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May 15, 1924 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 1924-05-15

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~E THOFEPrecedent Is Established 'As MacDonald
K CORSESIs ,In formal House Guest Of
}_ 3llR nisac ...1
:ertur yr "t . . ~."t: :.4J:;"{"v +



N cw V~ ieS Oi]
P!nd M4

Three new courses in .Italian will
he offered by the departmnent of Ito-
s aR rnane ,angingds(barng the yeatr
1924-25. Two of these courses, Italian
development and significance of the
dbe by Pror.
lterature ->a1._ Sir .,a 19h.aeai
'tUMttT,7WfI be-givi eniv M. De Filippis.
The course on the literature of the
onl they cult' a21and' o al forces t
work (14rng.the period. aind will be
designed to illustrate the readting of
tuxts. An attempt will be made to
" read something from the work of ev-:
ery significant author", hut special
attention will be pito to Michiavelli
Arista, Cellini, Castig',ione,.and Tasso.
Th'fiis work will: be supplemented by
collateral readting.
t Sbitdents who have obtained thleI
grade of C or above in 'elementary
Ttalian will be admitted. This course
is ,p~rticttlarly recommended to stu-
dents, both nndergraduate and~ grad-
uate, in Ithe _ parfinents of -history
and E~nglish literature as well as those
primarily h gisted1,in spanl : and
£ French.

rEiiUEI .~
I :~<*::j

Washington, May 14.-Rep. Martini
lI. Madden, of Illinois, has beeni giver,
the unanimous indorsement of the Re-
publican members of the. house frog?
his slate, as a candidate to succeeti
Speaker Frederick 14. Gillett, who i,
to enter the senatorial fight tn Mas.;a-
Tokio. MAyx ,4.---The navy is Con
sidering converting :ome at ica~t c>
its major warships into oil burner<:. ,
AI)RIAN-ANN AiIB4If ll14e .U % I
Leave chati~h" of Commi#ece
Wet cDavi 3J6s tIR
6:45 a.mti. 6 ack
ga:4 p. m. . f4p ?
AS. N. ELLIO'TT. Pt~opr'eityt
-Phone 926-M Aiir~c~ 14 " ,




' 1.
, l.X o ,
,' ,j'
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l t




1-Queen 1'ary; 2-King' Veorge; 3--Ars. Frank B3. Kellogg, 4--Mrs. Rand alt 1h,.vid son; .--4Pren ier acl~onald1;
W,--Jhr-aul B. Iellogg; on their play to St:. George's cha~pel.I
A. new parecedent, in English hi story was established when an avowed Socialist was the inforinal privatel
house guest of the king and queen when Ratiisay MacDonald, Labor premier of Great Britian, and his oaught-!
er Ishbel, youthful mistress of 10 Dow ning' street, the preuiier' s residence, spent the week end with King- George
andI Queen Mary at Windsor Castle.
Among the other guests were th e American ambassador, Frank B. Kellogg and Mrs.'Kellogg, and the Arch-
bishop of Canterbury, Randall David. son and Mrs. Davidson.
_______________ I

On a dull,
.gloomy 'morning,
when the world's,
all wrong,
page the world's
greatest little
smile producer -
Say "'Oh Henry!"
to the man behind
the candy counter.
A''Fine Candy
lOc Everywhaere

the, ni jor writers of the 18th century, '
and~ will be followed during the first






The secondIcours~eof one su~i ster isemnester by a studiy o[ mo1dem uIalisj VX 11.(W 110o
oT,' give Iv l'roa. R i ~ ~O~ls~ vt pecial enmplha is on ( (;con1nud'trm Pace +urj OU
to trace 'the httory anld developiwent, Manzoni, VegFgzao flntn.cu'mmes oth had had "eogI tt k,!*1
- he::IUaixx.:noella o.;tale. Somte {zio, and other contemporc ary Italia' -_61ep rieice to extract'" rbm the, lines ?dear
S attention will be given, by wayi of in-;j writers of novels. all that is chara4teristic .of the two
trodxctin..o Oriental anad Latin tales~, During the second semnesterCthe types they attempted. . The two' other'
the~ Greek romances, and the "matter study of the novelists will be contii plays, Th'e Man tit a Bowler H Iat,"
ofti.noe sjertintie. d, and, some attention will be given', by A. A. Milne, and a 'gripping~ sketch
Aft~r:'site ~i~ieraio° la leen t t modern poetry, and contemporary of "The Woman who was Acquitted";
given to the more elementary novelle Italian drama. M. De Filippis will by Andre DeLorde, were well done Jfjj
the chief writers; such as Boccaccio. also have two sectifns of first. yearon te wol.
Sacchetti, Bandello, Straparola, and Italian. The regular course in Dantei aepan hIenrlsencwr
Grazzini will bef studied In detatil as ivll be given by Prof. McoLauglin, whoMku n h eea cncwr
literary 'and social documents.! is now in Italy.. were carefully handled; in fact, we Indivl
Finally, a few lectures will he do- _____ ____ can expect much. better things to come;
voted to, the- relation of thj Italia n Ciiltest1Rpr with -more experience. Mr, Davies, sieoth
novlCommitotheieeenc decenantporth
notvelersos tnoite rneh dscenase "Know Your Town" committees will th director, is evidently a very en-! this indepec
in te prson - f Anoin de a" ale ergetic' person. Beside appearing in
Noel du Fail, Nicolas do Troyes; and, give reports at the mneeting of the too h lyh eindte lw
'others.. In this. way the course, will' Ann Arbor' branch of the National Ises and supervisd the etr r-
supplement that given bry Dean Efling7 League of Women voters to be eld i Cm Iype
er on the history of the French novel.t :3;'coc tnght 27sftat,: ' hewbeCmd club.
S. Tins course is "designed for..graduate 4Mason hall.,:.Margarlite lilay{ ';; h. cul 4t sotne n Pbre who dis-'
students. Ulndergraduates may be ad-i chairman of the "k.nowv Your4 tp wi" pla'y great potentialities. We lhoPe to W
witted with ,the ponsent . oftey ,in-1 oampoi~n, 'will, pi~dsid( . Constance 'mr fslofte, n w'
( structor.i Clarke, '26, will tak~e sutlsc riions 'know we~phalj1 ,,..iV.B. 1
The third course, given by M. De for ~The Woman Citizen," tho n ga-____
It'ilipAs iwlltak' ulf'n4 &mht~tal wva3 ine of.the org~,nizatom1. . airowti4hP6tir Aa'ertisetari.-a.v ____

utt Breakfast)
i aII lilt,

i 1


Ro man ce!
The thrill of adventure and romance still lives
in the Wild Nlorthwest. There--clear out, away
from the beaten path - you can live ,the breezy
life of the great out-doors: on horse-back, in camp,
taking your pack outfit-if you will--and spend-.
ing long, glorious days far from the haunts of man.
The Great
Paifc No rthwes Vt
is still utispoiled-much of it untouched by man.,
A vacation'there need colt you little. The food
is excellent--hunting, and fishing; fine --horses
splenidid, and' a pack trip; for~a week or a month
is easily ,arranged.
Accom~modations at over 50 Cattle Ranches, Camps
or Mounitain Inns in Wyoin rg and Montana.
Round Trip
Only 86Chicago to-
________North Pacific Coaest
May 15 to September 30
See Yellowstone Pa'rk
"In Gardiner, Out Cody"!
Let, me plan a~ real trip for you!4
4! Bv~mtl, PasengrrTraffis Manager
985 Northern Pacific FP',ildi ng, St. Paul, Mdinn. *'
Northr PcicRy
'The R ute ,-, A'Th6 Vag;-1l'Cvirnst Ihiniited--One 9 fklprla's Fine Trains



Oh eari I U the rbitstered trsidai kwk of the Wiitlem- ,
eo$Osa Williamson, Bras.

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vidual independence is generally measured by the

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endence is to save. Why n

The only way to begin
iot open a savings account


mer &Mechanics,.Bank
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Sweeping Reduction on.Everytlhing 4,.> Our Entire Stock' ust t
.1 ___ $ 50.00 'Now... $33.33 fl1'OFF Collar Attached or N(
_____ _____ ____ _____ ____ _____ ____ $2.50 N ow . . . . $1.65 $5.00 Nove
______40.00 Now . . 26.67 nf $3.00 Now ....$1.85 $6.00 Nov
________ 35.00 NOW ...23.33.ad[A~19$.0Nw$7 70 o
eY ~30.00 Now. . . . 20.00 HA TS aUf1dlCPSI 2 f 40 ow.... 2.5 70 o
100 dozen PARKER COLLARS at ho per dozen LTWT
Or-an lB ..U iaARROW STIFF COLLARS: 2 for 25c ____________________
A RROWI SOF T COLLARS ~ 18c, 3 for 500 AL TA
ARROW SOFT COLLARS, 35c quality 25c each. y
V1- R" AN HEUSEN COLLARS, 35c,.3 for $1.00 4

N.... ..$3.60
V ... ...$5.00

11.1 Em


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