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May 18, 1924 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1924-05-18

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ished every morning except Monday
the University yearby the Board in
)l of Studlent Yutl1'cations.
bers of Western Conference Editorial
Associated Press is a elusively en-
o the use for republication of all news
les credited to it or not otherwise
d in this paper and the local news pub
red at the postoflice at Ann Ar'or,
an, as second class matter. Special rate
tag granted by Third Assistant Yost-
scription by carrier, $3.5o; by mail,
es: Ann Arbor Press Building, May-
tr Ieet.
ies: Editorial, 2414 snQ 176-M; Busi-
ed communications, not exceding 300
will be published in The Daily at
iscretion of the Editor. Upon request,
entity of cjmn unicant will be re-
as confidential.
Telephones, 2414 and 176-1

viki have established in Russia, a rule , highly to be desired. The objectors
more despotic and horrible than has have neither given attention to the
existed sinse the reign of Ivan The ; advice of trusted officials, nor to the
Terrible." testimony of the grave-they have

Editor.............Rob- B. Tarr
al Board Chairman....R. C. Morarity
;ditor............J. C. Garlinghouse
Night Editors
Ailes A. B. Conable, Jr.
C. Clark T. F;.niske
P. M. Wagner

s Editor............Ralph N. Byers
en's Editor..........Winona .Hibbard
c Editor............Ruth A. Rowell
tant City Editor....Kenneth C. Kellar
tor Michigan News Bureau.R. G. Ramsay
natics Edtor......Robert B. Henderson

se Barley ilizabeth Liebermann
. Berkman . S. ansfield
na Bicknell F.. C:. Mack
nan Boxer Verena Moran
n Browis Harold Moore
V., Contad (':1l Ohlmachcr
adette cote Hyde P aerce
V. Davis Andrew l'ropper
id lhrlieh Marie Reed
. Fernaml)erg Regina Rteichinann
1. artner 1Ed nmarie Schraudar
beth Heath C. A. Stevens
'.llenry NV. 11. Stonemnan
ei Houseworth Marjorie Sweet
y Dine Frederic G. Telmos
thy Kainin N. R. Thal
aret Ke~iAr.i.Walthour
s Kendall lie:man Vise
h Kruger_______
Telephone 960


Italy has conduced a new plan to
rid herself of her surplus population!
and accordingly, is directing her em-
migration efforts towards Canada,
Mexico, and countries in South Amer-1
ica. A special agreement is being
concluded between an Italo-Canadian
syndicate in Rome and Fascisti labor
corporation, and steamship companies,
granting low rates for Italian emi-
grants, to faciliate the sending of I
Italian labor to these countries.
This plan which Italy aims to adopt
has its good faults and its bad. Italy'
a nd many other European countries
must send their surplus population
to some other country, or expand in
territorial domains. Since it would
be quite impossible for Italy or' the
other countries to carry out the later
plan, they must necessarily rid them-
selves of their surplus amount ofI
people by sending them to another
land. The United States, in adopting
first the three per cent immigration
measure and then the two per cent
immigration measure, has practically
closed the doors to Italy's former out-
let. Since (it would be almost impos-
sible for her to dispose this extra
population in any of the countries in
the Eastern hemisphere, she must
turn to the American continent, and
finding even here one place closed to
her, she accepts her fate as a matter
of course and looks to the other
American countries. In doing so,
Italy has discovered .a worth while
expedient of still ridding herself of
her extra people without causing any
malice towards the other countries,
and has at the same time set an
example to the many other over-
crowded European countries.
There is also the good that this
extra population can do such coun-
tries as Canada and Mexico and those
in South America. Canada, for in-
stance, with an expanse of land, im-
than that of the United States, has a
population of only approximately 5,-
000,000. With the vast amount of re-
sources that she possesses together
with this vast expanse of land, im-
migrant labor to her land cannot but
be welcomed. Though the same situa-
tion does not quite prevail in Mexico
or in the countries of South America,
because of their still thinly settled
territory, immigrant labor cannot but
be welcomed there.
The bad fault in the Italian policy
consists in that these laborers will
be directed to the oil fields of these
countries where they will be employed,
in oil activities. The natural rough-
ness of oil fields together with the
Scharacter of the Italians that will
probably be sent, will hardly com-
bine in making a good community.
Aside from this fact, the plan which
Italy aims to adopt is highly com-

'We have headed the col Epithalam-
ium, because we feel that we, as
colyumist-laureate to the University,:1
should say something about the Bur-
ton-Stewart nuptials. Still, as we are
rather new at the laureate game, and
have encountered no births, deaths,
or marriages prior to this one-a
marriage-we are in doubt as to how
to go about it.
Perhaps we should only wish the
happy couple all felicity.'
The fascinating thing about the au-
tomobile, we have decided, is the
amount of ground covered in pro-
portion to the effort put into driving
'by the driver.
An automobile is a bore unless you
are driving. Walking is a bore any-
how, because you have to move your-
self along by sheer muscle. Riding
in a train, on the other hand, does
not offer enough opportunity to the
passenger to exert himself, and make
himself feel that he is helping him-
Self along.
When one drives a car, one can
shift gears, one can turn corners,
one can watch people go by and holler
at them-and yet one is covering a
great deal of ground with relatively
small exertion.1


vertiainR ...........E. L. t)'nne
vertising...........rerry. . Hayden
~e~tisng............. ... ..E. RoeSSer
ertisin.. ................... 11. E. Rise
ounts ..................... H. L. llace
cilationd..... ...C. Pu dy
lication..... ......Lawrence Pierce
W. Campbell N. K. Holland
nie Caplan M4 . L. I eland
s. Champion Harold A. Marks
n Connl ,Byron Parker
uis M. exter A. J. Seidman
eph f. Finn Geo. A. Stracke
rid A. IFox 1R. C.,Winter
tren hlaight
SUNDAY, MAY 18, 1920-
ight Editor--THOMAS P. H NRY
Fate often' plays havoc with the
es of men, sometimes for better
i sometimes for worse. Fate playedj
rick on George Iennan but as it
,er turned out, it' was for the best.
d it not been for the breaking
wrn of the First Atlantic cable, and
grandiose scheme of replacing it
h a land line to Europe, he might,
ver have been more than a com-
ent telegraph operator,' or line
iider. ' But on the failure of that
ble, faith was lost in the project.
its stead a land line .was to be
n to Europe by way of British
lumbia, Alaska, and Siberia.
rhis gave Kennan an opportunity
spend two years in Siberia. Here
had such an opportunity as no
aerican before him had enjoyed to
serve the workings of the Russian
ivict system. At this time the sys-
a had by no means developed its,
rst horrors, and he was impressedl
h its practibility rather than its
Kennan then came back to America,
t the call of the East and North
s strong and in twenty years he
nt back. But in those twenty years
ne things had happened. The Si-
rian system had developed to its
lI extent of human rigors. Alex-
ier III who had followed Alexan-
r II as czar of Russia, had entered
on a system of wholesale proscrip-
n and oppression unparalled in his-
y. On seeing this condition Mr.
nnan was disappointed and as-
nd'ed. Nevertheless he made pains-
:ing investigations before returning
Then came what was probably one
his greatest works. I'e publishedj
ides denouncing, and exposing the[
rors of Siberia and Russian exile.
ssia protested; other countries lent
attentive ear. Kennan was sure
his facts and had proofs. A world-
le sentiment was aroused, by the
isation this caused. The system
s abolished, probably not entirely
e to Kennan, but at least he was
no means an inconsiderate factor.
kt this point Kennan did not stop,
t began his crusade against czarism.
is came to its ultimate end due
he war Rnlhevinm took its ninen.


shown themselves not only selfish and
impractical, but also inhumane.
Failure to buy the canal would be !
to neglect what might prove, in the 1
event of war, a link of inestimable!
value in the coast defences. It would
be to deny New England the kind of;
assistance in promoting transporta-
tion that is generously accorded to
other regions. And it would be to
turn from opportunity to lessen the
dangers of navigation, and so to save
life. The logic of the situation and
the weightsof the argument point to
the purchase of the canal, if not at
this time, at no very distant date.

VIIllII 11 I I it l i ll i ll i l il I1 1111 111 11 :1I lI lil 111 111111 ill ii llil i li l li ilili li lli ll il ill iIIl
Editor The Daily:-
Will you lend me enough of your "
space to broadcast a suggestion to all
the Michigan men and women who " _'_ _
have some sporting blood in them? GRH00SOE
Tha t suggestion is: that theym ke
plans to take the Huron River Canoe
Trip from Portage Lake to Ann Arbor
during the next three weeks. This is -BOTH ENDS OF THE DIAGONAL
the best athletic stunt to do In this
part of Michigan, and yet few of th l l iiI II1 llllll lll llMIIIIII IIII IlIIIIi1l I1llIl_ M uI '" zti1J1Ia !tIjg ll llillillllilliltlljlIIli;ljlllilll
students here ever think of .it. Iser-
haps it is because they don't kno AIAN-ANN ARR ad the WaT Ads
aiout the route. So let me gi'e the Central Time (Slow Time)
information as I learned it the other Leave Chaber fCommerce
WekDasSundays__________________ ____
day when some of the Congregational E 6:45Ta. mT6.45TEJE
day4 whnsm fteWe Aysm" 645 p. i. I
Studnts Leadershi;
.t de t ook the voyage. 124la...4 .f.I)J T f I E
I45. . nfl*
Ilii a ruckto akeabou. furJAS. PH. LLIVTT, Proprietor DETI U IT
Hire a truck to take about four Phone 2-M Adrian, Mich. EARN the fundamental principle
canoes and eight to twelve folks to EAST HOUND business and their application to
1' inies business problems. To help you
PortgeLke me tmorning.S a. i., :1 7 a. n. and mite the time, usually spent in gal
Portage Lake som e bright mon n .e e y t o h u s t : 0 p .n e ue s fee
I vrytw ~hq2t910p i experience, the intensive, one-year trait
Start from Ann Arbor at seven o'clock. vrytoho.tI91 . .ursethe Babson Insttute ioffered
Stat fomAnnAror t eve oclok.Express: 7 a. in., 8 a. ii. and evwey From actual experience the fundam
You will embark by eight o'clock. . two iuurs to 8 p. :. p ear
In half an hour you will strike Dover Read the ExprdesLocas: 7 a. m., 8:55 a. m. and 1 positivroxacule theei am
I eer1w1hor t -8- .In., pl heepicpesi h od

Once again the West has forgtoten
the golden rule. In its policy of non-
cooperation with the East regarding
measures that would benefit the en-
tire nation, but primarily the East,
the West has shown itself to be selfish.
The central portion of the country
has long desired the national govern-
ment to enter into a partnership with
Canada--a foreign nation-in order
that the St. Lawrence outlet of the
Great Lakes may be improved. Why
does the West want the St. Lawrence
improved? So that ocean liners mayl
dock at Chicago and Duluth, and thus1
bring about an increase in business.
The West is very desirous that legis-
lation to this effect should be passed1
by Congress, yet practically all of#
their representation has been for
some time, and still is violently op-
posed to the purchasing and improv-
ing of the Cape Cod Canal by the
Government-a similar project, only
-one that will primarily benefit the
During the debate in the National
House of Representatives yesterday
concerning the Cape Cod Canal bill,
a 'map was exhibited showing the
location of hundreds of wrecks of ves-
sels that had met disaster whji:k
rounding the Cape. These tragedies
of the sea involved the loss of 'any
lives-they were the price paid by
humble mariners for the failure toi
provide that safe interior waterway
whose practicability was recognized
by the colonists over threo hundredr
years ago.
But the euponents of the bill ignored
this pitiful tale. Instead they, or some
oi them, became greatly ex'ited over
the question of price, forgefttug that
the sum mentioned in the bill is
about five million dollars under the
(lures set by a jury in a Federal
court when the Government. undor-
took to gain possession of the canal
by condemnation proceedings. Those
of the onnonents who are ru nroenta-;

According to statistics furnished by
the Ann Arbor Health Department
(which is what you call when you
want your garbage collected), 7 hu-
man and 27 cat lives have been saved
by the adoption of stop streets. The
conservation of 10 individuals in this
manner is truly a great accomplish-
ment. But why should the university,
the Athens of the West, bow to the
City of A. A. in the matter of -pro-
gress? Should we letmtheBoard of
Commerce and other 100 per cent or-
ganizations outstrip us? Nay, verily.r
In short let ius have stop walks.
What could be more efficacious for the
life of the impetuous student? The
Diagonal of course would be the first
one. This would prevent studes who
come bursting with knowledge out of
N. S. Aud. after Heredity, from brut-
ally jostling the quiet pedestrian in the
spirit of natural selection (that the
i ,rdest boiled survive). , 'It would
also obviate the shock of 10 pound
law book against full stomach when
Crimes is' over Those who run the
gauntlet as they issue from the Ec
building would have to come to a full
1 stop before deploying on to the main
thoroughfare, while the beastly en-
gineers and dainty architects would
i have to pause on the threshold of
their respective departments to watch
the elite, pass by.
Other walks which might be in-
cluded in this plan are the corridor
through U hall, tihe Arcade and, in
fine, any thoroughgoing footway which
is subject to frequent, uncouth, and
unperceivable encroachments from the
side. Wherever there are flattened
toes and ruffled tempers, there let
us have stop walks. And what a de-
lightful excuse for tardiness! I'm
terribly sorry, professor, I got stalled
at a stop walk and couldn't get the
old Neolins to take hold again.
The professors at the University
club must be in a terrible fluster
when they meet Colleague Brumm
after the performance at the Whitney
theatre Friday night. They must be
worried about what to say to him.r
Possibly "Say Brumm, I enjoyed
your play immensely the other night."
Or "Congratulations, Brumm! Darn
fine show!"
But we predict that this will be a 1
favorite: "Say Jack, awfully _sorry I
couldn't get to your play the other
night. Had the most terrible cold..''
Mr. Jason Cowles


Rapids which you can run safely,
though you may have to step out and
drag the canoe over the shallows. Lu,
another half hour you come to Hud-
son Mills. Here you carry round at
the left or youcan shoot the water-
Then a calm hour to Dexter, where
you will either shoot the falls or
carry round at. the left. In tl"ee-
quarters hour you will strike Sio,
and shoot this waterfall easily. But
the wa'ves look terrifying, and you
may ship some water over the side.
In another three-quarter hour you
will come to Delhi Mills. Here you
better carry round at left by a por-
tage a hundred yards long putthig
in below the bridge. You can run
the flume on the left, though, if you
are willing to jump ashore and pull
the craft along a few feet when she
grounds. In a half hour comes Os-I
borne, and you will easily shoot both
of these dams.
After that your troubles are over,
only that you will have to haul your
canoes over two railroad tracks and
around Barton Dam. At the end of
the twenty mile excursion, which will
take not more than seven hurs padd- I
ling, you will vote that this adventure
could not be surpassed for wildness,
novelty or variety in Canada or in
Maine. And best of all;doing it this
way it does not cost very muh money
either. Nor will heavy winds inter-
fere as they sometimes do when
voyageurs put in their canoes further
up at Lakeland.
H-lerbert A. Jump.
' CLUB, selected at try-outs held Fri-
day and Saturday in Newberry Hall,
are as follows Mary Van Buren, Mina
Miller, Eunke Rose, Elizabeth Drake,
Evelyn Murray, Iillian Bronson, Vir-
ginia Burke, Neil Nyland, Barre Hill,
and a Mr. Sawyer....Excelsior!
* * *
"THE OLD SOAK," a review by
Robert Henderson.
It is easy to understand the popular
success of "The Old Soak," anI its
theme of the reprobate-hero capital-
ized from Rip and Falstaff t Light-
nin' Bill Jones. There is always an
appeal in the shiftless booze-drenched
idler who sponges his way into the
affections of his friends, and for the
present generation in the general con-
ception of yeasty liquor. But re-
cently this theme has been tirelessly
overworked until its situations, even
in the cause of .the carefully con-
structed plot built around the pre-
sent play, somehow grows too familiar
and for all its pat cleverness a trifle
"The Old .Soak" ran a packed sea-
son in New York and it goes on its
tour with the approval of an enthus-
iastic Broadway criticism, but over
its official success one cannot fail to
admit the apparent artificiality of the
situations: it is another one of those
,ingled-sided star plays that the oc-
casional Belascos and the originator
himself fatten their reputations and
bank balances.
The 6bjection, however, to this
comedy and all of its class Is largely
overruled by the efficient, often in-
spired, acting of the leading player-
.in "The Old Soak," of course, by Mr.
Hitchcock. He has beei born with
the subtle instinct of semi-obvious
burlesque brought to a stop barely

this side of repression; thoroughtlyI
confident of his methods, he bringsl
the ridiculous pathos that is the es-
sence of farce to its most skilful ex-
pression with every pantominic trick
of the inbred clown
The settings were good, the sup-
norting cast was good, and Raymond
Hitchcock was very good.

25 26 27 28

Is. 11. To W. To
4 5 6 7 8
11 12 13 14 15
18 19 20 21 2a

M AY 1

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2 !7
9 10
16 17
12 21
30 31

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