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February 19, 1924 - Image 8

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The Michigan Daily, 1924-02-19

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- Il?.

0. 1. C. Band:
Band practice tonight at 7:15; Morris Hall, State and Jefferson Sts.
Vacancies exist and new inembe.' are invited to join at any time.
.Wyo. T. Carpenter, P2\1.S.&T.

May Be Next

Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of
th University. Copy received by tbie Assisimut tr the a -f-%I ent until
1:3-4 p. m. (11:30 a. m. Satur'~sv,-
Volune 4 TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 199 1924 TNmber 1W)
the Deans:
Thee will be no conference of the Deans Wednesday, February 20.
31. L. Burton.
iversity Women :r
Dean Jean Hamilton will be at home to women of the U~niversity on
eday, February 19, from 4 to 6 at 1722 Cambridge Road.
culty, College of Literature, Science, and the Arts:
Schedule blanks have been placed in the messenger, boxes. Will in-
uictors please fill them out and return them to my office as soon as possi-
W. P. Humiphreys, Assistant Dean.
Professor A. E. R. Boak will give an illustrated lecture on "Municipal
!e in the Romnan Empire", Tuesday evening, Feb. 19 at 8 o'clock in Room
Alumni Memorial Hail. The Public is invited. G. Megaro.
ucatienol Psychology I and Secondary Education I:
Mr. Purdom's sections will not meet t We~ne:;ray, February 20th.
T. L.Purdomn.
rehology 22, Genetic Psychology:
Psychology 22, Genetin Psychoioi y will meet in room 321 N. S.
F. L. Dimmick.
glish 10:
Thle course in the Methods of Comparative Literature will meet hereaf-
on Wednesday at 3 o'clock in Room 407 of The Library.
O..;. Campbell.
litical Science 1:
This course will meet today-in Room 348 En gneering Building.
J. BILHayden.
atorical Board:
All members are requested to meet Wednesday afternoon at 5 o'clock in
nom 302 Mason 'Hall. J. K._ Dunn.
iiversity Oratorical Contest:
Th University Oratorical contest will be held on Friday, March 14. The
eliminary contests will be held as follows: Juniors, Tuesday, February
;Sophomores, Wednesday, February 27; Seniors, Thursday, February 28.
1preliminaries 'will be held at 7 p. in., in Room 302, Mason Hall.
oral Union Tryouts:
Tryouts for second: semester meimbership in the University Choral Un-
i will be held at the School of i.viusic, 7:00 to 8:15 p. in., Tuesday, Febru-
y 19, and Thursday, February 21. Earl V. Moore.
tysics Colloquium:
Physics Colloquium will meet in Room 202 Physics Building, at 4:15 p.
on Tuesday, February 19. Dr. Klein will speak o~a "The Simultaneous
tion of Crossed Electric and Magnetic T iecC: ;cm the Hlydrogen Spectrum."
1interested are invited to attend. ii. ]M. lRandall.

Hero 11:
Members of this class requested to meet me Tuesday, Fbruary 19th, at
4 o'clock p. mu. in Room 336, Engineering Building to rearrange hours. 1
Library Exhibit Commemorates
Birthday Of First Presidenti

~t:1-Tw~lghtorgan recital, 11ill an-
I! WHA 'SIOIN O --Ieloays nmeet at Masonic ten)-
jJG I G I ple for Ypsi trip.
6:3-11 asiltena-w County Medical so-
~ . Y ciety dinner, room 318, Union.
1'ITES: I !:00-La Socledad Hispanlea meets In
i? ':00-ledlical iaciii(y 1?hutch.,I'l 013. Tappan hall.
4: :l-->uhii rsity Girls' (Glee Club, ; 0--Quarter fDeck meets In roomi32
meets in Barbou r gymnasium." Union.
,:00-1)odo players' rehear ial, roouit 7 :34-Youngstown - Michigan club
205, Mason ball. ltineets in room 304, Union.
5 :00--Dodo pilayers' reeital, rowu 120.;, 7:30-Research club meeting, Medical
.Mason hall. building.
6:00--Mother's and dauighter's nsI ]-____
:1Ionery banquet, First Methodist H i G. w ells Hi
church. ", H'it

'a' ,, ingtons birthday is commem-
orated at the William L. Clement's li-
brary by an exhibition of letters and
biographies dlealing with the first
President's life. The display in-
cludes documents that throw light
upon all the more important events
of \Vashiwgton's career from an ob-
scure boyhood to the highest position
in the land and give a clear ;idea of
the vazrying, opinions about Washing-
ton held by his contemporaries both
in this country and in England.
Th biography written by Masor,
!I. Weems, the rector of Mount Ver-
non parish, is interesting because it is
the source of the popular myth about
the hatchet and the cherry-tree.
Weems, with an imaginative power
that almost disqualifies him as an
authentic biographer, gives the cherry
tree legend with great detail.
The Cherry Tree Story
"Presently George and. his hatchet
made their appearance. George, said
his father, 'do you know who killed
that beautiful little cherry-tree yon-
der' in the garden". This was a tough
question and George staggered under
it for a moment, but quickly recovered
h ?imself, and looking at his father with
the sweet face of youth brightened by
the inexpressive charm of all-conquer-
ing truth, he bravely cried out, "I
can't tell a lie Pa. I did cut it with~
lmy hatchet."
agany vicious criticism were made
agist Washington during the latter
part of his life and copies of some of
these libelous attacks, which sought
to injure his political and military
reputation are included in the display.
An English poem is on display, call-
^ d a "Monody on Major Andre,", whicl-
'11~ne the Americans for killing

Andre as a spy an~d calls Washington.I~
a murderer. The author of the poem
had misunderstood the circumstances
of the case, and Washington wrote
hrapersonal letter defending and
explaining his conduct.
Poems and Essay
Besides the criticism of Washington
written before his death there were a
inumber of poems and essays filled
with extravagant praise of his con-
duct written after his death. Two of ______________
tthese, "Mount Vernon" and "Liberty -
Restored" are on exhibit as examples?
E of the type of eulogy which only help- Attorney-Genleral l)augiuerty
to obscure Washington's real char- Proceedings against Attorney-Gen-
I aster and which gave rise to the eral Daugherty, may result in his re-
Washington legend as it exists in the; moval from that office in the cabinet.
minds of most Americans toeday. Pressure is now being brought upon
The exhibit closes with etchings of the President which may lead to the
iWashington taken from portraits by ultimate resignation of this other cab-
r Gilbert Stuart and Edward Savage inet member.
and with a comparison between these
and some Dutch and French pictures Berlin, Feb. 18.Norway is moving
ton the same subject. L.AB. to repeal its prohibition law within a
l anig ihFb 8-enHg short time, according to dispatches
J . Cabbot of the School of Medicine frmCpehgn
addressed the~ students of Michigan,-
r Agriculture college at the close o
1Farmers' week. of
*11~~~~ ______________________
f ' HALL'S "W'CT

7:30-Les Voyageurs meet in room 30,
Union. .
7 :30--Freshman Fair comutittree meets
in room 304, Union.
7 :30-Alpha Kappa Psi, nationalCOO'-
mnercial fraternity, m(eets at Union.
7:30-Adrian Van Munffliung giees an ll-a
lustrated lecture on areonautics,I
upper reading room, Union.{
S :04-hllustrated lecture on "Munici-
pal "Life in the Roman tmpire" in
Sroom D, Alumni Memorial hall, by
Prof. A. E. Boakc, of the history de-

By ClucagoMan
Chicago, Feb. 18.-Prof. Paul Shorey,
head of the department of Greek liter-
ature of the University of Chicago,
has prepared elaborate articles for the
press outlining his views on the statura
of the classics in the modern world.
In these he attacks the propaganda of
H. C4. Wells and his followers.
"Mr. Wells makes unscrupulous use
otf his genius and fluent, attractive
style to broadcast his destructive and
unfounded statements among people
who are gullible and by disposition
opposed to the classics,'" he declared.
Professor* Shorey was recently
granted a leave of absence by the
board of trustees and will leave soon
to spend a year of travel and research
abroad. He has been head of the de-
partment of Greek literature since
1896. While in Europe he will deliver
a series of lectures at the Belgian and
other continental universities.

12 :00-N'onteitli club luncheon and
Ielection; of officers, Lane hall.
3:30-Matinee Musicale meeting, as-I
sembly hall, Union.
4:00--Tryouts for Freshman Girls't
Glee club, room 160, School of Mus-
4 :1tonnce club meeting, room 1302,





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10 11 12 13 14 1:, 16
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017 Packard St: Phalne 1792
(Wh7ere D. U. R. Stops at State)


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Club: - A IL O
imeeting in room 1302 Tlnivc,.r ity aHall, 4 p. in. today, Feruiary HAM ITON
at. Fred Ilediger, Pres.U SIN
The Daily "Classified" Columns ,iL S1AU, om WIM


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