.- This melancholy ha~s been coning on ever since day before yesterday. It was th~en that we received this poem' fron y ou~ng lyy, with these .sad words under his signature. But you'd better readt them yourself... I DESIRES Some, bedazzled by the gleam of shin- ing stones and clinking gold, Make wishes that, such- be theirs 'by 4working hard with skill and stealth. j ome gain their wish too soon to llearn those riches have no warmth, Fes" ig' t Editor--NORMTAN R. THIAL he first period of an experimentI oi~ipleted recently when the btu- ,t Ct ouncil for the past school year ie'and turned over its' duties to (3d ito vvwl ar o to ccompose this ;inzatonnext year. The experi- u'. ,;ceis to have been a success, Ione might almost say that the iod of probation of the student vernin~g body as it now' exists is t. At least it, has been definitely ;ablished that the Council as it is ~constituted can accomplish more n the unwieldy body which pre- Led it. s is always true, of . a new in- ;,tion, there have been mistakes ring the past year. At .times there ears to have be'en considerable va- laton and lack of purpose; con- 'ted efforts toward the realization a' definite aim seems to have been king. Yet several things have been comp'ished for which this body and officei's should be complimented: y insitituted the foreign student re- fcampaign, they started the 'move- nt which it is to be hoped will nult in participation, in matters of ident discipline, some steps have en taken toward the establishment a cheering section, a movement Sbeen started towards approved miling house s for men, and the iidling of routine matters which fl to every similar body has been coinplished with the usual efficlen- For this work the retiring coupn- is to be highly commended-they ye definitely ass'ured that student vernment is to be of some moment student affairs. t rests with those chosen at the cent elections to act on the stu- at governing body to carry on this )r.A definite program should bel kled out. ,d no ffor shld bI e aced until every article is accom- ished. Several weeks ago the coun- was given assurance that the com- ttlee appointed to investigate the ssibility of council participation in ident discipline cases would make' definite report in a short time. As tno action has been forthcoming. has been suggested to the ath- Today and tomorrow Michigan is host to .x00 athletes from every part of ;the country,' the attraction being the annual interscholastic track and field meet at Ferry Field. Most of these mhen will within a few years be students in sonic university, and it is the University's hope that many of' them will choose to make Michigan I their alma mater. Mostiof tho athletes will hb housed ,n fraterity hbouses3,, thely entertain- ment will rest with fraternity men. Even though this is the busiest part' of the college year it is to be hoped that at, ieastrthea underlassen in the various houses will assume the; re-I sponsibility of seeing that these' p7:1 tore university students are properly impressed . with . the ",opportunities available in Ann Arbor. Make our Asitars feel that their abode for the next few days is their future home, not merely a temporary resting place. GE(}IWE, OSCAR BOWEN The University Glee clubs have completed one of the most success- ful seasons in their long period of existence as a musical organization. A large measure of this success is due to the organization and train- ing of George Oscar Bowen who as-. sumed the direction of the cus at the, opening of the college y*r. For several years Michigans ;Glee 'clubs have been mediocre, unfit re- presex t the University m 'sj ally. Their concerts had degenera d , into va evile erfor i"iares ,f q e doot- oblt-wortl This 'seasn has it ess-1 hid a compliete qhang0-i'n' oic4. t Un-: der Mr. ,13 ,ep's,,t tel;,gq se' BeLrate music,,'has °given place -t. the?. c gss- cal and seipopu ar. The gru~ has become a chorus 'of talented mtsi ians 'nsteadi of,:a. company of act rs As a result of t i Worl, th ogan- . scaion "has" risen from' a positi n of omparative obscurity, to one o na- '.o apraninence. ' intering 'fo, the 'rt time in the sectional I tro- legiate Gle club iiitest' t hiago, the Glee clubs took second place in comnpetition with the best Glee clubs in the middle west. During spring vacation the longest trip 'in many years was accomplished with com- nlete success. Packed houses greeted the singers at every performance, and ')est of all the rip was a financial Mccess. ,Perhaps the statement of one of he officers of the University repre- :ented the situation when he said liat the "University Glee clubs had done more to advertise the University m the rght, way during the 'current ?ear than any other organization fi 'he campus. To whatever extent this is true, just so much praise must bel accorded the work of Mr. Bowen. A PROBLEI4L OF :CITIZENHIP In his recent specht on the carpus Sydney F. Wicks," nglish oveist and scholar, made a statement tothe ef- fect that "a nation is not judAed by what it is doing, but by what its youth is learning." In the light of this state- ment it is indeed strange, and in- compatible with American Intelligence, that in as great an institution as ours there is no definite compulsory course in political science. Government Is one of the primary concerns of modern civilized man. Yet, here at one of the greatest Uni- versities in America we are confronted with, a problem. of a dire lac of in- terest in American government~l fun- tions. Of the eight thousand students who were eligible to elect the, course in political science during, the last only- emsr onlyasmall. minority a vailed themnselves of the opp~ortunl- ity. To all appearances the American people is one, unconcerned with its priary function,, that of govern- ment. S At present there is a compulsory course at the University 'which has 5as its aim. the teaching of self ex- pression. The course is of gener- I ally recognized value, and the stu- but coldE To those who think they'll find true Happiness in worldly wealth. f Please give to me, Sincerity, to guide't my steps near Friendship's bower. I I :would possess all Knowledge's best, that when I have to boardr That dismal train by Death inspired,1a I will have the power To give up true thanks 'ere I set on tot §el k the mercy of, iy Lord. )POISON Ivy f ~~the last-lie's crd "Th lat-le'scured"-what canl he mean? Can lie mean, do you sup-l p.tose, .that e will write no more< poetry? Horrid thought! This last-and we praythat It is not his last-shows all the old Ivy1 fire, all the old elan; and, too all' the old sadness and depth of feeling that marked his work in the hey- day of his career. Such a maker of phrases! "clinking gold,"' "working hard," "true Happ- ness," "worldly wath," Friendship's bower,' "that dismal! train by Death Inspired"-beaners all! If young Ivy lays down his pen in this, the pride of his youth, it will be the world's loss. FABLE It was five o'clock in the aeroon as handsome young Eros Murray {mounted his bicycle to ride honkte from the office, He was In a hu ry; and irode,,acri s' thi~qcampusto save "time -although lie knew it was 'raainst the. irujes . , Halfway across he was apprehnded bywa ajanito'r, wh~o ppped ot t ro i':' some bushes where he ad lan con-, cealed, the brown coatx of his unte? form blending perfectly with the brown trunks of the shrubbr': " iat'" sgd tbe' panitor.' e h le "Dotcha knots you ain't suppsed to ride'e a lyce across the contus?" .nquired the janitor. "Yes," said Eros, "but I was in a hurry to get home to the litte wife." Sno excuse," said the janitor. "You better come with me." And he I turned in the direction from, whichl Eros had just -come. "Where?" asked Eros. "leece station," said the janitor. "Aw listen mister," said Eros, a choke in his voice. "Haven't you any pity for an overseas man?" The janitor's eyes softened. "Was you overseas?" S"Yes," said Eros. "I was over there, somewhere in France, with our boys." "'el"said' the janitor, gruffly, brushing something out of "his eye with his sleeve, "I guess I'll let you go this time." Dros swallowed, ard.' "Thanks," ,lie said. "Thai's all right," said the janitor, coughing. Nubbis With the above contribution does Nub bins make his debut. And at the Sanme time that } Nubbins makes His debut, his Great predecessor Cowles is in r damni bad way for copy. The only thing for it is a poem, I guess. Hurrah for the spring, !When all the birds sing! 'Sing hey nomino fol de rol, Sing hey nominp fol de role . sCSing fol de ro, hey nonny nonny, Sing fol de rol, hey nonny nonny. CAMPUS OPINION ]1ORI ON THlE KLAN To0 The Editor:-w I would like to take issue to the I article concerning the Klan by J. E11 D., '24. I always question a person's broad-mlndedness and "~fairminded- ness" when he makes such statements as "I am strongly inclined to think, it is the work of an underclassman of the mental trend of. the late G. May I remind this authority thati. the question of the rite (the burning" crosses) would be made. clear if ' II-, would read the Fiery Cross, the' oficl. paper of the K. K. K. 'it is not the case of "people say" or "it. is supposed"-it is the fact ;that tale l crosses symbolize the Klan order and "100 per c9nt Americanism." (Even they do not know what this means). But the cross with its meaning to Christian folk is usurped by this sel- fish and discriminatory organization. We will grant 'the gentleman that the question arises-"What is beyond it all. What' does this unrest sig-' nify" It signifies that certain people are dissatisfied with conditions and would change thenm. But more than this it signifies that the individuals concerned believe it'.within their power and duty to take matters in hband if they see fit. The average person realizes that when an organ- ization takes law enforcement into its hands that serious problems' ensue. If it is doubted. that. the K. K. K. stands for law enforcement, I would be glad to furnish m'aterial from the-' Fiery Cross itself, and from authori- ties who do not deal in "anti-Ilan propaganda." Such persons can be found. E'ven igreiting that conditions should be changed have we any rea-i son to suppose that the Klan has the right to do it in their own way with- out endangering constitutional law? The people. of the, U. S. realize that evils exist bult they believe that such methods as used by the K. K. K. are conducive to 'more evils. May I say that Oregon is but 1 out of'48. .There are many others in thea Union .which have not ,fared so well at the hands of this mnighity and{ damned organization. I LAST BOUND Llmilte~ai: 5 a. in., :10 a. in, and every two hour! to 9: 10 V. im. Express: 7 a. mn., 8, a, m. and a ez'i y two uours to 8 p. Vii. Locals: 7 a. ,m., 8:55 a. mn. and every two hours to 8:.56 p. in. 11 p. mn. To Ypstlant! only, 31:41, p. mn., 12:25 a. mn. and 1:16 a. mn WIET BOUND Ltmniteds: 8:47 a. mn. and every two hours tob : %'i p. in. Express (making local stops): 9: 5V ja. m. and every two hours to 9:50 LLocals: 7:50'a. mn., 12i:10 a. mn. I j that there is nothing new under the sun. THEN-- '.'.1111111111l111iIIIif111111111111[fill 111IiIIIIIIIIII11:1111111111111111111:1111111111111111111111111111111111111111i1I61111111111 M III III III III III IIII IIt nd, 'NNE' So U P P" L %xvLF I E S e A A M B 0 0 4 =- BOTH ENDS OF THE MAGONAL. 'i1111111111111111,1111111111I1111111111I111R11111111:111191111R11111F1f6111,1e1611g1!III;BII ata s ?9tEilfllldl11116191!l11111111111111111111li141111111111 e"Fi p'plwelrc TPtiRir t n9TQn1T 11NIM HU if it is True t t leg STEAD7Yproress toa respontsiblPa ,os~iop . . in the business world-or a long period, of training at minor work before you are fitted for an cxecutive role? Tc help you succeed more quichly t1- e Bab- son' Institute offers an intensive one'-year training course in practical business. ! From atctual experience the fundamental prim;. 'pies of business are made clear. By! positive examples, the student is shiown ihow to apply these principles in the conaduct of every day commnercial affairs. I Write for Booklet ndfrbooklet "Training for Business nadfri. Describes the courses in dectail adgerscpleeifraio bu h fandcies o conpleteiformain aout the~ mealitif oreInstienrsoshoWt todeNo iaret ion.reeuierls rt today. No obligation :318 WashIligtwa Ave. r BabSOU P a rk, (u wn) Mass Daily Classiftied for real results. Y I -%' Doesthe'10old :in a diff-rent way . State, Street Phione 303-' ..,:. .. ..e. 1). C. '2, SOME 1SPE3CTS OF'LAB.OR V AIRY To The Editor- Mr. Wicks', recent lecture woas the best exposition I. have heard of ithe inwardne~s~s p cimiar to certain aspects of the British Labor Party. I,t con.. lirinedI entr ly .what "I said 'in my !ecture on British Domestic Politics. At the sane + timne, although I, do; ftot wish to look a gift-horse in the mouth, might I suggest that his hearers tk his pronoun cements with many ,grainsl of salt. Why? For the reason under- lying the statement reported in the; E Daily,-that Mr. Ramsayr MacDonald Smarried a daughter of Lord Kelvin. I knew I.ord Kelvin will; he had no family. A word to the wise is enough! It. M. WENLEY p'". )IE'4i)WOMEN AGENTS E'ither Before 9.A, W and Return16 THIS. SUMMER' A spierndIId oppoituity for tourists, teachers, students ana kindred s~'l to enjoy a sunm er v iaro'i Europe at a Ecos;.t ihin the reach of everyone. MAU E TAI A, July 2nd LANCAST RIA, July 3rd TIIL~ACC0JMO'A~lO-Two, Ibree and four berth rooms, spit and spn ommnodiouis; attractive hpblic rooms-comfortasble lounge£,smkn roomi, light, airy diniri- room. Good, wholesomne food. AIn e xc('ent pro,..,en<<{e deck with steamer chairs and all conveniences -. Thiird Cabin, but in name only. Passengers re- stricted to tdt, Teachers, Writers, Artists. and Tourists- peIol)le of rtefinc~eent vhoise society gilhl be congenial. ENTERAIN lMEN'T - Orchestra, concerts, dances and deck gamnes w,;i-! onJtrie oYour1- njoyment of the trip. jji.l]+ Iovo inga Q ' s. re* a ilble tor the Re- 1* . For Flwer S-, Plants, and Ferns Of, allkinds Call 115E , ,., Z (U TARD 1227jXWashingLon Blvd. Detroit, Mich. Or F I. C.KUEI3LER, Local Agent I-IASQUESwry to jare:;en' hrcon(-- act plays by Copstauc ,?Macl~a ye, "Gretna Green," "A hes of li)SEsa," an TeSleLnn, ensaMay 28, in Sarah Caswell Angell Hall. The program, if you know the author, is fairly reeking, dripping, oozing in sentiment, but eve~n honey, when per- formed after the manner of the Chauve Souris with a frankly silly and slight- ly cynical g~ist, becomes thoroughly I charming and delightful-all the things that trimn your soul into a blissful, romantic, naive and innocent pulp. The plays are laid in the middle seventeenth and eighteenmth centuries --sonmewhere between the two at anyI rate-and are written in metrical, lyrical, and very, very, sweet verse. 'The gowns, of course, are of the powdered wig era, the ladies wear l pantlets--or is it pantaloons; or pan -' els? -at least, you understand 'the figure-and the gentlemen, if there a~re anry, will 'be in 'silks and satins and carry jewelled snuff boxes.. In- cidlently, . there will also' 'be 'a very,j very- sweet ciostume bill for the duction. This program will conclude the ac- tivities of the organization for thej year, and .as such it m erits a m ore ( o t n e n P g i h ). It seems that a certain attempt. at dramatic art on. the part of a pro- minent, faculty member fell pretty Cousins & Hall, 61 1 E. University ' I1 I pi i 1 , ;; 691 1.Fluron Pai uir Res Phone 1384 Call I115 T J w w.wwrkvn:wM..ra- ji .._.:.._ 1 1;2 1 dale! Begin's Fic ,y orro"g t Mie 'cl-ock We must unload--therefore entire stock of SPRING SUITS---at 'drastic .reductions $35.00 ,Suits '$40.00" -$26.25 . .$30.00 $4.0 ut $50.00 - $33.75 - $37.50 AT LEASTF-SEE THEMI BEFORE YOU BUY The night editor is howling for the' copy.: h~e. 'IEnsi~n.calls this' paper the "Greatest College Daily." Recog- nItition at last! Recognition hell! SThat's senatorial courtesy. Mr. Jason Cowles jThe rain which has persistently followed the Festival from one week to another in May as it has been ad- All Crfut and Knapp Felt Hats Dividled Into Two Groups 5$ and 6 -1at- Go At $3.95- . $71 $8> $9 1 4~sGoAt$4.95 ~7 '' "', 'i 'Pur& Irish Lien Knickers- -Special $3.29 Golf Hlo e--$1 .50 and $2.00 Values, 93c. $2.50 an d $3.50 Values, $1.98 Dutdhess Trousers, 20%7 Off Caps 20%o Off