THE MICHIGAN DAILY LASSIF IE D ADVERTISING AT 3 P.M, FOR BENT MODERN NINE ROOM house newly deorated. Good location,9just off E. University. Phone 3290. ;1DOUBLE OR SINGLE room with pri- vate family. 10 minutes walk from campus. Phone 2893-J. 421Ben- jamin St. ONE LARGE ROOM for two or will rent in as a single room. Phone 2- 89-W. FOR SALE SORORITIES TAKE notice. For sale one oi the finest homes in the city. Twenty rooms, extra large site. YOU WILL LAUGH and enjoy The Dover Road, Wednesday, February 20th at Sarah Caswell Angell Hall. OAK LIVING ROOM table and A:min- ister rug. Will take a small cotract as part apyment on modern six room house located between State and Main Phone 617. MODERN NINE room house, S. E. sec- tion. Newly decorated. Lot 50x 150. Will trade for large income property. Phone 2438. ORANGES-CARLOAD of Florida- sweets, direct from the grove. Pick- ed the 8tht of February. Ann Arbor team track, 1st St. $2.50 bushel, or 75c per peck. THREE ACRES To be voted into city in Spring. Faces two streets. Hill to build on. Electricity and water to be put in. ' his in as opportunity to benefit from rapidly increasing value. O niy $3300 if taken at once. - L. D. Carr and C. J. Treinnel 17 Sav. Bank Bldg. Ph. 441-F-1. venings Ph. 3034-R. REAL ESTATE A-REAL-BUY Located-four blocks from-Campus 14 rom brick veneer house Steam Heat Oak floors and finish thr out Two complete bath rooms Full basement Property in excellent condition. $2,000.00 down Easy terms on balance.. POMMERENING and B AESS 506 First Nat'l Bank Bldg. Phone 3091 NEW DOUBLE HOUSE Seven minutes walk to 'campus. Fear carline. Five cozy rooms in each part. Steam heat. Just the house for a small family desiring a comfortable home and income without the inconvenience and work of keep- ing roomers. Shown only by ar- rangement. L. D. Carr and C. P. Treniiel 17 Sav. Bk. Bldg. Phone 441-F-1. WANTED HELP BE A., NEWSPAPER Correspondent with the Heacock Plan and earn a . good income while learning; we show you how; begin actual work at once; all or spare time; experience unnecessary; no canvassing; send for particulars. Newswriters Train- ing Bureau, Buffalo, N. Y. THE NORTH RIDGE Brush Co. is now ready to help solve that vaca- tion work problem that confronts many college students. We have ' helped hundreds of students in the last 3 years, let us help you. Our proposition nets good workers from $500 to $1000 per summer. Call 233-J from 1 to 6 for appointment as soon as possible as territory is going fast. R. J. Chick, L. B. Ab- bot, 336 S. Division, Phone 233-J WANTED as porter. References. Phone Frank' 371. ;-ELOPING COUPLES take The Dover Road from London to Paris. Their adventure on the way present a pleasing Comedy. Sarah Caswell Angell Hall, Wednesday, Feb. 20. THE ALUMINUM Cooking Utensil Company, manufactuers of "Wear- Ever", has put some 20,000 men through universities and colleges. The Company is pleased to an- nounce the following representa- tives who will explain the work. Appointments can be made by phon- ing between 7 and 8 in the evening. Hjalmar S. Hansen, 555 S. Divikkion, Phone 2520-M. Howard A. Sheri- dan, 223 Sfl. Ingalls, Phone 2758-J. Robert C. Winter, 714 Haven Ave, Phone 685-J. Arnold S. Gingrich, 810 Dewey. TWO MEN NEEDED for work next summer. Phone 1273-W between 6 and 7 tonight. BY JUNIOR lit, a room-mate. Front room at 506 E. Jefferson. One block from campus. Phone 516-M. LOST FRIDAY NIGHT at the Union dark brown kid gloves, stitched with brown silk and gold beads. Points of yellow kid around the wrists. Reward. Call 184. GOLD WATCH in eastern part of city Radio dial. Initials G. W. C. Re- ward. Call 188. A BUNCH OF keys. Finder please call 1097-R. SUNDAY MORNING gold pencil on E. University between Oakland and Vaughn. Please call 2819-W. POUND. PAIR BLACK RIMMED spectacles belonging to student who rode from Ypsi to A. A. Friday night in Ford.' Owner can have same by asking for Watson, tool room of new engineer- ing shops and paying for this ad. THE DOVER ROAD will please you. Sarah Caswell Angell Hall, Wednes- day, February 20. TYPE~i& ITING 1 TYPEWRITERS of the best standard makes $15.00 up. Easy terms if desired. Renting, cleaning and repairing a specialty. Largest stock in Ann Arbor. 0. D. MORRILL 17 Nickels' Arcade Dealer: L. C. Smith & Corona type- writers. Typewriters supplies, Rub- ber stamps, Rubber key caps, ribbons, carbon paper, etc. TYPEWRITING and MIMEOGRAPHI promptly and neatly done. Theses, students notes and college work a specialty. 0. D. MORRILL 17 Nickels' Arcarde The Typewriter & Stationery Store TYPEWRITER REPAIIING ALL MAKES. Agency Woodstock and - Oliver typewriters, Sundstrand add- ing machine, Line-a-Time copy 516 E. Williams.J holders, rubber stamps, ribbons, cushion keys, type cleaners and sup- plies. Machines rented. E *ANN ARBOR TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE. Phone 866, downtown OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS DR. W. S. MILLS Osteopathic Physician 1616 First Nat'l Bank Bldg. Phone 321 F-1. COSMETIC SERVICE Superfluous FACIAL HAIRS Removed Permanently by ELECTROLYSIS ELECTRO-COSMETIC SERVICE 224 Nickel's Arcade By Appointment only Phone 1167-R. 3-6 p. m. BEAUTY SHOP WHY LOOK OLD AT THIRTY? Muscles Oil Facials lift the sagging muscles, feed the tissues an d iron out the lines. Violets rays eliminate dan- druff, feed the scalp and restore your hair to the luster of youth. ARCADIA BEAUTY SHOP Room 21 Wuerth Arcade Phone 1733-R._ I KEEP PHYSICALLY ft by the daily use of Walter Camp's Daily Dozen on Records. Complete outfits sold by Schaeberle & Son. USED BRUNSWICK phonograph This is a bargain you will not of- ten find. Pay same as rent. Uni- versity Music House. CONN BAND and orchestra instru- ments. We are excluive agents in Ann Arbor. Sold on the month- ly payment plan. University .Nusic House. FOUNTAIN PEWS ' A NEA' job of Gold Leaf embossing on your Fountain Pen. 25 cents at RIDER'S PEN SHOP 302 State St BOARD WHOLESOME FOOD, home-cooked to a queen's taste, with unexcelled ser- vice and music thrown in at Varsity Lodge Dining Hal, 611 ChurchSt. Begin any day. Tables for girls. CI ELLANEOUS flABCOCK'S EUROPEAN AND AMERICAN TOURS Europe, sailing June 21. Cunard Line, visiting Ireland, Scotland, ing- land, France, Italy, Switzerland, Bel- gium and Holland. $900, no extras. Established 1900. BABCOCK'S TOURS I, EAST ORANGE1 NEW JERSEY SHOES REPAIRED while you wait, Full soles a specialty. O. G. Andres 222 S. State. PALMOLIVE, KIRK'S Hardwater Castile or Trilby Soap. 3 for 25c.' College Grocery, 516 W. Williams. Athena to Discuss Election "Prospects for 1924 Elections" will be discussed. at the, meeting of the Athena iterary society which will be held at 7:15 o'clock tonight in the Alpha Nu rooms of University hall. The principal speakers will be Mar- garet Gedds, '26, Dorothy Bolton, '24, Madeline McGurk, '24, Elizabeth Mc- Dowell '26 and Beryl Scafer, '25. This meeting will be open to visitors. Lawrence, Kan., Feb. 18.-Work on the new library at the University of Kansas I nearing completion. It is expected the building will be finished sometime in May. SPARE TIME POSI- TIONS FOR STUDENTS Greatest opportunty, "Life of Wood- row Wilson," by Josephus -Daniels, Secy. Navy, associate of former presi- dent. Big book, handsomely illustrat- ed, low price. Best terms to represen- tatives. Credit given. Send for free outfit at once. Make money fast. Authorship is guarantee of authentic- ity. Universal House, College Dept., 1010 Arch St., Phila., Pa. FAIR TO FEATURE CIRCUS Raging lions will pace the sand floor The sacrifice of the Christians to of the arena in wait for their prey. make a Roman holiday will be but one The cringing victims will be thrust of the many attractions of the one- within reach of the black-maned ring circus which will be one of the jungle kings. The huge cats will features of the fair. In the center of crouch and spring while on his throne the huge dirt floor will be erected a above a grim-faced emperor smiles coliseum in which the performers willI cruelly-all at the Union Fair to be appear. On one side, on raised stands held March 7 and 8 in the Yost field will be seated the Roman emperor house on Ferry Field. and his attendants, from the other sides visitors at the fair may view the acts. A TAight-footed artists of the twist and turn will present a jui juitsu act. Ar- rayed as clowns, skilled tumblers will perform among the crowd while over- head tight-rope walkers balance per- ilously. A short boxing match will be another of the many features of the E. T. Colton, Formerly Russian Relief tcircus.c Worker Aakes Plea For Preceding the preformance the ac- rker A /kes P 3 a For robats, athletes and actors will Read The Daily "Classified" ( Always Satisi m- at Tuttle's Lunch Room 338 Maynard St., South of Majestic Tuatt Country REVEREND SAYS THEOLOGY JUST EXPERIENCE COOLED DOWN "Theology is just experience cooled down and hardened", said Rev. Gaius Glenn Atkins, minister or tie First Congregational church of Detroit at the' Unversity services held Sunday night in Hill auditorium under the Student Christian association. "The man who had experience," Reverend Atkins said, "Spoke of it and some one camne and made a theological ! experience of it. Religion grows out' of our needs. New experiences will give new insights into religion, and we need not be afraid of these new in- sights." In delving into the chemical lab- oratory we only enter deeper into that Mystery. We are always seeking an, I answer. That answer always leads us to religion. And religion," he con-' chided, "is an adventure towards the. light which I would say, is God,. In conjunction with Reverend At-I kins, E. T. Colton of New York, for- merly connected with the American Relief Administration in Russia also delivered a short talk. "The prob- lem that we have in Russia," Mr. Col- ton said, "is the prevention of the destruction of the sciences and arts. for 125,000,000 people. All symbols of the old society have been destroy- Philip LaRowe of the School of Music' played the organ and Mrs. Grace Johnson Konold of the voice: department of the school of Music sang "The Voice in the Wilderness" by Scott. Lionel Crocker of the pub- lie speaking department acted as pre- siding officer. Detroit Preacher A Fundamentaizst Rev. E. J. Nutter of Detroit declar- ed Sunday night in .a short speech given in Harris hall that he was a fundamentalist in regard to the sub-I ject of the Virgin birth. He stated that the recent controversy on this question is not an unusual occurance because attacks against the creed have happened often. "To doubt the statements of such acurate historians as St. Luke and St. Matthews is irrational" he said, "and to think of their scriptures as fiction is absurd." march about the building in circus parade style. Varsity Nine Has Forced Vacation (Continued from Page Six) for the back-stop position and. they look as if they could be depended on for handling some of the work. Few FIeleers Out kFielding positions offer a good op- portunity to new men since only two I of last year's Varsity will be on hand to fill their posts. Kipke and Hag- gerty, both of whom are now playing on the Varsity basketball team, will be only ones on hand for field work for the coming season. Kipke 'is an out fielder and one of the fastest out-gar- den men in college competition. His defensive work last year was one or the bright sopts in he Michigan play and his bat-work .2aced him high on the batting order. Haggerty made his letter as an Vi- fielder on last season's squad and, It is expected that the coning year will see him stepping around with his usu- al alacrity at the keystone sack. Eug'heer ig Soclety to Dance The Engineering Society will hold a dance at Granger's dancing academy from 9 to 1 o'clock Thursday night. Entertainment will be presented in ,the form of an act by Tang and Ta- vares, as well as several vocal selec- tions and a solo dance. Punch will be served. Tickets are priced at $1.25 and are now on sale at the office of the Mich- igan Technic, in the basement of the old engineering building. They will also be on sale at the door. ADRIAN-ANN ARBOR BUS LINE Central Time (Slow Trime) Leave Chamber of Commerce Week Days Sundays 6:45A. M- 6:45 a. re. 12-4 p. m. 6 .45 P.M. JAS. H. ELLIOTT, Proprietor Phone go6-M Adrian. Mich. Marvelous Creations from Coty, Houbigant, Guerlain ar other famous makers offered in special $1.00, Vanity Packages The Eberbach & Sell Co. 200-.204 E. LIBERTY ST. 700 I TIES C Specially 'Priced at 95c Imported MacGregor CAPS, at 95c Shirts, best grade, former values $2.50 to $3.00 for sale from 50c to $2.00 TODAY AND TOMORROW ONLY! GEN ERALSTEAMSHIPAGT. Tick~etsTravelers Checks. Letters of Credit, Tour- 1st Insurance. etc., Passport, visacs, clearance papers, readmission affidavits. etc., lbforpiatlon. Lines Europe, Orient, Cruises, Tours, etc. Our legalized papers bring relatives and friends to U. S. from foreign countries. NNS RANCE.g All kinds, Best Co's. for our business, home. auto, etc. E. G. AUEBLEA, 6019. Huron St. Phone 1384 AM.R#:4 OR, lMl(~k II STUDENTS' SUPPLY STORE --- ------------- I 1111 SOUTH UNIVERSITY AVE. Security - I- Art~ur 3E.3rquarbt May be found for your valuable docu- ments by using our Safety Deposit Vault. The service will please you. Farmers & Mechanics Bank Engineers' and Architects' Materials Stationery, Fountain Pens, Loose Leaf Books Cameras and Supplies. Candies, Laundry Agency, Tobaccos 608 E. Liberty St. Just off State St. For that 8:45 ra sprint against time '; 101-0 SOUTH MAIN 330 SOUTH STATE ,f s ---------- -------------- it 10 47 - ~dil' ' fi .. t Ia - , Mel t h e i stant e ever" fired of nos - ailing acon. actioni.{ A BIG night and an early morn- ing class. Hard lines.-bnt a Rubberset Shaving Brush can help 2 ways. It whips up a generous lather fast. It works, the lather deep down. to the roots of 'every hair -holds each erect so the razor can't miss it. That's speed. That's comfort. No waste time. No rew, sensi- tive face. U ii . WT7 y Gripped in rubber- guaranteed I '0 o get s' achri r unf tyis 0aif I. What's more, time is friendly to a Rubberset Brush. Each bristle is gripped everlastingly in hard rubber-none can come out, mix with the lather and spoil your shave. Every Rubberset Brush is guar- anteed - unconditionally. The bristlesstayin. Each makesgood -or we do. Be sure of a cool, comfortable shave... at double quick speed. Geta Rubberset todayat any shop on the campus. Made by Rubber- setCompany,Newark,N.J.,U.S.A. STETSON c2 IRVING WARMOLIS,1). S# C. r r~rwew~ia --et-v L___ - I i .-, .: i I II