.«.;.. First Baptist C) Sayles will speak 'Sham and Reality" k service in the ch. The church neet at noon and at ant class will meet v in the Guild House. Hour at the Guild hurch theran Consciousness" immediately k on the sub- I following the student supper served , at the 10:30 ( at 5:30 o'clock. There will be o First Baptist j evening worship.I bible school t 2 o'clock the with Mr. Chap- The Friend- d House from iJLsl' Lre7L tJUian unurenU "Dreamng, Daring, Enduring" will fbe discussed at the 10:30 o'clock sr vice in the First Presbyterian Church.I Dr. Anderson will speak on "h Theory of Evolution and the Fact, ofI Faith" before the student classes' which gather at noon. The Sociala Hour at 5:30 will be folowed by the fChristian Fhdeavor meeting which Iwill be conducted by Beryl C. Schafer, '25. ' The Norwegian whaling -expedition jwhich h'as been working in the 'Ross Sea, has returned to Stewart Island] with 221 blue whales and a number of tiubacks. Seventeen thousand bar- rels or oil, including by-products, have, A will be followed by the nal meeting. The top- n will be, "Things Wej W~e Do Them".s ( Church of Christ Disciples. 'Rev. J. A. Canby will conduct the service in the Church of Christ Dis-I ciples at 10:30 o'clock this morning. i His subject will be, "The Teaching of the Sermon on the Mount." Bible school will be held at 9 o'clock and the Christian Men's Service Club at 9:30. I.They e will be a you~ng people's service1 at. 6 o'clock. Firm and Unitarian Church "The Formality of Prayer" will be onsldered at the 10:30 o'clock 'morn- g worship in the Unitarian Church. 1 students a e welcomed to attend e outdoor nieeting and supper at1 30 o'clock. The students will leave ie church at this hour. First Methodist Church' Reverend Stalker will speak on tho ibject, "The Long Motive", this morn- tg at 10:30 in the First Methodist hqurch. At noon bible classes will! Beet in Wesley Hall and from 5:301 atil 6:30 there will be Open House in esley Hall. Mr. Howard Hoag who, as just returned from Harbin, Man- uria, will speak on his work among ussian refugees at 6:30. Mr. Wes-I rman will address his congregation n "The Bar'den Bearer" at 7:30 o'- *Jt5LLen sec J'ure. f ,_ .' I . ,... __.._ . 1 TfInt1ty 1tu0theiain Chli rk. "The Clcud-Is it Darkness or' U Lght?" will be the topic of honsider-' atlon at the 10:30 o'clock service M n the Trinity Lutheran Church. Sunday! scho~ol WI be he le'd at '9:'30 and 'the student forum will hold theit meeting in the Zion Parish Hall at 5:30. St. Andrew's F~pisepal Church .Holy Communion will be offered at 8 (;'clock this morning in St. Andrew's i Church. The Rever end Charles 'R Erdman of Princeton, New Jersey, } be the visiting preacher at the 1.1 o'-' clock service. Bible2 classes for wo- a Smen will meet at 12:15 an~d at 4o' clock the students will gath'er in Fa- ris hall to go on a hike andl have a picnic supper. New Crop Flower Seeds Ann' Arbor people do not real- ize that right here in our own home town -we have one of the; lamgest stocks of flower seeds in the state. In annual seeds we r'av~e not only, the well known vanrities b'ut we have the new- est novelties in separate colors a 'well as -nixed. In perennial, flgwer seeds wme have a wide Variety . and carry many kinds 'not carried in retail catalogues. It a small quantity or an ounce is required we 'can supply. Our, stocks are fresh and germina- t ion is gunaranteed. Everything in flowering- seeds, plants, bulbs, '" I ti, l : .i ti ;I Foun daton --WIQMKM-- 1.# 1t i fi f D STORE & Faith Are., Congregational Chireh A J "Wings and Mud" has been chosen by Mr. Jump as his sermon topic thisi morning. If the weather permits, the!1 Student Fellowship will 'meet at 4:45i~ o'clock for a mile hike to the F. E. '. Royce farm wher'e by the campfire a } supper will be served and a discus- j sion of the subject, "How Does Soc- iety Look After Its Children", will take place. Following a brief sermon by Mir. Jump,. George Arliss will. bei seen in a remiarkable film, "The Rul- ing Passion.". Zion Lutheran Church The subject chosen for the sermnon . text this morning in the Zion Lutheran Ch'urch is "The Perplexing Little! While." The usual student supper at 1 5:30 will be followed by the student forum. The topic of discussion will be, "The Student Life 'of Some Great Lutherans." Bethlehem Evangelical Church Sunday school and bible. classes. will meet at 9 o'clock in the Bethlehemn Evangelical Church. English' servic- es at 10 will be followed by services1 in German at 11. St. Paul's Lutheran Church The morning sermon in St. Paul's Lutheran Church, will be on "The Re-1 lation Between Christ's s't'ork and theI Work of the Holy Spirit." Henry Don-, neTr will lead the discussion . on' "Lut-t, FUTURE REMEMBRANCES of COLLEGE DAY Have The pictures Fram ed No v WENZE 207, East Liberty Street' Ph( DRAPER.IES,., WIPO S-t WALL PAPER, PAINTS, OILS SHOW CARD COLORS AR'TISTS' SUPPLiEs gone 84 ADES ,-a a' "~a :........ ....".V: ;* , Announcing A Policy of Expansion With the idea of giving our clientele bettei 'also believing that a larger business can beh economically we will openi another store on Stat+ I st. This location is now occupied by Wadharr tvany in Nickel's Arcade. There will be an extension of the personal: =tee that has characterized our establishment in th, policy at both stores will be to feature the latest of mens' furnishings, and Langrck Clothes, tailox rock--New Haven. 1ilitIin1 ,,tt111#1 11'tmiuiuruliiilluI, -' aE w w " j *r a i w r serice an candld mor to Stret Jul n. s nd ,C~aa M' 'a 1a ,r. r servce aY ~andld moe b" - m - - a ' - - - ~ m - U - V STONE on, Stone the buildings rise ~)about you, soy rapidly that you feel a's if unseen hands had been working overnight. Construction is rapid enough, but 'it is All the result of many longs months of careful planning and the sl owvcorrelation of iany'forces. I ME EBERSHIP in the Mich nigan Mutu- al Savings Association is the firmest: foundation upon which you can build your savings plan. The foundation should be ample as well. as firmt. Memberships for each one of the famtily 'shou-ld be your aim. Only a fewr ,memberships remain o pen. on our books. A telephone call will b ring one of our representatives to explain our savings plan. A WEL..,L-CONCEIVED plan is sec- ond only to a firm foundation.. Be- gin now to plan your future savings policy. Haphazard methods result only in haphazardr results. Plan definitely to save something every pay-day, not how little, but how much. j1 'Y i iichigan OAutu l Savings Association } _ _', /' / Van13ov e~C &Thompson, INCORPORATED 1107 S. University Ave. ; ) " ,w\ A 1