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May 21, 1924 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1924-05-21

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I e ITrr o I

Excitement Runs
High Over Senior
a Mock Electionsj






,1 Excitement i5 at ferver heat over thef
senior literayy mock clkct on Nvwhich
Iwill be held ati o 'clock tomoirnronw at-'A


HAP EM R L;' 1;k ti e~,telaeshv enLE)OlER115ESTIMATE 3000 MORE PILAN' ADOPT',"I4lBEFO4RE (1LOSE "+ r
[U348T ICMIG unable to get their nominlratIons into EMlPLOYEES ti.EEDED OF SE'' 11O (QNC' ''',
Li R shape fr the election which was[ FOR 1E~ORK
CAS#S scheduledI for this afternoon, necess_.FRWR ~ I rv.
tfating the postponement of the ballot-
IiN.1Y SENORSIt has been rumored trlat a third ON TAX BILL UNDEFINED VITTO 14 EH US
p ry 1 as e t r d t e r c , b t lt'last night nothing could hie learne'd Ii r ail n a i n 1 e st e l e a
If W. A. A. Diistributed When fr om- the supposed leaders of this new rseitMySg MeurBeaeDeoat lrelTo ore~ ,
'oupls Form To Make faction. According to reports the' , O StIInlos To On ,Measure Rsilts
Boc [k I'1 are liable to offer keen conipetit ion Bsies In Conferenice
to th1e traditional parties, the Insti- vt t
lanterns limmzering over I gators and the Listeners. Washington, May 20, (By A.',)-} Washington, May 20, (By A,7)
y-clad 'seniors lent the tra- The following positions ;'e those i )lffcial Vashington joined lands to_ Republican c oLnenlgtwihoe hc ahprywl aeaht dyt oet dut(egvrmembers of the Senate
inht atr ih hconetwhichban he ry lage a hot dayireiii m o e odj oust thi goern foreign relations committee, faced
rued bay University. women cnett banh ages lr ,ett ieslirbou il
r lel lat eenig. he ntaion mot. opuar ian had- Congress, which forced the hill finto with alDenmo ratio threat to force
the orccasion was intensified sms abs ~ tdnbg woe h president's veto, showed Senate- action tun the world court"."'
uty of the wreath c eremony gest grindl, biggest bluffer, smoothest a willingness to co-operate in adjust- question before adjournment of Con-
he present runo class pre- poiticabigg"est fusser, mopst bash- I ing# as far as rosbl h pnig
te4nciigjuniors their! futl[man, best athlete, best handshaker, tax reduction bill to conform to the igrsgtedatth WieHoe
rle.most popular girl, best girl student, added cost of the bonus, tonight to talk over the whole mrnatter Madanme Fniniy h:reuge
bashl ire tllsnaead thhre ihth diitainof h ii oth ht os yfirst anntual May estival'tonigh .No
frel amax[Pagteat.chre-gr ihth etlnthe b}onus law hurriedly bgnto as- the Republican members, headed by ofIe e
titc iih oth rsenta eble their forces. The admlinistra- Senator Lodge,; Massachusetts, the ioelrit the retirementofte -
ly' gratifying' o the spec- ! '(tive question was taken up at thei committee chairman, and himaself the;loe iiLlmaths'fredG '
ma nel grtiyn ohe Nixpand IN n r cabinet, meetinig, and it was deter-. author of a world court proposal man audiences :to the samte pitch.
irmaner StelluDorothyNix3and00IHerBrunhilde and Isolde, art of
,Pasline showed distinct mnd tha pwr1 o ,000 additionalI was preliminary to a meeting of thewhcsewilintoitsada
heritlietinterpretive-eplyswodberuid - full committee tomorrow on the w~rldtw ofhegeesinrptais
~. I T ~E mediately for the work of circulating, courtqusinoftoerlsnthhstyofmic
F o r B lq u""rd a ae o n to roLo d g e ,eaftrraca l i n gnth erun ri v a ll e d
11(1 O O Y 9 Uapp lication blanksand assemnblin go hs oe ntehsoyiCrnBokg ughey lofers A anra nepeesei
ioarC, opplosedi by' the fresh- incsaydt.iIA anra nepeesei
the finial baseball gamae with !(Coolidg'e Uncertain ' committee meeting, informed the pes-__unrivalled.
13 o I th fial nte- (lg !ub itavs i rc"Ittilr f'~Whle :President Coolidge's attitude i ident that Republican members- de-
is mth 6. Inte finayInter-irecii,~tos e lris Fol 1 as to the possibility of tax reduction !sired to consult with him as to the m
Mary Stewart, '25; Helen IPry4t Year as proposed in the revenue bill now !course of action to be pursued and
from Betaopkn,'6;I___in Congress remained undefinedngh' cnernchccrinl
utt, '25, from 'Katie Kocher, i-{I1~N ORE AE. conferees after two or three hour ses- arranged. The meeting was preceded
a I~rk '6,wo te quit 7 'd {;CHRG NXTY1,#tsigns indicated every effort would b by a lengthy conference between the I.
ah lr,'5io heqotj T A( (HI~ ~ Et made to mould the' measure on as prsdn9n entrHge.PA M 1
ip. prsdn n eao uhs
thefoma-io, f he lok satisfactory basis as possible. Three world court plans are before{
{h omto o h lc George Oscar B3owen was the guest Both Chairman Smoot of the Sentt
various classes the awards " ' the foreign relations .committee and
the W .A were distri- Qf honr at a banquet given by th'e finance committee and Chairman Senator Pepper, Pennsylvania, a Rte- Frenh Deputies Flock TFo C uaber
m bands: Kathryn Ains- Varsity Glec club' In appreciation ofGreofteHuewy and means publica n member of the committee To Get Intklig Of
.ruerite Ainsworth, Mary his services' as director at the Union I comte xrse h eifta as understood to have prepared for I ext Assembly
{the conferees would decide on a bill by ? icsina oih' ofrnea
Ann Seldo, Luille lastnight Mr.Bowe, wh hasbeentomorrow which would be acceptableI outline of a compromise prpslot SOCIALIST ILEAD)EIR FJMT
rta .13endall, Virginia Cro- irectoroofshelclubXfo theIlast
caison. Lydia Felske, 'Dpir- coo tecu ortels year 1 to .the administration which he har been at work. CONFER 1ITit LiEN~tANTS
lMltriel Hai,;Esther ;felde-i and a hzalf, resigned to allowa Theo- To Aid usxness V I Action Doubttful5
i et; Hint, Vera Renaga, dore Harrison to tale over the (irec-. There Is no chance, however, Sena-i The original Hardin-Hughesilan Pars, t 20.-(By xgn spa,"MyA}-Presidc nt
'AIice I angtlorn, :Marian torship of, the 'clufi.,'Mr. Harrison tor Smioot said, of pruning down °thie povdig frcniinlAeia ilrn a ogcm rnewt
Istzo[ d ieberinan, Mt{a rianws irctr fthe1clb;frm 114- proposed1 cuts in taxes to prevent adherence to the< permanent court of Premier Poincare tday, pesmablyg
Oi hacitr, oec rbt 1919, when he resignzed to accept the a treGasur y deficit under present' es- international justice, hras lain doprmant I n the interval pliticalr situaion.
an, rut Rchardoh;n, musi '4m1directorship "of the °°Lyceum timates 'of revenue for the next fiscal i° h 1mite o orxhn hs-atwsh ricpl ujc
ert ,t Beryl,#5¢hoeffer, Annre Cnevtr nCio ei e year,ea, although action on it was re- of co nvuerstion in the lolbbe. of the
tT' Ilg to ' ,. ehlool, . t i c , s= WV11e them. estimated expense, of commenrded by Pesdent Coolidge; in 1, _ :chamber where te neweuties are
bTrtn.adLcil aah r owe a f agod'ac rvde o nte enigtxblh ss e W orCadrss n te.e. GI happstn wh r'gathni chanmbr metr~ I
chain anal a=Glee club hl rm by a ink x which exprts ,sy, w111 ,ore °thaii "Senate leaders general d nt l i nt ," posed that h p, sidn
ni~e I3ns lav y ers sft~e calb, asan e pr Raton f eliminte the es.lmnted suirplus liver ilook for' toL ntp&Ar'qus'f .}le,, R1eublic is °co+nsirl thl
3i "r" Et ap. teirappreciatio'm(ti ~wat' lie has Ithe 'necessary gvenrmet' "epeIId- tl prior tdormet fCfigt '; Poi blli Uy ofresigniing.T'Very one'
Cl~~~d ~~ on~e for the club during his director-, ture, adi~instration ,leaders in' dn'itbut 'e~dvsr f~tePe inuntouch wit Q1-tr y see P a e sas
hneva' rl tiheelte ~ehip. MtAie, drhes' expressed_ th cloinion today I e"xpesed; ;rblif haCher.4i ab i el no
i G' ' xx.5,, i set . re py.,hae xprssd, he belff hatsould e .at ypc4'fge' of att-
erCh it i hat tmebil.oud e ig e rauso a ptmm be devised which.could co ~td jee
~$..,, Alhom Cr djflxz4 dered ihIri~ s stfess fiie i eof tthestimulus it will afford to'bus- mn i atsn ulor ?it'mgh i Eoutard Herriotleader of tihe ra-
x lsas lrqSh1el-hstr ft ac.2. tlt les.ibe adopted despite the tshort firm ~re- ,1scilsswowasexctdo
"ry lsos, re C *. i :o"th i rte. r ken. '' _"__u. "..efreth ndofthm n-return to Paris today to ;conM' with
tt~A! n1, Winn.rdal a~gi, Dean- osp l .brly, represent-ige ijlssso.Ihis lieutmtts;' failed to +put' in an ?
)aI al~GlegeIng the faculty, spoke at thre banquet IDVE L IIL I _______ appearance to the great disappoint-;
1"ltory, M4uriel Halle Esther, Mr. . G. Burrows of the'joparnalismn I se, laiJliveIcJayI3I ent of bth radicals and socialists,
YeaKazblive Mchay PAKER''TESIFIE
vlsDrtykgon ladepartment, who accomlnied the club , 1[e is now ex pected to arrive tomor-i
.Rt1ihrsn el on its annual s pring trip 'through j tVi row, t
RuhRcadsndel the northern part of the state and in I E iiI6 RB An unofficial contLrence hras been
Ide Sherer, Eleanor 'Steele,I the upper peninsula, also spoke. TLR i arne wt h adclladr o
iler, Marian indsley. pastrm yeaarrnged ithEhe raicalleades fo
The peiet.frtetoorweennatrIwiha
the highest award' given prsdn o heps ta ashington, May 20, (By AP IItJIlU LIfL to rrw enig atrwh ca
°.A. 'were received by tie 'was re-elected. The new officers ihancyC_ Prerexnecucu-t k iv martyinglf be aditocosi-
were chosen as follows: Dnald!{iils ofywl b aldtoc~sd
Mirian Lindsley, Elizabeth Chubb, '24, representative to the board sel o the shipping board, testified I 'Washinton, May 2.- (4y AP)-A er the situation. M. Herriot is still
Id AI"'vlng. Anne Sheldon i cntol John Bean, '24, secretary; today in the. House shipping inquiry review of the evidence covering the regardled as likely to be forced to take
iele,, Marian Lawless, ant inCorol;Hgly 26Irain that he had refused to listen to over-j circumtstances under which Senatori over the power of government wheth-
rer- ,hre ily 2,bain. 'ttres from Senator " Pepper. Penn- Wheeler, Democrat, Montana, was in: er he ikes it or not, although the
Sylvania, and Moses, Ieyes, New { dicted in his home state on a charge Iprospects' for soclit participation I
~CIS~ re TDNSMUS HIIiE lamnsire, Republicans, that thel'f taking a fee for rpresenting 'a in the gvernmnent are becomingmsi
T I 0E l MUST, board settle a .claim on the .basis of lcaimn before the itro depart- 'memote.
P 1111 4 [ E1ll I Ar. Peppers~ opinion ,with the Atlan- I met, was given to thte senate'tday by
IDI E [ TTES A OIE CR tic corporation f Prstrouth, New Senator B3oah Republican, Ida i SE ENO ICU E
E E D I E CARS am pshi re. I and chairman of the special onmmittee ,'
"___ The corporation has a; claimt of 'wlich investigatedI the matter. TheSE N PIT Ei
pbin 1,2,0m~is }suensited a.te dAnvng Ambor p i- vsselainaddiionro paY only way Senator Wheeler could le {CI~ IO ER D I
pn, Mlay 20-(By AP) ;"' hcIte'Hv nt ealtteaei euts on the construction of: 10 steel found guilty, Senator Torahm said, was
against the, nominatioo.f whbich epthe h e n legal title resslinadtont.$900 as an j"to presume lhim guilty GanT9lPtoNEpreU
the satioeral fnarmandloan Iunk offset on a government mortgage of 'sume every witness who testified about i-
he late President Harding'fis tain eodhadEr jn"
~dlt oa ySntrcars are frequently tranisferrecli antl i $1r55 0,000 on the plant,is aw contract to. be a perjurer." peakng before the Ann Arbor
pub;liantdNebaSathiorivnwtot'ealtte n t- In previous testimony the committeeI Senator Borah's .remnarks were ai- i Chamber of Commerce at their lunrch-
flo oftesnaelfepet with such a ar is reported to ;hact developed that Senator Pepper; ed at the minority report brought I eon yesterday noon. in the Chamberl
fluorof te- snata ,afer ad been asked by former C.hairman from hris committee to the senate by (iof Commerce Inn, Prof. Orlando W.
itlont had been. favorably I be using another's license plates. " I asker for an opinion in the case. Senator Sterling, Rleublican, South; Stephenson of the hstory departments
rthe banking committee., '--- -- -® _. ___. . -
a sris o cargs e. asiips is findings were rejected, however, " akota Who disagreedl with his <issci. described "arly dlays in Anl ror."t
a sris o cargs nvolv.- IO lho aC mp s 'and~ the board instituted foreclosure i ates in their conclusion that yen- i A report concerning the buying Of{t
d~cluct of a the board ie and de- , proceedings against the company. ator .Wheeler was guiltless "in spirit i Olympic tryout tickets by the Chan-
quesion ad a ina to 10vrP roduce MIovie. Asked by Representative Connally.,n: etro ielw o h hre e a lo aeb rf o -om
e"senate could a fford to eteDetenamo iecare , e a as atecrro.Ry llt
pof apeproval fo r n the oet- beencrat, Texas, if any pressure hadk brought against him., Senator Sterl-; es of the sociology department. Charl- i
4bistrtlp adpte byCit Normlanl, Okla., May 20 -~ Production incee brought to bear on the board ing interrupted Senator Borah once or S . Hutzel acted as chairman.
'.ersaSntrwsmtof a five reel motion picturee )eicon tince tie committee last considered i tiedrn i eview of the ei-I Professor Stephenson, who is pre-t

Senaor las, ral uivesit lie -the case, Judge Parker tol of an dence,; but said he would wait until paring a history 0f tnc city, pictured
~ser~onby s nw bingun-interview three or four weeks- ago tomorrow before entering his re- , It as it was in 1841 and '42, the yearis
member of the committee, dertaken by students of the University spsei for which he is now 4loing research
of klaom. Te ictre s lanedin which. Senator Pepper, Mosessone
3llatln hd ben pprv- f Olaoma Th pitur asplanedI he Montana senator sat almost mo- ( work. "This period,"lhe said, was
mintin ad plteherbnn ppov will contain all the elements of the Reyes, Charles Tyler, _Attorney fori
~omlee earngmnodern photo drama- a hero and the company and Albert Hilflit, of ( tionless in the chamuber throughoutI a critical one for the village of 2800
Portmouh, artiipaedi the discuscion which most of IsI'people.' The University was just es-
' ay 20,-Mt. Vesuvius h1as heroine, plot,, adventure, and action. Prsotpriae.I Democratic colleagues' attended. A tablished, and the Michigan Central
ld eruption for several;.,,-I~ ~ z~~~r ~ (~~,,1'a

Honorary Society
Elects 12 Women


Twelve junior women will appear FIRST CONCERT STI
today in senior caps as indie,,tion ' AT 8 O'CLOCK TOIS
that they have been accepted into me-
inbership in aMotarbotardl, rational lion- leIathniter' T~o mnectSp
(wary Wia!ernity for senior Nvonwn.: Christian To Solo
T'he initiates are: nlizabeth Leber-,
nimall, Ver'ena MPoran, Helen Mrown,_____
Q'ha "lott Playdon. M:.1' rga ret Byal ie nm Kugroh
Mdargaret Dixon, *Dorothy Mdac~alln. ilc EulyKeeroth
Mlarianina Smalley, Jane Gibyson, Olive Berlin and Madrid 'operas,t
1McKay, Ethel Schraudier,. and Jean cage Symphony orchestra, wi'
B riggs. __ eiick Stock an dE~ric DeL


conducting, and Palmer C
paiiit. will offer the firs
the thirty-first annual' l
at S o'clock tonight in }
inm. The fact that Mada
is onme of the foremost Ger oanthtsihsner

Editor Of .IFalimias anclhester 'Paper' country before this sea
To IDlsciis 'E nglislh I first concert of consi

('011HENCE AT' 4:15 WC'tLO('Kj

t; nce, and of great musical
Both lyric and dramatic c
numbers make up Madame
pDart Lof the prograimi. She
three lyric songs, of the tyrp

Sine F'icsoeLf.h eitr I dnito 1 G r t.Jll mnC 111 ,. '
of the Manchester -Quam'dian, will del- of them are well known
iver' a University lecture at 4:15 o'- lame Schumanri-Heinkli h
clock this afternoon in Natural Sci- ous "Der Tod und Das
(-nce autditoriumn. Mr. Wicks will song that makes exten°
speak on "The Labor Party and L .on, the pitch range of
or Government;in England." Great interest also lies it
The Mlanchiester Guardian, of whic-h of Madame K rueger's sit;
Mr. Wicks is a coeditor, is one of the 'arias from Wagner's"
most famous of English papers. Pub I, solde", and the "Dear lihdweli xrscnieal fo ~nasr
influence in British politics, Mr. TO Siam; From MV
;Wicks comies highly recomnmended as a ' When she sings; her ari
speaker and as an authority on the tan und Isolde tonight,
subject upon 'which he is to speak, the first time since ther
jThe Labor party inm England, having 'thing from that opera
lately come into control of the gov- tempted here. Wagner'
erment, is a center of attention in'is hard to understand;'
apolitical circles all over th~e 'world. type of music characteri
Mr. Wicks is wvell qualified to spea~k and the Italians, it is a
on this Labor part-y, having been in 1pant with dramatic fire,
close journalistic contact with the: ing, and,- tremenidous in
situation f~or some time. impo't. It is vib6rant.
While In Anni. Arbor Mr. WNicksw illl when one listened'tWe
be tihe guest of Prof. C. H. Van Tyne approached the fintdazm
I f the Hlistory department.' Tsoldojs tL e~tod whi




'' ~,.1F1SI 1I'1 L.Id.W II1UIWJ1.5 1
t acy 'sigs her last,,passionate
CROS. INPUBIC M ET;well over the dead Tristan, is
Ithme greatest products of the C
_____ Imaster. Ann Arbor is fortu;
T a ,A n A b r i fi l d w t w e l - h v ?I m K r e e to i t r he r's of the K u K lux K lan w as asserted 'aria, for si nce L ili L eh mnann, n
last night before a crowd estimated at man singer has been hailed 'w
more than 4,000 on the Circus ground Ipassiondate delight that greet
on Packard street. Mlen, women, and IMunich artist wherever she go
children gathered around, a lighted I )Laniarter To Sing
cross to listen to a member of. the MT4odern numbers on the progY
Mal advertised in posters as. one of the orchestra include two no(
national nhote. Othier members absol- lby Debussy and the Concerto
utely refused to reveal the idlentity for organ andi orchestra, by E,
of the speaker. Lamarter, with Palmer Christ
"Secrecy, is our strength," said the ! soloist and the composer c(
speaker, "and the personnel of our ing. The former, are ilpupress
organization is our only secret. -'COmpos tions from agru c
"The men who foanded-'the Ku Klux ! turnes writ~ten in i1S97-99, and
Klan realized that no institution can for the first time, in America
long endlurU which' is based 'on a The composer explains the sigr
foundation of hatredl The Klan. holds ce of "Clouds~"'as 'the slow,
eharity'for~ all -nd malice for none." miovemient of the clouds, dis
Op n n i h a s r e f ow h'i r y t n s, a d o F si =1ich punctuated the later cerernon- time restless, dancing rhythm
ies at intervals, the speaker led his atmosphere. interspersed with
vat audience in the first verse offlseofigt
America, following with a prayer. Eric DeLamarter' is a nati
Enipha'uvng Anmericanism and the Michigan, and received hisr
falling off in Amnerican idealism, the education in Chicago and abroa
speaker' pointed out that the last five ide odngtepsiina
nresidents havefoeerthsltr ant conductor of the Chicago on
and have spoken against it., .ine1917, hie is organist and d
"tie only want sufficient mnan power of music at the Fourth Presb
to start definite reforms," -said th~e church of Chicago, in which w~
"speaker. 'was intimately associated with
A cordon of aides kept newspaper Christian, now U'niversit7 o
reporters from reaching the speaker,' here.
who was spirited away in a large blac k C leePrga
'ar according to reports. This concerto is an inspire(


(wont nLueLL onIrage I w(
Web And Flange
Take Nine

N f


viding beautiful spectacles
The eruption is one of the
outbursts due to the' col-
ie cone inside the volcano.



Student Volunteers Elect Otfilers
Election of officers for niext year
miarked the break fast meeting of the
Student Volunteers held last Sunday
morning at the Fireplace. The fol-.
lowing officers were chosen: Presi-
dent, Edgar Cochrane.,'25,1; vice-
p resident, Lloyd Pan nabacker. '25M1;
treasurer, Berneta Block, '26MI; sec-
retary, Grace Beshgetoor, '26M; alum.,~
ni secretary, Margaret Avery.
Geneva, May 20,-Expecting a rush

London, 11ay 20,-Diuring the firstj
fquarter of 1924 there were 1.6,6911
street accidents in' London, 175 of
thient' fatal. Motor cars caused 4,8341
}I.Fo h benefit of those whoI
Ihave been unable to get their
Igraduation invitations and an-
Inoun cements and for those desir-

zn to o ~t p i n oi t e m j rt 1report by the senate is expected to
bring a roll call, disposing {of the issue,
insofar as Senator Wheeler's seat in*
thre senate is concerned.
Cabot's Daughter.
ISuffers }.Relapse'
Miss Mary Cabot, .16 year old dau-
ghter of Dean Hugh Cabot of the
Medical school, is "slowly losing
g round," zaccording hto'. acaemsaz

I dl (tJ. tA, l fl I ** VW ) Jts . I .>:I1'aX% l , du4~
just put in its lines throughl here."
At that time thei'e weiie two, pro-
sosfessors in the )brpnch, as the Unliver-
sity ,was called, and the library con-
s isted of 400,0 'volumes,. bought in
Europe at a price of $5000. Thme whole
campus was inc~losed by a fence. ±
Student board then ranged fronm
$1.25, to ~ $2 a week; 'tuition was $10..
,Incidental expenses,--of' a student, in-
eludin~g firewood, scarcely ever ex-
seeded $7.50 a year.-
We'nb'v AAd1reximpq Ar altc 1

--- Weba and Flange, honorary
Washington, May 20.-(By AP'- 'civil engineering - society, in
The chlorine gas treatment for colds, nine men yesterday- aftertnoo~n
one of the discoveries of the chemical Engineering larch. 'Followin;
[warfare service, was taken by Presi- ceremony a, banquet' was held'
dent Coolidge today in an effort to me- Union at 'which more than 45
move the remaining traces of the present.' Gardner S. Williams
bronchial infections which confinei~d local' consulting engineer, wr
himl to the White House 'last Saturday ;principal speaker.
and Sunday and have since sligh'tly The Junior engineers receive
'troubled him. the society yesterday were B.
- :jchum, J. H. Landre,. L. A. N
'French Aviator W.B Nage'l, M. B. Parsons

It is time to begin to com-
merice to start to think
about getting that job

N ~ets New IRecordal-

S.5 Young,.

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