WSPAPER OF THE CY OF MICIIIGAkN morning except Monday ity year by the Board in P'ublications. a 1 nbers of Western Conference Editorial iation., Associated Press is e: csively eni- to thie use, for republication o; all news ies credited to it or not otherwise: ed in this paper and the local news pub- therein. ered at t1 a postoffice at Ann Arbor, igan, as second class matter, Special rate stagel granted by Third Assistant Post- r Geheral. scription by carrier, $3.50; by mail, ces: Ann Arbor Press Building, May- Street. ones: Fditorial . 2414and 7G-M; busi- 960. ,ned comunwicationls, not ex. eeding 300 s will be published in The Daily at fiscretion of the Editor. Upon request, ilentity of c,)mmunicant will be re- d as confidential EDITORIAL STAFF Telephones; 2414 and 176-31 M4ANAGING EDITOR hARRY D. HOEY E ditor.. . . . . ...... . Ro.- - R. Tarr rial Board Chairman. ... C. Morarity Edtor ..........J. C. Garlinghouse Night Editors SAiles. - A. . Connable, Jr. APOLOGIES ARE DUE A line of distinction should be drawn between those that just at- STED RC tend sporting events and good sports- . men. A good sportsmen looks at Oil11 ROMEO! things from a fair angle; if the side he supports is victorious, then it is Yepterday the'town was time for him to rejoice; but if the Romeo school teachers, side hie supports is not so fortunateun down arminam as to win, it is no time, for him toupadow arinam become enraged. To become enraged dons fluttering in the ra Is one of the first traits of a poor Romeo kiddies shouting sport. A good sport will hold his diagonal; Romeo, Romeo, temper under the greatest provoca- over the place tion. In the debate, which is At the Olympic Rugby match, the French proved themselves poor sports, in a small way, of the while the Americans showed them I Goliath tussle, Arthur Hil what good sportsmanship meant. high school of the val From the raising of the National em- Romeo; the Spartans o blem to the end .of the game the at Thermopylae; Hero an Americans were hissed and booed. No Shadrach, Meshach, and resentment was shown by the vic- torious American team, while the R E V pitch of the anger of the Frenchmen "The Law Forbids," fe became so high, thatta free-for-all most .widely heralded juve fight ensued. Iin the history, BABY PEG There was no excuse for the actions is drawing the mobs to t of the French spectators. The team There is a playwright representing this country played The villainess of the pi fairly and squarely, and even went to him that he embody hi so far as to beg the referee to give ; history in 4 play, addingf the Frenchmen the benefit of cer- conceived a beaner of an "Sure enough. Deliver 'em at my house tomorrow." Aiaslinigtoni I Royal Dadmum, in the May vkstival prospectus, is billed as "Of American birth and decent." Such a combina- all Romeo. tion of engaging qualities should jam wandering the house. ;1r. Jaisoni Cowles -" . .:. 1= w ®, ... w i!(l tif l l li i(lti i l l i i il i l li i l lllt(I 1 0 1t~I li l li i l l ll i i l i ll!t1 1 !1 1 9 1 1 IM 1 1 1 1 1 II t I li l lIIttiit! 111 111 it 1 11 lI Ilt lli111111111111111111111 TENNIS SUPPLIES [GRAHA 00K STORES BOTH ENDS OF THE DIAGONAL s111 illit1( I IU 1111111ltllilIlit11111111111(11t1 I II nII .1t:ll Itt 111lliililli 111 i n R i t ttlilliiltil: 111811111 l111IlIix1111111111111111111i their guer- iiy breeze; across the Romeo, all: a duplicate, ;reat David- LI, the great ley, versus1 r something1 nd Leander; I Abednego...Q W eaturing the; enile actress -GY, is what the Arcade. in the show. ece suggests s sad family that she had endingthat1 a.:.-..11.. -- , P, M. Wagner Editor .......Raph N. Byers Editor..... .Winona Hibbard ditor..... .Ruth A. Howell nt City Editoar...Kenneth C. Kellar r Michigan News Bureau. R. G. Ramnsay ics Editor....Robert B. Henderson Assistants Barley Elizabeth Licbermann Berkman P. S. Mansfield Bi,:ioll E. C. Mack n boxer Verna Moran Brown hlarold Moore Conrad Carl Ohlinacher ette. Cote Ilyde Perce Davis Andrew Trapper f Ihrlicha Marie Reed F eramberg Regina Reichmann Gartner Edmarie Schraudcr th Hleath C. A. Stevens Henry W. 11. Stoneman g Houseworth Mariorie Sweet liiie 'Frederic -G. Telmos ty Kainin iN.' 4LThal ret Keil W... Wathour Kendall lle'man Wise tain doubts that arose. All in all it was a double victory for the Ameri- cans, a moral one as well as a ma- terial one, and our representatives should be commended for their splen- did sportsmenship. On the other hand, the Frenchmen should bow in shame, and France should write al public apology, not only to the menj representing our country, but to the rntire United States. OUR LATEST LAW# More taxes, and then more. Thai, .s to be the result of our newest law. The United States Senate by a vote of fifty-nine to twenty-six, two votes will knock the public for a loop. He fialls in with the idea, although he fears that the public will not fall for the' ending she has suggeted. But she lures him into it.- Then "his little daughter, brilliantly. played:by Baby Peggy, comes barging !in and interrupts a mugging party between him and the vilainess. It ends happily and virtuously. The only thing we have against Iaby Peggy, aside from her cheap little face, is that she is dragged into the play by the ears every other minute. The dramatic action, which. as we have tried to suggest, is feeble enough, is interrupted frequently by heavy footages of Baby Peggy doing i t,.. -- +10 1h n this nd that CAMPUS OPINION WHEN THiNGS BECOME SENILEE To The Editor:- There is always the time, place and occasion for everything. But some- times, usurping apparently our God- given bits of brains, we will, whether from blundering, bungling or the senile, allow ourselves to be enveigled into a course which common sense would detain us from pursuing. Flaming forth into apparently two iery crosses, four pieces of burning wood forming two right angles, set ip by Klansmen, illuminated the far- ther slope of Sleepy Hollow immedi- lately following the speech delivered by Mr. Denby at the Cap Night cere- monies. Whether these four pieces of wood were sacrificed for the pur- pose of hurling defiance at the former secretary, or for saving the crew upon some island, (a signal to passing vessels as we read about in books), or with the idea that the time, place and occasion were fitting for the K. K. K. to allow itself a bit of propa- ganda, will probably remain hidden in their cranial receptive faculties. But whether it was done with the spirit of defiance, or rescue, or pro- paglanda, the act itself, it must be asserted was beautifully proper. It was indeed so beautifully proper that how else could it but breath from a, mind that would receive an A plus average, the four subjects he is taking yielding, A plus for senileness, A plus for senileness, A plus for senileness, and A plus for senileness. (If the dictionary does not contain the last word, what is the difference, it also is so beautiful). The entire troubleE is that such occasion as Cap Night arises but annually and not four times a year. But you, students, who mumbled,} "tear it down, tear it down," you for-r got that it was a symbol of the white- bedecked Klansmen, (the\ white for purity), and that it also stood for 100 per cent Americanism. You ex- ecuted your plan of proceeding enj masse and tearing it down so nobly1 that you too must be awarded the, medal of honor, let us say the Ameri'I can medal Mr. Denby was speaking; about, It is given to those who are courageous and uphold the standards of Americanism in performing some worth while duty. Francis Stalworth, '25 -. -. (OLDEST NATIONAL BANK IN MICHIIAN coeals: 7:50 a. M., 12:10 a. m _MAIN AT HURON S. M. T. W . T. F. S , , i i Sh II llt B iiltlti~lliliBBli ii iilIf lltllllilil11i111il 1 2 3 11143 14 1 6 1 w. 6 7 8 9 14t) , " R 4 16 1 25 2627 28 29 311 31rFN1 12 New York Display Today and Tomorrow WILD & CO. >?Sort Shots , r o m uoomMmli N) DETROIT UNITED IKES EAST BOUND Limiteds: S a. m., 9:101. m. and every two hour. to 9:10 D. M. Express: 7 a. m., 8 a. m. and evzy. two i:ours to 8 V. m. Locals: 7 a. m., 8:55 a. m. and every two hours to 8:55 p. M., 11 p.m.To Ypsllan i only, 11:40 Ip. in., 12:25 a. mn. and 1:15 a. m. f WE BOUND Limiteds: 8:47 a. m. and every two hours to ?.1i p. m. Express (making local stops): 9:50 a am. and every two bourn to 9:50 It has often been said that the only way to get the first thou- sand is to save it. There is no time like the present to begin. Open a savings account with TiH E FIRST NATIONAL BANK Is. n ph Kruger BUSINESS STAI F T1lephone 960 BUSINESS MANAGER LAURENCE H.. FAVROI1 ertin....... I. inne ertising...---.--Perrr MHarden ertising.......... . .Roesserf rtsing.......H. E Rose Dante................. . . al ulatiotn........... ...1'd lication................Lawrence lierce Assistants W. Campbell A N.t. Holland nie Caplan rk.eland" S. Champion ~larold A. Mariks nConli.n Byron Parker is$ \.>[exter rA Seidnan h . Finn Geo. A. Stracke ~d A. Fox R. C. Winter ren Haight TUESDAY, MAY 20, 1324 ht Editor-KENNETH C.LKELLA I DUPES AND IMBECILES I more than the needed two-thirds ma- tieisand vine, inis a oJu11AL have nothing to do with the situa- hority, decided to uphold the actiontion. For instance, while the hero of the House in over-riding the veto Iis being industriously vamped by the of President Coolidge for the soldi' villainess, and the hero's wife is home bonus bill. bawling. the director chucks in half It was not that the diplomats ai a reel of Baby Peggy selling eggs. politicians in Washington had such Iery tiring. an eagerness for aiding our soldiers *y*t*n of the world war that they made such We hate to throw two opinionated short work of the president's veto, items into one col, but this one e- but rather that most of them had low has been held over for two papers ' een elected or reelected as the case now, and people have been asking might have been on the stand of fa- us why the column was short, so we voring the bonus. In other words, have to spring it. political promises had been made at * election time, and in order to hold CRITI QUE a favorite place in tle hearts of the Mr. LI S. Fletcher, who writes de- voters at home, many of the members tective stories, is having quite a vogue of the Senate voted in favor of the with the better class of highbrows. bonus even though some were per- He has Alfy Knopf put out his books, sonally opposed to it. This bespeaks le draws favorable reviews, and he, Oxfords ast Saturday evening the Student: ly, faculty, and a great many I rnspeople, assembled on the hills the east of Ann Arbor, witnessed pectacle which has become a part University life at Mchigan---the rning of the freshman pots. These ople also witnessed another spec- cle-the burning of two fiery 0ssC S. This rite, it is to be supposed, sym- lizes in some way or other the mgys- power behind the Ku Klux Klan. ie hand of God, perhaps, is guiding is vast, this powerful organization dumnbells. (The Kaiser, we are told, ought God was helping him, too?. ople say these crosses are burned the hope of scaring the uninitiated, rhaps of scaring them into handing their initiation. fee to the Grand >blin or the Grand Wizard, or who-. er it is who receives the money. tyway, there must be some reason r burning the things; and this idea scaring the uninitiated seems to be out as acceptable as any Just what advantage can be gained cluttering up the country with ndles of charred rags and wood hard to conceive, eaders of the an are repeatedly telling us that is organized only with the inter- ts of our broad land, at heart. The an proposes, they say, to right ongs, to redress grievances, to ike this country of ours a veritable aven. They go about effecting these udible aims by burning ridiculous -od-and-rag crosses whenever they ink the things will be seen. The estion which inevitably comes up seeing one of these burning crosses whether its makers are adequately ted to go about their daily life, let. 3ne right the wrongs with which is country is saddled. One is led wonder whether these burning, asses, the white sheets of the Klans- en, and all the other nonsense tich seems to be the stock in trade, the organization, will ever make y appreci ble improvement in the ing conditions of this country. Some* upid, misguided idiot 'must have ide those crosses, must have ratched. his clumsy fingers as he! 9 i x of course of the shallowness of many of our Washington representatives; they are not men of indepen'lent %ind and thought, but vote as tleir party desires for fear of losing favor and a possible reelection to office. There- fore, what can one expect in the way' of true constructive work from suchj a body? At the most, as is evident, not very much. The soldier bonus bill should not have been passed at this time. The time for such an aid was immediately after the close of the war-that was! the psychological momont, and the time when it would have accomplished a world of good. Today, many of the men who might have benefiteds are no more; the majority of those who are, if able bodied, are working and have long since settled them- selves to life's tasks and obligations. TlIe money that they will receive as a result of the passage of the bonus bill Will mean infinitely less to them than it would have meant four years ago. They are little interested at pre-j sent, for they have passed the climaxj of their need. And the additional taxes spoken of. They will come of course from the veteran and from his neighbor as well as from the few who can easily afford to pay the whole of the bonus awards. Taking money out of one pocket and placng it with a smile into the other is the process, and a fairly insincere one. The soldier bonus bill is one of the most subtle of contempory poli- tical moves. The K. K. K. is fast becoming an organization of strength hereabouts. The latest reports have it that there is already listed a membership of some eight persons in the University of Michigan chapter, and that two. more men are waiting to be initiated. We tremble as we think of the hor- rible happenings that are soon to take place. The LaFollette forces will soon be firing all their big guns in the great summer drive. If their lieutenants are well trained men, the senator from Wisconsin has a very good chance of creating a new interest in sells into the thousands. We take this opportunity to announce that Cowles is not among the Fletcher clientele. We read just one of the books of this benny: "The Herapath Property." lit is, we are told, a fair exanmple of the Fletcher method. In it the authorI .nulls the common gag of throwing suspicion at every character in turn; but he is original in this respect: he does not, in the end, disclose to his readers the fact that the villain is really the suave and unsuspected de- tective, which is the accepted and traditional conclusion for such a book. ,He carries the method one step fur- ther, and hangs the murder of wealthy Jacob Herapath on a man that doesn't even APPEAR until the last chapter. Mr. Fletcher's technique is baffling --we grant him that. Personally. though, we like our detective stories to conforni., PREPARE FOR STRAW HAT DAY Purchase Your STRAW OR PANAMA At Our Store And Save A DOLLAR OR MORE P Notice. We do high class work in cleazling, bleaching ulan rebld-kin g straw an l pallanla lusts. We use 110 acids-this is int 2 boot bitcll staind. We do reguhir factory work. FACTORY MAT STORE 617 Packard Phone III2 (Where I. U. R. Stops at State) I RIAN-ANN AIIOU Bt LfE Central Time (Slow ''ine) Leave Chamber of Commerce Week Days Sundays 6:45 a. m. 645 a. M. t1:45 P. m. "0.45 P" W. 4;45 P. m. JAS. H. ELLIOTT. Proprietor 'Phone 926-M Adrian. Mich. EUROPE-ORIENT E. G. 2 UEBLER Licensed Steamship Agent A601 E. iiuron St. t'i. 1384 I ocal aithorized agent for White Star, Cunard, U. S., Canadian Pacific, Red Star, American, Pacific Mail, North Germa n filoyt, alian, French, Greek, Hamburg Ameniitn, and ALL1 other lines. Also, all College Tours on above Lines can be arranged thru me. See me early for best reservations. My services on ,booking you are free. \V rite, phone or call. THIS SUMMER A spicndid opportunity for tourists, teachers, students and kindred spirits to enjoy a summer vacation in Europe at a cost whiln ilbl reac of everyone. THE S HIPS- AXONIA, Jne 21st MAURETANIA, July 2nd L ANCASTRIA, July 3rd TUE ACCOMMOTDATION-Two, three and four berth rooms, spic and span, conniodious; attractive public rooms-comfortable lounge, smoking room, light, airy dining room. Good, wholesome food. An exc ilent promenade deck with steamer chairs and all conveniences. Third Cabin, but in name only. Passengers re- stricted to Students, Teachers, Writers, Artists and Tourists- people of refinement whose society will be congenial. ENTERTA[INMI ENT--Orchestra, concerts, dances and deck games will contribute to your enjoyment of the trip. TiE RETURN--Similar arrangements are available for the Re- turn Voyage covering several sailing dates. [ f I rl r > s ', 5 ;; 1' . 6 HISTORICAL FICTION "Shucks, this is a fix," muttered Ptolemy IV. "Building operatons on the big Pryamid suspended again.." "Well, it can't be helped," soothed Andronicus, his grand-vizier consol- ingly. "You know yourself what a deal of trouble Alexander had with the brick masons on his mausoleum." "Yes I know. But just after I man- age to pay for the draperies for my, Hanging Gardens, to have this greek Calciminius dunning me for cartage bills He demands 10,000,000 shekels or no carts report for work tomorrow." Andronicus drummed with his fin- gers on Ptolemy's desk of state. "Well, the deuce of a grand-vizier you are," growled Ptolemy. "If that Pryamid isn't built and 'the wood work in by September, it's your neck." "What about them gold ingots I lent you on the Sphinx contract? If it hadn't of been for me, you never would have got the thing done." "Oh that! You'll get 'em back after my building program is on its feet again. But the deppeties in the Nu- bian counsel has got to appropriate some more funds, that's all. And it's up to you to get 'em to do it!" Andronicus rose majestically. "You know yourself that the Nile overflowed last week and it took all IF To Europe and ReOturn" rr TONIGHT; The Player's Club pre. sents two one-act plays in Sarah Caswell Angell Hall at 8:15 o'clock. THE PLAYER'S CLUB are begin-{ ning to foster a tradition of their own in the annual production of an original play that should eventuallyj make their organization (listinctive and significant. Initiating the policy# two years ago with a first play by Max Ewing, and following it lastj year with a far superior second ef- fort by this same author-the present "Michigan's - best - chance - to - be- I come - famous" after G. D. E.-they are producing Donald Snyder and Charles Sword's "La Donna e Mobile" this evening as the continuation off this program. They are wise, however, in includ- ing a standard work in the bill to save the performance, should the premiere play; by any possible chance, prove a "flop"-as we say in the pro- fession. This is a difficulty which the Dodos, now blossomed into a larger title and theatre, might pro- fitably recognize. No one objects to original dramas, even to the out- bursts from the department of Jour- nalism, if seasoned with occasional recognized compositions; but a steady stream of ambitious experiments, pro- blem plays and the like.. but then again, perhaps the less said on these 4 subjects the better. As for "La Donna e Mobile," the authors seem relatively bashful. The plot, according to their guarded ad- mission, revolves about a Hazel with a Dulcy comlex, a poet Italienne, and a maid to expound the exposition. You should be warned, how ver, that it is decidedly unepigramatic and probably unsophisticated-at least, j 1227 Washington Blvd. Detroit, Mich. Or E. G. KUEBLER, Local Agent 601 E. Huron Phone 1384 Particulars, Reservations, Tiskets G'UNAR D "What a whale ofcffrence just a few cen a F . ' .,2 . .I 1°"fW f f A < i tf .r _ t",-