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May 22, 1924 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1924-05-22

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s i t i!a

dIg s.


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No. 172





Tzf ° I~nds" wi Vulcans To Greet
Call Of( Druids [LVeesod
TA E V RW R ; Druidsp, on.ory senor litrary sc- l IE S B S Vulan, god 'f re and of ;frge KR UIIVD
wilrcieiwsce LI illreturn to erthttoday, acending Sx ' ;ey'il!,oa..r.lei aCe]G1 1EiiN ,.
meiners hip wnorthy men chsen from n oFrom his hoe in the infernal regions;I I
afla e I > CrY a dprIumoedr tie-Insist nt clamnor o
)tti, etnate ecrets °of the "ancient.'en; fLE 9 0 l i U RE Tanvils Adwen he appears from.S ''
of the fPore t."N 1{iamnitu adfr,'sigfot
atxi At 8 O'clock the inembers oATfNTtheJUGE Bor-ISUPORER O ATOIOIL I ~ iamll grwaiting:for ioerGIE 0 1 1 5 A
E CMPTSRPESEfNTA"'IVEr der will appear At the .acred rockbi-N IOTOBJUGDBWHTtlIPiPli P A:"egnrswlbeatngv hfnarG ..
tHSNMY1,RPAE Druid grove, bedecked in floving rob- OM R LANN ANri~EEW&TIP his earthly shrine.______
12BOYes- and carrying pine torches, and SASE)TRNET'rSA a cliyerthe gd ucn or
these ancient worshipers will there _______ Fneys from his underworld home to in-3. LY 1'OR[SCE LllSH]
-teach their lessons to the mnen who 11tths,01?ae pledfrI 4l SECONDJ ('ON(ERT A
C M ITEN M Dhvebeen ju(Igedl fitting to ibe receiv- WIC SaLSSCILSdARSN CET N EImittance among his followers. on- iEH
MAY GET LARGE POWERS ed as equals. "COLD-BLAOODED THING" PROPOSAL I S DEFEATED y those who have shown their ability LN
Awayso,a tn thee, will learn --I ad1 can shape spear heads from hot } WILL OFFER DUX, LNT: DEL
V, Wagner, Sa erriam TalFill the ways re acents, will come !lliueiester G0115ir W&IIlrier jWil Advoe*ites 1111 to ring ea rton can !ope to-be :received among I A DD D U ,SLSSB~
Potion On New iStudent t nwtemaigo h ybl. ReminHere As finest Of I Into Senate "I IfnilEl i5 Ih~dsils
andl will le taught- the message of the etii IScni rus And so toay tsne h aoe
DicpieBd a ndpn.VnTn a I !! few will be waiting the god 'with ChrlUinCouSnln is ali
:Following the ceremony at the
A~ltlngtet':of the'adisoy cn'-"Th Laor art an th Laor Washington, May '21- (By AYE) -trembling hands and sweating 'brow. Ti thi s easo i;Vll
Apitetothadiryci-grove, the new mien will be further "TeLorPtyadh Lbr___ Present Two Wors
nittee of the Student council 'which i nstr ucted in the lor e ot Ihe forest Governnent" was the topic of a ni- Ftenry Ford's bid for Muscle Shoals ___
wll be .a biwg force next year in' deid- by their superios at the Duid's AbodeI verity lecture delivered ysedywn ont eettdyi h irtM IP lrr~ a e oly prormi chd n
infg student disipine cases, if the pe-afenon ;Sde I ics neo!test of strength before the senate agriIut~JII I I o h eodFsia ocr tvlb
I he editors of the Manchester Gcuar- r ; eI fothseodFtia..arat lbr
inio fo add tuet owr in TA PlT rrio hni atural. Science auditorium.. culture committee. its supporters annr o'clock tonight in Hil auditorizm, intele4
thtese matters which iis snow befolre theiI A Ill11IR Prof. Claude H ;Van Ty'ne of thei will make soother attempt at an ex= j L LUIU but one which, in consequence, will and P
Seatssunilfoctonispasehitoy eprtet ntodce tee seseseiioo uedant hveitresdLay LUUIL toinerstnafrvtsvaieyantlssreo-a
fo nextiyearesnstalled.iThevarietrsand leasDIR 0 "A
wast Ma last night and the oBficersU speaker.,"ge o ported by the committee. !ianir TrapaTrTetattilsenrvlar Dx'
"A - IF I Nnation-is to be Jugt nt y-- tiring tIte parnr.Cltr-lux
idnAfe .Cnal r 2,took U U i M:ll U what it is doing, but by what its oay'Ms sssiponfenao re isonerhraenTTeScore In yrla Lent and Royal Dadmun wll outita=
64 IYoung emorateMisisippioffredaea-rninghic
techair vacated by JohnF W. "Kelly, yon.epear erig"said Mr.; io Final Frame Of Hard e the soloists, and tie Choral Union succesF
'24L afe hc h meigwsCmmte dpsIno Shdl Wicks in opening his address. He Lion to report the Ford bid withoutl Foght Contetcors singing its first concert this Ei
Fundpe o h ecuci eet rptdB imn praised American institutions of learn-amn etbu it" a deeated 10-6.
tune ovrtohre oni lc- rp~dB imn esnw rsn w ok n0 the
ed May 13 at the. sprin g elections. I lg, ant hnedig r spoke of his own struggle for It is now planned to offer a motion TEEU1 C ONNCTS TWCE; esn ilpeettowrsi I equipir
Thet of'ficers eleted3 by the 'counil ___ education. He spoke proudly of hi Tuesday to report tile bil without re- ALSO SCORING THIRD RUN high contrast to each other, Bacliss idx ant
paperManchster :Guardan, jconmmendations.MatricheBmnrasada
OFr netyerar:EdaFERoxEprteEachserGarin Should tile Ford bid advocates fail'ooft
'25El viepresidet, Kennreth C. Kena, w CE'T.C F OFRESli hihas been in existence for 103 Sel!T ieDiymaerpiece., th ye deBckDminos.n he brof
.2,sceir at JhiASboJ, AGREENENT IS PROPHESIED years,. Then, leading into the ody f in their attempt to get it out of the ( SPec IT TeDiy rodi otaabFeeicDei.shbr
'2Cai, secxetaryuandiJohnA. Saborlrf _____
'«treasurer.I of his speech, Mr. Wicks outlined the {Connittee, they plan to bring it to aI Last Lansing, May 21,-Michigan's CarDxhssugiAnAroFt sym
'5 ame Cii 4 fee! Washington, May 21.-(By AP)- development of the labor, or trade {vote in the senate as a substitute toI Varsity baseball team defeated M. A. efore-scarcely four years ago, to ihn
The advisory Committee' appointed" A tax reduction bill indorsed by unions in England and the events the committee proposal when that is G. hr this afternoon :3 1 in'ahd- Ie eract; and her personal beaty togethe
tte new resident who i chairman leadirnfbtgprisad ital up to the strength ofth re! submitted. ', andl charml, her clear, lyric voice f.Ignt
byleaders' of oththertres anvirtuallyp_!fought contest. F grat range and considerable colo, i pected
ofthis bo1dy is composed of Edward M., veyfcto!i h senatt s labor party. ! M. A. C. kept the Michigan nine on° made somewhat of an impression. AtI pelanu
Fo, F&,Pilip M Wagner, '2 rleeyfcin notefnlseaeadhuehave No Revolutions Q I~f iir~ l'A~ edge: throughout the contest and ini any rate, she is welcomed eagrs
Mkanaging dtor of The Daly fo ,rnetwsnolditoalhpetda. Haig nwrte ontttoMr i~.rI tie:final,frames came almost tiing again tonight, when she will dingIFo
werlhi ,. ti, "2; ad""Cares Early approval of the unanimous Wicks explained, England cannot have } HU1 2 n r
year Jon A Sab, '5, nd Carls UII UL IU L LUthe score. Michigan got two of itsi two light arias from familiar but un- AnA
W. Merriam Jr., '25E.° Thlis committee agreement of the conferees on the dif- revolutionary actions. The changes in COofw r m cutr in the second intning hnpeetosoe s n ehp ofo a c
;icpiec s einn etfalIthe constitution. English socalsm lIrJI Covrhowa irtOndtNGtid nfr necoeEersninflidrand th
with ° D~ poe frcmmnigpn eachied today by both bUranches of he called a cold-blooded, scientific Haerysaciccongheonsrmrkbylaig.tew
ou-congrels 'was predicted, and the ihope thing,, and rapped 1!theetys emphaticin om o i rmrkblpo-sig
ishmtenit on ame aitif, thesSenate" thCopaiun-Dia ',,dule as
'ossexprssean hsRedouble.lea- ! oted In Europe so l
72lirand!"Uivertsty Senate paoss onthe wsepese(yReulcn ed litical untruths which press reports Detroit Orchestra Under Ossip Gab imnwa u tthr u I- MssDSiaeheopeaicdb t jws
coun11il ptition hbeforeathe .close a er s ta h ilwul esge yhad sread In the United States con- (rlowitsch To ;Appear json who got first n a fielders choiceI n Grayadsnete h astcs
schoortl.,the~rwise the queiaston of more .PrTeien Coldg. ingthe labor'.pry Tree 'Iimes -cose teart. T
st d n c - o en et wl o o e h o frn er p r ilb aen j gpat. e th plate whn Steger smashedt sung loading soprano rules in many aime Ki
to -letxt year. up b the ae tomorrowo Friday gra! gs aiaissfn atobs ht ihganstidI of the great opera hoses f Europe,
by snt rit profitable to co-operate with the JERITZA AND HEFETZ ST:llS run came in the fifth when Stege' nluigL caa npi h oa et
T.'wo mWen:.fromh'the 'advisory crn jand, f 'approved,. it is expected, thetradeganionschedstatedScndathentrade ONeCRoyAl voice oP O'lAMysingledthroughothird, wenteto secondeoperaein BerlinRsingingN"Mini"Ator b
mite oete ith thie councl prsi house will be able to act on Saturday.un of evgteoent areahadb ataSnoncmn fte~2.inag sed ballti, etok thidoe nd ryCauso's rudip,"gigater s ohep,ig
doI rsettt sutnn'ate ,+period o eeLoun "r e ig
detrpeetth tdnsonteIiq timesbexpected t tkenei ninstbindtedb Patl productment oftha long kers Texas leaguer, and stole hlome ered a oet Garden,,ondon,
Universityirlisctrphiue commiptee.Amen.eitheribodyandathereyweretIcoldly,
siia1dlgtinhs h owr idctions toinigttat 'practiclly no : togadcpbl e.M.Wcs 19 25 Choral Union and Extra Concet whileStrykr stole second. M. A. C. and the Royal operas in Stockholm o x
sihile aoliberalofhimeelfepraised Ram- series, with Maria ,Jeritza, JaschagindislecotrinhefstadCpnaewee ewnraloe
disusioi ut.novoe n treSeat . wtsouldboffetred. Maconald ighly, a pokae o$Il~eifetz. Maer an4attion and three of the-ninth when, ith tw outM-iup.Ineyoeacaparceatsi
Comite,,; SudntAfartiTesc emntofrotcte enteanichgianiis-bewichiibhidn hed s the onersvndr sipGa- rlei, h'fggendrtsasma-as(Ihehassngalratmay f.he .v
conlnlittoes t will oncd a; il laobeatyahoe rouncedWer apavedathemphnhousepGa 41provisions were a aun ws Se- api'ovedgrat an f th 'va
reglarcoucilmeeingnet Wdne- lades otboh artesoonihth erelaorpary.a ceodtsacross otsadin feturs, andwakedcstleoecodturdaacd aros lyic ndtoloatra art inthesta °no.
laimItng crdi Writefel. Beion gHelplteonSepanek'ss iigle througrh +dard 1,repertoire, 'and has appaed i mo ro
Str .okf.rei o h il.Tecn In conclusion, the speaker described; be as brilliant as usual. .° .second.:nnmeosnw okrndrv"i i o
Te foillowing conmttees were a-oeasietcsInoontx chdue rootevetsledigaplomhemarige OfthosxgumertottenChra 'hefames iledth bse o to f lilot orotennatepice. ndre
ponesatngt hbl apd-inPrg corn-ad oth duhtrnIrrned.posed in the senate by :Senator Snn f rmerMc nl.t.heduhtr.Union series, fur hiave een arran ed iuo~ei hefrtwt w : yva:en h. mrcneans
mitte, hares W. erram r."25, ons4, of North Caroina, but turned io odKliand of the great app-IJjeritza, thxe famous Metroplitan O(P' singles and aass, and in th'e eighthvoiit h satatn omc e
Roer J Hmmr '5,an Wlla ovnth:oheaar amendmnents FpOIt.hihshe had given _him in is "easopran, willopen the eaon.ii hnSpnkgtapsRcad tenini h uia olbt eui
C oi ,l tan, 6 r,2,nstiu iliamTte. i onedb snteDmcrteadR-othtere o telbo ary Aix Otbe.MJc ndPtisnatCdt.itige, n Kile a htbywihtiecutynn.ara, sanon
EdwardM. Fox '25E chairan, an pubucan inurgens i~roiding or ful presion ofthe hpe tha the wo tinuisheotianitssshoeRJoitarecialabal.nGoonfieldng preentedmiss nt yetoutlofherftens.. ut I Wi~icl
,ontxrtrsand a spibsti- great English speaking, nations mightI was so popular last yer, will appeicrinntefrtadasikothrati oprbet hto h mto
mitte, PilipM. Wgner '25 char- tte crportiontax carrying a 5uir continue to Live In fiiendship for-the in November. The same month "rxte hlpl1 Wge,2,car ir cted the Agges in the eighth.' igetatsswohveln enr-Ibat
ntd rfis.wtternient of the world concluded tiai Wade i nshxaw's production o niudonPae Sx) oged ans ohe onss eme- ell
mrani, and William J. Wilkins, '26L, taxg on undtistrititei pois Mr. Wicks' address. i Mozart's "Le Nozze di Figaro" will be !(otiudo _Pg__)___nieadh osesstepr-I ela
President o.tf the Union; ceerleading M ik 'l nv'ileDcmmrJsh le- --- met and individuality, and plays tmeanc
seto omlteJohn A. Sab, '2, 1Seniorswil rmanIrAun iAr given, whleDeemeruannnnn et, Iwith a breadth and charm that iand 'th
scairmn, oert J. Hummr, '2 Campaign hr today as the guest of Prof. C. H. one of tile greatest laving vioinists, M b~ ,APIIDtucmoa es noeo g W
WhilliamW. Kerr, '25, andmKennthC. Eal'Fo25I k Van Tyne of the history department, ;will offer a recital. I 1110ms5ncmoatlatinoerf~g'w
.Kellar, '26.i and will visit the various buildings ;Tile Extra Concert series consists muesg. -c aen srmakbe i~lc
These Committees are to egin work Eec!o s oay on the campuas and 1'e shown the work-ofteecnetbyheDtitS- jj}l MAAED 'tcsohinmrcandnEuoImsc
at~oce- or n~t kyear y iings ofi the University. ! pony, al undeir the direction of Mr.ITO UH[M NI Hiwhr Miss Lent studied under the haid vol
at one fornext ear. _____''' -withtwo sooistsi et: trulfl mster teacher, Leopld Aer, are tin. aeq
Campaigning for the candidates I to be announcedl and the third to ber- animous in their words of praise and i waintl
whose names will appear on the of-al IMaer and IPattison who will play a i ai tlc ichigais depitrtnent of intramural } nhsasial claim a place for her control
!ic lcinst ehl t3 cok O s r etwo-piano (conicerto. Sousa's band ~'~ tltc ee iswreswith a m nong the few outstading virtuosi.
" ENiH ILMA FEStcalblltm teseirlieareh Mihgal in en ng thusasicalyia
moc elecionotobee theat3 'series in Otbran !MIss Lent To Pay Ei
. I~ r IfI dyilNewberry 14a1, waged fur- -b reS n OI effhcowr ilIAppiitiiient of Harry ?vicCobb, '25a, Ms etwl lyteCneto toforc
ivil1i PAul 'ro Tr beas aae f nrmrlathletics
IUJIosly all (ay yesterday, nadiinI 1pa21'iano recital by an artist for whom I a ngrofntmul Ges in U. m'inor for violin and orchestra,! ,r
p ptptl sveayoi U lu 3' egoatations are now tnider way. derto'24 y Max Brch. The number, though'
th fiilpitdballot as announced ,The engagemlent of- Madame J eritza r, '4 was announced, and Al Goetz,' brilliant, s not very difficlt, anl its were n
Senior's, diploima fees are due today eewl esvea m'nacracewt ut' f sms oal 5 a adfeddrcor s ii hmsaetheir 'v
yesteday, _ sv rgarde al vividthetheoms re of ,great melodic
.en. t nocass 'ill'th Unveritye e 1 rssistants appointed were Paul Louis,intret. agans
coner dere atCom mecenentonportant questionaires brought before ea years standing, the annual Senior in several years. Hler conecrt tni },yrn.tin '6.'hiip Snd r astin
the Class Sndy i the cuces of Ann ArboI prior to the opening of the Merol a n BI<h'ocna' oal Dadnun who will sing the s
anystuen Wh filstopay tis eeIt is rumored that ther'e has been' ill beii heist this conting Sunday ac- lonet ~fall mwil be sdrt adkmI2 and B.Anlmn, '7." 'aitone ols in Delius' "Seadritt," iid
before 4.oclock, is thre statemnent of _ ;, Manager L essner acted as toast- 1uea
Shile Sith Uivm'styseretry Ia splt in one of the two traditional cording -to a recent ,announcement by Arbor is one of th., few towns n mvi ih F°'F t cantata for chorus and orchestra, hac
Th fe il e efndd nth pe- parties. Leaders of 'both maclines! Donald Williams, '25L, chairman ofI she will sing. Coinng to Newv Yok Iso ak eemd b ietr is an American singer trained entie 'h
enttio o th r~eit i cse hepredict that this will increase the fol-, the, Chuirch Relations committee of two seasons ago, Jeiitza ond an or i.,i i f i dt ly in this country. His is, a baritone tn. o
studnt s no reommndedby he]owing of the new third party: At =thae Student .Christian association. tn"- I erwhelming triumph in opera. This DJonSnalofteHlhs- voice of :uncommon riches, ninllo- Ld.,
" the caucus of this new faction which der 'whose auspices the affair is to be ! Year She has also dlemostrated rareIviesdD.eogA.MydrctrfC5nlrne;wlehhswn
--was held yesterday afternoon, the held. All seniors at the .University j ability as a recitalist. patclrpasSsasn eiaist.C
-- - - - I ~~name of Mrion Van Every was :sag- J54 re oatn h pecial sr- L.overs of the vio11in do not nteed to o aemngm atclrpas sasn eiait
are. urge to atten the s td has appeared wih the foremostI.~nf

toniy Suplerb lin 4Tr'is
eerlits Antd Two Deblif
Xotiuriu s
Arbor's 31st annual M
ought to 'its openig"
ctual brilliance In both
rformance. -.Afamous
to, ,a fine orchiestra, sI'
rely new composition
iuin eements of the
gave- evidence of the'
s of =the entire Festival
1y Kreutger is undeniab
e operatic stage. He
ent, her dramatic dire
age on the stage with.
.he opera to set thea
Ingo to the concert stag
apathetic beauty "and lhq
vould melt the hardes
r, with a personality
rand beauty, as is se
from one as'proverbi;
ntal as 'the traditional
Rtelle ,on Voieeatt
the first tinme'in many
"bor was treated o the f
mncert °singer who relics
n the sheer' beauty .of'li
e result as it ae to
cling chords of the o
tranqiuil calm, a restrat
at was niot 1lssened 'h
brelkin'g, ,so. perfet,
lie audience that greet
reuger was "strangelyA
ly little movedAby her.
Af her songs, and one 40
t regret tht;they wo
it of 'Emory'Krueger's
while they .goInto
iteinent. over 'a sinage
exhileprating, but of:
u e A F r a ' r . .e o r t s w a r n e d,
in a heavy cold, butt?
icaktle, sn 4ave a16
ierve that~ c, ted ,olyt
erfection of the prog
voice is a. rich mzzo
ully. 'iodlated .th
she hanles with 'ons
rt' is a voice' apable
n, ,able too interpret ,t
of Schubert's= O tahdi
as the sombre: majest
,holy "Tod und das l
,e intensely dramatic
Lich was perhaps tb
L. There were timhes
when she fell short and
ice in the upper registe
te but the ,sheer, beg
Li the vibrant colorin
Ito tones were uniforgi
C( rncerto Sucess.
DeLamarter's billiani
organ and orchestra'
iristian at the solo"Fats
;hug o success. iThe0".
ot entirely interdepen
various effects were c
teach 'other' Mr. Chri
l aying as we have eV
t playing with restrain
ion, yet retaining all
61 the comepsitio.
'balance of;tone b letwe
'cheatra wpas excetion
so that ta:. o time '
nfusion 'of their ont
i.The compllositioin

Y'. 1SnosJo n gsted as the candidate for the most l vices and it is thought that in accord1 be told that Heifetz is ai great genilus, _ khrl ndorhstaloraiztins
1' emittS bn ee epg'edtht ecus o cr-alom naheusalseio grbhhvecoe o eanesabisedfet-anizationsnr Heisexecedtobrnga in vic
.Ll T nihteautiful girl, but the nominating corn- with thte usual custom seniors 'will while the Detroit Symlphony concerts i He UIisII' ndexpclen to rn :fn oc scn
tain masculine virtues 'this name Special reserved sections will be I ure of Ann Arbors musical life. Tie solos of the modern cantata which he te fo
Seniors of all colleges will meet at would have to be withdrawn. h ield open for the seniors in the differ- I Majr-Pattson recitals will be espec- T jlIIIIfY IflL1lU will sing tonight. ie"a
7:00 o'locktoniaght 'on tihe steps of~i The most difficult position to fill et churches of the city. The sub-; al teetmgi iwo heIatLL L tI lt The cantata itself is the musical w ideafa
the ibriry In the annual class sing, I at this caucus was that of the girl jects of the sermons will be fitting that Guy Maier will teach on the fac-{ocpto f.h oewfWatW it-th a£
for many yPears a, tradition with thei with the, best line. eaders' of all for the occasion of graduation, ac' ulty of tie Schol of Music next year.. -lp--os coereetaiesi'ncein' of the poe aie ofdWarWit- I themat
graiduiating classes of the University I(three factions wy that the race for cording to Williams. held its sem-annual election of of- out in an ideal manner the mood, at-, conduc
Weather 'preditions last'-night ini-, this office will be the most hotly ! llTllbIefh1~ers Tuesday night in the AdelphiE mosphere or impressionism of that! of a t
cated "ftair snd cold"'. Thes sing' will icontested. The caucus of this -party .Ba .ttl sr ooim on the fourth floor of 'Univer-i poem. It is inexplicable in words; Of_t
:not be held if'the w eather is m c - Gem phas zed the act that all of the ' D . a i y B a t t letsal. T o e e ec e e e . C at e , i us e h ar .c c t
ment. ;seniors were bluffers.fll/ A~ Nixton, '26, speaker; R W. Goodal, i usy
College songs, accompanied ,by the fJulian Mack, chairman of the Class Garg S tu da" TS.TIIS MORNWi INGnru'the.m
Vfarsty ;band, will frm the large >I eirial:i'commnittee, will make :sulg- I! er k;AE.Saye, 26 tesu- ppm r [ o ce
pastof~treptgtai 312neI er;theN. . Bowersox, 27, sargeant-at- I E LM 'lh i~lh
pato heporm lne frtegestions for the class imemiorial at the'By J ot Cowles Dit;barofst; Millard ~Pryor, '24,' historian: IU LLLLiI, 110 LU 11llIIVwme
sirs.Telatrwllnt wa eeting thi afternoon. This matter On Saturday May 24 The 'DailywI will sat-t 'kth and R.; ,,G. Ford~ '26L, .Oratorical' as-a r r nrirLT of: th
caps} adgwsdetthMaF'tiwil e vted upon and an appropria- play its annual gamne of 'all withte. U p ~ o the hiia~ sociation delegate, .iII I~I1 I thing,
t Gargoyle. The D)aily is published 'he the first shipmnent from :thel After the meeting the society re-_____neil lie
later In sthe eveing.' The class treasurer, Lincoln D. Ievery day but Mondays throughout the prn-r il e ienot.Te ul el '
Jones, wll be on hanidto collect the college year; the Gargoyleo es out allotment has not arrived as.yt teelcted offcers reated the members. Of.iices,.were eecte ysterdayby out.A
Retom mendationis to plac e a Inew senior dues, mw hich m ust be pad b- o c o t ui g th a e p ro .yrma n e ft e' o k eing the u i c i on t e ur , wh h t e s - the student branch of the A muecn r t t
bwridge ovrthe= Huron river at Fullerreaneoftebosbighldu coto alltedoe fore the lend of this' week. IThe galec'will take place on Ferry teoer osesn.A cey hadrginaly inedd to hold, Institute of Eletrigal Engieers at a was a
tie a e hseps 'asnesa y theCmonv I S iRLTR YNTC'il ue. it ilteue.o allow the___covers___to builinoFed GolAne '95
couill with the requnest' that they1? on a small exhibition diamond. Hard I eares hsbook thiseand o th. c ing bulig. FrdGeln,'21;was ,1 sa
'tae ne septi s'ieessrytohae SNIR ITRAR NTba l ill ,etapplibk-hier ad iI nr named president-for, the-pig year, hich
this done. (IC ell h' sed Mits will bee used. Infat, all e d to inpi'ove time material, has IULaan~i The other officers named were: vice-, hep
____________________ ~~~~~~~ For '~not had time to dry fully. IILHhlfIfI "" ' Jae B.ons,'2E
---' i Frthe benefit of those who ;l things that are used in ball games THREEtAisRexpectedERthatpalldsutcnJptisoB. Johnson, 25E
Prof . . M.Randall, head of the have been unable to get their j will be used by the players in Sat- It sepce htalsuc pi ertr.MrisH Lloyd,'5E.and!
phsis eprten,.it-fften n gjuraduation, invitations and an- urday's1ame. wil-be fille byrFridy. iiii1 tresrr . .Dne, 2 h

'U ir En,' wnnA UIIUU't 1,1
1and colorful orchestra
iand third movements
st inspired at this perf
irmer built upon a nr
end built to a thrillinj
ine orchestral concep
ter well put together x
tic interest. Mr. -DeL.
ting sure and poised,
borough musician.
he other numbers by
a, tile two nocturnes
was heartily received
ost decided atmospher
;tral part of the progra;
extremely delicate; t]
-two wvas an impre
built ulpoil emphatic rh.
yin. . Vividlorcliestn-,
r or whicsh. were lost
MIr. Stock's or chestra
ion 'of . these French
(dmiirable i. was. his
of. thie excerpts from,
11 andl hsld'e for the'
galve a glorious colic
Galpi in .o Leavee

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