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May 15, 1924 - Image 8

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1924-05-15

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of the Philippines Islands will give a talk on the ' "I'ogr'e~s 'of the Philip- fff~lFT~ If~l~I
pines," and Dean Maxino M. Ralaw' of, the Unliversity or the Philippines rri UIIVL LIODHUlI
will give .ai illustrated lecture on the "Conditions in the Philippines." TU n TlaffrA
Other features of the evening are the Philippine String Band of Detroit, I illT 1T19.1 IIIBIIOWIII
Native song ".KtJNDIMAN." by 'MI~s L. Torires and. Native dance "CARtINOS A.. H LI L!I I'
or Love Dance-mlsi- L. Toirei3 and Mr. R. Capistrano. Thee Public is cordi-
ally invited. AdinissjoU free. . Jose A. Enriquaez, President. All t fzl i: '1 ; people inzterested if

Pilhe XValber 1;Atletic icesy
ti~otsprtto sta fh ae


Daddy Long-Legs:
Tonigit: at 8 or'clook sharp In University Hall Jean Webster's four ,-cf
comedy Daddy Long-Leggy ill be presented ias the next prog-ramn in th}e
Play Production Series. , I1. ID. T. foul ter.
Alph EPsllwi lzii:
" Ieeting of all active, associate and prospective members at the Union,
;A 5 00 this afternoon.' Banquet will follow the initiation.
4Afew, ;grup pictures ars till obtafnabl~e. Burto:IiE. Hyde~.
"ItI M Bade Putl):th eoyealenwilairs
,Professor 'William H. Hbsof teGooaydeatetwl
the 'service men of the canmpus on the- subject of "Australia in the NAorld
War" in the second* floor Rteadin4- 960o- of the Union, Thur~gday ewenin ,
?:: ( o'clock:' Thlenie is tnder the auspiices of the CGun k& Blade (lub.
All, men who, were in service. are invited to hear Prof. Hobbs who is in a pos-
ition to speak with authorityr oR this silbje'et as he WVas~ in Australtn during
InObilizatioh of troop., john A. Boy('e, P resi dent.
t Acolyte~s are especially inviteti as guegt of the Matheradics Society to
hetir Dr. Bothezat talk on "Zeno': Paradoxes", in Room 151l, Ch1e1mistry Bldg.,
at 8 P. AM. tonight. 0.K. ol{* ila

in- t o thle tea wi ch b the h! ('r
depart mn s att01~ m tin ljtra ;'
giving at 4: 2 o'(lock tmorrow in t!h
staff room.
&Arlier f hisgii~eiXr, nyS
Hobart, assstan ean of wmen,
gave ;I conf-1rence to a:!nmber of
people *nten(Iiji, to take up library
work and it \\s.t, hought that I hi,
iniglli he supplementped by a, gathering
S die'1 the (lifferent schools for library
training could 1be discused.
At the tea tomorrow muenbers of
the staff whlo attended different
schools will be present to give infor-
miation about the kinds of training
given in each institution. The schools
rep~resented will be the New York
State Library School ait Albany. Pratt
Institute at Broolyn, Drexel instituite
, t PhliladelpVial, anld the schools at
the Universities, of Illinois, Wisconsin,
Western [oserve, Syracuse, andl Pitts-
Guests at thle lea are to enter by
'Ahp lbasement entrance on the west'

TIhere will be an election of officers Thnrsd~y, IMUy 15, at 7:30 TP. M. in
Room. 02 Union.. BE 'THRkR. Robert J. Chick, Jr., Pulilcity Diretr
-Li'-on in the architectural dercture
r i room con the'second floor cif the ,En-
'W It Al _' I N (N ~* iering 1fl iing where they niay G 1 G O
'T'en tic'kets renau i for Ithe A rcliteet,'
May party, and may be obtained from
Aill person1s or societies uit1g tiak t. IT. Oster in the architectural cor-
} r IU1J)U) hilild InClUdi *is -their notices ridor. Programs for the affair will
1dayr,"hour, ,uind jilnee. Alli) tiC be given out in the architectural
WI(ithout Ui d' ata' w i~e'diP-grded; ' corri~orat 2 Veo 'k Thursday. ,Pro-
i'- ;, "" ,, _gram coupons must be, presented in
TIIERSFDAY .oicicr''t e&1rie th~ei
1:1- .Econa; lcts tfaclt ' uhuci n, BTG RESULTS-
I:1v-G';iver ty: lecture -FUr. George,___________________
' ce Bothozat Sneaks 94. tblaw 4 of
inriPhysics west Iec-tu-re robmr. ~l~IlIIllItIl~l~Il~~iihl
;:O-iha Epsilon MNo dinner, rom# Are you willing to work? You 1
7; x0--Gm arci't ar e~fhr Vlo~. can easily earn $500.Q{} this stun- ,
7 ;S=--Round. lp,."rt~.m 34,: Unio~i. gsIncr ifyou are.-
7s;34- -Cham1rei' 4 Couinire .e trig
roos;m f2,Uz ol.,- our proposition is the most at- .
? iO4) and &a#-1{a P04 'sl rtIi -Ije- jit.'offer-4pat, yQu could ,wish
tur~eGerge Arlise,. U '"Ibisraeli , fa.
W ly h jhre isroom for 25 more
d eBothezat speakg 6h, Eelkeopters, Phone :'.-fron i 4i
"physics ,West it o t. 3 . GChck L. B. Abbott
"ti .. 1 'RrtJ i 4kncef I FfarrlGI.
The Peor A o J Iars d1;,
titlon drape: 2ci on e"htial- 1tll. l~1 , Illlllllg

ide of the library.

"'The SANlot,
That~~~~~~M MaeteFutanPnPIBL

I SE IORS-Time's Flying-order NOW




. b

- --~-----------.-----.- . 0 1
-Pco I ., .;r o
If you at-c cOntcrnphting having any interior decorating

cdone noQw, or in 6he nar future, let us know about it.



are prepared to take care of it for you, Perhaps you arc
plaing on peidizg- tho : urnnr away from home. If 'so,
give us an idea of what you wa it cdine;t leave' your key with
us ; a -d when you',e *1vn "We will hiavc everything just- as y u

EARL V. MOORE, Musical Dirccr




.IM3liI RfIUE(GER, Munich, Berlin and Madrid Operas ... ................ Soprano
1i1'SOLINA (AIANNIM, American-Italian Concert Star ... .................... Soprano ,
C.LAIIM:IDUX, Chicago Civic Opera...................... ............... Soprano
SOPllI E BI{SLAVE, Mbtropolitan Opera .................................. Contralto
TIITO SCHIPA, Chicago Civic Opera............................ ........... no
F"ORRE! , LA MONT, Chicago Civic Opera......................... ..........'Tenor
VIC tENT Y' B ALLE STER, Metropolitan Opera ............................. ..Baritone
IO P A L D A l) M U , A m e ric a n A rtist . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .a i o n
C ESARlE BAROJIEQ, (Chase Sikes) La Scala Opera.... ................. .... Bass
, VIA LE T, American Virtuoso ............ ................Violinist
ALBEIIT4 SALVI, Distinguished Artist.................................. .Harpist
HJAROLD) BATER, t HMaste r Player ........................................ ..Pianist
1ALNER (CHRISTI.N, W'ell-F nminAris~t.... ...... ... .. .'Argaiist
THE UNII ER-SITY (110 RAL' ION, CA.RL Y.- MOORE, (7Xnductor. .. . . e.:. "10.oice,:;
THE 'III1IEN'S h 1 k HOF)G RE0. 1BOWTE1?N Conductor.. . . 500Voices
LA PRIMATE.RA (First Time in America) ................... Respighi -i
SEADiRIFT (First Time in America) ...................;. ....... .......... Delius

Whave a ~very compiei line of'exceptional1l fine wall



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