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February 19, 1924 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1924-02-19

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sk Squad Works Daily For Annual'
Event At Urbana
' arch, 1
teve Farrel's Varsity track team
trilling bard every afternoon in tie
at Field House in preparation for
Illinois Relay meet tryouts to be
d next Saturday afternoon. With
exceptions of Ray Arndt, captain'
this years cross country squad
f dependable mile runner on the
-sity squad, and George Snyder of
;roit, a sophomore who showed up
.1 in the early season trials in
h hurdle events and the broad
ip, all members of the squad- are
;ible and the team will be practic-
1 up to full strength when it be-
s the outdoor season.
teve plans to take a large squad
the meet at Urbana, March 1, and
Wo~vpri squad will make _a
d attempt to capture the meet.
ne of the strongest competition in
Middle West will be met at thei
.ian track carnival, including the
verful Wisconsin, Chicago and
nois squads, any one o which1
y make it hard sailing for the Maize
?Blue tracksters. Chicago has
ci its only meet held so far this
son, and although the otner two
ms have not met any competition
far this year they are reputed to
stronger than they have been be-
e in several seasons.
lichigan's hope of winning the meet
in its large number of individual
rs in several events and although
re will be several numbers on the
ggram in which Michigan will have
le chance of figuring the broad
cp, hurdles, half mile, pole vault,
1 the dashes should contribute a
r number of counters to the chain-
's toltal. r
The weight squad is still i poor
idition. No one has reported for
events since the opening of the
ining season and there is no one on
team who can put the shot better
1 40 feet, a distance which woul d
take third place in a large meet
der ordinary conditions. Coach
yt has been working out with sev-
it prospects in the javelin throw
I although none of them have had
r experience Steye hopes to have a
rly good prospect for the event
tore the outdoor season opens.
knother branch in which the team
likely to be handicapped in the
'ly part of the season will be the
Rdles. Cramped conditions at -the
Id house in which basketball, foot-
1i, baseball and track practice is
.ng held, make it impossible for the
rdlers to run a full length race and
present they are forced to content
mselves with practice In fo.in.
ace will probably be made for the
pnt in ample time to allow te men
prepare for the trials next Saturday
xnoon however, ,and they will be
ren a chance to round out their con-
ioning in the week preceding the
p to Urbana-
Rolling a total of 2,641 points, Alpha
io Chi, Muneisota, made the high-
: score and was awarded the trophy
the Western Conference bowling
ornament .for the fraternities at
chigan, Ohio State, Minnesota, and
Michigan made a poor showing for
;h scores, although 28 teams were
tered, Phi Sima Kappa with a score
2,378, being the only one to place
thin the first ten. Alpha Sigma Phi,

nnesota, proved to be they hardest,
for the winner to upset.
Wrisconsin made the best showing,
acing four teams, Theta Chi, Sigma
i Esilon, Alpha Sigma Phi, and Phi
gia Kappa within the first ten. Min-
sota was'- second with three, Ohio
ate third with two, and Michigan
st with one.

All men interested in s;ini-
ming, but not on Varsity team,
are asked to report from 5 to
6 o'clock on Tuesday or 3 to 4
o'clock on Thursday of this
week. More material is needed,
especially in the back stroke
and plunge events.
L -
All teams which are entered in the
fraternity bowling tournament and
have not rolled their preliminary
scores are warned that they must do
so by Thursday.
At the present time Delta Phi is in
the lead of the teams in the prelimin-
ary round, having massed a total of
2419 points in their innings.
Among the many individual events
offered on the Intramural program
for the rest of the school year which
is expected to be most popular, is the
annual fraternity foul shooing tourn-
ament which will s rt , o'clock,
tonight, with more than 60 teams
scheduled "to participate before the
preli'ninaries are closed.
Tne tournament will be run off in a
different manner than heretofore and
will allow maniy more men to compete
for each organization. There are no
favorites this year.
Following is the schedul : 'i o'clock.
tonight, Alpha Sigma Phi, Alpha Sig-
ma, Alpha Rho Clii, Alpha Delta Phi,
Alpha Delta Chi, Alpha Chi Rho, Alpha
Kappa Lambda, Acacia, Alpha Tau
Omega, Beta Theta Pi, 8 o'clock, to-
night, Beta Phi Delta, Chi Psi, Delta
Alpha Epsilon, Delta Chi, Delta Kap-
pa Epsilon, Delta Phi, Delta Sigma
Delta, DeltaSign a Pi, Delta Sigma
Phi, Delta 'fau Deta.
7 o'clock, tomorrow night, Delta
Tau Upsilon, Delta Upsilon, Kappa
Nu, Kappa Sigma, Peers, Phi Delta
Sigma, Phi Beta Delta, Phi Chi, Phi
Delta Epsilon, Phi Delta Theta, 8
o'clock, tomorrow night, Phi Epsilon
Pi, Phi Gamma Delta, Phi Elks, Phi
Kappa Psi, Phi Kappa Alpha, Phi Kap-
pa Sigma, Phi Mu Alpha, Phi Rho
Sigma, Phi Sigma Delta, Phi Sigma
7 o'clock, Thursday night, -Psi
Omega, Richard Club, Sigma Club,
Sigma Alpha Epsilon, Sigma Alpha
Mu, Sigma Chi, Sigma Delta Kappa,
Sigma Phi, Sigma Phi Epsilon, 8
o'clock, Thursday night, Tau Delta
Phi, Tau Epsilon Phi, Theta Chi, Theta
Delta Chti, Theta Xi, Trigon, Zeta
Psi, Zeta Beta Tau, Xi Psi Phi.
Hockey for the class teams will be
continued this week, with the finals
being scheduled to be played at 5:30
o'clock, Thursday night, at Wineberg's
The schedule is as' follows: 5:30
o'clock, tonight, fresh lits vs. winner
of junior engineer-architect game, 6
o'clock, tonight, senior engineers vs.
soph lIts, 6 :o'clock, tomorrow night,
winner of senior lit-soph engineer
game vs. winner of senior engineer-
soph lit game, 5:30 o'clock, Thursday
night, finals.





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Mfichigan's wrestling team went
dowln to defeat before the strong squad Stands For Basketball Spectators
of Illinois at Urban Saturday after- Occupy Baseball Squad's
nocn. Barker's men were outclassed Playground
in almost every branch of the game
and were helpless to withstand the FIEI)DERS SCARCE AS iEN
powerful and experienced attack of , START WORt FOILCAMPAIGN
the Illin.
The meet was held before a crowd Due to last night's basketball game
of 3,000 ardent Sucker rooters and the whu e a i gd t's et ban g am.
finml score, 26-0, does not tell the true I which required the setting up of
story of the match. Each scrap was stands on the Varsity baseball prae-
fiercely contested and the meet in tice grounds at the Yost field house,
general provided many thrills for the Coach Ray Fisher was forced to sus-
cheering spectators. pend baseball practice yesterday.
Inexperience and lack of confidence Practice, however will be resumed
r were again the outstanding faults of today and all men interested In try-
the Wolverine grapplers. On numer- ing out for the team are asked to re-
ous occasions the men were in an ad- port to Fisher any afternoon at the
v infasosonsteomn twecre inecnsad- ield house. The call for all baseball
vautageous position to secure decis-
candidates has already been sent out
iions 3but were either to slow to grasp!but as yet only a few men have report-
the opportunity or were not confident yed.
enough in their ability to hold it. Pitchers and catchers have been out
Michigan meets Indiana on the mat the past two or three weeks and are
on March 1 and the outlook is not 'rapidly rounding into the necessary
particularly bright for a victory. In- condition for real work. The battery
diana has one of the best grappling men have been engaged primarily in
taems in the Conference and has thus warming up and getting the Rinks
far this season beaten M. A. C., Chi- out of thir arms. As they have been
cago, and Purdue. in the limbering up process for some
-- little time it is expected that soon
Boston-Cornell University clinch- Fisher will allow them to use speed
ed a victory in the Triangular indoor .and a curve ball.
track meet with teams of Harvard and Pitching Worries Coach
Dartmouth here aSturday by piling The mound problem will be a hard
"up a lead of -44 and 1-15 points to 34 one for Fishervtorcrack this year,
3-15 for Harvard and 29 11-15 for since only two veteran hurlers will be
Dartout inthe first twelve events, available. Liverance and Gibson,
Dartmouth in h rwho 'handled the bulk of last year's
t delivery assignment have both grad-
uated and the job is to develop some-
FIELD HOUSE IREGULATIONS one to step into at least the shoes of
T A e ao t a one of these men. Stryker and Ben-
The Athletic association an- son, the lone pitching veterans, are
nounces the following rule to be counted on to do most of Michigan
in effect at all times in the Yost hurling and Fisher is giving them par-
field house: ticular attention in an effort to polish
No concession will be granted them up for the 1924 campaign.
in the field house. Captain Jack Blott is beyond ques-
No hand programs are to be1i tion the pick of the catchers an one
sold or given out to spectators I of the best in Conference ranlks.
entering the field house. Seldom does a ball get past him and
No smoking is allowed any- his mighty stick materially aided
where in the interior of the build- i Michigans last year's accomplishment
ing.t of winning the Conference title with-
During athletic practice per- I out a defeat. The loss of Swanson,
j iods speciators will be allowed Blott's understudy last year, will be
I in the balcoo3' only. felt by Fisher, especially in view of
_ Students and other coupon the fact that he had placed some reli-
holders will enter through the j ance in having Cherry, of last sea-
Statve street entrarces for all son's Freshman squad, to relieve
t contests. i Blott. McBride and Baker are trying
(Continued on Page Seven)


By Norman E Brown
Now that the New York Yankees
have exercised the option in their con-
tract with Babe Ruth and extended it
up to and including the season of 1926.
the well known King of Swat can now
center his attention on the task of
slamming out enough home runs the
next three years to recompense for
his monthly pay check.
Ruth's main problem, as the train-
ing season nears, is that of control- -
not of his circuit smashes, but of his
sotmach. His waistline weighs heav-I
ily on his mind as well as on his troso.
Ruth, with the waistline and waist-
line problem always before him, has
been active this winter around his
farm at Sudhury, Mass.
The emperor of swat has been wield-
ing the ax with the fervor of a form-
er kaiser the past wintry days. But
wood chopping cultivates an appetite,
and Babe likes to eat.
Aside from the excessive avoirdupois
beneath his, vest, however, Buth ap-

pears in good shape. The winter in
the open regular exercise, eating (al-,
beit too much) and plenty of sleep
have put him in trim. For this reas-
on he expects little difficulty in pull-!
ing several inches off his girth.
Not a New Contract
When it was announced recently at
Yankee headquarters that Ruth's con-
tract has three more years to run the
impression bobbed up that he had re-
ceived and signed a new contract.#
Such was not the caes. To clear up
the tanele of rumors the Yankee boss-

tract sum. It seems that the smaller
amount is a bonus of $10,000 extend-
ed over a five-year period. When Babe
.was originally offered the contract it
called for a yearly check of $50,000.
Babe asked $10,000 for signing. Col.
Til Huston objected to the bonus idea.
He finally offered to shake the. dice
with Babe to see whetelir the bonus
should be paid. Babe won the shak e
and Huston lived up to hia word, but
arranged to pay it in yearly instal-
Looks for Big Year

es explained the wh1ole matter of Babe himself is confident that he
Babe's contract. will have a big year at hat. He is pru-
Trwo years ago Babe signed a doc-dent enough not to talk of new circuit
ument calling for an annual salary oM clouting records. The Yank bosses
$52,000 for a period of three years. and fans don't ask the latter, however.
The club reserved the right to renew If Babe rings the home run bell as of-
that contract for two years more at ten as he did in 1923, plays the out-
their discretion. They decided upon field as well and is as earnest and sin-
renewing it this year instead of wait- cere about his playing and deportment
ing until the three years had expired. as he was last season, Col. Huston,
There is an'interesting story linked Miller Huggins and Gotham will in
with the "extra" $2,000 in the con- general be happy.

dents, Beta Theta Pi vs. Psi Omega. lap relay race, and the fraternity relay! the same system of awarding of
7 o'clock, tomorrow night, Barnes meet. points as held for the fraternity cross-
All Stars vs. Gobs, Detroiters vs. Hall - -country meet will be followed in
Room Boys, Chinese team vs. Agony A marked change will characterize wrestling.
Five, 7:45 o'clock, (freshmen sectional i the annual fraternity wrestling
groups) group 1 vs. group 9, group I3
vs. group 5, group 2 vs. group 10, 8:30 tournament this winter, especially in, OWLING TEAM CANDIDATES
o'clock, Toledoians vs. Fletcher Hall, the scoring and the number of partici-
Black and Blue vs. Forman house, Olds pants. Candidates for the informal
'house vs. Detroit Junior College, 9:15 There will be. seven different class- bowling team of the University
o'clock, Fresh engineers vs. Architects, es which are as follows: 105, 115, 125, 1 will meet at 4 o'clock this after-
Senior medics vs. Fresh lits, Juniors 135, 145, 158, and 175 pounds. Each noon, at the Union alleys. I
lits vs. Senior engineers. fraternity can enter as many men as I CLIFFORD YEAKEY,
As soon as the remaining unsettled they want to in these different divis- Manager. ,
league titles are decided the complete ions, with the stipulation that a man
schedule for the two leagues in the may compete in only one weight.
finals of the fraternity basketball Three pounds overweight will be al-
league will be announced. lowed the night of the match.
In each class an elimination will be I Track Managers '1anted
Final dates for the annual fraternity held and points will be awarded ac-
indoor track meet have been set as cording to the standing of the partici- trAll sophomores wishing t
follows: preliminaries, 7 o'clock, Fob- pants after the elimination rounds tryou for assistant tracka
ruary 26, finals, 7 o'clock, February 27. have been held. I sorti after 3o'clocke any after-
Entries for the following events:. After the close of the elimination ort ftser 3 t occ ays after
50 yard dash, 440 yard dash, 880 yard in the various weights, each fraternity i noon this week at the Yost field
run, mile run, 65 yard high hurdles, will be awarded their points according T house.
65 yard low hurdles, running broad to the comparative standings of the --ARTHUR 0. GRAVES.
jump, running high jump, and shot three highest men they had in any I Track Manager.
put, will be accepted until 12 o'clock, three separate divisions. In the main __





A number of the league champion-1
ships which are still in dispute will'
be decided with the advent of the
games which are announced below for
the fraternity basketball teams this1
Following is the basketball schedule
for this week: 7 o'clock, tonight, Phi
Kappa Psi vs. Phi Gamma Delta, Delta'
Chi vs. Xi Psi Phi, Alpha Chi Rho vs.
Phi Chi, 7:45 o'clock, tonight, Alpha
Tau Omega vs. Delta Sigma Pi, Psi'
Upsilon vs. Alpha Rho Chi, Kappa Nu
vs. Delta Tau Upsilon, 8:30 o'clock,
tonight, Sigma Nu vs. Phi Delta Epsi-
lon, Acacia vs. Delta Kappa Epsilon,
Phi Kappa Sigma vs. Cygnus, 9:15
o'clock, tonight, Senior lits (Crawford)
vs. Junior laws, Soph lits vs. Upper


1. , , 1 V 4VV4.Y W H;Yl L I V
Saturday noon, at the Intramural of-
All fraternity athletic managers
must enter their tentative participants
at the Intramural office before the
meet. In entering, the designation of
the house and man should not be for-!
Entries are still being accepted for
the all-campus foul shooting tourna-
ment, indoor track meet, and eight

Will the party who took the glass show case and bow ties from =!
3 224 South State return the cased
= As regards the ties, we will gladly exchange them for any other
r pattern that hie likes better.
- r1
224 50. STATE

U y
'E'ton l Od roc





F owir
=J vs

a Ray wants revenge. The Chi-
runner was forced to watch the'
Ing heels of Lloyd Hahn, a Bost-
A. runner, a short time ago in a
meter race. Now Joie wants a
i race with him and a chande to
out the stain of that defeat. The
otor of an indoor meet in New
February 13, is trying to arrange
a race'to give Ray his chance.
University of Iowa has adopted

Sprig Oxfords
- ot


This popular Spring
model in individual
patterns and shades,

1t!! llltl~ it!lt~lttttttlltlll!!1 l11tttlutltllltlttltttlllllliui11l S99191 91
ws Outside Groups
"s .r





$55 to $65




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