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May 20, 1924 - Image 8

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1924-05-20

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ion in the B~ulletin is constructive notice to all members of
ersity. Copy received bY the it sP.taat to the President until
n. (11:30 a. m. Saturday~
ITUESDAY, MAY 20, 1921 '-uinbwr 170

Two Former French Premiers Amnong



T'o P'oincare


5 V-Alpha felta Sign"a iniltes .:00l-
mnertin . romn304, Union. Engi
016:C0-G'lier club dinner, Union.. facer:
;;.00-CIIII .nd Blade baseball pratc- ing-'
Tice, !'erry field.
1~~~~~~~~~ :15-l1$ ui4IIf~r tio
X1:30 -D~Ra iIta it'IlIa banquet,'
7:12 ..Adelpi I eet', to elect il
1-niversity hall. ticin
7:5) '-Adelphi sleeting. I(ViiersQt 1i:. I1(l
3 { i,'~ C Iern ighlt i'ovewsim Piuliu
j rO fi eld, (4 bXt" P n . i u d y
1"1sI on nu 11tile' and 'The 'MtPrk
WOrW Sarah Caswell Angell 3._11. anti lV

There will be no conference of the deans Wednes-day, May 21st.
M. L. Blrton.
u et V cto olMr. Gorhaii, who is representing the L. 1. Poates Publshing Co1,11.5y
J1 be at the Michigan Union today between 10 and 12 A%. 'N1 and 2 and{ ;
M. to interview students in regard to positions with his comnlly for va-
tion work. ..A. lBursley.
lather's Certificates:
Blanks for the payment of the Teacher's Certific ate fees may now he
cured at the office of the School of Education. All students wh'o expect to
recoin~nded for the Treacher's Certificate in J une must pay their fees
.d return their receipts to the Recorder, School of Education, on or before
P. M. Thursday, May 22nd. G. Krug, R3ecorder.
ulors-Sciool of Edulcation:
All Diploma and Teacher's Certificate fees must have been paid and the
ceipt~s returned to the Recorder, School of Education, on or before 4 p.
Thursday, May 22nd, if. candidates expect to be recommended for de-
ees in June. G~. Kig', Recorder.
lysics Colloquiun;l~
The P'hysics Colloquium will meet at 4:15 p. m. Tueday May 20, in Room
2 hysics Building. Mr. L. L, Lockrow will speak on-"'The Low Voltage
, in Oxygen." 11. 111. Randall.
lelplii House of Representatives:
The meeting of the Adelphi House of! Representatives tonight will be
led to order promptly at 7:15 o'clock for the important business. of elect-
the officers for next year. Following this there will be an outdoor meet-
if weather conditions permit. All memnbers urged to be present.
lHilliard I11. Pryor, Speaker.
the Campus:
Players Club presents "La Donna e Mobile" by Chas. H. Sword and Don-
d E1. L. Snyder, and "The Pot Boiler" by; Gurstenberg, at 83:10 P. M. in
rah Caswell Angel Hall. This is the first program under new officers
d the public is cordially invited. Ross .L. Taylor.
leer Club Meeting:
The members .of the Culver Club will meet for dinner at the Union at
o'clock tonight. All other men who have attended at least one winter
-n or two summncr terms at Culver Military Academy are urgently request-
to be present. C. l). Craivford, President.
thropology '82:
lMark-, will be assignred for maps (Languag es amd Social Structure) af-
class on the 27th rnd 20th instant. The type m.ap-' are in the Uipper
1ideit Employment:
Mlr. Braden, of the California Fruit Prodr.,,ts Company will 'be at thti
chigan Union on Tuesday, M1 ay 20, from :;0 to 5A00 P. M., to'interview
dents interested in an) employment proposition. Room 302. {
.J.. A. lBursicy.

iorge Booth scholarship coi
>n drawings are now on ex
tin the architectural lec
n on the second floor of the
rngbuilding where they
seen every ,afternoon.
,. Point. N. Y.., May 17.--Ge
and eriy wo - ra field meet from the
lastiaclhusetts Institute of I

nology today, scorinlg 51 points. An
WEDET Y ; I)A was sec!ond with 53 points, M. I.
:1 (ilM Tc C'1, 14'"teiiil , Ii~i. 1made 233.

Now that yot
r- good pla-ce to get yc
1 111 sou

)ur pre-final exams are here, a
,our blu-books is at the

Arlstide Briand

PaidlPalu-,eve Loais Barthll

Although Edouard Herriot, radical siacialist leader, is considered the most likely successor to Raymond
~Poincare as premier of France, three other men are, mentioned as possibilities, Paul Painleve and Aristade Bri-


and, both former premiers, and Louis Barthou.
Painleve and Briand have been allied with the Poincare opposition.
The Poineare government, unexpectedly defeated in general election,
chamber of deputies meets on Ju~ne 2.

cannot be forced out until the new

University Women:
All university women are eligible to march in the Lantern procession at
Palmer Field on May 20th at 8:00 P. M.
Ethel Met ormnick, Department of Physical Education.
iMembers of the Faculty:
The women of the- University invite members of the University faculties
tto the Freshman, Pageant and Lantern Night Festivities which will take place
at Palmer Field on May, 20th at 7:00 P. M.
Elizabeth CAIn,- President, Women's Athletic Association.
4 Acolytes ;n'eet tonight at eight o'clock in Room 106, M. H. Professor
Wenley will read a paper on Kant and Theology. 0. R. Bouawsma,.
Delta Sigma Rho:3
There will lie a meeting Tuesday 5 P. M. in Rom 304 Mason Hall for the
election of officers for next ,year. All members are expectedl to be present.
- Frank R,. BacJf~troin, President.
IUniversity of Michigan Band:'
The band will turn out to play for Lantern Night tonight at 7:15. Full
dress uniform with capes. Arthur Hiartwell, Asst. Manager.
I R. 0.40 C.:
There will be no lBand Practice tonight.
Formation 3:00 P. M. Wednesday, May :1st, 1921{. Infantry Drill for all
ICompanies and Band.' Complete uniform will be wor'n. Asse nmbly at R. 0.
IT. C. Headquarters. Wit. 'T. Carpenter.

All persons or societies using this
reoiiamn should include In their notices
day, boor', and place. All notices
without this data will be disregarded.
1 °:1~ - sle fleic1lliign Club lunch.-
eion, Union.I
5:00--Delta 81--um Elio meetsfor oNee.
tiopi of oflierns, room 304, Aon hall,
i O00-Alia D elhi Sigmia menj;)cry
meeoting, room t'04, Union.

Spring Demands
the use of
- Special Toilet Crear
p~owders and Lotioi
Selccl your favorite kind from out, corn;
Eberbach &Soan
200-204_ E. Libetty S~t.
f "

n7 s

lplele SIOCkC

. ,.

. ....,. . .-.- -- -, . .-. - - ---- - - .,v.., . ..

SE 10 S-Time's Flying--Order NQWVl



Clas es in . cmitics will not meet today.


ake 1-1 Oservati ns 1in High School:
Th13Ris i the only wEeekl to m:ike up !"Oosraiosil1V i~i col
,Iden~rts whmo tleto do this silo u1l 3makerrang:em en ts with Air. Tompson,
ficeG A. Room 10,;, Tappan Hall, tod:ay ('c(rl}u1a) from 8 :00 11:00. 3:00-
00. C. 1). D'111'.
eslimmt Enginieers:
A Scholarship of $500.00 per nnunx for three y-ears is gi ven by Uloyd's
'gster of Shlipping each year, to -Atde'its whio proposet- a-king MarIine
«gineering. It is awarded on a comnpetitive basis a5s0t"e result of' the
'st year's Work(. Those wishing to enter their na-mes for the albovie will
ease see Prof. Bragg or Prof. Sadler,,Room 32:: 3 W..rgineeri i ldgr.
It, . S ~adler,
mploymeint for Gtraduuates:
Mr. IT. W. Becker, of the Mectropolitan Life Insurance Company, Garand]
a, is. lMict..,Nvill be in Roomn 302 Michriga.n Mnion Wednes Jay and TlwIrS-
y of this week:-Mtay'21 and 22-on Wednesdlay'5 to 6:30 P. M. and 7:310
9:00 P. M.; and on Thursday from 1:00 to 4:00 P. M. to interview seniors
terested in insurance work. J. A. Bursicy.
1. 1:. E. Member.:
There will be an election of 'officers of this branch for thip coming school
ar on May 21'st, at 5 P. M. in room 24S8 Engineering Building. Everybody
expected to be there. K.. Y, Tang, Chairman.

Rec--ad Thie Dailx "Classified" Colium-ns

hr' niversity .Eook Store,
m...W.',r' v'"' .gfll


The Daily "Classified" Columns

all Uweyo with Colli~e men

Get -ExtriaCredits a Hm-
More than 450 courses in History, English, Mathematics, Chemistry,
Zoology, Modern Languages, Eco.nomics, Philosophy, Sociology, etc.,
are given by correspondence. Learn how the cr'edit they yield may
be applied on your college program. Catalog describing courses fully,
furnished on request. Write today.
II A Beautiful
"~ e'wF loo r
for the Spare Bedroom
p RH.APS the floor is of plain; soft pine. Do you
Prealize how easily and inexpensively you can renew
and beautify the floor with a coat or so of Lowe Brothers
Floor Paint? You can make the floor harmonize with
the walls by selecting one of several pleasing colors. You
will find that it is very easily applied, dries quickly, is
{ very easy to keep clean and wears a surprisingly long time.
We have a Lowe Brothers product for every need in your
home. Paints, stains, varnishes and enamels-each made
to serve a specific purpose and each best for that pur-
pose. Then there's our long experience, too-wve're sure
our advice can be of help to you. Come in and see us.

1asty lickers
Auto Codts

EARL V.' M1OORE, Musical Director
F.T.111Audtor'umSix Concerts
May 21-2- -2
EMM Y JKRUEGER, Munich, Berlin and Madrid Operas ................... Soprano
JIUSOILINA IAANNI, American-Italian Concert Star ............. ..........Soprano
CLAIRE DUWX, Chicago Civic Opera ... ..................... ...Soprano
,OPHIIE IRRA IIJAU, Metropolitan Opera.....................,.. .... Contralto
TI I'O SCIIIPA, Chicago Civic Opera............................. ..Tenor
FORREST LAJIO:T, Chicago Civic Opera... ..........I................. Tenor
V ICE;YIE B ALLEJSTER, Metropolitan Opera ............ .................. Baritone
11OYAl,1 1)A1)MVN, American Artist................. ............ . ...Baritone
CESrAIIE BAROMIEO, '(Chase Sikes) La Scala Opera..... .................. ..'Bass
SYLI A LE\T, American Virtuoso...................... .... ..... .Violinist
A IIERTO SALVI, Distinguished Artist............................... .Harpist
HIAROLD) BAUERI, a Master Player .... .. .......................... ... Pianist
PALMXER CH1RISTIA:N, Well-Known Artist.................... .... .....Organist
THE UNTYFRITY CiIORAL UNION, EARL V. MOORE, Conductor ........ 350 Voices
T~ECI1ID]HE.'S FESTIVAL CHORUS, GEORGE 0. BOWED', Conductor.... .500 Voices
L.( PR"INATERA (First Time in America) .......I............. .......... espighi
SEADRIiFT (First Time in America)......................... ......... .Delius
m~rTUmQ A ..''~;c~nr.iml~? (of seso ckets are still availahle in the $5.00 antI $5.50


W r
47 Oti Ok

ra1 ,a ~ss


-- - - ..-r y S. ,S. -,rn-. . I

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