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May 18, 1924 - Image 9

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The Michigan Daily, 1924-05-18

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XXXIV. No. 169











Fathers D
Fathers'. Day was instigated by a
similar celebration which has been
held for many years at the University
of Illinois. That university called
their celebration Dad's fDay, and it
was held in much the same manner
that Father's Day was observed at the
University, excepting that it was held
in the fall. .
Thomas I. Underwood. '23L, last
year's president of the Union, urged
by the success of Dad's Day at Illi-
nois, initiated Michigan's first observ-
ance of the day last year. To launch
the new traqition he organized a com-
mittee withJohn Lawton,.'21, acting
as chairman. Wallace Flower, '24,
Milton Peterson, '25, Franklin Dick-
man, '25E, Charles Hummer, '25, Ar-
den Kirchner, '25, Harry Clark, '24,
and Thomas E. Fiske,. '25, were the
other men on the omrmitte.
After considering several dates for
the two days they finally selected May
11. and 12, the Friday and Saturday
of the w ek end. These dates were
chosen primarily for the outside at-
tractions which were scheduled to be
staged at the time. The Spring Gaes,
a track meet and the annual tug-of-
war between .the sophomore and the
freshman classes were some of the
Approximately 650 fathers attended
the celebration, coming from all parts
of, the Coufltry. DuI~ ring Friday, the
fathers atte4ded classes with their
sons, both in the afternoon and the'
morning. They wer-e also: shown abo'ut
the campus by special campus guides.
The bigtevent" of the whole .to
days was the baquet held Saturday
night at the Union Among the seak--
ers of the dinner were Pesident Mar-
ion L.Burton, Congressman P. A.
Kelly, '0b, and James E. Duffy Sr.,
After the banquetate fathers were
invited to a showi at Mines theater.
The local moving picture theaters also
donated free admisions to their
shows. The last two events closed the'
program. .
The same general program that was
given last ear was also given this
year and because of its success will
undoubtedly be held liext year at
about the same time.
Mothers' Day IS
Successful Here
Mother's Day at Michigan was an
innovation in traditions, the celebra-
tion of last .week"end being the ist
time at program of such a nature
had ever been attempted. Mother's
Day is under the auspices of the stu-
dents' Christian association, while the
accompanying celebration, Father's
Dlay, held one week later 'this year l
was supervised by the Union.
The program was arranged much
the same as the schedule of Fathers'
Day, there being a banquet Saturday
:nigt at 'the Union for the mnoters
and various entertainments offered at I
the different fraternities. On Sunday
special services were given at the
churches followed with dinners at fra-
ternity houses. Eddie Guest, Detroit
poet, concluded the program with a
reading of his poems.
According to Harry Clark. '24L, ex-
president of the S. C. A., much' the
same entertainment is planned 'for
next year.
Title Contest Announced
One hundred dollars will be paid
to the person submitting the winning:
title for the new international maga-I
zine of travel to be published by the
Nomad Publishing company. "Travel,"
"Traveler," or "Tourist" must be in-
cluded in the title. The contents of
the magazine are to cover the field
of travel by land, water, and air.
Persons interested are asked to con-

municate with the Nomad Publishing
company, Inc., 150 Lafayette Street,
New York, N. Y.
Turks Grant Great Amnesty
The National Assembly has passed
a bill granting amnesty to all military
and political prisoners arrested during!
the war or armistice period. The billj
excepts 300 prisoners stipulated in
the Lausannle Treaty whom tithe An-
gora governmentdetermined should
not benefit by the terms of any am-
Fathers who were able to attend the
festivities this year will have acquired,
when they leave, a very good idea of
the place where their sons spend nine'
months of the year, and it is the hope
of the officials of the program, the
desire to return if not oftener, at least
once a ytar to the Father's day cele-

'ay Celebration Here Some Dads See,, Fathers Vi
The Old Soak'
d Byis "The Old oak" with RaymondFor
Hitchcock, appeared last night at the
Whitney theater. While not engaged
Speaker Classes m1~yOst often the "chip and block" for the occasion this play is one e3 C
idea snot so clearly (iscernable. Yet, Pecially appropr ate for the Father's U S cenes
sorwe" are told by authorities,"the";'Day' program which was held by the l
I athers ndSonst traits of the father regenerate in the Union. R ecall College (
Chi s ndB l o ks -e din the succeeding genera- ! the mother and the family in general. * To Fr
.~his~nd loks~oi ndth tais f heso ae e n hestryth s s heprde~ I.fe i o bathers
tions. It is true in a poetic and the- The father, while loved for his con-
oretical way that "the child is father 'geniality by his family and friends, is
New relations between fathers and of the man" but it is more true. liter- lazy and apparently worthless. His One half of the world doesn't know
sons were called to mind by Professor ally and actually, that the father is family is most of the time without Ihow the other half lives, but they're
Win. D. Henderson when he once the foundation of the man's very na- money, and he is generally the cause investigating. So runs a modern fa-!
nucetyr.of everything that happens. ble. Some observer with a sense of
commenced a Father indl Son banquet !tuzre..
speech by designating his audience Ard thus. when it is realized that The son falls in love with a chorus E humor has suggested that this epi-
as "Chips and Blocks." the chip will some day be A block girl of a large musical comedy show, gram should apply very nicely to the
Sons, he said, are often merely f having the same grain as the original and being infatuated, embezzles money annual Fathers' lay, in fact, should
chips from the old paternal block. As blocki the importance of Father's Day dthe company, hoping to nvest it He adopted as a slogan for the move-
the greatest examples of this there is realized, as a day when chips and plunge heavily and ses. . There is no doult but what the
comes to mind tihcJasen A snour own k fathers and sons, may come to Faced with a vision of prison, the I fathers were interested and did find
country in which John Adams and o' kw.t soit steals stock which belongs to the out many things during their tours
John Quincy Adams, father and son, know each other. For if the chip bumhiostonhotadro about the campus yesterday. At any
both became president of the nation; must say to the block, "Someday I other btiissoonlstn no
l is sure of arrest and conviction, of day one could see groups ex-
rthe case of the two Angells, the father, will be like you," this chip certainly The worthless father, who was never amining buildings inside and out, ad-
president of Michigan, the son, pre should be intimately acquainted with expected to do anything good, discov- miring the library and equipment, and
dent of Yale; the case of Dumas Pere i most of all watching the construction'
and Dumas fis. There are examples 1 that Which it will someday resemble. ers the most respected man of the work on the new lit and law dormitory
on thie other side too, where rogue And if the block must say to the chip town is a bootlegger and forces edifices.
fathers have been followed by rogue "Someday you will be like me," then : enough money from him to save the To some of them the campus was
sons. What a responsibility this as- this block ought to know the chip son by repayment of the money. an entirely new sight. Though it may [
pect of the situation places upon the ' personally and strive to make of him- Indeed, the play is one which glori- have vaguely reminded them of their!
fathers,-that they be "blocks of the self a pattern which the chip would fles paternal love and shows clearly the whole primarily a novelty, it was
right grain." be glad to follow. its depth and genuineness. obvious.

isit Ann Arbor

wo Day Entertainm

To many others, however. each ne%
sight brought back a flood of mem-
ores. To these almni, each class
gift. each mighty oak oro ld( building
carried memories of their own stu-
dent days.
"Remember Professor So-and-so'.
house, ,look what's here now." one
would hear a father say, pointing to
some big new building belonging to
the University.
"What's become of the little boiler-
house that used to be near U hall?'
was a continual question. Wiere
upon the "son" would tell of its re-
cent destruction as a part of the new
beautifying plan. Beauty, ah yes, but
they are losing memories, thought the
The new engineering building was
the object of attention all afternob-
with its excellent equipment, sound
and shock-proof sub-basements. and
other engrossing features. In the old
Engineering building, the fathers were
slown one of the two wind tunnels in
America, where airplane models can
be tested against a high velocity air
current. The inariine tank, also unique
in its field, brought numerous ques-

I' . -,

Party Government at
Dy Thomas H. Reed


(In this article Professor Reed of the political
science departminc t discusses various aspects of palrtv
government at Washingtotn. Amother article will be
published in ext Sunday's second section.)
We, have reviewed election methods and the part
which political parties play in the choice of representa-
tives. We have now to consider the relation of political
parties to the conduct of these representatives onee
The Senators, Representatives and President who
constitute the representative element in the government
of the United States. For any purposes the "govern-
ment" resides in the executive (lepartments. 'I'he activi-
ties of our national establishment are now so numerous,
various and complex that the real power of decision in
many important matters rests not with the elected. rep-
resentatives of the people but with the permanent offi-
cials in charge of that particular branch of administra-.
t.on. We used to jibe at the bureaucracies of l urope.
At the same time we were acquiring no mean bureaucra-
cy of our own. Complete control of this bureaucracy
through elected representatives is impossible. There
was something like such control in the days when
every official head came off with a change of party.
ihe evils of this so-called spoils system, however, were
so great that we are now thankful to leave our bureau-
crats in scarcely disputed possession of fields of gov-
ernmiental activity.
Iluriing now to the functions of our chosen represen-
tatives it is necessary for us to recall that the framers
of the Constitution 'provided for what is known as a
check and balance system of government. 'The Presi-
dent, the -louse of Representatives and the Senate were
elected by different constituencies and for terms of
varying length. Each was supposed to serye as a check
upon the other and to prevent that hasty and inconsid-
crate action of which the more democratic institutions of
the early state government had proved themselves
capable. There was besides, the Supreme Court, ap-
pointed by the President for life which exercised the
power of passing upon the constitutionality of every act
of Congress or the President. The theory on which
this system was constructed was that government is a
sort of machine into which it is necessary to introduce
balances and counter-poises that it may run steadily
and efficiently. As a matter of fact the analogy between
a government and a machine is a very false and dan-
gerous one. It is much more enlightening to compare
government with a physical organism which requires an
act of will for the exercise of power. The process of
governing is in fact a succession of acts of will. Where,
a frame of government like ours provides several
sources from which acts of will may spring, it is essen-
tial to its functioning that some coordinating or har-
monizing force be created. This coordinating force
was provided by political parties. If Congress in both
its houses and the Presidency were in the hands of one
political party, there might be some reasonable expec-
tation that they would act together harmoniously. This
has proved to be the )case. No less has it been demon-
strated that when the President and either house of
LntC r - of nnnonie nn ltira-1 narties. there is some-

stances surrounding the negotiation and discussion of
the Treaty of Versailles. The elections of 1918 had
determined that there would be a Republican House
and a probable majority of one for the Republicans in
the Senate of the new Congress. Nevertheless our
constitutional arrangements decreed that the treaty must
be negotiated by a Democratic President. 'he ultimate
result was dead lock and failure to take any 'efective
action in the settlement of the World War. The only
chance we have of effective cooperation between the
executive and the legislature is in the dominance of a
single party in both.
Another fact essential to our undIerstailding of the
situation at Washington is that the President has now
become the reputed leader of his party in Congress=
and in the country. It was not always so. Woodrow
\\ilson in his very brilliant book "Congressional Gov-
ernment" written in the early eighties regarded Con-.
g;'ess and especially the House of Representatives as
the center of our system. The same authority lectur-
ing before the students of Columbia University in 1907
(the lectures were subsequently published api "Consti-
tutional Government in the United States") assures
his hearers that the central and predominant power in
our government was now the President and that the
source of his power was the leadership of his party.
The first of the new type of presidents, those who
vigorously used all the power of their office to control
their party and Congress was Grover Cleveland. Each
succeeding president with the possible exception of Taft
has made increasing use of his patronage, his power of
veto and the unexampled opportunitv for publicity
which he can secure for his ideas to dominate his
Party government in Washington has come then to
this, complete domination by the President so long as
the President's party is in power in the House and
Senate, at other times dead lock.
Both houses of Congress are organized in such a
manner that the majority party has absolute control of
the progress of business. Each bill as it is introduced is
referred to one of the series of committees constituted
at the beginning of each session of Congress. On each
of these committees most of the members belong to the
majority party. The chairman, who is the most in-
fluential member, is always a member of that party.
No bill has any real chance of success unless it is fav-
orably reported by the committee. It would 'seem that
this gave the majority party a very efficient control of
the business of Congress, but this is not all. Among the
measures which are reported from committees, by no
means all can be considered by the House. The Speaker
of the House of Representatives is always a member
of the majority party. lie possesses the power of rec-
ognition. Though you be as tall as the Cardiff giant
and have a voice like the bull of Bashan, you cannot
obtain recognition to make a motion, or even a speech,
except with his approval. The majority party controls
the rules committees and this committee in turn controls
the order of precedence of measures before the House.
A member who defies the organization has very little
chance of getting any of his bills out of committee or,
if he by chances nasses that hurdle. of havino' them con-

down to destruction. It pays a member to be "regular",
that is to obey the organization. Sometimes in a group
of the older members of Congress, but wherever that
leadership is, the individual member does well to bow
before -it. With some slight modification this statement
is as true of the Senate as of the House of Represen-
The Harding-Coolidge administration has witnessed
a great weakening of parties in Congress. Men elected
as Republicans have not hesitated to ally themselves
with the minority party against- the program of the
President. This is not to be taken as a weakening of
the prestige of the President with his party so much as
a distintegration of the party itself. "Insurgency"
under Taft was a temporary rebellion extensive and.
vigorous enough to result in the formation for the mom-
ent of a new party. The new party soon disappeared
but the doctrine of party allegiance had received a se-
vere blow. Blocs arose in Congress, the most powerful
of which was the so-called agricultural bloc made up of
Representatives and Senators from the agricultural
states regardless of nominal party affiliations. They
bent to party discipline in all other matters but on ques-
tions affecting agriculture they stayed together against
both parties. It is also worth remembering that while
they were not the work of formally organized blocs the
two most violent changes in our law since the Civil
War, Prohibition and Woman Suffrage, were put
through by ton-partisan organizations without the as-
sistance of either party. Granted this weakening of
parties in Congress, it need not surprise us that in
these days we have a disciplined group of nominal Re-
publican Congressmen who act against the Republican
President on all occasions. Senator Lafollette is for .
example in Wisconsin a Republican but in Washington
he is an opponent of every policy of the Repuulican.
The truth of the matter is that our political parties
have rather lost their reason for existence. There is no
logical description of a Democrat which would not do
quite as well for a Republican and vice versa. The
prestige of the parties, however, with the public is still
great and the only way they can be kept together for
the all important purpose of electioneering is by allow-
ing party members every latitude in opinion even when
they happen to be Congressmen. I do not know wheth-
er President Coolidge is a better Republican than Sen-'
ator Lafollette but I do know that they cannot con-
sistently belong to the same political party except on
the theory that a political party is nothing more than a
piece of machinery by which one helps himself to office.
If we were all perfectly honest and straightforward
in our opinions, there would no longer be two parties?
but probably nearly a dozen. We may expect to see our
parties pass through a period of reorganization and
transition. We may come out of. it all with a two-
party system again. There are as has been pointed out
great advantages in having one party in and one party
out ready to come in. I am very sure, however, that
we will not go on forever pretending that we, are Re-
publicans or Democrats unless we can find something
distinctive for these two words to mean. In the mean-
time we cannot blame our representatives in Wash-
invton for not einv verv onod A Reassi,.nz n ~. r

Friday and Saturday the stu
- the University acted as hosts
fathers who came from all o
country to attend the second
Father's Day activities held ur
direction of the Union. The
were given a chance to see tI
s pus, visit classes and live ove
e college days for a brief whil
fathers were guests at a banqt
Friday night at the Union whi
attended by over 250 fathers a
' William L. Day, '00, of Ohio,
- United States district judge, a
H. Smith, '95L, of Detroit wi
V chlef speakers and Louis Stan:
t acted as toastmaster.
During the day, Friday, tle
were given a chance to visit
with their sons and in the afi
they were conducted about the<
and through the various bu
All of Michigan's treasures an
tions were explained and sh
te fathers.
Atrthe banquet which wit
in the assembly hal of the Uni
guests attended the Mimes pro
"The Sweetest Kiss," at Mimes I
Saturday afternoon a basebal
was held between two freshman
on Ferry field, and in the even
Sfatherswere given a chance
I.one of Mic igan's most famonw
Iitions, the Cap night ceremoni
to hear the singing of the fre
A special section was roped off
fathers and they ha an oppo
to hear Edwin Den by, '6, Pro
H. Reed of the ,plitical scr
partment and Oscar Brown, '24
dent speaker.
Many fraternities had parti
entertainments for their gues
the lokal golf clubs cooperated
lowingthe fathers and ons to
'golf links so that some of the it
an oportunity to beat the s
their own game.
The p-rogram was in charge
Uniton Father's Day committe
members of that committee are:
un J. :Dickan, '5E; .chairmt
bert T. Peck, .'25, Paul Brul
Fben- M. Graves, '25E, charles
'26, and Milton M. Peterson, '2
Man yDds La
For Home To
Today fathers of Mitchigan m
women trim all over the count
be returning home. The fathe
tertainment which has extende
the past two days and which w
Sinate'today in the celebrat
'Father's Day,"has (one much t
the Dads into closer contact w:
true Michigan.
Some of these Dads are old
igan men. They are taking this
tunity to renew old acquaintan
recall to memory senes at Mi#
in former days which were d
them. "Once a Michigan man,
a Michigan man" is a motto wh
years haveheld to be true.
The fathers who 'are nt Mi(
graduates have perhaps for tHq
timo become acquainted withnt
spirit of the institution, and
what Michigan means to tlrai:
and daughters.
As Mother's Day last Sunday b
a closer union between the i
and their daughters, so Father-
has brought a closer bond b
the Fathers and their son. i
occasiojs . deeper and broad
derstanding and sympathy wi
aims-and ideals of the Universi
been accomplished.
Affairs fPpuar".
A t Other Scha
Fathers' Day celebrations a
coming popular according to
indications from other unive
' More and more the men studen
coming to honor their father
fitting celebrations andceremo
is estimated that nearly one n
the larger universities of the
now hold some sort of annual ce

tion in honor of the fathers.
Eadthquake Cooled Toklo
Water in the Bay of Tokio is
this year than last, according
servations -of the Marine Pr
Institute, the earthquake of las
tember being blamed for a n
r drop in the temperature. The
temperature of water along the
near Tokio is expected to ha
such industries as fishing for
fish and gatheringaseaweeds, in
the workers are obliged to
hours standing in the water.



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