_ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _TH E tM IC flEA N D A IL Y T IU SD Y, M.xt m#2 present when tte~lass if 1924 start# c- iI11113tiu11HV 1-33tn11i~lllllttlllQt311fl~tltl 4 ti IIt 3f1 its voyage into the - outside world. j II=tI ? Next year they will be part 6f the at-i L V CI AMPUS - -I__ traction and will miss much of the 1 significance. The fact that the date / I aG OFand TIq for Commencement falls only a few 1 SENIOR SIN\GIN GO L Si ~U , P P L U days after the termination of the ex-1 j (Cornell Daily Sun) amination period should gv nadd$,0 1 T a ii n , lk mot t i g co ! r rimpetus t student attendance. c~Liberty , the o utw trib t magazi n , crned with human conduct, range _ _ _ __ _ TH- IE- tM OT oe bouncingouwihtescn from the ridiculous t h ulm Fromthe pinin' gven y 2,001university and it becomes a place G Rn HM -0O ro th opno gie by24 itssumeanoanterrbentisfsue i sconTk alteTrdtin waEroS GAA0" students inathe spring elections the _without___background____oratmosphere,____a_ Istuentbodyfavrs acheringsecionprive winner in the magaz'.ne s con-neplcsiyaduntrtngs s'n'tdent rodyfav orsa he rin l-tsection new place, shinye.. VuninterstigasBOH ENDS OF THE DIAGONAL In ta elr fteSuhfr~ ~~ io~i ial~nm. Vso .chair 'that still bearns the rice tag. ^" the ,Coierence games next Ifall. se o i 4seodt LbryCling blindly to~al the c1rstoi . that I While tljse favoring retention o~ the A>4 the picture Of ; Ie A. Eaypper1 have chanced td 'wnup trsa __... 31-p present iaystein formed a greater ri-Io utneg 1,'uruddb nyriyadi 01 e hklU thehis, family-wife, son,,",Alton, now 191uiest n ~cre hk y he4ua hoehakngethrorte h ,ik weed9 d a il4ted and fool-" T# propsalsthetota ofthose wanting i' est agand h sdaughter Dro- sh practi~es. ~t~toa nms IIQ {cthnthe ost alking eitheri 1 HiTt"'HEATR 1one or the other of the two changes Ithy May (noweMrs. Brisbey, 26 years intepoiinoesaoe h c oldY-4s, on the -whole, one of the t ',thr nTt h d riiat- ES intepoiinoesaoe h eIsenior singing,.Is a.-custom that l rintede i n. ~ . 9Wa ",it. ono1___________ tamners, i neatest bits of grouping we have ever should itve as long as Corne . When Ivoytobo m~1Q~ n Those desiring such a cheering encountered. ,, ' aho°adtehuh l Ie t a ,8 ~ blc ob opsdof sophomores Said Mr. Eypper, anent his good for- ofeening arb~ h a~ssn two iwurs to fi", , au - - -A -tune, "I've 'always liked to write. Incoevryloetth Lca: 7 a. m; , :55 a. m. anod1 Ot T L ARN~ and upperclassmen were in the ma oe ey-lsTote ulm.T jrtoftoeavrnsoecag.fact, if _opport nity had offered I tesnoswostuo h tp every twit hours to $:55' p. In., joit f hsefaoin om cage Yth enos host pn hesep' 11 p. m. To Ypsilanti only, 11;44, SATURDAY, -1Y The Athletic association has signified might have followed a literary car-1 of Goldwin Smith and lift their voices p. m., 12:26 a.im. and 1:15 a. m. its willingness to co-operate with the cer."ILin familiar songs the custom is like WEST 81 IOI council in any way it sees best to gv However, as no literary career pre-, valediction and a benediction. The Liniteds: 8:47 a. in. and every twom The Whoe Wide Worl's Fav orite Coiedaii these students what they want. Evi- Istinted itself. he was forced, willy cnsadeprecso nega- hust :v .m dently there are a few students left , illy, to enter business with the A-'j nate days are crystalised in tih Express (making local stops): 9:51, wowntosttgteatteg mierican Cotton Oil Company. words and melodies of a few selec- a. m. and every two biurs to 9:50u he msN MMHI CO K tkep-otalfrteudrrl- If any further proof is needed that - oke otalfrteudrrd tions. Songs will outlive sermons in I.ra P 75 ,m. Z1 ,M uates and contribute the spirit of the the W G N is the dumbest newspaper the memory. And the memories of t affair that mnakes it a truly inter-ofisizintekwnvrdhe Cornell will be enriched and en- jli t heiAl-Sirpassing Lnigig Triumiph collegiate encounter and an inspira- - s:shrined by this happy custom. tion to every returning alumnus. To He'd lost both his job and his girl To tkiose who sit upon the grass or'_ MAY these students s Ol~d be given theadte hl e isbte iistand to hear the chorus of the son- 1 d.T.I. .F.8 d X 1 best seats" in the stands for they are f i i u (4nigtems ors, the music conveys a feeling of 4 52 i10 7 8 0 10~oa ., contributing a service to the Univer-; important golf match of the year. happiness, mixed with reverence and ! 11 2 13 It 1i' I16 17 sity and a ifal help to the team. i'PBit alohg came little Rced Dorgan, 1 a tinge of. sorrow, the ingredients of I is 19 26 i 2 i2t~ 21 EyPcii dl arquirs, PnmaLus N York lliinorstl It is to be regretted that the stu >the caddie; who had caused it all, f the most exquisite happiness. The u' ' 27 ~24,9 $0 31- dent body, if. the referendum is a d....,oudeterred t old people are made to feel the spirit IN TC al niaie sntwligt pn yusl. ofyotanth listening frsinFL A 41 es ia 1 F4T H ' .1Entthaltis section of seats to ttl he reslwefi - yim ue wth and th m ration for'matur- lit order io close out all Spring, ______1__ ocysedyfl ashfr ta a ieit seems rather selfish of an upper- Iaot 'clc ysera ty. Twofold is the beauty of this Fel making e lorw ing t ime afternoon a tall, lhndsome, well-built Itaiin earemaigteolwigsc Glassman to 'limit this body of three 1 ... raiiniees: classes and eliminate the new men young fellow was mnaking his way In order that nothing may detract All $.0 Hats Now......$3.00 who would probaliy give it heartier across the Diagonal. lie reacheth from senior singing, we would make -Al4,00) Hats Now ......1,50 I support than any other group. Per-Engineering benches, and, overcome a few suggestions. The seniors should All 450 Hats Now "I ",) 1.t , a,4 r v 9haps, however, as a beginning it wouldwihasdedsrefr hmye be proud of their privilege to take Lots o Large Sizes , be more practical to work with a jumped up on one of them, walkedI part in this delightful exercise, not rl7tYi~ ~~1 idfeetsmaller group and try for effective- ngjupdtth grndai, indifferent to it. Each voice swells a17l Packar St. Phone 174 ness rather than volume of cheering. and continued his advance in the same the chorus, each additional senior pre- (W{here l). !lRIL Sfops at Sftae) 1 2 manner. __________________ IWith a small group, the cheerleaders a sent increases the dignity of the oc- could hold drills to practice the songs;liwahlfyacosteeon casion. To the listeners we would - n el.Truhsc rcieabench when his attention was ds-'venture to advise an eloqun ilne Patronize Daily Advertisers.-Aav. "rous fo elce codof-spirit grousers could be de- tracted by a shot behind him. Tiurn- Let no hollow chatter break the still- - vopdwowudsaeof t ing, he beheld two large, ugly. En= ness of the qudanl,1o1ayun11--- l n Limited Number Igineers peering from a safe ambush cuhpak ulsu h eeoy threatened invasion of tea wagonis at couFLOranksRSroesqYouhegcWomoen L W RS n their smoking room. These, he Our last remark, we would address to O ou gWo e football games at least for a littlei I concluded , gfom their gestures,,lia4l the dogs, but for fear of' being mis-~$103 while.f1..-, i, .N .x -- - rt * lsti'e, 4nust task that theirI. U "A--u1 6-- SSpt; ....... ...'tv it "r~'', 1!V0:422 1'3 "GEA Get offa that bench," one of them owners keep them off the campus, or,, FrFoer o or O R" "---'unc t- >+. 1 t*' 1$70 Me~i hn " tldh "ifs hseep e cried, 4sle fn fellow stood, f 'hey be hrE#lance canines. tht!~bo - ~"ard\cr ionsciells lokin at them. other listeners keep them away. Wheni pr& 7©Y ' r uahilt ~ t~-~iu lsOur hero-for he is none other- all this is dlone,. Conell' et s tradeC ~tMLI. 'I .' 1Ba[ELr EROS~A wisClee -.. staxeda4-the url~ts-euriausly for tion will have been- made-secure:... ~,... time goes on, iven more and more_____________ - - ~ ~ : se, .vnxaur-%'erraa~ e Y '1 1pN r 'contribute toward humanity. Not that 0gferms mosil '7.. :- v. fo otI persons, but he had never had ev-i theyr s uhrecgnitionj the yr w eep s uch reco gn t enf r ft 'hrust so in his e b f r o m to after t s d - -t -er t ou t!thin"- I ~~~~~b whoV t 1-i' ap what a few have striven for, feel that finshed the second bench, jumped to recognition should be given for un- 1 grow io- le -third f seeou ~rsi ~1 - - AA-M whchtmetedneiigPrthoducI , AIUP~tintMPMoM ,l1RIGTx1R T oftn Aerianfi neImnCad oet**°" I cL Brun mu P ay Ihe Gm'inav " 141V i Mousernvc~i,rywhich .lillvih !lH 1haxe i1 11 LItworldl lfil- a naor VAll, however, ,are very. choices,°indeed. -as C m l. givniher bt ha toe who erest -1Yoasfracholtsude lAyto e peucdb thannPi"arLtk -rY 'd tcmeihtslie en anwadtatoheesa,.o1yumantth woa , mo plagce oTh while." whfruitllohathetssworld Su h n m s i m rc n history as - 2 o s o h c lt o a son to look forward to the peito John Adams, Phillip S Brooks, Samuel 2. and they ssay, Do ayou want cooaean egg mThe pow r onfdn. ~ T..' Clemens, Peter Cooltsr, James Bul v The lotitar- - - - - -p chanan Eads, 'Joseph H~nry, Andrew , you say h'ello Stan,. and he says -.,sur., t eI = ;.It llLr ..rj~ - Jackson, Tomas Jeffraon, Wi~in~4 --tIna twentie1h century A nar~ia ~c ~ --- Thomas Greei Morton; and Alice Free- -.N ,jT N - - ily. There i ypical mrican dad- - - --4- ;,jp s ' l any alAmerca ould bei-nng s tolevery4 I am . hae-fulfilled - this requirement. whereof we -ention the folwnxiE FT only on Improving the plight, of their 'the - --' - -- -ng s fellow neighbor and of his neighbo. *" ro.Arthur D. Moore, ho directed {- fir: k l ~. -W- They can be included among our T f space permitted, we should like thea Cosmopolitan club gallimaufry E() 31. S 'R .V j great American contributdrs and de- to discuss the seating referendum in {last week and had a leading part in mmD OB SA serve wholly of all praise and recogni-,thelcin.Btouregt;t4 the University club's, "Mimi O'Glraph - tion, (ldoes not. Mr. Jason Cowes. will impersonate the philandering pa __________ pa; Vera Katz, '24, who has won « a 'There are of course many disap- With commencement near at hand, distinctioti in productions of the Coinm pointed office seekers on the campus i many of the seniors who are in a [ edy Club, Le Cercle Francais and = direct frm Fifth Avenue has arrived the last today as a result of the unfavorable! position to warrant such a choice, and Players' club, will be the Victorian -« creation in straw hats. Lou crowns and wide brims returns, of the all-campus elections. I a few others besides, are daily at- matron; and the gifted Margaret Ged-' I= This is only natural. But the hardestJ tempting to figure out which girl of des, '2i, will play the daughter who jl"istdtat;fFsin rub of all is that the pretty dreams' his acquaintance will make the best metaorphoses the authors of her e- - that were lived out before and -u co-worker in life with him. And not ig"_ oh Hassberger's brilliant and A un qucoefcaturg that distingushes a DOBBS Ing the course of the elections= must] a -few of 4 he co-eds are in. a some- devilish Ambrose Applejohn, is cer-- - fstraw is it( -h rv1 te - --- - v - a- now be stored away in the attics a: f c-ital, simn pr posit on trying to -igyure tain to be rivalled by -his .iortrayalt~ strisdis trbed btan poal Tac edf~r .is-£oj,-, ones -iedxmres. 'There sometite.theYj IOihe~~l ~l ~~~an wlpov fterol of" lyrgt" hile r,' x n ," ,; as-,. -~ will be brought out and givnato- obh ms oigad aihflheveteran Velmaia'' awlraLeigh Carte4' '4 =uJLmsigt~ly - ile -- -. - gie o t i e t e m s ot n alhfl teoug~h - going over, amid - if ihspected i husband. "ouhh is th~e end of many w l have the only role natural to, herI------- 6 foT' closely, there will come to light that4 co 'encerntw ~--- that of a real actress. .-r-1H. 'A E --- Wcar aIX rB S f"tTraii den I- - -iA after al-i if one is playing poll-h tt oe CU LY - - -o aWL- - j--' it is .x£,"e..toplayithem eof or-elhat. - 4 - ,, k °'1 6 F s e iWith: the ls comng ino'pwerCOM DY h B Y Y . n t he to play e thall. SteIJ i" ir I'-eve l ~ thw mo'tpowerfutl- na- New members of the Comedy club - - -- < j-- way to gain a footing in anything. t ions - n the world, it begins to look successfully resented three oneact - tit____asi the cherished dreams of many plays last night to a small but en- «w - The etrit arme pu upa far, f or leading idealists, both dead thusiastic audience. Considering that- scare, but as all such/ affairs gene- and living, may have a slightly better there had been no direction save foin I' ally are, their bark was much more; chance of becoming realized.,,the novitiates themselves, and that i T T R. - . -.................I