THEMICHIGANDAILY _________ _.. ,. ._ i ..J' 3,., Y r ' ' Mb r etn-!O TR9 T TODA Time limfit' for the matches' in the -- tennis tournament has been etn- or g feet. DAILY (J ASSWIP',0S BRING; BIG RESul~4- ON LITTLE INV ETM E+NT able giant--one whose Stature alone Gonzales was on iris way toa, ig shouldt be enough to strike terror into league job when he got into a discus- theher of the opposing hurler. lion, with a Cuban sport writer last .7o.;("Aus from Alabamia university winter. The scribe decided to use a ,s byy inches the smallest man bat- .-evolver instead of a typewriter 'to' ting fourth in the bit league lneups, makze his periods. Eusebio got one of these days and he is holding his own, the punctuation marks in his hand. with the ether 15 gents playing the The wound refuses to heal. a1 ; i' ' ' , ,_ ,,jjt dn? . i 4Olri t5mi .. . _, :r s ,, x 4 I I -'I , - ~ ~, 9- ,~- {,- ' iY J .. A , h : _ : s,:_ ., f f Q, _ : ,. i : A.., ~ .. ,:t ;) { Ya " t l+i : r .: s !':'r, -° . t i T. ! v #,;. ' e: I I s 1, Soi net ing to,:01 Consi ler efore Now isa good im to get set for- summer--- aswveater-- - knickers and cap. Or Ibuittss--Ill the eight sack rilt ,. ' S_,i ".1i:?. :'!':.: ia '..t ' ';x Ri 'F, i Both outfits are here --perhaaps your vacation will call for both. aifttle work and a little play. Glad to show them to you. 'Ar-IO0DAD I LG ORE ti d .~ jl ' MI I I I I 11 [f ,rK. - y4 Ove al iris A 1 ff