1I10 z. ApA pt_____ 'V a wj " li LJA L I IE.DITORIALA TV. No. 170 EIGHT PAGES ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, MAY 20, lI924 EIGHT PAGES _ .. ROlvS BONUS VER PRESIDENT E ICi.1 1OVOJTES [)RE THAN NEEDED MAJORITY 3 FUTILE EFFORT SUSTAIN HIS VETO, For Delay In Voting On Bill Refused By Cries, Of Vote! Vote! gton, May 19.-(By AP)- diers bonus bill finally has w. The measure, which has object of a fight between and two successive press-{ repassed today by the sen- Pres. Coolidge's veto by a Bonus Veto Will Not Injure Coolidges, Chances Says Crane, ROMEO DEBATERS UNIVERSITY WOMEN WIN VICTORY OVER TO GATHER TODAY' ARlTHURHILLTEAM FOR LANTERN NiGHT' A That President Coolidge's veto of the soldiers' bonus bill will have no detrimental influences in the coming presidential campaign, and that it will strengthen him in the ranks of the electorate was the opinion of Prof. Robert T. Crane, acting head of the political science department, last night following a discussion of the news that the Senate had approved the move over-riding thepresidents disapprov- al of the measure. "I do not believe that the people as a whole are in ac- cord with the action of Congress in go- ing over the head of the chief execu- tive, nor do I consider that his action will swing many votes into the camp of his opponents," he said. Professor Crane scouted the idea that the ex-service man'sinfluence will be brought against the presi-I ALLOTED THURSDA9Y Full Colored Plate Engravings, Snap Shots And Views, Feature New Book VOLLUMES CONTAINS 592 PAGES;t DEDICATED TO DEAN COOLEY dent because of his seeming opposi- tion to them. "Rather." he said, "II think that at least half of the Ameri- can Legion is firmly against the awarding of a bonus to the ex-service man." To substantiate his opinion Prof. Crane cited personal interviews with Legionnaires. "It is the plan of terrorization of the man in office, the ordinary Indi- vidual and the professional promoter, which is responsible for the initiation in the national legislature of the sol- diers' bonus bill," the professor said jin conclusion. "It is a measure creat- ed to appeal to public sentiment and not primarily to reward the ex-service man. The president's action showed lIOO Ii:RS TO) AN!) RANDi URWE ROMEo DECISION AFTER HOT DEBATE PLAYING BALL IMMEL TELLS HISTORY I;ESTIMATE 12,000 PLAN OF DEBATING LEAGUE TO OBSERVE OCCASION OFF OF QLOIT, BASE- AND TENNIS FINALS IN PROGRAM Dr. Stoddard '59, Now Oldest Grad Dr. John Parker Stoddardl, '59, A. M. '65, is now the Oldest living graduate of the University following the death several days ago of Dr. William J. Beal, '59. "grand old man" of Michigan Agricultural college, Dr. Stoddard received his M. D. Degree from Belle- view. There are now two men of the class of '59 living, Dr. Stoddard and Alfred Henry Castle. The former is a trifle over 89 years old and< Ar. Castle is 84. MAY FES TIVAL TO Emmny Krueger, Chicago Symphony Orchestra Will Appear In First Concert PALMER CHRISTIAN TO PLAY IN I)IEAARTER DPftVNCERT" OVER lOWAN P 1TCHER'S DU E L GAME; BE\SON V FI:YNN WOLLOPS IN THE EIGHTH Wolverine Batsmen Ou In Early Inning; Comneback To Michigan's Varsity ba staged a comeback in its schedule yesterday aftern defeated Iowa, 3-2, on the diamond. In spite of the bitter swept th@ field both t Applause hterrupt s Speakers Often As Audience Enthuses Over Skill Showni Athletic Associationi Will Present MiAards, Closing Program For The Day Passes By 2 Vote Margin This was a margin of 2 votes more than the necessary 2-3 majority as compared with the 52 votes there were to spare when the veto~ was overrid- en in the house last Saturday. Pres. Coolidge made a futal last minute effort to have his veto sus- tained in the senate calling to the white house for a breakfast conference 7 Republican senators. Altogether' there were only five senators who had supported the bill on its first passage to vote against it today. They were Colt, Rhode Island; Keyes, New Hampshire; McKinley, Illinois, Phipps, Colorado and Sterl- ing, South Dakota. All except Sen. Colt were at the white house confer- ence. The others attending the con-1 ference were Cameron, Arizona; Har- reld, Oklahoma and Dalem, Vermont. Seeks Delay The last move of the administration was to seek delay in the vote until Saturday, Sen. Reed, Republican, Pen- nsylvania, asking unanimous consent to defer action until that time. The senate was in no mode for delay, how - ever, and as Senator Ashurst, Demo- crat, Arizona, objected there were im- mediate cries of "vote, vote", from both sides of the crarnber. Sen. Curtis of Kansas assistant Re-! publican leader who had charge of the bill, moved for a vote and was joined by Sen..Robinson, of Arizona, the- Democratic leader, in suggestijng that debate was unnecessary. Sen. Lodge of Massachusetts, and other administration leaders joined with Sen. Curtis in voting against the president. White house oficials in discussing Distribution of the Michiganensianf year book of the University, will take place from 9 to 4 o'clock Thursday in the basement of the library. All subscriptions to the annual will be taken care of at this time. This vol- ume, which is one of the largest ever produced here, numbers 592 pages over all. This year's volume is dedicated to Dean Mortimer E. Cooley of the en- gineering college. The dedication, as written in the year book, reads "De- dicated to Mortimer E. Cooley, dean of the colleges of engineering and; architecture, who has won great hon- or in his profession, the respect of the students as a dean, but greater- their admiration and affection as a man." Exception-al attention has been ' placed by the staff upon the art and feature sections of this volfime. There are 26 pages of features, consisting of snap shots and views of general cain- pus interest such as the opera thve freshman-soplhomre games, and out- 4tanding events of the year. In ad- dition to the feature section, there are 'keen economic foresight, and a re- than twohund n All University women will assemble gard for the welfare of the nation, de-_atet ic adugdtedbt grdte possibe aere reslts aton, him- ers representing Romeo high school to this evening on the hillside at Palmer i self." b victory and a state championship last field in accordonce with one of their ti__night in University Hall, when they oldest and most significant traditions were granted the. unanimous decision Lantern Night. Twelve hundred high school. women, it is estimated, will particip- Discussing the question, "Resolved, ate in the ceremonies proper to the that the adoption of a ship subsidy occasion. YOUT~ OL 6IN Iu S ouldbe a wisenatinalaolicn.h would eteam wefute ith psuces he The complete program as announced measured by the vote of the judges includes the playing off of the final --- every argument in favor of the plan. interclass baseball, tennis, quoit, and Senate Would Provide For Needs Of The negative speakers were able to !.soccer games at 4 o'clock, the serv- Especially ited include in their constructive speeches ing of a picnic supper at 5:30 o'clock, Student telegrams received from R. T. Merrill, the presentation of the freshman pa- ----ichairman of the national shipping geant at 7 o'clock, the lantern pro- HEARS ANNUAL REPORT OF board. In addition to these which cession at 8 o'clock, and the present- STUDENT1 PUBLICATIONS BOARD were sent them within the last week, ation of awards by the athletic . as- they presented tables, and graphs sociation immediately following. Discus ion of the problem of pro- proving the futility of the adoption of The awards will be distributed dur-I viding adequately for the needs of the such a policy. ing the formation of the block "M specially gifted student occupied the The outstanding speaker of the I after which the women will resume greater part of the fourth regular evening, was Miss Cecelia Vallie, who their former positions in the line of meeting of the University Senate of capitalized a strong and forceful de- march and sing the Alma Mater. this school year which was held last livery to upset point after point of the [Helen Delbridge, '24, president of the night in room C of the Law building. affirmative argument. !Women's LIeague, and Elizabeth Cain, Following the reading of the annual In introducing Prof. Thomas C. '21, president of the Women's Ath- report of the Board in Control of Trueblood, as the presiding officer, letic Association, twilI lead the lantern Student Publications, Prof. John W. Prof. Ray K. Immel of the public;procession sy eightwant Bradshaw of the mathematics depart- speaking department recounted the chosen from each of the four clasesi ment was elected to succeed himself history and growth of the Debating for the purpose of aiding in conduct- as secretary of the body. The report League since its birth in 1917. }ing the march. of the Bioard in Control dealt chiefly Acting as judges were four mem- The senior women will fori on with the present conditions of the var- hers of the public speaking faculty, the hill directly in back of the nurses,' sous campus publications. The pub- Prof. L. M. Eich, Prof. T. E. Rankin,. one the juniors on the left hand lications scholarship prize was an- I Prof. H. F. Goodrich, Prof, G. L. Jack- side of the gate on 14th street,hJ nounced as it was at the time of the son, and Prof. L. A. Hopkins of the all 'publications banquet last, week. engineering college. sop~homores will make their formation No definite action was °taken with __ginerg____ege ' on the right hand side of the gate d id on 14th street and the freshmen will i'rdto providing for specially gft ~nirintTln ri ro h poiesdwl ro ed students. The methods employed rather on the opposite sidewalk prir by other universities to handle sim- UU O 1.o the procession. ilar situations were described, and alThe freshman pageant promises tio the various phases of the situation dis-I)e itsuccessin view of the tthat cussed. U Lthe fi'st year women have exert _ _ _ _-every effort in its promotion. Last Orlanlo W.| Stephenson of the his- year the pageant presented in Lan- to'vy (lepartment will address this Ann tern Night was made up of women Arbor (lramber of Commerce at 12:15 chosen from all of the classes an the I nII r nI today at a luncheon to be held in the campus but this year the per.oionell 3 'ITII tourist camp west of town. Charle 'is limited to members of the freshman MC U UUIU IIIUII J,. Hutzel, chairman of the tour st class The committee members, too, camp committee. which has charge of are all first year women. Prof Emile Lorch. head of the ar- the luncheon, will preside. Lantern Night is a night. dedicated chitectural college, left last Sunday Mr. Stephenson, at the request o# to all University women and it is to for a week's trip to Wasington, U. C., the centennial commission. is prepar- expected that each woman on campus1 where h'e will attend the annual con- ing a history of Ann Arbor, and his j will realize her individual responsibil-1 ference of the American Institute of talk today on "Early Ann Arbor" will lty of assisting at the ceremonies. Architect's, of which he has been a be an event in the celebration of the In case of rain the festivities will be member for several years. Professor one hundredth anniversary of the city. fheld on Wednesday evening. f.orch will be at the Capital for the Arrangements have been made for - entire week. 150 guests. Autos will leave for the Two conferences are to ta-ke place. tourist camp from the Chamber of 1)0th of which Professor Lorch will at- Commerce Inn shortly after noon. flULLI Ill W ILL ELEU T tend. During the first part of the week, the Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture will meet. T IAC uI l ,- Q Professor Iorch is an officer of this U-----.UI organization, being a member of the Adelphi House of Representativesi executive committee. He was presi- 1) I rn will hold its annual election of officers dent of the association last year. The w h ta a enir latter half of the week will be taken at 7 o'clock tonight In the Adelphi up with the meeting of the American C. K. MacCracken, '25E, was chosen room on the fourth floor of University Institute of Architects,' and at this president of the Engineering society gathering the foremost archItects of for the coming year at the annual el- hail. Following the election the soci- the country will be present. Professor ection of officers yesterday. The soc- ety will go -up the river, where tlhe Lorch will return to Ann Arbor next iety is composed entirely of men in ill hold a piCnIQ1% Sunday. the Engineering college here. Mac-.I It has- always been the custom for Cracken was opposed by N. R. Ben- the new officers of the society to treat !- steady ball and good The 31st annual May Festival under 'part of Jerry Densoi the direction of the University Musical timely hitting by t Society, will open tomorrow night in brought Michigan its Hill auditorium, with the offering of its last three games a program of orchestral and vocal an early lead in th numbers by the Chicago Symphony 1 Barrett doubled, Sca orschestra, Frederick Stock and Eric him to third with a w DeLamarter conducting, and Mme. and Duhm squeezed t Emmy Krueger of the Munich opera. across with his sacr Emmny Krueger Arrives failed to gain their With Madame Krueger already ar- 'lucky sixth" when al rived in town and the orchestra ex- were made. laaggeri pected tomorrow morning, a certain the inning by beating amount {of musical atanosphere is and Dillman sacrificed practically assured. for the opening i Wilson got to first wi concert. Madame Krueger is making muffed his grounder her first American concert tour, and j scored when Hicksi has been singing throughout the East view's. Wilson was g luring the past season. 'across the plate for M DeLarnarter Conducts run and Review tool Mr. DeLamarter will conduct his .Duhm, the Hawkeye own work, in which Palmer Christian I eview took third o University organist will play the solo and came home on a part; while Mr. Stock will conduct Kipke got to first on the other members at this first con- Giles advanced when cert. Earl V. Moore, director of the ended by a strikeou School of Music will conduct the chor- other score came in t us and orchestra in the presentation Flynn drove the ball of Delius' "Seadrift" at the Thursday fielder's head for a ho night concert, at which Mme Claire Pitchers' . Oux and Sylvia Lent, violinist will! The game resolved i ippear. o rchers' duel in the The concert on Saturday afternoon. Stryker, who started at which Harold Bauer, the English or Michigan was disi pianist, and the Chicago orchestra will and. Benson:replaced appear. represents the intellectual men had been walked highlight of the Festival. ception of the secon Saturday night's concert will parti- Iowa got one run,I ally uphold its former tradition as to advantage throug "opera" night, but only half the pro- and had the better ofI Igram is to be devoted to selected pitcher, at every sta auias and the Triumphal March and batters got four pa I Chorus from Verd's "Aida' 'lawkeye and fanne An annual feature of the May Festi- while Benson only gav val is the Children's chorus which has two passes and str'ucl become a regular tradition to Fes- gan's batsmen were s tival audiences. and only connected Friday night always brings with it Giles led Michbigan's hi the stars of the Festival.- Tradition safeties out of five t which has always centered about this rett, the Iowa catche ,,oncert carries with it in the history { out of four times at of Festivals the big names and add! the Wolverines conn interest to the programs. The con- bases while Flynn, cert prepared for this year's 'star center fielder had a ci night will center about two of the ?Jarrett a double. T 'youngest of the great in the field of of fielding seen on Fer music. Tito Schipa, the brilliant tenor time was made by of the Chicago, Opera company and made a shoestring ca 1 Sophie Brauslau, the splendid con- drive in the eighth tratto of the Metropolitan forces will the side. appear. Iowa Le '.Neither team theat I fRtzdotit A ttendrs the first frame. In t pit( n c the flre 3. e s anlo yell the ific( stri i th a hi] hen an mis] ive ichi .k s pits n ) sing n a] the tt. he ove me Duel .ate action emphasized that'the tax reduction program was pre- upon the assumption that there be no bonus legislation;-While fused to say so directly, they the impression that Cpngress decided on a bonus, hope of al tax reduction must be aban- Mellon 3 Slent. Mellon was not prepared to the affect of the bonus upon easury financial program but I that "sooner or later there e provision for payment and it met only by new taxes." treasury secretary conferred resident Coolidge after the sen- ed, but neither he nor white officials would disclose the sub- atter of the conference. Mr. also declined to comment on tions by some treasury offi- hat the treasury could not do se than recommend a veto pending tal legislation as a of the nassage of the bonus. seven pages devoted to pictures of' prominent men on the campus. Full plate engravings for each sec- tion of the book are printed in a conn- plete color process, and other full page drawings are numerous. The. ' art work was headed by Marion aVn Every, '24, who executed most of the feature art work. Other artists whose work appears in the volume are Rose- mary Lawrence, '24, and Walker Ever- ett, '26. Besides the feature snap shots and athletic photographs, there are ten pages of artistic photography, done by Margaret B. White, '26. These photographs deal with. scenes about the campus and buildings, and are each' full pages.. A full section has been devoted to women's activities, such as plays and organizations. Besides feature in this i section, there are four pages of pho- i tographs of prominent women on the campus. This section was under the charge of Miriam Wicksall, '24. From a standpoint of materials and workmanship, the new book is p$obab- ly the best that has ever been issuedi here. The cover his been manufact- ured by a new process to improve its Snuality, and'the paper is of the best grade that could be secured. The sales exceed 3,000, an increase of more than .250 over any previous year, and the index, which contains more than 7,000 names, indicatei the scope of tho volume. The managing editor for this yecir was Fred E. Gilner, '24, and Thom. G. Kindel, '24, was business manager of the publication. d inn Bensoi hout Duhm, ge. i sses d thi e the I kout s' till ou for e itting ' ries vy r had bat. ected the ircuit he' pr rry fie Giles tch oJ innin. ads ened tc he see Art Cneec, Enoch E. Patterson, a graduate stu- dent of the University, now with the AluniMeetingt ,Sponsors :Plan That the University might be in- creasingly of service to the state of Michigan. Carl Kusterer, '06, sponsor- ed a movement to that effect at the meeting of the alumni clubs of the ham, '25E.' Stewart Hulse, '25E, defeated K. B. Robertson, '25E in the race for the vice-presidency, while L. C. Pitts, '26E, was elected secretary over Q. W Wellington, '26E. The office of" treasurer will- be filled by E F. Card- well, '26E, wrho defeated M. A. Neff, '26E, yesterday. AP)-The at its an- " "UL 1 L Da ther questions oon 87 were ag- :e on the ques- 'ere void. The Abership. of 46S ared that "war .d ruinous soci nkind today." the resolution e annual meet nitarian associ 't I COBIOPOUITANS ELECT LIKERT AS. PRESIDENTI tenth district held in Grand Rapids recently. He favored the appointment of a sort of laison officer in each line of activity in which the services of the University might be utilized: n Among the other plans discussed of PHOTOS SUCCSSFUL were the establishqnent of dormitories- which was delegated to the charge of Cleveland, May 19.-(By AP)- the officers of the association and the Transmission of photograph from creation of a better information ser- Cleveland to New York over an ordin- vice at the University. ary telephone wire was successfully. --accomplished today by engineers oi g s / r /vi . n iu I the American Telephone and Telegraph Mi Y f[ssOulllSt Li__,_i41n +nnznMM ,, rlr the members immediately following Near East expeditIon sent out by the their election, and so this year it was university under the direction of decided to make the treat a picnic. Prof. Francis W. Kelsey of the Latin _epartment, represented Michigan and Selectsthe United States at the first Con- te neWhimsiesSeecsress of Byzantine Studies in Buchar- ect, Rumania, it was learned here! 3 Staff Metoday in a letter to President Mariont L. Burton from Sir William M. Ram- Editors of Whimsies, campus liter- say, a British scholar 'with whom ary magazine, have chosen Ellen Van-y Peterson has been associated. Sir Zandt, '26, Dorothy Tyler, '26, andA l. William added that the youthful A. Butchart, '26 to fill vacancies-eft American cre-ated a'' most' favorable by graduating editors. Paul We lnk, impression at the Congress. '2 , and T. Halsey Davidson, '2t willj retain their positions on the hoard The Senior Sing which was 'sched- of editors. uled to take place today in front of The board plans to give another lee- the library has been postponed until I ture course next year and expects to Thursday. Sinvite four or five prominent writers here to speak. The new board also plans to put out the usu l five. issues $iI'HERER UlCES SEORS f with a better I atance between prose | TO EAR A('ADEMIC DRESS and poetry than has been maintained _ in the past. ! Seniors are urgently request- The last issue for this year will ap- edto wear their academic dress. pear on the campus the early part of Tuesday and Friday of each week C next week. have been set aside. as the days 1 on which caps and gowns should Prof. Leroy Waterman. head of the i be worn. There has been a not- _ Senuitics department left last night I iceable lack of interest in this for Rochester, N. Y., wherI lie will tradition among the seniors this ! address today one of the conferences year. Only four more days for held in connection. with' the coin- Ithe wearing of caps and gownst nencement program of the Rochester remain before the seniors will I Seminary. He will speak on "The jdon their graduation garb for had a spurt which bre first run and kept the down in the second half c TIaggerty going out, Dub Ion, and Dillman being re to Scanlon. After Wilso' flrst on Duhim's error, St ending the inning. After eyes had put one runner means of a pass in the third, Dillman caught a hi shortstop retiring Hiel struckout Scantlebury, an ended the inning by catel fly. Michigan seemed cert in the last, half of the hits by Kipke and Bacl ass to Blott filled the two out. Haggerty, the bat, hit the first one pit was out, Duhm to Scanlc hit over first was the wyhich spoiled a .one-tw tirement in the first of Dillman was the only ' reach first in the last o Iowa was retired in order Giles started Michigan's j inning by singling but stealing second by a p from the plate. Bachiman 'with two out but died o (Continued 'on PT .kVA &0""F ,1v ~q. ,9,YF&company, it was cannounlcea nere. 'nte - Officers for the cosmopolitan club T ltW co wpas, the result / weks Le- were elected at the meeting held in V Wiii Se 10,00 teswas t Laehl1at ih.Toe e e t perinuenting.I Lane hall last night. Those elected IPhotographs were transmitted in to head the club for the coming year Columbia. Missouri,A May 19.-Steps less than 5 minutes in a simply design- are: president. Rensis Likert, '26; . are now being taken to perfect plans ed appam'atus, the sending end of ,Ve:aChang, '26; sec- for construction of a permanent stad- which was in the companies ClevelandI vic pesien, eraChng 26 s 1-iiim ;i the Unliversity of _Missouri. It t plant and the receiving enad at the 1 rveary, .Kmde26;nfaculty i19to be built in three units, the first generna ofices in New York. A com- treasurer, Lionel G. Crocker, grad.;: unit to costpproximately $300,000. mon photograph film was used in 'ho student treasurer, Jane Skiller, '24:; The completed stadium will cost well test. Tle exposed filyu was placed - faculty directors. Carleton F. Wells over a million dollars, it is estimated. J on a cylinder wIhich rotated at un- - and Mrs. A. D. :Moore; student direct- The first unit will seat between form speod with a like cylinder with e l ors. J. A. Enriquez, '26M, N. M. Malik, 25,000 and 30,000 persons and the E an unexposed film on the apparatus. i i Crcle Fra Eleci Officers for the elected at a meet Francais held yes Alnha; Sigma, national 1h g fraternity, held giht at the Union. l TM,