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February 19, 1924 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1924-02-19

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shed every morning except M 'tday
the University y.ar by the Boa'-d ir
of Student Publications,
lers ,:f Wester n on ferenee Editorial
A\&ssoeated Pres.s is txclusiely i -
he-tined Pfr rtpublication of all news
es cre-lied to it or not otherwise
in th's paper anj the local ne's pub-
ed. at the postoffice at Ann Arbor,
as second elass matter. Special rate
c granted by Third Assistent Yost-
ri},aion by carrier. $3.50. by mas,
s: Ann Asoor Press Building, May.
;eet .
s: Editorial, 2414 and 176vi; -B'ss-
.1 conmunications, not exceedin Soo
will he published in The Daily at
retion of the 4Jditor. Ulpon reqluest,
:rQity of conr uncants will be re-
as confidential.
lephunes, 2414 and 176-M
Editor................Robt. . Tarr
,, otrd t tairma.. K~. C. Moriarty
ditor...............G. Garlinghouse
Night 'Editors
Ailes A. R. Connable
Bihington L14. riske
C. Clark P.M. Wagner
Editor...........R.alph N. Biers
's Editer.... ....Winona H'ibbard
Magazioe Editor.....F. L. Tilden
Editr.........Ruth A Howell
tCitg Neditwr. Kensat C .Kelsr
Michigan New Bureau.. R. A. Ramnsay
Eliitorial Board

dry" prohibition through concerted na-
tional legislation, the liberal repre-
sentatives of the Labor regime togeth RO-LL EDITORIAL COMMENT
er with a few Conservatives who re- --_r_____ A
ognize the advisability of inaugurating BEEP THE BANNER RAIED
local option, are merely trying to open ;
the way toward temperance legisla- A PERIOD (The Daily Cardinal)
tion wherever the people feel the need The Student senate has approved
-a such restriction. Some of our friends believe that the the election regulations recommended
Former Prime Minister Lloyd George Women's Page breaking over onto the by the judiciary committee of the Stu-
cited the figures of the nation's drink bottom of the col the other morning dent court. The court has spent an
bill as $1,720,000 more than the coun- wai the beginning of our campaign untold amount of time struggling over
ry can carry annually. This demon- Car sex appeal. the problem of elections ever since
>trates the enormity of one particular This is not true. last lovember's fracas and now, after
mode of extravagance among the * holding John Doeproceedings and in-
people of Great Britain. The Labor And Saturday night was Cowlesey 1 vestigating the November elections, af-
government has signified its intention Wowlesey in the swell mob at theI ter considering their every phase, it

_ ._ _.._ r .

Diaries and Desk Calendars



of minimizing just such expenditures Whitney? He wasn't nothing else. In
and if it can succeed by the introduc- purple tights and a yellow shirt and a
tion of self-imposed local restrictions, blue necktie and a black hat. He car-
the results will certainly be conducive red a broomstick.
theresltswil cetaily e cnduiv And during the remarkably dramatic
to greater productive efficiency and:e ,ng uithermarsagl, hrandi
social harmony. yelling of the mob offstage, he and
_______________ murch were shouting at each other,

It is interesting, and at the same
time sad, to note just how few and far'
between, even at a university the size
of our own, are the types of students
that can be called scholars, or for that
matter, thorough students. The rea-!
son for this is not difficult to under-

most rhythmically, "A
sometimes W and Y"

E I U, and
and sometimes

we'd vary this with the straight alpha-
bet or a few sixteenth century oaths,
or a few twentieth century oaths, orI
some remarks about the drama.
At the end of the second act, much
enthused over the play, we biffed out
to smoke a cigarette, and said to Man-
ager McIntyre, "You have a great play

stand when one consi'ders..that after' we just won the basketball game,
all it takes more energy and grind isn't that fine?
and persistence to be a scholar than It seems he had been sitting in the
most people care or at any time de- box-office getting telephonic re-
sire to give. The great majority are turns....,
content to be of the average, dividing Rolls' Bedtime Stories
their energies and attentions among The Honor System
a number of fields. Which individual But there was another boy in our
encounters the better success in later school and he was a very fine boy.
life is an arbitrary matter, but it has indeed, only he didn't know no Hist-
been proved to the satisfaction of a ory. And there wasn't anybody in his
great number of peoplethatthe indi- huse who didn'tdknow nothing else,
victual, who, in his. college days, was and so this boy didn't know what on


Ikrman Wise


Andrew Propper
teke R. S. Mansfield
(m~an E. C. Mack
cknell Verena Moran
Boxer Herbert Moss
Bonine Harold Moore
,)w nCarl OhImacher
Cate' Hyde Perce

Lt te

S-Regina keichman a true scholar, invariably rises to earth he should do when the guyI
L Lhrli .b Edmarie Schrouider
-d Hal C. A. Stevensd greater heights and finer accomplish- passed out the questions, because he{
IeI, W. 31 Slonman ments than does the chap who makes hadn't even found out what was the tn-
g Ilouseworth HJ-. R Scone
,,gM i ertarie Reed up one unit of the mass of ordinary swers. Well, so this is what he does
Kendall N. tK. 'Vial iniiulwhfilorclesad
Kruger S. BlTremble individuals who fill our colleges and do: when the question said Who sign-
:th Lieberman W. ). Waithour universities. Of course, as in all such ed the Declaration of Independence,
instances, there are exceptions, and he wrote "Mamie Marshall." And
BUSINESS STAFF not few are they in number. when it said Who made the first Amer-
Telephone 960 There is positively no short cut to ican flag, he wrote "Mamie. Marshall."
mental superiority or intelligence. And when it said Who was the pret-I
bUSINfiSS MANAGES President Angell, of Yale, has spoken tiest of Ben Franklin's lady fr'en's inI
LAURENCE H. FAVROT wisely when he says thit "the posses- Paris, why he oven wrote "Mamie Mar-
Sn .. ...* ... CDune sion of intellectual power demands shall." And so when the questions all
ising..............Percy M. Hayden long and patient exercise and the ex- the time said like that, why he just
.lsing......... ....w, lot"4ser -twrotieMai e arhal." h 1
u ..W.-K.Ser penditure of untiring conscientious ef- wrote "Mamie Marshall."
its ...............A; S. krton fort." To be sure, it is precisely this And that night the Professor called
tionl...................... 'C. Purdy , n htngttePoesrcle
.Law reuce Pierce "patient exercise," and the "untiring him up and said, "hey, you musta
Assistants conscientious effort," that most stu- handed in the wrong blue-book or
Campbell N. E. Holland dents are unwilling to give, with the'"( h
Campbe M.LIreland result, that there is this deplorable orep'n." And Harold (for that is
Champion iaroW 'I.+£Naris our hero's na }~ merely begins t-
13oni Byron Parke, lack of trained intellectual power in almost break out crying and says,
bM. Dexter lH. Is. R'oseI
J , A.. Seidman our midst. The one outstanding sig- " Why, Professor, it was the strangest
A. Foy.x ,1Weise nificance of a situation of this sort is thing, and I'm so worried. You see I
lagt C. fP. White
Hale 1R. C. Winter tha~t as a nation we are forced to re- studied so long on that History that
tard progress. when I got there I felt so queer, and
If it is reasonable to assume that a before I remembers anything I guess
large part of our finest intelligence I didn't remember anything at all, and
ESDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 1924 in each generation goes through our I'm sure I couldn't have answered the
colleges and universities, then it is question at all adequately"-"Huh!"
Editor--A. B. CONNABLE, JR. highly iDnperative that scholarship and1interrupts Professor, "I guess that's
the making of true scholars be encour- no B. S. Why all you did was write
NINETY-EIGHT CENTS 'ged to the highest degree possible. oie him's name, instead of anything
ording to analytical research True scholars, whether we are prone 'bout History.E' And Harold wails
by ,Dr. C. A. Pierle, head of the to admit it or not, are after all true right back, "O-h-H-H-H dear, dear,
tment of chemistry at the West leaders. t Idear. Hopes of Pip-bald Kappa bloote
Teacher's college of Canyon, bloo. O-h-h." "Say not so soon,"
, the net material value of an moth the professor, "the whole thing.
ge human being is 98 cents. Dr. is quite understandable. Have you
has found that the body of a Twenty-Fve Years perchance a bim-acquaintance called
weighing 150 pounds, if divided aAgo Amt ichgn amie Marshall?" "Alas, alas, and
ts component chemical elements, V1better, I wis, that I had not," purred
I be found to , contain enough .- Harold. "Haste not so bloody fast to
to wash a pair of blankets; From the Files of the U. of X. Dally, "ur blooming conclusions," said the
h iron to make a ten penny nail; { February 19, 1899 %Professor. "Now the pure psychology
on coop and enough sulphur to William Jennings Bryan has cer- etc., ending: "And now-, Harold, do you
he fleas on a good-sized dog. All I tainly reason to believe that the stu- -n'Vnos if you'd take a good sleep in-
elements, he estimates, could be dents of the University of Michigan stead of studying so hard that perhaps
ased at a drug store for 9$ cents. overlook party lines when it means You could pass the exam?" "O-h-h-h,
t how near or how far from the that they are to hear discussed the I'm sure of it."
Dr. Pierle is matters very little. problem of the retention of the Philip- And the Professor kept on psychol-
anobe approximationithatfithes-hilip-
s an approximation that illus- pines. Mr. Bryan lectured upon Im- ogizing 'til he had it all figgered out
the point quite clearly that after perialism Saturday night in University that if Harold had lost his memory,
r body as a body, or as a piece of Hall under the auspices of the Good why he prob'bly didn't remember the
anism, is not worth a great deal. Government club, and though in the questions eith:er. But Harold, you
r, it is mind, the thinking and large audience there probably was but iay be sure, quick studied all of them
ng abilities of man that are of a small minority who supported his questions down cold. And so when
significance. These are the ele- political ideas two years ago, yet his the questions said Who signed the
that no one can. measure in reception was warm enough to do just- Declaration of Independence, why he
'ial worth, and it is beyond the ice to a nominating convention. snapped right back "John Hancock,"
of man to even attempt a mea- and when they said Who made the
of them. A University fraternity initiated a first American flag, he jotted "Betsy
is worth pondering over, this new member' last evening, if the fact Ross," and when they said Who was
Lon of mind. The, honest value of of hauling around on a baggage wagon teh prettiest of Ben Franklin's lady
dividual is to be estimated by the of a young man clad in white, with a fr'en's in Paris, he modestly wrote,
e in which he has perfected his rope around his neck, was any indica- "Ah mais-toutes les filles de ce pays-
ig capacities, his mind. There, tion of such an affair. He was ac- la etaient" and modestly stopped. And
here alone, lies his fundamental, companied by several young men who when Harold got home that night, the
, and not in the amount of iron seemed to enjoy the proceedings. The Professor ealled him up again, and--
his body contains, or the amount victim was hoodwinked, and probably What do you suppose he got? "A"?
uscle he can display. For this received the impression of having trav- No, "A." "B"? No, not "B." No, my
ction it is therefore doubly inter- eled many miles. dears, you are all wrong, because the
to note how little even in ma- .rofessor had
value the body is worth. Dr. Nancrede last eveninonva kept on psychologizing.
-g'gave "a kTtonpyHBOA CASTg.

has turned over to the consideration
of the Student senate certain recom- we think, suffer irreparable loss by III ; i
mendations which it has formed fromapplying an age retirement law to
the investigation. We are not to know ll officers of the Army and Navy.
what the accepted regulations are 'The question involved is not one o I earn tDiance
until they are drafted In complete =honoring General Pershing, it is one
form. Now, however, even though we ATetn tewlar fte eua
Shave no knowledge of the character Army; and no officer has hitherto been
of the regulations, we can make the considered indispensable to the wel- l
court know our appreciation of their r fre either of the Army or the Navy. iN L.. J '1&j
work,a work the immensity and -The bill having been introduced, ase
portance of which few comprehend. we are told, without General Peish- eW '. dlSS e nnn
Until those regulations are made gin's consent might well be withdrawn -.
public we can also praise the judg- before he is consulted concerning it. e
{ment of the court and senate for not j _ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ -veufesua, F br ar 2 th
having done away with student self-
government. "No definite changes in Classes Wednesday and Friday, 7-8 P. M.
the policy such as turnnig the elec Walt-Two step-One Ste o ro
Lions over to outsiders will be made DER-tix rE
" the statement reads. The EAST BOUND
students indorse such an attitude. For Limiteds: 6 a. in., 9:10 a. m. and Fs Tuition $5.00 12 Lessons
a time last fall, indeed, it did seem to every two hours to 9:10 p. M.
Express: 7 a. m., 8 a i. and evr "l-l1ti~ l11111111lSltllt111111111111111111111r1i111r
some that the only solution would be Etwo houra to 8 M. every
to take elections out of the hands oij Locals: 7 a. in., 8:55 a. m. and
students. The situation looked ex- every two hours to 8:56 p. in.,____________
tremely black. But such an action 11 p. in. To Ypsilanti only, 11:41-
would mean the complete downfall of p. m., 12:25a.im. and 1:15 a. in.
student self-government, ,and surel WEST BOUNDEE
that downfall would be a dismal thing. Lmteds: 8:47 a. i. and every two H
But no, the banner of student self- thours to 8:47 p. in.d-
government is to be upheld; the Stu- Expr.ss (angveytwlo r s to:9:50Friday, 22
dent court through its investigation j 1). in. L
and the Student senate through its I r7 7:50 a. .. :! a.
consideration have seen no cause t - -"
lower the banner, and the students ar3 ---l
pleased with the outcome. I
Another disaster, however, might re-L-
verse the sentiment of the students E 8
and their two representative bodies,
and such a happening would be too _MUSIC4L
bad. Now, so very much more than in----C ME
the past, that banner of self-govern-
ment must be upheld in order that we T ere is always good
may not lose all the respect of those atmosphere when YOU
who are in one way or another inter-
ested in us.-{ have flowers.
TO DEWEYIZE PERSHINGI hone 115 IwiO//?fg sa'iOscig (Omed7
(The New York Times) BvTIM. WjAUg'yP RENE.oNE.EAR IN 1,,
Pending before Congress is a bill ~----
to 'provide for the retention of General
Pershing on the active list of the COU $iz IIalLL (-
Army for life. Under existing law he ORDER NOW BY MAIL.
611 Il F UniesiyAve. M PRICES; ORCHESTRA, $2.75.
Iwill ietire for gage next September, 6 E. UAvers tYAve PpCS; OCHESTRA2$2,..
but there will be no reduction in his niversFty BA.LCONY. $1 10. S 1.65. $L.20.
4 him to be General of the Armies it _ _ _ _ ____--___- -
provided that he sheuld retain the "
active pay of this grade for life. It I t_________
did not exempt him from the operation
of the law which places every officer
of the Army' on the retired list at the I
age of sitty-four. The recommenda- fl
tion for the retention of General
Pershing on the active list was sub-j
nitted to Congl'ess early in the session Vr -
by the SecretAry of War. The bill is
presensted upon the ground that addi-
tional honor is due General Pershingt
I and that his services on the active list
I can be employed to great advantage.
General Pershing was jumped from
the grade of a major general over the U nru
grade of lieutenant general to the"la s ft am
newly created grade of general on Neatly combed, well- ept hair Is aTInes a
Oct. 6, 1917, and he was made by act I ST OMBan as a h hair stay combed
t of Congress General of the Armies of In any style you like even after it has
the United States on Sept. 4, 1919. just been washed.
At that time the President and the STACOMB-:h t oah een
used for yarsby stars of stage and '
Congress believed that they were be- scren-leaders of style. Write today tlt sy.
stowing upon him the highest honor for free trial tube.
within the gift of the Government and Tubes-35 Jars-75c
provision was made for' the contnu-' enlon SACOMB-in the black,
ance of his active pay after his retire- For sale at your druggist or whereveria 1 nn Arbor'saw, wasthe neat-
ment for age. Furthermore the Pres- toilet goods are sold. et, most modern and best built cabs in the world. What
t idnt an oderan oficr onthere-Standard Labortories, Inc.
ident can order an officer on the re- 730Stanford Avenue Lo Aneles, Calforuls it did not see, but is bound to feel, is the matchless system, the
t tired list to active duty at any time send coupon for Fres Trial Tube.
t that his services are required. There----.---- - - - -- - - -- aperfectorganization and the unquestioned financial responsibil-
fore the retirement of General Persh- 'Afl 00 R . ;. u ity, all of which are absolutely essential to give the kind of cab
ing for age will not stand in the way ..srvcc the public really wants.
of the President's continuance of him; p.
on the active is until such time as', - - .a- ~ - ..-

. >
!' -
A ,. .
M >
Y.:. >.
: r
r c


. ..
very entertaining and instructive lec- THE BROADCASTER
LOCAL OPTION ture to as large an audience as could STATION W. 0. W..
e. spectre of prohibition smiles crowd into Alpha Nu hal. He spoke * * *
rnically down upon the sanctums of his experiences in taking care of We announce that if our friends
ritish liberty with the introduc- the wounded and sick in the recent would like to club together and buy
of a bill providing local option war. He criticised the commissary and up a Rolls Royce at fifteen thousand
he Welsh. Under the influence the hospital departments of the army smackers the each and present it to
n increased majority of Labor for their incapacity. Cowles, he would be happy to ride in
bers of the House of Commons, _the park and doff his hat to the public.
great institutions of the Isles The Intercollegiate Association of Furcher, if they send him to Europe,
or the first time confronted with I Amateur Athletics of America has he would be pleased to buy a silk
>le eviction from the daily routine formally expelled the Michigan Uni- topper for the express purpose, of
l true Britishers; the nineteenth versity from membership because of waving it at the statue of Liberty in
the traditional whiskey and soda, non-payment of dues. That is one N. Y. harbor. -

his services can be dispensed with'
without injury to the Army.
It is true that after the war with
Spain Admiral Dewey was made Ad-'
miral of the Navy and retained on the'
active list for 'life. Experience in his
case, however, offers a strong argu-
ment against the duplication of that
experience. Long after he was phys-
ically unfit for active service he was!
on active duty and his name and fame
and authority as the officer at the head.
of the active list of the Navy were
employed in support of policies the
merits of which Admiral Dewey did
not have the strength to investigate
for himself.
Having bestowed upon General
Pershing the highest honor within'
their gift and insured him against any
reduction in his pay after he reaches
retiring age we can see no useful
purpose to be served by compulsorily
retaining him on active duty for life.
There are officers in the Departmentj
today and throughout the Army whoseI
admiration for General Pershing can-I

Pocket Maled Milk!I
Like to drink malted milks?
Sure thing, Old Top!
Then why not eat 'em--
here's your chance.
Pure Maled Milk Bars
contain no cane or beet sugar
Safe for Athletes ti Training
Right size or your pocket. Go
greatatthe game--atthe show--on
hikes--at school or in your room.

Those who= have ridden in Red Top
Cabs have always found and will continue' to find a cour-
teous individual at the wheel-a 'salesman of service-rather than
the gruff, crabbed, rough-neck who has dominated the "hack"
and cab business from time out of mind.
Vou find Red Top square, anxious
to please, is men courteous and attentive, its cabs always
smntary and in the pink of condition, and cosy and warm when
the North wind blows, we will add as many more cabs as the
City of Asp: Arbor wants. There is no limit.
Hail the ayhr

.,. .ti.L.a _
I I . I I
Ii .
' , '




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