n11i1 1rTIaI I I., urriUIsi DULLEIMf ithe Bulletin is constructive notice to all memibers of r.Copy received by (bo 4 Asitaut to the Prc-idenit until 1:34 a. m. Saturday, SUNDAY, MAY 18, 19201 Number 149 I -1 _______THE MICHIG AN DAILY Saginaw Club: All students from Saginaw are rcquested to be present at thc deb ate, between Saginaw and Romeo for the state championship at University H1all Auditorium Monday, May 19, at 8:00 p. Mn. No admission charge. Pregident, Saginaw Club. EMPloy-Ment for Graduatt : Mr. H. «'. Hecker, of the Metropolitan Life Insurance 'company, Grand Rapids, Alich., rill be in Room 302 Michigan Union Wednesday and Thurs- day of this week-May 91 and r22-on Wednesday 5 to 6:30 P. M. and 7:30 jto 9:00 P. Vii; and on Thursday from 1:00 to 4:+00 P. M. to interview seniors intcrlested in insurance work. J. A. Bursley. Tlecfia ! Enhi eeam'hmg l Ii1, 9.fid #0 T'he classes will leave for Detroit Inspae':tion 'Trip on the 8:010 A., a. (City Time) M. (1. train, Tnre-day. May, 20th. The inspection will cotver C on-- nors Creek and Cougress stalions of the Detroit Edison and P. stationl of the Miichigant Bell Comlpan~y. Allred H. Lov*,ll. ae Campaign for League Bullding: ,e general meeting of the Campaign Workers scheduled for 7:30 on y, Mlay 19 is postponed until further riotice. Gertrude Brock, Local Chairman. 4ity Senate: to fourth regular meeting of the University ;Senate for the year 1923- l1i be held in Room C, Law Building on the evening of Monday, Mtay eight o'clock. Order of Business: Annual report of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Election of Secretary. ,. Discussion of the problem of providinig adlequately for the needs pecially gifted student. J ohin11. Bradshaww, Secretary. rigor Art Association: .O exhibition of paintings by Ramnon and Valentin Zubiaurre will ex- -o May 11th to May 26th. Open -week dlays, 1:30 to 5:00 P. M., Sun- :00 to 5:4)0 P. M., also on Saturday May 24th., 10:00 to 12:00 A.. 1 students of the University aiid Public Schools. Waurren P. Lomba~rdl, President. yo the Colleges of Eniiueecrtig and Atrchitecture: ere will be a meeting of the Faculty of these colleges on Tuesday, nth, at 4 :15 p. in., in Room 411 West Engineering Building. Lois A . Hopkinis, Secretary. e~s Certificates: nks for the paynient of the Teacher's Certificate fees may now be I at the office of the School of Edtucation. All students who expect to mrnended for the Teacher's Certificate in June. must pay' their fees :urn their receipts to the Recorder, School of Education, on or before Thursday, May 22nd. G.1Krig, Recorder. ;-School of Education: Diplomna and Teacher's Certificate fees must have been paid and the s returned to the Recorder, School 'of Education, on or before 4 p. irsday, May 22nd, if candidates expect to be recommended for de- n June, G. Krug, Recorder. rl Science : ignmnent for week ending May 23, Ogg & Ray, Chapters XLVII, ignment for week ending May 29, Ogg & Ray, Chapter XLIX. T. H. Reed. Speakiht for Engineers: e ftollowing men will appear on the program for "Tuesday, 1:30 P. M., Room 348 West Engineering Bldg.;: versdyk, Chairman, and Messrs,. Madison, Stewart, Updegraff, Dyni, Reid, Ellis, Whipple, Palmer. C. A. Schnild t, Chairman of Asseinblies. VSa (Heredity) : view Questions 20 to 24 are due Mlonday.AMey 19, at 5 p. m; Please ange of numbers of questions which are erroneously stated in Sat- i-4 t: nyder, Ph'i -,igmla lfappa, sec- ."a .n(!: Wlsh. Pi Sigma, Kappa, third; Tr .-:. B1ta Thiet.a Pi, fourth. Time,'I '.rI ri I4 Jp: "-'I- iqard, fBeta Theta. Ph. frst Snyer. hi Sgma appa, Roherse0. eltaTan Delta,. :0hCd:iI\rlnd I'I. h li, fourth. Dig-I tang, 1.)fet 11i-11 ,IiJuniI: oheppar11, Beta. Theta 1. flr-gt; 1'\Yaik, 'YhelClOChi. second: Radfoyrd, Alpha Rho Chi, Robertson, Delta Tan Delta, and Whittleson,. Del- ta Tau lrpsilon, tied for third awl d fourth. IHeight, 5 feet 8. Shot Put: Amos, PhIi ('lii, first; Schravesa rid, Phi Sigma Kappa, see- ond; Sheppwa, Beta Trheta P.1, third, SCow, Be ta_ Th ±ta Pi, fourth. Distance Half Mile Bla:I 'Sig ma ]ap- j,%1. flIt:'7,a hea i ,ondl; Theta (hi, I livd ; ihtRo Chi fourth. "we Morning Breakfast Haye Your 1 - C at k Tuttle's Lunch Room 338 Maynard St, South of Majestic i i . 4, TUESD)AY I 1 :1 ,.#slev ille- iicii pan club neh. WT14'S y 1N i eon, Union. £ ~4:0---A il~iiii.Delta Sigma m nembers - v.. - ...:.-_ _, .... .. meeting, room 104, Union. Allper~o~ o ~ ~ ~ 5:44-411111a Delis. Sigmia Initiates 0011ni -114*mi inlud inthir gtie meetingmrom304, Union. 'P diI dar , i: i includ I thir ) 0 - f Ie e clu iii h ier, 1U iotk. 4*3.lo,,and. lace. All notices r :3"--A~1lha etla Sigic baniquet, !! I i Y a f' ISE 10 S-Time's -Flying Order NOW l) vv--Upipr RIconsIBible cis JIICet.. ng. Lane lhall. :: {--Iiliplpi e-tlcli iguii . clt 1 , iteect- ink;, Lane hall.1 3 0---.ewis,11Stuilests' coiigrel, ijun meets for election of next year's of- ficers, LHane hail. U Lnion. i s3(6-A delphi meeting, Ultiversity Ia.. UT-NOTIClES 'i'be Geor'ge Boot ii schiolarshipi comape. tition drawings are now on exhibi- tion in the architectural lecture room on the second floor of the En- gineering building where they may1 be seen every afternoon. VISITING CARDS CORRECT AND UP-TO-DATE STYLES $3.00 AND UP ALL WORK GUARANTEED II Vahr's University okStr 4::30-I nltari ,1 st ,identis leave for out.- doors meeting from nUnitaria~nch h PHI SI6MA KAPPA WIN :---CongregationAl s:tudents ineet for hike. and supper, Congregational] OT OR H K M I J 7 :30--Getvrge. Arliss in "T11he. Ruling (Continued from Page Six) I Passion,"-7a motion picture, Con- Delta Tau Upsilon fourth. Time 4:52 gregational church. Ij 220 low hurdles: Snyder, Phi Sig- MMNAY ma Kappa, first; Walk, Theta Chi, 9:04) a:.. ni3:(K1--Engineermg society second; Travis, Beta Theta Pi, third; eleetiolns, Engjonering arch.l Weaver, Beta Theta Pi, fourth. Time 1:00-OUrnalWclub Inex)nIon.1 , 25.4. 4:0--CerdelFa Tafl4sI intltn...gi-'g..- 120 high hurdles : Walk, Theta Clhi, E { jI I j t i r M i i ; ,~QUALITY. 'C t)C i I't Peerless I tion of officeratiUniversity hall. 4 - :U5-Ba Kebhll--Iowa is. Mictigan on Ferry ield.j 0:00--SnrgileaI staff dinn'er, ntilon. 6 :OOl--Exchange club dinier, Un:ion. a8 :00-nterscholaslie debaite, (Tniy r- ' sity Hall. Read the Want Ass Ref rig era tors i Fresh, cool food from Sanitary lce Boxes. That is What' you find in -a Peerless Refrigerator, too, your ice bills are less for it is 11111 f 1-mil# to vpf n.11 of flip r T o Europe $ and Return I OU A. franklin Shull. saitafry constructionn refrigeration possible from the melting ice. Its makes cleansing simple. Fromh $13.00 to $54.00. C. Fiscu-,her COO rGlee Chi b: her attractions sclseduled for Tuesday night force us to changs the: f the Spring Serenade. It will be held tomorrow, Monday, nlgbt. be in Room 308 Michigan Union by 7:50 P. M. The banquet dlate hiar 3nl changed. Carl B. ;c00'onmnke~r, Manager. Oleo Club: munbers of the Frosh Glee Club are invited to sing with the Varsilty Sthe Spring Serenade tonnorrow night. Fleet in Room 303 Union at Al. Carl 'B. Schoonniaker, Mania er" Try.O'itt for Next Year: Iwho expect to try out for the' Ohio-i\liigan, (Women's) debaq-te or ntral League (-Men's) debate next year must try out for the casin ll1egiate Debating this weekc. All such prospective debaters should r with Aoi-rie member of tine Public Speaking ;etaff not later th.an Wed!(-. of this week. Students now Freshmein may try out for thi-= courme are no prerequisites. Further iniforiation ay bhe bad from meom- thVe; staff. A five-minute speech on som it -hase of -either side of the all tal or Party question shouldi be prepared. Try-outs will probab- .Zel S,.turdpy morning. Fuirther announ ements will, be mnade in th"' I Bullctin later thi, week. Reister in 303 Mason h-all." Ray K. Ininel. cal selfinar:s ets Wednesday, Mlay 31, at 4A30. Noni JB17, N. S.. Building. Paper ll Bartlett.--Structural remains in the coal fragments of the campus ;h deposits. B.''.. Davis. THIS SUMMER WASH. -NEAR M3AD 10-01,i~Z 04 1&l 1 . A splendid opoiunity for tourists, teachers, students and kindred spirits to enjoy -a summer vacation in Europe at a cost within the reach .of everon e. THEIFShIP1S--SAXObN IA, June 21 st MAURETANIA:, July 2nd LANCAST RIA, July 3rd THE ACCOMMD NODA,.lOXQ-Two, three and four berth rooms, spic and mlatt, commodious: attractive public rooniw--comfotrt able lounge, sncking room, light, airy; dining ,room. Good, wholesome food. , n ,excellent p~romienade de ck with steamer chairs and all conl ; fefimcflCC. Third Cabin, but in name only. Passengers re- si rioted to Students, Teacher, Writers, Artists and Tourists- poople -of 'refinement whose society will be congenial. ENTETLT,:'Al Ni3lET;: -Orelieat ii, concerts, dances and deck game; will contiribnt toi your'enjoyment of the trip. Tli~ RTT'N---Siniararrangentents are available for the Re- turn.'Voyage cQvering several sailing dates. __.. --4LL - -- a _.._ _ ... _.. .. _ .. _- . __ -- . , awrw rn,. i C -N AR 1227 Wash-ngton Blvd. Detroit, MVich. Or E. G. KUEBLER, Local Agent R Pre A ill be am eeing of the Cercle 'ercle roons. E lection of officers. time. All members are requested Francais Monday, May 19, at 4: 00 Annual dues of $1.00 are payable to be present. Helen Nancy Woodruff. 601 E. Huron Particulars, Reservations, Tiskets Phone 1 384 p, ' Leading .Artists. in the ." May Festival i.f are V I to r A r ists It's more than just a meal-there's n atmosphere that makes . you feel at home. The whole family will enjoy our Sunday SO HE=ALA= inr Fried Chicken TITO SCHIPA_ Baked Ham---Virginia Style Leg of Lamb With Mint Sauce ROYA.L DD U Prime Rib Roast of Beef:., Roast. Loin of Pork ALBERTO SALVI Leg of Veal "a onFresh Spinach Fresh Asparagus Victor Records by thses famous artists are oan sale here. : remf Wax Beans -. mm..'° reme Cauliflower Peas Thr 1r esn h h oeotatssaeVco Strawberry Shortcake Ther ar reson wh th formos arist ar VitorFinest Home Made Pastry trts. The combination' of Victor Records and Victor Vic- las is supreme. You choose wisely when you insist on a "a niuine Victor Victrola. E CnA foo nd n I #iIannisurrondin~gs ,invite 170u toy EARL V. MOOR E, Musical Director Hill Auditorium Six Concerts May 21-22-2 3-24 EMMI3Y RRUEGER, Munich, Berlin and Madrid Operas ................ ... Soprano DUSOLINA GIANMINI, American-Italian Concert Star............ ..... Soprano CLAIRE DUX, Chicago Civic Opera ...................... ................Soprano SOPHIE ERASL~AU, Metropolitan Opera...................... ... .Contralto TITO SCHIPA,.Chicago Civic Opera .... ...,.... ..Tenor F'ORREST LAMONT, Chicago Civic Opera.t........ ..................Tenor VICENTE BAIJUESTER, Metropolitan Opera .. ... .................Baritone ROYAL DADMUN, American Artist.................................... ..Baritone C'ESARE BARONEO, (Chase Sikes) La Scala Opera.............. . .,.......BPass SYLVIA LENT, American Virtuoso.................................. ..Violinist ALBERTO SALVI, Distinguished Artist .............................. .... Harpist HARIOL1D BAUER, a Master Player............................ .Pianist PALMER CHRISTIAN, Well-Known Artist .... .. ... ............Organist THE UNIVERSITY CHORAL UNION, EARL V. MOORE, Conductor .... .... 350 Voices '111Fy CIIILl)REN'S FEl:STIVAL CHORUS, GEORGE 0. BOWEN, Conductor .. . .500. Voices THE CHICAGO SYMPHONY ORCHIESTRA, FRED)ERICK STOCK, Conductor LA PlIIMAV'ERA (First Time in America)..............................Respighi SEADIFT (First Time in America)....................................... Delius