N DAILY . .w :. . Rexcept Monday r by the Board in ions. onierence Editorial is e clusively en- ipaer and the local news pub- the postoffice at Ann Aror. cond class matter.Specital rate F nted by Third Assistant Post- by carrier, $3.50; by mail, Arbor Press Building, May- torial, 2414 ano 176-M; busi- unications, not exceedin So3o epublished in The Daily at of the Editor. Upon request, >f communicant will be re- fidentiai. [TOIIAL STAFF nes, 2414 and 176-t NAGING EDITOR ARRY D. HOEY ,............... Reb. B. Tarr Chairman.. ..IR C. Norarety ... . . . J . C . G a r l i n g h o u s e Night Editors ' A. . Connable, Jr. Y. M. Wagner ..Ralph N. Byer .r.Winona ibbard . Ruth A. sowell Editor..Kenneth C. Keliair ;a News Bureau., G. Raumsa.Y numbers on local and national politics. It is only too obvious that shortl3 this organization, especially poteni in its unknown strength, may rise tC the highest political importance. Al- ready, as a signal of prophecy, the Klan is exercising insufferable juris- diction in its strongholds Texas and Alabama, in the former to elect its senatorial candidate by an overwhelm- ing majority and in the latter openl3 to threaten Senator Underwood, one of its most fearless opponents. The spokesmen of the Klan base their most fundamental appeal on th( return to democracy, but it must be readily apparent to the most casual investigator that its success can onl3 end in stringent and aristocratic bos- sery of the most reactionary type. If the Klan continues to grow with its present wild-fire rapidity, it will quick- ly assume the political tyranny to a far more insidious degree than the G. A. R. formerly and the American begion now exercises. Its present status is deplorable and depressing but its further growth would be no- thing less than disastrous. JAMES BROWN, ESQUIRE James-Brown,I14. P., "Jamie" to his friends, a working miner, has been appointed as the King's representative under the title of His Grace, the Lord High Commissfon t the Genera Assembly of the C'urch f $eotla4 c t ' C ( e s e e 1 ! patriotism. The Congress was elected will you bring in them Ethipola vs. for the purpose of restoring normal state briefs?" Washington conditions in the country by reducing * * * taxation and enforcing measures of ucl May be Made of a Scotchman- retrenchment. It is economically en- The Edinburgh Student, which is the! possible to provide for the soldiers' equivalent of Chimes at the old Scotch bonus payments which' Congress has citadel of laarning, has a question insisted upon and at the same time and answer department run by the to grant to the people and industries editor. In this month's issue we find of the United States the relief from this bright answer to some young the burdens of war-time taxation so man interested in the drama: greatly desired and'. unquestionably "Yes, Hamlet is a character in one, so much needed. of Shiakespeare's plays (really written by Bacon; scholars, haye traced the connection Ilrough etymoogy)." those fellas a gonna prove. It it all't' 14 oething its'aoth r, just Prove tr proyeEall, ly.long. By George' Y '-NOT BE r. Jason Corvles. A KTAM SMAN . ill IIIf III IIII IItII11111111I nIIII t ll tC i if lttll~ffiN f ff~tf#H~l ldflf #iii#li ~ il411 GOLF and T ENNIS SUPPLIES SG R AH AM B OO K ST O RE S BOTH ENDS OF THE DIACONAL A1 tlA-I4-AN. 41 OR I H 1.1,E Central Time (Slow Time) Le~kaCsuarba' of Commerce ,Week Days Sundays{r 6:45 a. m. 6:4S a.in. 4 ,$p. m. 44p J 3 ,LLl T, !'raprletor Mahone 92A-M Arian. Mich.LC Read the Want A cbPhone 1593-J for yours REVIVAL OF THE PANAMA HAT By laboratory test the Panama hat is folund to be the coolest, to shy U thing of ofishing the ib t con ' Portable hat for summer 'wean hi s,_ -'ciiell E. C- Mack" oxer Verena Moran own Harold Moore nrad Carl Ohliiacher Cote . Hyde Perce vis Andrew Propper rlich :Marie Reed -namberg Regina leichmann tner Edmarie Schraudcr Heath C. A. Stevens iryV. IH. Stonieman 1ouseworth Marjorie Sweet ne Frederic G. 'felmis Kamnin N~. R. Thal Kei W. T. Wathour idall Ueqpan Wise uger BUSINESS STAT F Telephone 960 BUSINESS MANAGER AURENCE H. FAVROI . . . . . . . L. l nne .-'..Pe . hayden R .. .... .... ... ....W . 1Roesser .H. E. Rose . . . . . . L. Halte .C. Pwdy - ... . awrenee cf. Assistants N. E. IHolland M. I,. Ireland Harold A. Marks Myron Parker A. k. Seidman taco. A. Stracke R. C. Winter er I p' Sf~Y AA :2, 1924 itor-TIIOS. P. HENRY, JR.1 i Night traditionally is an nsored by the women which ds in import and significance ap Night ceremonies of the is supposedly a dignified af- is regarded as such by thel 'ho participate either as ac-' udience. Men, on the other efer to regard it in a fa light. At least their attit- ayed Tuesda'y night on Pal- I seemed to point that way. e Freshman Pageant an ap- silence was maintained but honor awards were made! a constant exchange of in-' among the men, centering the 'band stand. This was apparent when the sweaters rded. Such cries as "Put it k-fit," and "Bet it don't fit"k ceard. Not only was this em-1 h for the girls who received is but it showed a lack of and co,operation among the s is a co-ed4iLcatonal institu- ared to remain so. Let us! this. '-4 Holyrood alace in tdiibirgh"three days ago. Today, if the Prince of Wales wer to comne to Holyrood, he would b second to James Brown. James Brown as if touched by the wand that im- posed the magical effects upon Cinder- ella, is no longer the miner, nor ar there any traces to the fact that he was a miner. Like in a story book all outward signs of the hero's for- mer position in life vanish into ob livion, and suddenly we behold him dressed in a manner befitting royalty with no trace of awkwardness or em- barrassment visible, his. wife equally well dressed and presentable, standing by his side. Bemedaled police, smart soldiers and nifoTmed servants are now at ir. own's command. Indeed, even the archioness of Ailsa came for- ward 'from the doorway of the Holy- rood Palace when he arrived there and as she took his hand she curt- sied ow. What a sight that would have, been for all the ghosts who hau n the ancient Palace; "that of Mary Queen of Scots, whose room is very ear; of Bonnie Prince Charlie, who geceived guests at that very door; and t e stern John Knox himself who was lso often there." Th appointment of Mr. Brown as the representative of the King has stirrei OGreat Britain decidedly. It has seized the public imagination of England as a great surprise. But at the s me time, it is being dered a pleasing development of emo- cratic spirit "under the A eis of the British Monarchy." What the outcome of this startling precedent may be is only conjectural. While there can be little harm in car- rying out such policy, the good that it can produce may be great. If the good is just this development of the democratic spirit under the Aegis of the British Monarchy, it is a good which is truly great. At any rate, Great Britain seems to have taken an initial step in further advancing the world's democratic spirit. n 1' - Monda nib ku uptuZ ' ....-' ously down to the Circus Maxiaius to CAMPUS OPINION 1 get the lowdown on this here now IKu Klux Klan. Pronounced Q Klux Klan. t We ,got down there just in time to RETURN FIRE , Editor: - hear the ushers shoot off a cannon. Etor: IThey had a great big cross all li up J E. D., 24, though claiming npt to Trbe a Kansman, (can it be because I with electric lights, and reflectors made ct of' galvanized iron. TheevnJeoudlhaamdt''eo recognized?) tries to justify the Rlan's ,cross was artfully arranged to cast activities by virtue of their aim. 'its beams on the American flag, which ' These aims, at least in part, are to was much .used by the speaker when deprive Catholics, Jews, and Negroes Trriyd 'He called-.it "the only of their American citizenship 1; de- Swe Alerimetans kne~w,'' and nying them the right to v'e, to hold t 'Ulld d own hl house every office,or to.have any part in the com- I h e$ oned ~t mon government of our country. The, t1 r~Fe 24st~oo a'rotfnf far :;someKlaniren also aim arrogantly to set °tim the speaker,. a large at man of about forty-five, with a face like inselves up as censors of other people's morals (when the normal e a man who is kind to animals when man feels he does a good job if he Su anybody'scharound-touch -bring the keeps himself straight, without taking platform, and told us how glad he on the management of the business was to be there. lie then remarked of any one else). The Klan also us- twas to he the. e thenst ray rk d 'a urps the functions of the state's judi- a service hof this kind (crafty way cial systent; more than that it' des- of putting 'the. ceremonies on a religi- troys the very foundation of all jus- 'os' basis right at the start) would tice by dealing out lynch law, deny- be to sing the first verse of America, lug the accused the constitutional the national anthem. safeguards that our ancestors strug- "How many of yuh will help me if gled for centuries to build up. I sing it," he says. Somebody must The Klan may have other aims, but have held up his hand,' -because he theys are characterized by the above. plunged right in, to be followed at If it is American to deny to any citi- varyinig intervals by the- peole t zen the privileges and immunities the right and left of him. A musical that our constitutions and democratic , tprinciples ecure him, then I no longer failure, we afl agreed. The speaker then gave a prayer in want to be American. " y the manner of any Methodist or Con- J. E. D., '24, takes the "Daily"i- gregational preacher, blessing every- torial writer to task for condemning thing he could think of, and then the Klan and its manifestations, on saying Amen. Fortunately he was what he thinks is hearsay and conject- less resourceful in hitting upon ob- ure. Then he, (J. E. D. '24) proceeds F ects for sanctification than the pro- to speak of the situation in Oregon fessional pastors, and got through in with ignorance so abysmal as to be well under five minutes. ridiculous. -He Vkys the Klan freed le then plunged into his discourse Oregon of ' Qmination of one re- whose10gic was this Russia, Turkey, ligious z n." Such an ex- and England did not expect revolu- pressio m an sympathizer can tions eight years ago; but Russia, Tur- refer on "' tb The Catholic Church. key, and virtually, England, have been As I am acquainted with Oregon, for swept by revolution since that time. his information and that of others The United States of America does not who may be equally deluded by Klan expect a revolution-ergo, she is cer- whisperings, let me state a fev facts, tain to have one very soon. And that, The Catholics in Oregon form one- o sa the speaker, is why we need sixteenth of the total population. Just th fan. befote the l lectionyhen Klan rmain id ) iall to hear this influence.pd enough-epublicaj x was to fiout the 'Klan's at- voters to de their party to put in titude toward the Catholic, the Negro, a Democratic tdministration, the Go- and the- Jew. His attitude toward vernor of the'tate, the mayor of the them, and the Klan's attitude toward largest city, Both U. S. senators, and them, he declared, was one of un- all the congressmen, save one, were bounded affection. He spoke in high- non-Catholics. Moreover, of a group est terms of the industry, the honesty, of sixteen other officials, including the integrity, of these three classes ex-governors, ex-senators, and state of the American people-and left him- and federal judges, eleven are known self unattackable. to me to be Protestants, and the other He spoke of the ideals of the Klan five are non-churchmen, or non-Cath- [ in a political way. When the Klan olics. If that be domination by the [had enrolled enough man-power, he Catholies, what minus quantity 'would averred, it intended to rid the coun- J. E. D. '24 regard as a fair repre- try of the political corruption which sentation? was now (he said) its bane. In fact Klan influence in Oregon put over the whole address was just like any the "School Bill" which attempted to Republican stump speech. A Repub- legislate private and Catholic schools lican orator would have had just as out of existence. That is an example much bunk ,about corruption (if the of Klan domination; the federal court Democrats were in power at the time), declared it unconstitutional, as a vici- but they would have had to say some- ous interference with the rights of thing concrete about the reforms they the parents discriminated against, planned to make if elected. The. Oregon, however, is to be congratu- Kleagles, inasmuch as they are not lated that she has so promptly repudi- yet really in the running, don't have ated the Klan; that body has now so to say anything except that they are dissipated, that instead of controlling going to pull for the fundamental the election as it did the last one, ideals of Americanism-which doesn't it will not even have a list of can- mean a thing. didates in the field in the next. ** * The Klan, "folded their gowns, like HISTORICAL FICTION the Arabs, and as silently, stole "Hla ha this is hot stuff" chuckled away." Pythagoras, royal custodian of the G. D. H.' '24L Alexandrian public library as he = glanced over the latest tablet of fic- tion. L "Say this is rich' agreed Androcles, assistant librarian, looking over his shoulder. ''l p it oIn tle popular fiction shelf eh?" "Well it's hard to say" frowned hjs superior judiciously, "They was only five copies chiseled out, and we got WHO IS PAUL WHITEMAN? The to keep 'em in good shape." question may seem foolish and ob- Andy flicked off his ash. vious, but for the few too immersed "You're right. We can't afford to in Bach and Brahms or too scholas- have all our new books get dogeared tic to buy Victor records a detailed right off. I'll put 'em on the classic history follows that they may repair a shelf..." 'their social error. "What! Put the 'Ascetic Age' along- To begin with, Paul Whiteman was probably accounts inore than ny_ thing else .o r the revivalv ma and the fact that 'it is being, worn, this year by the best dressers at Palm 1 Beach and other resorts. The im- porters report an unparalleled de- mand for thePanama. Thefling are laboratory tests of temper ture1. taken after wearing the Panama, Soft . Felt and Straw Sailor in the sun for!1 two~ hours :, Panama coolest, tempertaure 77.9 Soft Felt next, temperature ....79.7 Straw Sailor hottest, temp. ..86.0 We clean, bleach and reblock Pana mas, Leghorns, Bankoks and all kinds of straw hats according to regular, factory methods. We use no acids- we are not boot-blacks. We do only High Class Factory Work.; FACTORY HAT STORE 617 Paekard St. Phone 1792 (Where D. U. R. Stops at State) -Adv. IT'S COMING u y 2m7 For Flowers Plants, and Ferns Of all kinds Cal 115 Brin SYour E V IU9- IN.' University I .r..,......... .... -tt ---t -.- ...- -,..... ~ . .............. : x ', 4' ~ - -' -~ ar ~ 5<- 1 .. O I I Cousins & Hall 611 E. University See t omorrow 's Dail Call 115 9 I I _ ? r! ......-a ."":.s4s~" .p"rr e ~r.i!'i"7 . "fWi'... an " i. } } 4sX''.tta =/4/WW1 w ririr r wti : GLEANINGS~ * ww -- -- WW ,0= r w ^' . 'rte w 1 Zi Z, zl lL-,.3 WOST PIANISSIMO r night Ann Arbor was in- o the aims and ideals of ux Klan in a carefully cal- dighly theatrical, outdoor The majority of the vast, stood fairly enchanted z hour and a half of clever ibtly contrived to win the of the average spectator. hat a speaker could hold tItontion on a cold, windy highly significant in itself edly deserves passing ad- T'AX RELIEF OR BONUS Let 'it be said at the outset regard- ing President Coolidge's veto of the soldiers' insurance bill that he could not consistently have done otherwise. In his first annual message to the Con- gress he said tersely, "I do not favor the granting of a bonus." It is true, that a paid-up insurance policy is in general opinion different from a cash gift to the ex-service men, but evidently it is not so regarded by the President. And so long as this is 'the vay he looks at it, he had only one thing to do. He had to veto the bill. ;lt was, politically speaking, a brave deed. In his instance Mr. Coolidge has Ishown himself stronger and more far-seeing than his own party. By the overriding of his veto, the presi- dent's leadership has been discounted, but b his wise act he has proved beyond a doubt that he possesses cour- age and common sense; and the in-j telligent, patriotic people of this coun- try, in all political parties, will ap- prove his stand. 774 :r fll~f111tltl~ltfllil O Rfl Dt i' ID M Dire cr AIo m 1Wea wfasf IilliiitillifiillifIif00 I II I 11, 4(1 M 14 111 4 111 1 W11 144#4 L MA L SHO WING ,--~- OF THE NEWEST )OBBS TRA WS ct from Fifth Avenue has arrived the lasf t necessary, however, to an- variou qarguments presented, for secrecy, the play on thet of democracy, and-..the point.l Protestant selection. They nents that appeal to many, rebuttal only results in fur-# usion and intimidation. Nor to attack the various meth- tual sponsored by this or-S i, or even to criticize their ss satirically. y, naturally, the idea of a n- n.- n u P. r a' A P hm. n'.?.. n straw hats. Lo ate of Fashion. mique feature tha s comfortable fL ed by an unusual gaping of the br rr a DOBBS strc hat. ' crowns and wide brims disfigusesbai -f_ _. ; shaped head there is no lid. w and enjoy the comfort 'I - -' - - ' ' ,~, '~' -N, i