[AL NEWSPAPER 01? TILE IVERSITY OF MICHIGAN ed every morning except Monday he University year by the Board in if Student Publications. ,s of Western Conference Editorial on. Associated Press is excusively en. the use for republication of all news :s credited to it. or not otherwise in thi paper and the local news pb erein. d at the postoffice at Ann Arbor, ias second cass matter. Special rate, qe granted ~by 'Third Assistant Pest- ;eneral. iption by scarrier, $3.50, by snai Ann Arbor Press Bfuilding, _Mav- eet. s 4ditorial, 2414 anoi i76-M; }us'- communications, -not exceeding Sou will be published in The Dlailya etion of the. Editor. Upon request, tity of camrnunicant will bt c s confidential. eleplioies, 24141 w id 176-21 MANAGING EDITOR HARRY D. HQEY lBoard Chairman .... R. C. Morarity tor ...............J.C. Garlinghouse Night Editors W'es A. B. Connable, Jr. Clark T. I,. Fiske P, M. Wagnter and it is with the aid of theso quali- ties that Mr., Cooley hopes to ciear up some of the important problems confronting the country' t.)cay. These problems which include enrgiueering, transportation, reforestation, conser- I vation of natural resources and the l, like, have constituted practically the I life work of Mr. Cooley and no one, is better equipped to handle them than is he. There is nio good reasoT! ' t beieve that Dfean, Cooley will niot succeed to the extent that he has here at Michigan, and that being so, iwe as citizens of a state and nationj may look forward to some unusually, fine progressive work from Washing-' ton in 'the near future. I TlkBOR CHiANGES CLOThES Speaking Thursday in lMvotreai, Mr. Samuel Gompers, veteran president of th e American Federation of Labor, outlined the character and policy of ;.hat organization.l "Unlike labor movements in Eur- ope," said Mr. Gompers, "The Ameri- can Federation of Labor does not be- lieve th~at the present social structure must be first destroyed in order that an improved social order may come into being. It holds fast to the in- situtions that safe-guard human free-1 dom and permit of the full play of hur~an forces that have made for constant and helpful progress in all1 the sciences and arts of man. It does ;dtor ................Ralph IN. IBers Editor ............Winona H-ibbard ditor............... Ruth A. Howell City Editor..Kenneth C. Ksellay Michigan News Bureau. R. G. Rtamsay s Editor.R..lobert 1B. Hendersoan Assistants arley Elizabeth ILiebermaun :rman ll. S. Mansfield icknell F. C. Mack Boxer Serena Moran frowni Darold 'Moore Conra Cnil Qhli~cher 1 te 'Cote Ilyde Perce )avis Andrew P'ropper; ~Ihrich AMarie, Reed, 'ernamberg Regina Reichmann rtner Edmarie Schraud.:r H Ieath C. A. Stevens nry Wl' 11. Stonemnan Iiouseworth Marjorie Sweet fie Frederic G. Telnmos K amin N. PH,'Tbal t eil \V. j. Waithour endal l e~man Wise BUJSINESS STAI F Telephone 960~ BUSINESS MANAGER LAURENCE H. FHAVROI. etising ................. .E. L icne ertisin.........erW. Raoene etistng..................1L . Rosy'r mu ts >. .. C' . Tl Assist ants W. Cam~pbell N. H. Holland rile Caplan \M. . Ireland S. Champion Harold A. Marks n. Cun!;.h PByron IParker is M. D'exter A. J. Seidman pJ. Finn Geo. A. Stracke SATURDAY, MAY 17;. 1924 r~ ,fg t ed t r - O K R G R _ )ne of Michigan's oldest cerem onies 1. takeplae tonighillWhichI quately sho'wn. t is also the hope and confident, ief of most of the student body ,t this traditional night shall be narred with petty foolishness.. ecamp~us theaters will be thrownd m to all students and there will no necessity for "rushing." If the dents determine to make this Cap ht the true impressive ceremony c~h it should be, and determine oto convince the fathers who are e today of the true nature of Mich-" n traditions, then they will see to tlhat Cap Night this year shall be !emished by foolish actions after- i'ds. Thus shall the ceremony~ ex;, as anl preserve its true signi- luce for all. not accept or cling to any arbitrary dogma of extreme individualism, or Mr. Gompers' speech, coming at] this time, is of great value for it re- veals the non-revolutionary character of the policy of the American Federa- tion of Labor. In the past fifty years Labor rir this country has changMd clothes. Instead of the more or less Minsteady element from which much '}hat is radical, more that is foolish, and a vast amount, that is' impractical rnd unjust usually emanates-instead of these characteristics which at one t'ime were associated with all lahor organizations, the ;American laborer has become a, tower of strength to hiis" country and a guardian of its sacred institutions. The Amnerican trade union move- :-ment, bouAiTh, l 'ii nFedx,.- tion of Labor, ha %pobred a Nso, economic and political program ,whicit can be characterized as steady and sane. Its record of the past half cehtuiry h~ est deiiionstiated by re- Terecet heconditons & life a ~t- Cr y aas cp~ret W0te hT' day. It is not so much concernod i~s to who shall administer the affairs shall be administered justly, fairly, , mipartally and demoratloally. V~iewed in its more recent history. eration of Iiabor appears to be a phil- -'1sophy of sanity and reason so est- Th history ofte Fdationi a eis- jor of progress.Ithsrpdae anarchism as readily as socialism and communism as effectively as anarch- ism; it has advocated the right bal- ance between too 'mach governm ent 1'nd too little government; and, most important of all, it has exerted an SImportant influence for the 'further- ance of American nationalism and Junity. would clear up most of the delin- set therein were real. Her stock-A !I~lltllllllliIIIIIIIIIIIIIl1II III - quent cases, we believe, and perhaps ings were cotton and her shoes were ORIENTAL RUE thenmor stingnt masues onl once of the species denoted as ox- be adopted if the student continues fords but which hadl long since lost SA= LE to disobey the ruling, every semblance of their original dig-,I pity..o To be continued, by D M O R JA O Beautiful but 1Dumb - at 612 E. Liberty ! '. n jA great temptation, these long con'- CHOICE CO~LECTION OF f u > tributions. You haven't an idea how BEAUTIFULI RUGS WHILE.thEYy the lure the young colyum st from ." ugs Washed and Repaired -The D . C. Blues fr. Jason ,Cowles. Please Give U sA visit Much can come out of little. If] I _________ DOMBOQR JAN & you do not believe that you'll not~ _.- Co 12E ibry I (12 E.Lihety - believe this 'story. In fact this all CAMPUS OPINIONrhoeOO came out of a cavity (in a ltte tooth),I_____--- notlarer hanthehea ofa pn.Editor Campus Opinin:-. And this is the way it all happened.s One day last week, not having any- Tereapeardtrcettl inTh thing pleasant to do, I decided to go Daily a review on theCompltnR a th an Ad up and see all the good looking hams Club "International Night.", From my that hang out at the Dent Bldg. This own impressions as a spectator, and _________________ vas rather an adventure because I from. the enthusiastic reports of ap- :ha never been there before. But proval which have been received -R' I had a good reason too. I hadB oT1R chanced to read in a magazine the ,while conversing with many persons DEALERS SE'LL terrible fact of four out of five so who witnessed the efforts of the Club, Io 5 3 R rthought that I'd visit the dentist it would seem that if a vote of those -O D_ -- ~ R and see whether I was one of theprsnweetk, the result 'would1 Ifour. (not uphold the verdict of the critic i It was a wonderful ,afternoon-over- in regard to certain of the numbers( The title -of this d- head the sky was a baby bll4e shade ; presented. eimet as rg- -you know what I mean. The sun l, It is not surprising that M. Kozake- was y~dg~ohers was shining and the slush on the vich furnishedi t e ".Oane , (ruly ,pro- dpn~ivetotherdealems ( idowalks was melting. At every; sessional note of the evening,"sine9 X ieOable polCy. I i ne a8T ~ ithird step, ~ as I jumped from one )f all the perfomers, hea, aone, was We believe we are justi piece of floating ice to the other, on! not an amateur. The Swiss were I fed n t htw -the campus walks, I felt the ex- 'placed in a most disadvantageous pos- ti living us to the hilarating, effect ,of an ley shower one tion by the absence of the second d1-0 l my feet and so ,forth-myself a second I odeler, but in spite of this andi- C ltl vt. a thi seeto s w r fa fr m dscAs I approached the place my stePst agreeable to the ear. The quartette S'egani to lag:. Now you mst remem-41 were in harmony at all times, and Good Values sher ithat I had never been inside the he yodelling of the fifth, while not for Today-- Splace and I am very bashful by na- perfect, was well done. One can not ture. But from the steps of the gym, balance the voice of one who has 1where I go occasionally after the re- studied with Europe's masters against 1923 DODGE COUPE 1 ceipt of a personal invitation froma those of untrained amateurs; the the dean or assistants, I had seen'{standard for basing criticism of the ooks just like new; in good rwhite-coated, sleek-headed creatures two are widely separated.! shape throughout; very I w Iwalk to and fro before the windows Whereas the program announced the mileage; offered at the rigt. - so I went on. -I opened the door. Hindusthan group were players en- Price. s Oh, the nice, clean smell! I went, route to the United States, that was 1up stairs. I had almost reached a bit of fiction. They are all students 922 DODGE COUPE - the top when I stumbled. Heavens!1 n the University, and have received1 ji tiI~n m e rye even less training than most personsMeanclyA;fishvr "~ up tv , capswh recase's m- good; price is right. Investigate ! lup sti* t i° -th ist e~on cmu h r lse sal-f, itimes on-..the stairs in UT hall an~ ter players have enjoyed. The t I this made the fourteenth. Let's se4 scene was chosen from one of India's a 191 b i 6 O GE TOURING fthis is getting serious. Every tim est known dramas, and to the pia- i < ~man seven more years' of sinigle, jority of those who saw it was in- Car in god running older~j i d ess , So4 ou ~d them , up; structive as well as interesting and Relcap t vfi' ieea quals-y~ impress v g h r ie ii ns ,. sNo uske to_ go on. My wedding day, a the individuaa ~~its ipt 9 Fp" - 1. r2"' 1 ( °i 001e tender age of ninety-eight! :lO duce for the audience a 'Ery~isnlp41 l j 'ehliiclh iiAl ondtition Iwell I decided I might as wella part from the vast volume of art and e;la) ok hsO(i -r etonJ up int the waiting -l'nla of ~ . rWhen critidiing 'any student per-_:,a The sight that met my eyes!?\ii formance, the standards should bie ANN ARBOR GARAGE IN if i ever want to see funny pe le somewhat lower than when a ,pro- 26 Il tp o the . ab twoeck s @ fessional producti is Ping re wed., q l d I t i its t &dI Whe=it is that or Et Pl sat C'.c ~a la rge forme a w ting ;iyr iin p ty , rtion 4dgates, ant'i' iore inatAreI r'61 third the lUniversity D ental Clinic., than persons in their thaome tecnatiry, 'l IIIgiII~lIIIII~l~IInhI 9 First I noticed' three women with one who Is reviewing their production -their wraps off (horrible word, wraps, should exercise even more leniency, :Y tif we may' interrupt-J. C.) ready for ll and consider the time and effort spentI t a pleasant afternoon. If there had in preparation as well as the result,I n been another woman and a card tableI in order to avoid a rather bitter thrust F 0 °' 0 Class I 1 1'1 I Of '27 GJoing73Great Fini sh 100 per cent by sending c yVouir oquc to the destitute stu- denr'ts'of Europe through the I H z U) H 0 EUROPEAN STUDENT RELIEFii POTS INi THE FIRE--TOQUES' IN THE BOX{ POTS IN THFiI FIRE-TOQUES A 4- - . ., - , r UJ t T'he elegance of' A the- corsage is reveal,-ed * a aPW a~4a in the es0gn1b :r x. . ( 4 d+t. :;y :-A Il 1 q ' l25ELibertq 5t. - Phone LY).l 'i * Aigo . 0 CT ill!!0!!6l16t!! !!ll 9Hdlil111pi6pl11lIEliplppipp8pplipl9plpppllliitilLlllil!!IlIIIlllllpllllllilpllll111 I DEAN COOLEY'S DECI$T"N he Democratic followers in th~e to will no doubt be' pleased with decision made public yestel~day ruing by Dean Mortimer E. Cooley, A of the engineering" college here .he University, that he has accepted nomination as Democratic candi- e for the office of United States ator from Michigan. Not only will Tlease the rapidly growing Demo- tic party, but it will also have a nulating effect on many of the Re- lican voters who have become te weary over the haggling that sts within the ranks of their party. hl parties will recognize Mr. )ley not as a politician after' per- gal laurels, but as a man interested the welfare of his country, a man o has both the desire and ability aid in thze increasing efficiency and era 1 progress of a nation. hat the Democrats of the state of higan are fortunate in having a n of Mr. Cooley's calibre run on ir ticket will be admitted by any- who has ever associated with the ani, or who has ever heard or" the ie of man lhe is. Political elections rely drop to formalities when then HLEALTHL LECTURES AND SE:NIORIS It Is difficult 'that any' perSon could, believe in the justice, in wi thoxlding tjie. diploma of, an accredited, senior simply because he failed to attend a course of six health lectures in hisl freshman year. A good idea has been carried to an extreme which can hardly be described as anything less than ridiculous~. 1 Many years ago, the pettiest thief j, used to 'be killed for his i'crimne" of pilfering a loaf of bread. W'e can hardly imagine it now. True, steal- ing is wrong and is an evil which must'- be suppressed in the type of, society which now exists. But is its practice to merit such a punishment as death? H-ealth lectures are a. highly desir- able feature of the freshman's train- ing. For many of them, this is their first year away frown home and the vatchfulness exerted over their health problems by parents and others. The matter of diet, clothing, sleep, 'and so forth, are easily neglected ' by-' the yearling newly. sway from the. home influence. But to assert that a roan 'shall not receive the reward of, four' years of 7althful study becauise hie has not heard these lectures, is to assert pure unadulterated nonsense. The "pun-' ishment" is all out of proportion to the "crime,"1 Something, it is admitted, must be" done to ensure that freshmen' do at- tend the lectures at a time when ~hey'- will be beneficial to them. It the picture would have been most familiar. They ,were quite old enough to be grandmothers but probably in this day and age were not. I couldn't hear a word because all three talked at -once;, but I'll wager I could tell you what they were talking about. "Oh no! Really? 'Now what do you think of that! Well I said-" and' so on and 'so on. I sat on a bench near the door Marked Examination Room or some- thing like that. It was warm in there. The sounid of motors and subdued snal nises from. the large room- all made die feel a faint lethargy-like Sunday afternoon in summertime, at home, when after dinner we having afternoon date, lie down in the ham- mock in some secluded corner of the porch and just. slowly drift off some- where. I was almost gone when far oiff somewhere I heard a strange bab- ble. Slowly I came back. I shook myself. I opened my eyes. There coming up' the stairs were three wo- men of. ages varying from an awkward gawky sixteen to "a dull grey looking sixty. A grin seemed to be plastered upon the face of each one. They stared about them mouths agape. pushed each other. out of the way, yet seemed ever to keep together. ~They jabbered to 'each other. They moved aicross the room looking into every door., Finally a white-coated figure came out of the large room. They siniled, 'shook their ear-rings, "bah~ffled their, large clumsy shoes, 1 twisted their..hands and spoke some- Ithi'ng to him. 'Hle pointed to a bench and' they sat dowen, looking around at uts all and smiling as though sure of our approbation. to their feelings. The pen may be, mightier than the sword, but it should not be used to wound as a sword. E'e Florence R. Rouse MY-1 TODAY: Com'edy Clut ry-outs from ~ "THE GRAY MOUSE," a revie'w,- by I ', "The Gray Mouse" has the makings it' RiA .111.1 SI iO014T '1Jx of a good play. The plot contains much that is quite novel and is good theatre. It seems evident, however, ;v- OF' THE NEWEST that the author was handicapped by unfamiliarity with this phase of writ- = ing Many of the lines of the play ~D B S S R IY were obviously prosy, and the cast, Vith few exceptions were unable to overcome this; their characterizations suffered noticeably in consequence. What seemed more unfortunate was Dirdretoef h la rsde ~t from Fifth Avenue rhas ar rived the last that h e d rfau ion,,, t hew a y d new d i E~e it o ~ n s r t tI o ) tr s a d w d r m litesneortcp n adl oei hfonditae o ah ian wdebrm Iappreciation of _comedy. Many of ' - Margaret Geddes' lines as "Milly" that 'tr A unie fealurc t a hadi rtt guiShcs a DOBBS were unquestiotbly clever' but n K .ifsis iscon otrsbe