THE MICH] IUdIIVILII IV ludd~ TS INTO FLftMES dltional Cap) Night Services Will! Be Obser~ved In Sleepy Hollow VIBY, REI:l?) AN0 RQWN1"\, '7, 0 APDlRESSJIHUGS:GATH{ERINGW 'omorrow night, at the annual Cap lt ceremocnies, the grey caps that c dotted the campus for the past 'aernesters will Nail into a huge fire in Sleepy Hollow, and as the uting~ line of yearlings runs past blaze, one more freshman class I hve assed. Cap Night marks cuiinaijtion of the desire in each ;t year man to doff the traditional sigear, and his entrance to the homore ranks. Expect Itecord Crowd record breaking crowd is es- ted by the committee in charge to the natural ampitheater of the low, and preparations are being le accordingly. An improved sys-' of voice magnifiers will be plac- in the speaker's stand?, allowing hi member of the assemblage to r the speeches of the evening. resides talks by Edwin L. Denby, ~Prof. Thomas Reed, and Oscar wn, '24L, the events on the even- s program will be the awarding M" blankets by Coach Fielding H. t, to 19 men, songs and yells led Lyman Glasgow, '25, numbers by Varsity band, and the traditional ging of "Where Oh Where", the ds of which will be published' to- row. Announce F~ormtation ules for formation to marchv to the low have been announced by the imittee. All classes will form at{ 'lock, the seniors in?'cap and gown Bar'bour gymnasium, the juniors t of the Aledical buildin.g, the soph-' res between th~e Chemistry and rural Science buildings, and the hnien in front of the library. The of march will be from B~arbour anasium to Twelfth street on to on, east on Huron to Glen street, nnorth- to Ann, and east from there~ he Hollow. "Ml" men are request- t0 sit near the speakers' stand to ,genie ntly receive their blankets.: he committee in charge of' ar- gemcints for the ceremonies is' wart B~oyer, '241., Donald McCab-e, and Robert Hlun mer, '24. Jack ly, '211-, will preside over the pro- Mn. 'here will be a meeting of the Stu-E t council at 7:30 o'clock tonight in- mn 3041 of the Union. New mein1bers, requested to be present. : is true c n~ec to u ,eLa'l RsieiieIs-Adv. -Pueumnonia TQ4 asystem is badly needed. T. G. Rey- Tokio, Mfay 1_15.-Suggestions con- holds, city clerk, asserts that some-i taimed in: Washington press dispatch- rthing should be done to give service' es, tlihat Japan amight withdraw her to the hospital sections, Geddes aye- am~basau1or from Wasington as a pro- nue, and other unserved districts. tct against the exclusion clause of s____________ he Immigration Lill, were denied by !l oj: a eef ri n ofc s u dg Washington, May 15.-Purchase by th aans orinofieasud, the government of the Cape Cod canal niied. for $11,500,000 would be authorized under a bill passed by the honse 149 "Jimmie, the adtaker" sells anything to 132.{ quickly.-Adv. Patronize Daily Advertisers.-Ad-v ADRIAN-ANN ARtBORL BUS LINE Central Time (Slow Time) Leave Cham~ber of Commerce Week Days Sundays 6:45 6:45 a.fM. 12:45 P. M. -45 P. M. 4:45 P. I. JAS. H. ELLIOTT, Proprietor 'hone 926-M Adrian.. Micas. Commencement lI Only 4 weeks away- t RmU' 'A much weeks. is concluded with t ,' _= Now Showing W e have a v ery practical assort- ment for graduates in Medicine o~r fromn the Nurses Training School. A new treatment for pneu~monia dis- covered by Dr. Lloyd B. Felton, of the ,dep rtxnen$of preventiNIP/ wedciez and hygiene at Harvard medical sch~ool, is expected by medical science to reduce the death rate from that dis- ease by 25 to 50 per cent. The treat- ment is based on a white crystalline powder separated by Dr. Felton from the horse serum which has been used in the treatment of pneumonia. ACTIONO BSSYSTEM POSTPOINEINDEINITELY Pro an~d con discussion of the pro- posed bus system for Ann Arbor,! held byr the Chamber of Coin- merce recently, resulted. in the ber of Commerce inn, resulted in the wholen matter being laid on the table. IProf. A. E. White, of 'the chemical en- gineering department and chairman of the railway committee of the Common council, was the sneaker at the discus- lion meeting. He explained the ques- tion from both sides after which the meeting was thrown open to discus- sion. Although immediate action on the proposed system has been deferredE there are those who declare that such C.s . Phone 308 G. CLAUDE, DRAKE DRUG'and PRESCRIPTION STORE in I SHY Corner N. University Ave. and State St. "6Th~e Quarry,, I 'I Matinees tWg-35c Eveningys 20c-i5 IRV VINOl WAR QMOL-D . S. C. Chiropodist and * A .. I on, x65 _ Wa U , AU' MW Sweeping Reduction on Everytilng Our Entire $tock must Be Soli _ ___ a Ai$ 59.00 Now, . . $33.33 M na 45.00 Now. . 3P.00.S tit -,s____ 40.00 Now . . . 26.67 350 o N o .m30.00.:Now . . . 20.09 AT Is lwr jLJL R 01 iff Collar Attached or Neglige PS, I.2a0 $2.50 $3t0 $4:0 Now. Now. Now .$1.65 . $2.75 $6.00 $7.00 Now.. Now Now . .. ...$3.50 . . ...$5.00 r _: 100 dozen BARKER COLLARS at ARROW STIFF COLLARS ARROW SOFT COLLARS ARROW SOJFT COLLARS, 35c qualil VAN HEUSEN COLAS 6cper dozen Org.Union Suit $1.10 2 for 25c _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 18c, 3 for 50C. ALL m ty 25c each ST A3T eky F 35c, 3 for $1.OO ,. am- ..