rmt fny's Responsibilty For War, a political defeat. In the Bosnian with a weorld in which .rirAI nat~ond crisis this had bee:n luckily av:oided.,! hairl vaater empires than herself, c,, was (ho case also at The Loudon ' Geri'any resolved to assert her~ef CoII.:ereClc(. A fresh iiinution n5 boldly as possible at each inter- of' our vr-,ti je-wasg not enii rahile znationol cr sis. . nd as a result we ;.«.: To The Editt:- ! WE MUST i'i'IFF]rEft Ilrofessr D'ay's articles in the samle' fo' our position in Europe and in, have the attenmpt to outbuidi'the ince the controversy on the res- To The Editor- periodical three years ago. la the e iv world. Thel roserity of states, l riish Beet, the rejection of mainy posblt o h ra a ssil Teitrs n au fPoesrarticles he will find not only ana- their olitical and economic stc- olere'I good undertandings with alvsia of the entire mass ot relevant. cesses, Are based upon the prestige Finnice and England, the attempted raging .in both .calps- a plague o' Bernadotte Schmitt 's recent. add~ress;Paanewt"Rsi.gistsgld material pubished since 1917 but' that they enjoy in the world. "hnewt lsi gis uln boath your hboues"-it- MY be in- at Mihigan is sufficiently shown by ~w.Tuides l i utfrh sac n-I (e h Wly1ily orsod teresting to read thie followving pas-~the comment it has provoked on the uzeents themselves. Many' of the most let'lY satisfactory defence for er- &Fnz) , the two dramatic defiances of , ag.e,.rtaken from an address delivered campus. This value Is not lessened im)ltlta( neetn air mansupiorrt of Autstri's Serbrian P~ance over Mforocc, the reusai to tat teinway Nall, 'Londont, February' by the fact that one letter (in the p such as the Lichnowvs adux~ ~~c stoms fu opeeare opaso iammn n 3,124 heades s nite;"Js AnAbo EidoNic) C~sS~untjents, have been reprinted in coieijofl of "Guilty." C-rmany andi comnplsory arbitration mooted by tice between Pe oles" by E. Iforl essor Schmitt of undue leniency to cheapn and convenient paiper editions ustria would have sacrificed "pes- other owers at Tio f~x4ue, the membrler of -Parliament. wards Germany while another,. in the !Amrca ssctt tifr i Ue" i: they had consented to Ilse lvri ger telegram, the naval deofancs "F.,lor this postulate of sle guilt (of Ihily, accuses hint of injustice to thef + iinl o~iiton fcus requests of England, 'France, Ruisi a l theUlied Sttes" at Manila Day _Germatny) for the great' catastrophe same country. The whole pur'pose of .illthis new material should h'.' read and Serbia. herself, that the crisis inI and] in Vemneuela, all the "alarm --whbo among leaders of thought, the a university, and our whole efort a;s , oncinwt h fiilsaethe PIas bhe ro tedt by an in- and excursions" which ydrove su1ch polticians ;of note, the historians of a faculty, Is to stir up thought "onp rtulshdb h arign-~ermationazl conerence insteadl of r- diverse and formerly hostile Powers repute, the students (more numerous vital human questions, not to expect tioans in 1914 and 1915 and now avai- maining wholly at the will of Aust-I as England, France and fusi into every day) of 'pre-war evidence; nay all to Breach a predetermined con- I nmn eimn.ra. The question of mobilization an anti-German league. of defence. emong the plain men who have read elusion. There will always be dif- Ima bepritdoadne and conter-mobilization, discussed Thus the remoter, as well as the iii- and ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~n stdeoree ple eetrneso pno st h eaieI~ wn opinion, based on ten years; so eagerly in the two comments on mediate e, causes of the war arose common sense to the subject-who is guilt of the governments participat- fraigo h vdnea tdnProfessor Schmitt's address to which from a national cneealoiania, a lay- to be found who credits it today? ling in the Great War, because eve; ece, orais n ovrmn.i have referred, are of very second-1 ing for prestige," which was most "Intellectually It was never tenable.' with all the documents before us lriisntoatmtan fnl ary importance. The real choice in conspiculous and dangerous in de- Indeed it wats grotesque, even when. some will stress a fact as essential c" 1914 was between an Austrian wardj many, but which infu'nced for evil out nowldge f; te uner wrld hichto oherswillseemuni i r: r iawsiwronasbctv;il"lay lead to some differences against Serbia, almost sure for geo- the diplomacy of tll the great Euro- of pre-war diplomacy was trivial ant, and some will censure an act I pnohtmrl ocnrbt graphical and political reasons to In- pean Powers. compared wth what It is today. It as morally blameworthy which to an- o icsinwihogti~ voire Russia and therefore other PROFESSOR PIESTON SLOJSSON has been explained. away, exrcused, ^fb-erm will seem a legitimate asser-Irette niecaps Th u- Powers, or such settlements by diplo-. aplgzdfr1utfe satmo-to fntoa rsie e Cj"amental cause of the. war seems to matic means as had avrted moany ary~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ exein fwrtm rpgnahv o nyterglw a ne to lie not in any "capitalist con-! similar crises in the past and which IIA43S~ J t11by manyof the chief actors in the almost be said to, have the duty, to 'prc" nrieial cnmcSir Edward Grey offered in 1914.--=' drama-lboth explicitly,,and Impliitly, reach provisional conclusions as t iaroto hswson atro This, as Professor Schmitt said, wasE (Cntinued'£rom P1s te .r Pros=zneal fargnca h rgn tegretsteen nany) ; nor in the, long-matured plan "the one way out" of the deadlock le Is to Resent .lI aria iladitorium, pidity, inorance, intolerance of .pride our, lifetime, the war of 1914-18 A )fayoeninfrwrldmio;j created by the collision of the rivalThray (a2: and teaper of teat too -Y, :.lBut of college man who dos not strive to nri"h eepeec fats liacs sm ~yai~ It~ ~ that evifice of; conspiracy, of unique understand events which have in Pike menus and alliances, as the pacifsts4 Of course there were deeper and to prepardness of mchiavelian lot- ffecte the oursewould say; nor in "biological neces- f more fundamental causes of the war Itet~msc*sItoue ting ,whose phantom walls our Ima-,of his own life and which will con- sty,"ashieianits ver1Raherit thn te mre ffar o Seajco.mte gination still coxjures--what remains? tiriue to affect the life of many gener iym-mltrssavr ahrI hntemeeafi fSrjv.I Lieal 1ohn. ea- n ocm hol edgigI lies in the infamous motto which would e naive indeed to overlook the to be knowna as 'i~: Liteally. nohingratins to cme souldbe dggin incrowns the columns of the Chicago fact that Germany's interests in Tur-1 "My 'expeimet ,l Amtrcan music' I am in a position to furnish any a coal mine ot trying to get an Trbune "My country, right or wrong."( key andsd Austria's neal atolprpesoiditeh tmedu amount, of allied -testimony in "sup- -A. B. -Fortunately, as Professor ieththetteiGoan pobmsadldboth tnlPowers to de-t rpoes twIic ate; bhen- rmen port of the' guilt. of all nations en- Schmitt.. If any are to challenge his heb rvdvnsiete lmnaon fSriaogIodifying tis t, >rnt provag that its prestige ms must eee ieth lmntono ebatngMdi h lt a.,Hrd shtciet aeoendu h rcie tte epneothegets rm'sbfr hecii f114tri a a English liberal newstpaper, the of Russia, Germany, Austria, Belgiuma alone explain why Germany arcsl had not come in the Balkans at all, lied to the nololou5 music of today, I~do ain ntsontebt and other states, so that we, know ~ ~ ~ ,~ t 4 4-4...d. .. l Iff11 "The gre'atest single factor in the! the second part of miy prog improvement of American populair sere~nades bly AVictor Hlerbe; music has been the development of snpeci RllY for miy orchestra, the art of arranging themui for 'nted, Andl George Gersbhvin orchestra, in accordance with the best sodvin ill uc,1" rocogn1izrl musical traditions. There are: now1York critics :s the first :;en thousands of young men scoring, ar- in niusic:3l composition in tl ranging and composing; they tire cain idlicm." cveating most of the Amiericanmui of today. They are not influe-nce'1by Thie- last nmofting S of the y any foreign school; on the contrar,,. Jewislh Stuuieit congrcgatio. their own influence is spreiulin, held at ~ o'clock ill Lane I abroad. for the vur-)ose of eleciing ni c ;'icers. °I have issued a general invitalion to these musicians to compose spacial It's t-rii. etficit cyto i works for my orchestra., and thus. i 'slid.-A' , or«Caps -f- to the' in the $250OPrize4 () VER 12,000 suggestions were received in the contest for slogans on the new Hinge-Cap on Williams Shaving Cream. The names of winners are given below. We congratulate these lucky persons and thank every one who participated for the interest shown. THE J. B. WILLIAMS CO., Glastonbury, Conn. Wtj Co 1st Prize $100 "found-a cap that nobody lost." 1. C. Colley, '24, Emory & Henry College, Emory, Va. 2nd Pize $50. "Better use me; you can't 'Jose me:' Hempstead S. Bull, Graduate School, University of Michigan. 3rd.Prizes (2) $25 each "Like the Williams habit- you can't lose it." 1. Anthony Walsh, '24, Brown UUn - versity. "It's bound to stay." Alfred Clark, '26, Drake University. 4th Prizes (2) $10 each "Takes the 'mis' from miss, ing--leaves the 'sing' for shav- ing.", .MissEmmaT. Westermann, '25, Uni- versity of Nobraska. "The cap is always ont, and you're lots better off." Lincoln Fisher, '24, Yale School of Medicine. 5th. Prizes (6) $5 each Awarded to Hy. Hyman, '24, Ohio State University;, Midshipman Donald Fairbairn, '24, U. S. Naval Academy; H.'L. Pennock, '26, Colorado Agri- cultural College, Harold McCoy,';4, George Washing- ton University; Cadet George Arthur Grayeb,'25, U. S. Military Academy-, Mis Callie McWhirter,,Univer- asty of Georgia. in one of its recent numbers: "It more about the Great War, than or- was not the machination of individual dinarily we should have known for statesmen or particular countries fifty years. No man living has more that wvere responsible for that cat- thoroly mastered the entire literature astrophe. Rather, it resulted fromt l of pre-war diplomacy than Professor the purposes pursuied by all States,I Schmitt. If any ore to challenge his which led- to war asiinevitably a3 conclusions It cannot :be on a basis two express trains lead to a collis ion , of superior knowledge but, only on a when they run in opposite directions different ethical interpretation of the on the same single track." same facts. According to Bernard Shaw every( The, student whao wishes to form mian over forty is a scoundrel. See! his owen conclusions on the matter the mewn who hurled Europe. into the' should by all means' read Professor World War were over forty. I Schmitt's article in the, American PROFESSOR MORRIS LE Vi historical RieTlew for April 1924, and' counteract Your' Tendency towa rd-. Acid Mouth uionient when their three rivals inl other question, such as Morocco. But - the Opposite camp offered a way to thfie helpless, inconsistent, blundering; Rij ede, heim, GernzBan May l9.-The iure peace by interniational co-opera- diplomacy ofi Germany at the critical: Rhiiie wine trade suffered a blow Lion. The wvordls of Von Jagow, Ger-! moment proves that the German Go- 1Fridtay when the annual spring auction ma n Foreign Secretary at the out- I vernmnent had no such fixed policy of choice -bottled goods. (wa postponed I for lack of Bidlet , the firt. time~ this break of the war, are conclusive oni of step by step world conquest as has happened. scarcity ofreedy css this point: Bernhardi and others would have laid among dealers &nA4;tiie geeral econ- The Morocco policy had led to oumt. Vaguely irritated, discontented «jjiic situation are b4 ii d. I I Williams Shaving Crear By letting WRIGLEY'S give you relief, lasting joy and benefit. It removes the food 'particles 'that lodge in the teeth and cause' fer" mentation and decay. It WASHES the mouth and teeth, counteracting the acidity that does so much damage. ater every ma is prescribed by dentists and doctors. Says one dentist: "If chewing gum is used 'regularly it will result in a noticeable benefit to the teeth." Get your WRIGLEY benefit today. xcusive/ Coll ege 3rd Cabi on the, Cunarder SAXONIA Sailing Jizne2Vat., Entire accomnmodations strictly reserved for college mnen at the rate of r16 ROUND ,TRIP (Choice of Return Date&) The Accommodations on the Cunarder Saxonia consist A . of two, three and four berth rooms, spic and span and commodious; attractive public rooms, light, airy dining room. Excellent promenade deck-'steamer chairs. Orchestra- Concerts-Dances-Deck Gamnes. iI For further information apply nearest local agent or write . THE CUNARD LINE or COLLEGE~ CABIN COMMITTEE B. D. Adams, Umairman The Oaks, Ithaca, N.Y. IYour Memory Book' a1WU U 111111111111.111iMl~ '1 l1IF1~ 1 1!1 1 ~ ~~1IH 1 1 Ill11#fll~ ll ll111Mi#9113t1 .* 1,. ..e* .,.... . .. 4 Announcing A~oicy,,ol - Expansion With the idea of giving our clientele better, service and also believing that a larger business can be handled more economically we will open another store on State Street July t st. T his location is now occupied by Wadham's and Corn- pally in Nickel's Arcade. ic There will be an extension of the personality and serv- icthat has characterized our establishment in the past. Our - policy at both stores will be to feature the latest importations of miens' furnishings, and Langrock Clothes, tailored by Lang- :. ~rock--New Haven.d teat - - Van oven, Cress &. Thompo INCORPORATED 1107 S. University Avg'. . I - rer V rtyPacesg Now is a good time to see if your Memory Book is up to date. If you are -missing a few good pic- tures you can feel sure to get' them at Lyndon 8& Company -- MAKE IT THE CHILDREN'S TREAT . i j , 0, LLA II~e 7 All. 7 it