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May 23, 1924 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1924-05-23

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%t'tITICN C(


- -

Italian Tenor On
Program Tonight
ranz nz

Artists Win Merit In Second
Concert By Balanced Program



Wm. J. Bryan To Be Appointed Chair-
man of Committee On Bills
And Overtures
Grand Rapids, May 22, (By .P.)-
Dr. Clarence E. McCartney, forty-four
year oldr bachelor, who is pastor of
the Arch street church, Philadelphia,
Penn.,' and ultra-fundamentalist andl
the leader in the movement to remove1
Dr. Harry Emerson Fosdick from the
pulpit of the First Presbyterian'
church, New York city, for alleged
heresy, was elected moderator at this
afternoon's session of the 136th gen-
eral assembly of the Presbyterian
church in the United States of Amer-
Mr. McCartney vas elected on the
first ballot over Dr. Harold R. Berg-
man, a professor at Princeton Theo-
logical seminary, who styled himself
neither a fundamentalist nor modern-
ist, but a constitutionalist.
Eighteen votes was the margin of
the Philadelphian's victory, the vote
being McCartney 464, Bergman 446.
The issue of fundamentalism was
sharply drawn. William Jennings
Bryan, a vigorous leader among the
fundamentalists, placed Dr. McCart-
ney's name in nomination. Dr., Bryan,
who is attending the convention as
an elder commissioner from the

Tito Schipa
The brilliant tenor, of the Chicago
Civic Opera company will be one of
the principal artists at the fourth May
Festival concert tonight in Hill audi-
torium. Miss Nina Morgana, soprano
of the Metropolitan Opera company,
I and the Chicago Symphony orchestra
will contribute other numbers on the
Metropolitain Opera Company Soprano
Will Replace Sophie Braslan
On Program

ly R. B. Renders on
It is interestin'g and highly signifi-
cant that a major portion of the pres-
ent May Festival is being devoted to
modern, even hyper-modern music.,
Such a policy of premieres and first
performances must not only result in
added recognition from outside sourc-
es, but will contribute a new zest to
the recurring numbers.
It is necessary, of course, to season'
contemporary compositions with the
recognized classics, but: the inter-
mingling produces a decidedly satis-
factory synthesis of the best in all
musical ages. The point is that mod-
ern harmony represents the zeething
pulsing current of our era, and an or-
ganization smuggly contended only
with the conventional forms lies in a
state of complacent coma that very
surely and justly will spell its par-
ticular doom.
The program last evning stands as
an admirable justification of the dir-
ector's new policy. The opening num-
ber, John Alden Carpenter's "A Pil-
grim's Vision", represented an unusu-
ally dignified and serious phase of the
composer's style, indirect contrast
to his flippant.,.Jazzical "Krazy Cat."
It was admirably executed and should
stand among the more worthy sym-
phonic poems in modern American
Mme. Claire Dux, the first soloist of
the concert, was a striking example of
tie marked contrast between the
'rench cocotte and the buxom German
frau in Miss, or Mrs. Krueger. The for-!
mer is slender, good looking, and im-
hued with a superabundance of Gallic
verve. She has at her command a bag j
of a dozen or more impudent, perfect-
obvious and very charming stager
tricks which snatch and hold you from
the moment she hurries onto the plat-
form until she gives an awkard, fascin-
ating bow and hurries away. As much
Ias you may deny it. she has a vibrant

"Pastorale d'Ete" by Honegger was
interesting, first because it comes,
from a member of the famous "Groupe
de Six", and also because it is boldly
modern. Its theme, as the title sug-
gests, is strangely primitive and
strangely compelling in its apparent
simplicity. The work is suggestive
of Edmund Dulac's Irish interludes,j
and similarly appealing in its rugged
Miss Lent, as everyone was ready to
believe, is unquestionably a genius.
The Bruch Concerto, to begin with, is
a very beautiful, compelling com-
position-more than can be claimed,
for instance, of the Mendelssohn Con-
certo-offering adequate opportunities
for the customary technical display I
without marring the underlying melo-!
dic theme, a Very essential element to
our untutored appreciation.
The pivot of the entire concert,
"Seadrift" by Delius founded on Walt'
Whitman, merits the sincerest en-
thusiasm. The music is peculiarly un-
dulating, haunting in its careful tonal

Due to. a delay in shipment
the 1924 Michiganensian, the
first copies of which were to
have been distributed yesterday
at the Library, will not be
given out until 10 o'clock today.
Only 300 copies of the book will
be on hand today and all must
have receipts to secure them.
Purchasers who have lost
these cards will be able to have
the records checked next week,
but none will be given out today
or tomorrow without receipts.
It is expected by the staff in
charge of the distribution thatI
all the year books will be here
by teh last of next week. Moref
I than 3,000 copies have been pub- a
Notre Date Dark Horse Stays In
Lead By Defeating Butler Player
In Fast Game



Druids Receive
18 Junior Lis
Appearing at the sacred Druid
grove at dusk last night 18 junior liter-
ary students were instru'cted in the
secrets of the ancient bards of the
forest by men who had already
proved their worth as members of
that group.
Clad in flowing robes of white and
lighting the difficult and dangerous
way to the Druid abode with gleam-
ing pine torches, the members of the
order conducted their charges into
safety. Instruction in the ways of the
men of the forest was given the A-
wenydds previously to the march to
the sacred chamber and was. contin-
ued after the arrivalrthere so that
none should fail to grasp the funda-
mentals of the ancient order.'
The men who were elected to the
honorary senior literary society this
year are: David Bramble, John
Bromley, C D. Crawford, Thomas
Fiske, William Giles, E. N,. Hartwick,
Wendell Herrick, Edward Higgins,
Cass Hough, Robert Hummer, Charles
Livingstone, Albert Peck, Robert Ram-
say, Lyman Savage, J. W. Shenefield,'
Harold Steele, William Stoneman, and
Gifford Upjohn.
Alberto Salvi,
Harpist, TO Be
Sooist Today

Baldwin Of
To Be


Ivew Party IS
Victorious In
Mock Election

Wichita Fal
In Meet

ed his can
not surren
stitute for
he an ann(
the- Presby
one of the


Florida presbytery, describ- Miss Nina Morgana, distinguished personality that completely steals
didate as "a man who will soprano of the Metropolitan Opera away your sane reserve, and applaud-
der to modernism as a sub- company and Tito Schipa, the brilliant ing like a ehool-boy, you call her
r the word of God." Dr. tenor of the Chicago Civic opera will voice remarkable and her interpre-
's election, he said, would be the principal artists at the fourth tation highly artistic.
ouncement to the world that May Festival concert to be given at
yterian church stands over- 8 o'clock tonight in Hill auditorium.
y for "evangelical chris- Miss Morgana was engaged by tele-
phone Wednesday afternoon when the
their victory today thc. School of Music was suddenly inform-
alists controlled various ed that Sophie Braslau could not keep
chairmanships, including' her engagement due to tonsilitis.
committee on bills and over-. Miss Morgana first attracted wide VARIED0 PR
'was generally anticipated attention when she was chosen by E
Esionera tonight that Mr. rico Carsueo to appear in joint recitals Tickets Selg fst For Concert
uld be given this chairman- with him when he toured- the United Tcke Sen May Fo n cert
Stats fur ear ag. A tht tme, To Be Given lMay :29 In1111
h in previous assemblies has. States four years ago. At that time,
'ded to the candidate run- Miss Morgana was ,heard in Ann Ar- A ii
d in the moderator's 'race. bor and the favorable impression she
cedent, however,'was brok- madehas led to numerous requests.for OWRIIESTRA OF T. ARTISTS
cednt, oweer, as bok-WILL PRiESENT S NUMlBER
anapolis last year when Dr. her re-engageIen
Vishart, president of 'Wor- She was born in Buffalo. of. Italians
electionparentage and at the time of the Pan- S b a We-
American.Exposition attracted consid- man and his orchestra of 25 mom-
tor failedlto ao M ea attention as a girl soloist, the hers, to be presented Thursday after-d
the chairmanship, fie t o aithog
Iaalhu~~ comssoe0r newspapers' referring to her as "BabyI noon, May 29, in Hill'auditorium uin-
da commiissioner received Patti," Later she sang for Caruso der the auspices of the American As-
iighest number of votes for and, -upon his. advice, departed fo, I sociation of University Women, h1ve
Milan with her father. She remained been selling rapidly. It is suggested
in Italy for several years studying unI-that tickets be bought as early as
:n, Fire God, der Teresa Arkel and made her debut )posible to avoid the inevitable last
at Alexandria in Bellini's "La Son- minute rush at the box iffice, especi-,
lt rns To Earth nambula." She subsequently sang at ally since the concert will have to
La Scala. commence promptly at three o'clock
- nIn .1915 she was a member of the ^ n account of the performance that!
god of fire and forge re- Chicago opera company and later was evening in Detroit.
the earth today from his Chicagogoieraecompan
thabde ea tdy fm thn- heard with the New York Symphony Paul Whiteman's program, in detail,
Sabode ami fuming thu- orchestra under Damrosch. ' She har will be as follows:
o had' aple for en- appeared in joint recitals with Amato. 1. True Form of Jazz.: a. Dixieland,
eho ranks of hised forrs iiElman and Martinelli and now enjoys (an early riscordant jazz time);. b.
onorary senior engineering,, an established reputation as a fine Medley One-step, (a similar tune made
I singer. The numbers which she will scoring).
less blatant by clever soig
offer'are to be announced in the pro- 2. Legitimate Scoring vs. Jazzing: a.
iedaby toe bendistributed ,at tecnet
evils, beaten upon by the gams to be distributed a the concert "Whispering," (a forerunner of the,
with hammers shaking in IMr. modern type of American music); b.
wit hmmrsshkig Mr. Schipa is. generally regarded as, Same Selection Ruined by Jazz Treat-
bling hands, and with brows one of the finest' Italian tenors heard me
ith sweat, the god appeared In this wcountry in many. years. His . ent,
icted his hopeful followers voice, not large, is of generous lyric Comedy ci n k a. O ri -
read regions of the under- quality and employed with exquisite well -known melody (frank appropri-
mn to the deepest depthis of _at ciasaperne i h- ation of themes from Handel's ."Mes-
p totedeetdphsf art. Schipa's appearances .ia Chi ,ial"); b. "So This Ts VeniCe " (from
d into the very dwelling cago this past winter have been sen- Tias' is Venice"
himself. sational, his roles including "Manon," Thomas' "Carnival of Venice").
hey were finally, admitted I "Romeo et Juliette," "Pagliacci," "Rig- 4. Popular Compositions, far re-
s good men and true who oletto,' "Marta' and many more in the1 moved fromB the original jazz: a.
dy been considered worthy standard repertory of the Italian vo-' "Limeho aise Blues;" b. "What'll I do
ognized as Vulcans and re- calist. c. "Shanghai Lulaby;" d. "Wonder-
ens which proclaimed this The Chicago Symphony orchestra ful One; e. 'Linger Awhile."
tthly world. under Frederick Stock will also con- 5. Adaptation of Standard Selections
owing nine junior engineers, tribute several numbers to the pro- to Dance Rhythm: a. "Pale Moon;"
eas of old who withstood gram. b. "To a Wild Rose;" c. "Chansonette."
rs on all sides for that peri- The program of tonights concert, 6. Flavoring a Selection with Bor-
earned the forbidden secrets excepting Miss Morgana's selections, rowed Themes: "Russian Rose" (based
ndered them eternally im- is as follows: . on The Volga Boat Song and the
followers of the forger of ! Overture, "Bohemia"...........Hadley Rachmaninoff Preludes), by Ferdie
'hty thunderbolts: John Gow. Selections. from Suite No. 2 .. Milhaud Grafe.
lls, Stewart Hulse, William Aria, "M 'appari" from 7. A Suite of Serenades, by. Victor
lerick Leisen, Lloyd Maeder, "Marta" .; . .. ....Flotow Herbert: a. Spanish; b. Chinese; c.
eed, Willard Spanagel, and Mr. Schipa Cuban; d. Oriental..
Choreographic Poem, "The S. "Rhapsody in Blue," by George
.Waltz"........................Ravel Gershwin and with Mr. Gershwin as
Two Transcriptions for Orchestra- soloist.
(a) Molly on the Shore ..Grainger
ABOLITION (b) The Irish Washer-
woman .......... Sowerby
Aria, "Pourquoi me Reveiller" ARC IE UVU L SOCIETY
re greatly enlightened- from "Werther" .......Massenetr
good hours rest in a snap- Slavonic Dances...........Dvorak
re we are awakened to the
aslavery has been abol- Bridges To 'Leave
nd thatschool is swiftly Le Nominations for officers for the
hing its close. Don't ne- jjTnjve , u n 16 Architectural Society, who will com-
e get rid of what, you do pete today in the elections to be held


I +

In one of the closest a.nc most hot-
ly contested senior literary mock el-
ections which has been held in years,
the new third 'party which made its
appearance in the race two days ago
secured the majority representation
in the Lower Crypt of West hall where
the paper mache busts of the success-
ful candidates will be placed.
In an interview with the heretofore
unknown leader of this successful par-
ty, Ralph Byers, it was stated thpt the'
secret, but not underhanded, work of
the party leaders had made it possi-
ble to score such a sweeping victory.
Freida Deikoff backed by both of the
two traditional parties was unan-
imously elected to the position of the
best girl student, after the third par-
ty had withdrawn the name of Harry
Hoey as a candidate for this position.
Art Graves won clear cut victory
over Julian Mack ii the race for the
niche in the Lower Crypt for the best
man student. Wal. Scherer had no
oppositior for the'position of the most
bashful man, another evidence of the
u oreseen power of the third party..
The honor of being the biggest grind
went to James Rice, with 'Lawrence
Dooge trailing behind. Mary Hays
won the furious race for the position
of the best athlete by defeating Ed
Stark. Dorothy Weimer was forced


r ;sR,
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Ito "acknowledge MINiriain wicsi<almore;
of a grind, and was defeated in' the"
race for -the office of the biggest girl,
SAlmost by a unanimous count the
third party swept its candidate of
world wide athletic fame, Harry Kip-
ke, into the office of the most popular
man. By virtue of her fluent speech
- in accepting the nomination for the
office of the girl with the biggest line;
Dorthy Maitland easily convinced all
that she was well qualified for this
John Bacon fought Don McCabe to
a victory in a close battle for the best
handshaker. Hugh Duffield was el-;
ected the class shiek, by a few votesj
over Smiling Face Stark, who attri-
buted his defeat to his corpulence, as-
serting after the elections that no
one loves a fat man.
Isabel Waterworth in the most .ex-
citing battle of the elections defeat-
ed "Mike" Ames by one vote in the
'race for the mache bust representing
c the prettiest girl. She attributed her
success to the use of the Women's
League bubble soap. In one of the
I'most 'brilliant speeches of acceptance
of the nomination for the position of
the best bluffer, Don McCabe convinc-
ed his classmates that he was in a
class by himself. He was elected by
a large majority. The 'paper mache
bust of Constance Smith will occupy
the niche for the most bashful girl.
Conny won because of her Sphinx-like
In the hardest fought contest of the
afternoon, George Hoffman defeated
Harry Hoey for the honor of being
the handsomest man. In an interview
following the elections Hoey said that
the family nose was all that stood be-
tween him and the office.
Without the least thought of obtain-
ing a victory after he had been elect-
ed without opposition as the most
bashful man in the class, the leaders

Chicago, May 22.-(By A.J)-Two
favorites remained in play and a dark
horse contender was uncovered after
three rounds of singles play in the
anual Western conference tennis,
tournament which got under way at
the University of Chicago courts today.
# All confernee schools but Minnesota
are represented in the meet while
Notre Dame and Butler are partici-
pating by invitation.
Eddie Wilson of Chicago and Julian
Sagalowsky, Butler. the favorites had
no difficulty in disposing of their
opponents. Being in opposite brack-
ets these two have been picked by
many to meet in the finals. Donovan,
who came unheralded from Notre
Dame, surprised the galleries by his
i unusual driving play. .After two,
speedy .victories he almost met his
master in Kurzrok of Butler, but his
smashing offensive won for him 6-1,
10-12,tin the feature ,match of
the da'y-
Donovan, Notre Dame, defeated
Hodgman, Michigan, 6-1,. 6-2; Crane
Michigan, won by default from the
Minnesota entrant.
Dubech, Illinois, defeated Brick,
Michigan,6-4, 6-4; Sagalowsky, But-
ler, defeatedCrane, Michigan, 6-2, 6-2;'
Goodwillie, Illinois, defeated Dose,
Michigan, 6-4, 6-1.

Appropriations .for, two banging
lamnps to adron the- lobby of the new
literary building as a memorial to
the literary class of 1924, were passed
at the business meeting of the senior
literary class which preceded the
mock- election yesterday afternoon.
Julian Mack, chairman of the class
memorial committee, in making his re.
port stated that the exact style and
cost of the lamps had not been ascer-
tained by Prof. John F. Shepard, sup-f
I ervisor of building plans, but that the
cost will be in the neighborohod of
$1500.. The class voted to deposit this
amount with the treasure of the Uni-.
versity, to be used by the committee as
soon as final arrangements are com-
Class day will be held on the cam-
pus on June 13 just East of University
hall, according to the announcement of
Lawrence Dooge, chairman of the
class day committee.

The center of interest in the con-
cert this afternoon at 2:30 o'clock
will doubtless rest' in the playing of
Alberto Salvi, called the greatest liv-
ing harpist. The harp is seldom used
in solo work and considerable skill is
required to make the numbers inter-
esting. The tone quality of the in-
strument- is peculiarly appealing, and
under the touch of a skilled per-
former ought to be a gr"at technical
as well as melodic at action. Mr.
Salvi will play some familar pieces-
and at least two of his own com-
The Children's Festival Ch'orus un-
der the direction of George Oscar Bo-
wen, will contribute the rest of the'
program. This chorus is'- noted for'
its excellent training And cons equenlt
fne work, and the numbers it gives
are invariably 'pleasing. Formerly
the children have given a cantata or
operetta in semi-oratorio style, but
this year's program is made up of
several groups of individual songs,
including numbers from three operas.
The program follows:
The Sun Worshippers . Zuni Indian
Voice of Evening........... Weber
Viking Song.......Coleridge-Taylor
Children's Festival Chorus
The Fountain '....... Debussy.
3panish Dance............Tedeschi
i . Alberto Salvi
\ ght Hymn At Sea .'. Goring-Thomas
0 Beattiful Violet........ Reinecke
Spring, Song...........Mendelssohn
I hilomel with Melody....... Barratt
Children's Semi-Chorus
sood Night, Pretty Stars.........
I Morning.................Farwell
Cradle Song............. Schubert
Children's Festival Chorus..
7 antasie Impromptu........Chopin
Italian Serenade.................
Mr. Salvi
Whirl and Twirl (From "Flying
Dutchnian")........ Wagner
Waltz Song (From "Faust") . Gounod
Invitation of the Bells (From "Chimes
of Normandy").......Planquette
Children's Festival Chorus

Athletes from all over the
and south west have been arri
Ann Arbor since Wednesday af
for the anual Michigan Interse
track and field meet which wi
at 2 o'clock this afternoon at
The program this afternoc
consist of trials and semi-fit
the dashes, 440, 880, high a
hurdles, broad jump, high jum
discus, hammer and javelin.
to the exceptionally large ent
there will be '10 heats in the 1
lash, and 12 in the 220. Fou
final heats will be necessary
of these two events.
When the meets starts, close
performers are to be in comp:
The entry list included teams or
representatives from 46 insti
in Michigan, Ohio, Illinois, low
sas and Texas.
Judging from the records of
ber of men who are to takepart
meet, this year's interscholast
be the fastest affair of its k
Michigan history. There are a
entered in the meet who hav
up better marks in their res
evnts than the records' eithe
Ferry Field or the National Inte
astic association.
Baldwin, of Wichita Falls, Te
be one of the outstanding figs
.hie meet. He is the holder of'1
tional prep schol record of 15 s
flat in the 120 yard high hurdl
also has done 24 2-5 in the 22
'ow hurdles, 135 feet -,in the 'di
feet 1 1-2 inches in the high ji
feet 6 inches in the broad jur
48 feet in the shot put. .
At the Texas. Interscholastics
win won the affair single-han
his teamby taking first places
high hurdles, high jump, and si
and placing in the discus ar
hurdles. He garnered more t
points by his efforts, br-inglig t
to the Wichita Falls school.
rived in Ann Arbor Wednesday
noon, and has taken two workc
Ferry Field.
Another Lone Star State
entative, Thomas, will also tal
in the affair. He is a quarte
from Electra, Tex., with a mar
seconds flat to his credit.

Upon an invitation from The
Roosevelt, 'assistant secretary o
iavy, Coach Fielding H. Yost
ending a three day outdoor c
ence in Washington, at which
gates representing all forms o
door activities will be presen
the o-ening sessions held yest
President Coolidge addressed the
ference, and John W. Weeks, see
of war, was named honorary c
man of the sessions.
The object of the conference
stimulate interest in outdoor lif
to work out methods by whic
government could cooperate to
outdoor activity throughout the
try. The importance of the c
ence is attested by the intere
many government officials in
Coach Yost left late Wedi
following receipt of a telegram
Secretary Rosevelt requesting I
be present. He is not schedu
address the gathering, but will
ably be called upon in the disc




of the, third party entered Walter K.
Scherer as a candidate for the office
of the smoothest politican which he:
won by some inconsistency.
In the struggle to obtain the office
of class vamp James Rice through his ,
opera fame worked his way into theI
hearts of 13 voters but was badly :
beaten by the Theda Bara of the class,
Emily Hines.
Answering the question, "Are you
'in favor of having seniors receive

Members of the graduating class
assembled on the steps of the Library
last night for the first of the tradi-
tional senior "sings' They were ac- I
companied by the Varsity band, under
the direction of Capt. Wilfred Wilson,
which opened the program with "Var- It*I U
sity,' and "I Want to go Back to
Mcgn 'ua numbrs For the May meeting of the Wash-
were the well-known "I've Been Work- tenaw County Medical society the
members will assemble in Ypsilanti
ing on the RIailrad,J"The Victors,, at the Huron hotel next Monday
and several other songs which were night, May 7. The society meets
quite as popular although the titles night, May 27. The yoit mts
elvntimes out of theyeraAn
'were ot ds well known. ' Arbor, but there is always one meet-
The men 'on the steps received ling a year in Ypsilanti for the con-,
worthy competition from a group of I venience of the doctors there.
their female classmates, seated along Dr. Edward B. Kellogg of Ypsilanti
the benches. will be chairman of the meeting. Prof.
A ]lge crowd seemed to enjoy the f C. W. Edmunds of the Medical school

Seniors Will 6
"Dumrmy" Diplo
Ulank diplomas, called'-"dun
lomas, will be given out at t
mencement- exercises, it- was-a
ed yesterday, and the plan u
year of distributing the regv
'lomas in Waterman gymnasi
mediately following the ceri
will be carried out again.
The diplomas will be arrang
phabeical order and also a


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