THE MICHIGAN DAILY - -- - - - .1 1 . ULY V FF ICI-A L BULLETI E1 aiipn l the6, Bulletin, is constructive otice to all nmers of 1itsaty. Coy received by fire Apaltat to the Prsdent until p.i.(11:30 a6 m Saturday) TwI JHRSDAY, MAY 022, 1924 Numbr 172 o$,11.46#10" s DPLOMA FRE OF $10 MUST BE PAID TODAY. In no case will iy~onier a degree at C menceient upon any student who f ils the .beo1r~ A 10 'lnck thf i ftern'on.In .case the Iac- es , t rt Vim'end any payor, the fee will ,be refunded n surrencder E. tr Fpaymen. The above applies also to fees for all spoll crt-, 44, ifr degrees o certificates should at oee fill out crd at ofice 'ecrttid of thir 1Colege or S'cool, pay the Treasure' of the IUniver-. i hve cr ri pt!ed, and fie iidiatel 'ctoi'et lf bLreeilxt Gard 8, £1t ry o their olleeor schoopl. (a %irly V Kzith,' ecrctary Uniersit, verY ' Important meeting of the Administrative oard will b ed sy, May 22, at 4 R. M., in Dan Effinger's office, to consider cases of le. Arthur (A. Hall, Registrar. . s xatlatlois : a.attention of all Literary instructors and students is Chlod to the g rufles governing final examinations, which iust be Oretly oser- A tfinal examination is given in every course in ccordace with the a issued each semester. Neo examination may be held ecept as an- I in tis schedule, and no dlate of exmination may be changed without vte Qof the Faculty.' Studets are 'required to take the examination in all ,courses elect- apt %such as they have dropped with consent of the Adminstrative ,Students are, in no case examined at any other time than that set chled lefor the exniination of the clas in which the work has been ArthurG. hall, Registrar. Aninual Senior Sing will be held tonight from 7:00 to :00 o'clock Library steps, weather permitting. The Varsity and will assist. a exhtibition of paintings by Ra mon and Valentin Zubiaurre will ex- Dm May 11th to May 26th. Open week days, 1:30 to 5:00 P. M., Sun- :00 to 5:00. P:. M, also'on Saturday May 24th., 10:00 to 12:00 A. M. ,tudents of the University and Public Schools. "..Wren P. LmIbard, President. 1"drifkites: tt6 for the payment of the Teacher's Certfic te fees may now be at tJ a office of the School of Education. All students who expect to paenned for the Teacher'gl Certificate in June must pay their fee u z tt1$ reeipts to the Recorder, Selnol of Education, on or before 'lrayMay 22id U6. Krug, Recorder. h( oo; oanduchte's Ceritate fees, must haeibearn pad and the x t~ the Recorder, School of Education, 'on or before 4 p. Riffsy, cl ay 2id, If andidates xpect to be recommended for de- 3brs who delire permision to elect .this Work next year must make applcation to Me hori time before June First. p lit, 4Cipof. o A. G.4 e1 era4 Co. Will lbe in my office on Friday morn- tht$ *eek to lnervieiv tiow interested in positions with that firm m oinn Natural Science Auditorium Thursday, 'May 22, at 1 o"- S~~~~ IMN JljJj aamn Thinks Germany Must ,1 Al ~tD BALPay Before France QuItRur While calling Premier Pincare a' tc.Te aesceddi eu-i Ajplalos il hi O therong and powerful man, Prof. Irene !ing the nmetoacrinextent s Taaio o h omneadwould e rgladly t amake the ralarge cut+ l~an hat~ is being advocated If conditions Un On P rida Prm todepartment, in an interview upon the' wold at all permit it. q - -- present Iirencii gituation ysterday,: "Thle reuction of taxes and the r~- SE~T TICKETS ATil'5X D41LAlitS Aassrted that the compromnising nature'3contun of Russia seem to be two 409 )AVIVIIlA 1 CS P(1 !orthe Incoming party leaders will, p ot-,am'ofteicmigpwr f~iring about a quicker settle-ohroi fte noigpvr fiemur imos, I 7, ,rc~i t~a txet, af he rpartios qeston nd Ie reduction of taxs will be a good uemu iins lE oceiamet fterprtosqeto n lectoral promise. axes were in- i'ilI tfinishtie utuicft the Se~ior-" th a tdfs the Daws plnan unreased lxecaiuse ermaxny wouldot Lal Jt e'.1.nto 'WAteripn jym aas. t he a J3s $1tisiof the lresen regimue. Pyterprtonadnae a h umn, it was announced yesterdtay by i As to tne evacuation of the Ruhr, le pyte eaatos admon!a ~tbte committee in charge. ,Applications j}-en haticaly de fared that F rance, will !neeja eosruto upss'As son as Germany would begin the ~Will be given, out tomtrb r io6 ' Per -4ar, ,'o , s~clt:,ani xaotuc payment of the indemnity taxes would to 5 O'clock in the Unlin~or men and Scheme." b lowered. Bu could ay; in thp .Women's Leagte op{,ii xni 'France," said Professor T'alain o, much even nowif she wanted to. She x ersity hall for .w ,,b . ApllSants '"will never leave the Ruhr until G- would have to be abe to make pay- 4will bring a sef addressed envelope many ays her debt. The leaders o at ohe datgli h ol for the rat n n f acceptalc4s. Tri0k1t9 lt r iuenoIing party, if they attempt hme cntintouer datag ae ithe oulds may be oitained todray 'from 11Milton ,°such an act, 'will lose their sulport inatecoti ne o wpeas te helfctorie Clore,, '24, chairman or the -ticket: the next day. The only guarantee ithealowuhr Fanceto(waso utili commiittee , Miirgaret Demnion,-'24, or'F aley.a"ha eray-il a, .s.stead they struck and ended with a Dorothy Rockwell, '24. this vle. policy of passive rsisance." Tomorrow Will be the last day that_ In speaking of who rosy econe___________________________ applications iniay be madie as 'the ae- ! the next Premier. he pointed out th^;j f lsta W c es wi llI b e oM a il , d ca t, S a tu r d a y . ! c h a ra c te r o f th e p r e s e n t [F re n c h le a d -1 t r t e ? p l c t o s h v e n i N s u d r c n i e a i n a a t a s c tj T L F EB R s &R 5 1 Eceived so far and 400 are extibbtod i With Poincre. The difference between' A UXN EG! ~s before tbtorrow night. Poinare and Briand is1better known t si owng! 'U'e price of tickets WillI be deiolrrs. thani the difference between Poim-,re j! 1 hose will he given out flay 2S and, nd erriot. "Poincare is domriiuecvr- 29 in the Union for both' metn and ing and absolute,". he stated. "1(1o l women. Formal or summer-tormal {not know if riand is as forceful but! alr 9 s isto be required. ' J his past 'record shows that e is a I sSimton's rchstra of ten musiciansi personage who would be willing to? Srpaynnihtly at _theA .ddison i lw lyng11ompronmise. Though Ierriot is also 1 hotelIn Detroit' and, werehiere for thelmoer less a °corpromise eder. lhey ' J"xsbF&ic inadlirbi~iralpeairuingi an unknown quantity. However,j Yvekp ru i n. t ,ti +) dt ~tate; ben in cnsidering,who-may become' . at h duigtepatya.Perer when Poincare leaves his of- 1 - , _p , . 1ce.-one 'urnst ueV"ar;forget the . dark CAMPUS OOTERY their superlative adjectives and en-,Regarding the problem of a reduc- TODAY j 'eyed the performance hugely.e tion .in the army, Professor Talamon !1 It is this saame.}concert, including agreed thiat t was highly desiable. ICLTEFO MCLEGMA ' _ ,rance has wanted to reduce its! COHSFRTH OLG A victor Herbert's{ four- $rereinadks~rm sicthsgngofheam- + eorge G Cershwint's "Rhapsody in _________since____the___signing____of__the___armis-__ $lue," sand the Russian. interpretation IfMlilllitt111t11titillllillfltiiltt11ttl1H11tilliiL ofthe Rachmaniinof Prelude§, tlhat is = tbe. presented Thursday afternoon,,=. }g play 213, in Hill" Auditoriumn. Therea 4 "il b Pul ~litinithimse, is - hst'I ni eP l1t'1i ..In uwdfort PAUL W HITEMAN old-fa~htiited t~pray" ulfg itfirp .a tei larmn:AND HIS ORCHESTRA OF TWENTY=, 'T hnxe ' VI i b no qunbtion eo FIVE ARTISTS Mudioo' fmtbi 'tho tauti .t box13, an the butyl prq bleft.libn toIs to dad iiis oad~tthei 'e fearful in- I<., i tent lHethiruilicaf faC ° The*'e can :. it is tod'0,oOut ont the treiinus vtal-H ~iIU.IIIV ity-o 1,0S# ~ti'e tO l tx tL r Pai evu,. n tn 4i it;repeted a tthor, THURSDAY, MAY 29, 1924 ties >at 'ifibert Id~ Iebood' eta- Ttie apoiiti-- tatyncopation s del " vt it'Iyt itn a aong the _____ !4r1 It a ,.ser ot omi a iikets .on ae now at Walr's, raham's, and techni eal; miie dhiian that,'it Is 5aters,'and Univrsity Music FI-lose fascirating 'acid inertingV now" that tiI ' t tid nd co~w PRICES: $1.50, $1.00, 75r " + sells ..A .. y SENIOR-Time's Flying--Order NOWV VISITING CARDS CORRECT AND "UP-TO-DATE STYLES Ei .oo AND UP ALL WORK GUARANTEED WahrsUniversityBooktr Professor Talamon concluded -Nith Ile statement, that he would hardly )e slurprised if the incoming pairty" ecognizedt Soviet Russia. The ::ocial- ts may favor the move, hut, the :o- ,ialists who l4ave the majority, it. oust. he remembered, are a very tame ocialiatic party, a very light pink. "Jilmmie the ad taker" sell,' anything luickly.-wAdv. IStudents w-%ho are interested int bona business will have an oppt I it y to -;rcure positions wit h A. Bcker mn(l company, investment a bond blruk rrs.whose 1main11office is) (hicago. tomorrow. A\ represeiitati cf Hatkrirm will be in the ogele of t ucenmicsdepartment 'all day ton row to interview those who are int CAtpd. Chinese Rugs Selling all the Time at oner-baif city prices for equal quaities. Why I Can Sell So Cheaply; I ant contenited with a mtodle t profit.It, insures arapid turnlover. I have to pay no high city rents or taxes. I have to pay not importer's, wholesaler's and middleman's ex- penses 05plus profits. I have to pay no 4agents'o aemn' aais I buy for cas'h with order, thuos getting preferential service. I sell for cash ajnd have n~o slow or uncoilectible accounmts, wvhici nIut e added to price of rugs. IDo not hestitate to coine and examtine mIzy ru1gs, because you are not going to buy. I considler this my best method of advertising. -1111. 11. 1B. MERRICI(, 925 Church. College Grocery Quality Assortment Right Prices Open Sundays ,and 'Evenings CoIlege Grocery 5 16 EAST WILLIAM I1 Amm"Mowwwwwam 1impor~tant meeting of the B~oard. today at 5 o'clock In fl, ifenlbprs are requested tobe ;piesent. FOR~ YOUNG ME71 en / J. K. Dullil. here will be a business meeting tonight in our rooms at eight o'clock. James J. IDunn, President. i~hale Clili: beGuan &ilad- club wkill hold it last mneetintg of the year in Room ichigan U7nion on Thursdal~y evening. at 7;30 o'clo:,k. All busine-s nmust )I.Ill up att this meeting and there sre several impoitant announce- It is imaportant that all mlenmlers be present. John111A. Bovee, President. x-Bley of )li 04"ai 1,114 he Band will play for the eniorxsing ton it, 7010. 1Fatigue uniformn. Ar II ur If arn well, Asst. Manager. 11 quiz section.. wNill mueet in the regular lecture room Friday, May 23. will be a lecture instead of quiz. :1t hn Stliitlt'tlI. WHAT'S GOING ON J1 persons or societies using this uin shiould Include in their noticesa I, our, and place. All notices bout tIis data will be disregarde.!, EIU-N OTICES Tito Georgte Booth scholarship c ompje. titian drawings are now on exhibi- tion in the architectural .lecture room on the second floor of the En- gineering building where they mua3 be seen 'every afternoon. DRA MA TURSDA~Y I (Continued from Page Four) -Dental faclty lunchll, Union. w Nant of a better namve, you may call -Rheeoric faculty lunch, room classical jazz. Union.' Nightly, during the theatrical sea- -Jiimes dinner, room 318, Union.1 son, hxe may be found at the Palais -Aeronantieal society m11eetfing, Royal in New York city-upon the mi 302. Uion. --no ig Lbayaes payment of a paltry twenty-five dol- -Gun rand Blade club meeting, I lars for admission, and anywhere from I304,, Union. ;twenty to eighty dollars before the -Alpha Nu meeting, University evening is, over, and on occasion,. he has 'also been the featured member -ia Festival Concert 11111 anl-l of the variqus "Ziegfield F>aollies." rfurn. Still more recently, -three months ago to be exact, he hook( himself and FRIDAY his Qo-called millionaire orchestra, to .-Law faculty lunch, Union. Aeolianl Hall for a recital which, he -ma.y F~etval concert, 1Hitt an. called "an eXperiment in American rium. 'music." In less than three hours the- -Interscolastic dinner, Union. house was entirely sold out, and -Cbristian FEpdealror hiding paxr*. sh ortly hundreds were turned away, New/Brun&swick Releases!"I Come on Red - Fox Tro t a= ie --= - - - ImehIEKrEegIeEUIECr-h et LVJ , . .J. I-b % 4 . & &.&= Hove. Yu Do Lik, - M Mrion' H ax Ita Ra o'e.yoMleun isOceta HEA THS OAwe r l tt~r : C Mental comfort and physical ease are to be found in clothes "such as we sell. To feel at ease and know you )re well dressed is the feeling you have when you wear F ITFORM CLOTHES. , _ _