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May 15, 1924 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1924-05-15

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can use,,women, who are inexperienc-
ed. The main 'requirement for ob-
tain ing positions is that the council-
1013. should like work with younger
gi~,enjoy out-of-door life, and be
a. lec to work well with other people.

. 1 Vno,;n n+o 1-

1 llkJ,-,a eiriv'i ea4eu ar e UB.KeU LO call


"Resolved, That a labor party sim-
ilar in ideals andl aspirations to the
Britsh Labor prty should be estab-
lished in the United YStates," is the
subject of the third annual women's
debate between Michigan and ho
State university to be held Dc. 5, ac-
cording to an announerent made by
Prof. Thomas C. Trueblood, 'of the
public speking department.
Members of the squad for the de-
bate must be selected by Saturday
evening, May 24. Six representatives
from Athena Lterary society, six from
Portia, and six from the campus will
compose the tryout squad which will
be narrowed down to 12 members by
the end of the year.' In the fall 'six
women will finally be chosen to rep-
resent Michigan.
The subject for the women's de-
bate is the same which the Central
League debaters will use to, tryout
for the squad.
Menltbers of he clsassin basketry of
the club leaders' training course of
the U ,iversity" Y. W. C. A. will meet
at 7 oclack tonigh, at Nwberryj
hall. 'his will be the last .meeting of
the class thlA semester.
There-will be a meeting of Sgma
Delta Phi at 4 ,o'clock 'today at
the Theta Phi Alpha house. New mem-
bers V11l then be elected.
The Girls' Mandolin club will hold
a regular weekly meting at 5 o'clock
today in Newbrry hall.
There will be an important meeting
of Mortarboard from 7 to 8 o'clock
tonight in Helen Newberry resi-
dence. It is urged that every me-k
ber attend.
All the aides for the Lantern night i
procession will rehearse at 3 o'clock
to4y at Palmer field. All seniors
and $pniors will also rehearse for
the bock "M" a 3 o'clock.
Ac 3 and 4' of the Senior Girls'
~ play ill rehearse at 4 o'clock today
and t norrow in Sarah CaswellAgell
Porn a society will hold a special
meeti gat; 7:15 o'lipk tonight in
roo x.02,Mason hal.
Me hers of the old 'ad new cab-
inets l f, the Uiversity Y., A. C. A.
will meet at 5 o'clock today in Neva-
berrylIall for a business meeting and
supp .
mi' Gertrude Noetzel or Miss War
ion. 13od will be in Barbour gymna-j
iuim today to in spect costumes for the
Fresh raft pageant. All women who
have not had their costume inspected
are requested to report in costume
sometime today.
Glee Club to horor Fresmnen
University Girs' Glee club will give
tho aanual party in honor of the
Freshmanr Girls' Glee club from 3 to
5f o'clock Saturday at Betsy Barbour
house. Dancing, music, and "bride
,will comporise_ the afternoon's enter-
tainment. Vera Wallington, '26, Is
genera~l chairman o the party. Louise
H-umpreys, '26, and Dorothy Waldo,P
126, are in charge of the entertainmient 4
and rgrcshments.r
Patrnize Daily Advertisers: -Adv.

(!.~ eIY Z21iat the office during the next week. - -
U t a NIRSI GIRLS' GLEE _ _ "Jimmie the adtaker" sell anything;
IMUMMERS ELECTED gqitikly. -Av. 'TeP oi rdcrA~ce h ua
Athea feshan ebatrs efeted ~ ~Off ce s of Mummers Dramatic sots- -
thos ofthePoria ocityly avoto-sI eCia
thos of he Prtiasocity b a vte! ety for the coming year were elected L
oa two to one in their second annual Lie tion of oficiers o the i nivr-a at t heir meeting Tuesday at B3ety Bar--
of 0..=
debate which- was held Tuesday in city Girs' Ciee club will take place our house. Seven nwv members wrei
IUniversity Hlall. Athena society thus'Ia 'lc usdy a 0 tBr also initiated at te lmeting. The 0
re~vdfrtescn ietesl-Ioffice'' are as, follow: Carlotto' . _
er cup presented by the Oratorical Iour gymnnasiumn. ominations for of- EPreidet;,,thr' f6~
association "which is to be, awarded'.fce are as follows: PeintEhlCar '2, vcpresident; Cathrginiae
p ermanently to that soiety whose de-rShroeder, '25, Miriam Mansfield, '25; ( MacLaren, 25, secretary, and Lyla
haters win it at least four years out of + e etary Lreta Cooper '26, Ruth Zang, '26, treasurer.
sen.Rocas, S5otto; vicepresident, Janet I^
Tequestion debpated was: "Re-I Van den Berg, '26, Hlelen Johnson, '26; Wmcui' s C4I)'FeIcts harmen
.solved, TPhat thes United States should)Iti~ SupesbPouto
adp ute etitoso mir-tre surer. Ether Miahaffy. '2; au-' 1barmnProhevarouctioonno
adptfrte rsriton n no (li- itr, Ruth Morey, '25, Isabel Nichols i -e ftevriu etoso
tion."- The Athena teams, which pre- '25* manaeDrth ad, '6 the Faculty Woamen's club have been-
seated the affirmative, consisted of , A aeDrty *Wlo 2, ~cct"dsnce the anual meeting on-
Ednaiegler,_ Mar, a LoiseNichryho'2;slbrriad A-pril 24. Mrs. Louis Bredvod is
rtNcos ndIen Roszel, '26, Vera Wallington, '26. ia aR I U M*
Alice Goudy. Getrude Baley, Doro-1 chairman of the athletic section; Mrs. w
thy Nix and Alice Vlie, from the P'or- John B. Waite, of the art soction ; Many q",ahlte, weights and F Ieatringt
tia ociey, gve he agumets fr I Ca ositonsand M vs. Carl V. Weller of the Mn---7
th eatvday afternoon dramatic section. Ow- iCes in little 1I frocks." {gat~ LEATRICE JOYK
Norman Johnson, '25, acted as chair- I n®en To l 6omen ' n to the lateness in the sason, many A drsfo every occasion
man. The judges were Prof. Ray K. ietions are retaining their present!= ROD LA R CQUE
Immel, John A. Taylor, of the public Women desiring to do cunclor1 officers until next fall. Other sectiom: at RYM i IAr.N~l ~~J
speaking department, and Elizabeth work: in girls' camps for the smmer1 will elect at the May meeting. rA I~Roii ~i nAnyo cenFvre
Cars.-on, '24. weeks, are asked to see Miss MAwry hi.n - 1C,2P'd CeI~tieimdy A FTIDYFVNN OST ;story
-1o°iS, general secretary, at the 6ohIi e ti lwxlra Th7,ti'ii rt17lea i 41 ,em V!J cadwsrs -
' Ip qg g } c~~~f the"University Y. W. C. A., Newber- Annoucemfent was mao.e at diner iwIIt hil6Culteslvlr
"GNI F ry hal. Positions are available in I Mlonday at the Sigma Kfapp1a house oI= '11A-AU~)4
ttECi JIO i.w i ULcampfir, girl sout and girl reserve the enagemnent o Marjory 3rando,i 4 Nviieci . rcae lPQ'LA )NEmRi i "T~l A~
camps of the Y. W. . A.( '24,' of. Detroit, to Gilbert Rian, '26,. Phone 26-t- i ubkiticb Pmodict
eigt wek, ad although some places member of Sigmea Kappa sorority, ad Open Saurday Eezaings =
hEOULE FOB TO d emamnperios asng trmst Mo roin isuan.m issofPrais. a_"oN T~F R
Four games of the fist round of the dmnprvostaigthr psaE Uftilg for fC o" - C ,DER IVER"-rOfficiai U. S. ar Picture
interhouse baseball series are schedl- C 3!II~~,.~ -~~:i<___
uled for-A o'clorck today ;en Palmer j R' i111II1ll1lII1I@1~i1Efl@CI!!It lillh:1: --" _________________
field . The first, round will be con-
pleted at 10 o'clock Saturday and the /Abr.~~mkr rsn ;
second round will begin the first part AinnAbrPamhr rsn
of next week.
Thle following is :the schedule for
today: Kanpta Alpha Tea vs. Alphaf T HSi x
Gamma D~elta, lii Omega vs. Sigma) ,
Kappa, and Delta Gamma'v-. Collegi-IPrf F
ate Sorosis. By P o. J. L. Brumrn
Pageant Procession to Praetice
The entire cast including the pro-1j
cessior. of the Freshman pageant will I S A T N O A
practice rah 4:39 (o'clock tody on ° 1I tTO A
Palmer 'field. Costumes are not ne- I TI MYTHAR FiA MYl
cessary for this practice. In case of4
rain the practice will be held in Bar- Ticet at WahJ'S,
hour gymnasium. S {,I
_ _ _ _- Il_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _yaw_-_ _
Patronize Daily Advertisers.-Ads .'^ .'' -7y .,. ,+ - L .;'. I i+ ,, ; " : ,t i:- k- . ,..."w T:,k:. ;t "'"
(_ r@.U.# $NX1. d .. ,.<9s :"
NAT ,ooMNB. &B$E2TY=Sandwiches!
R r , ,e
- - a _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _
at ; ,iYO ). B SBENowYSho ws!-

Th .I o[aiythrg cold about ce-
1^ \\ isth ttle., The story s just
ac ]."a lIg,, Wairn slice of life-fairly boil-
Z Iig over Wt~ interest-compelling situ-
PRO U CTION ations.
A."TERACING KID" thas, Kentucky Boys j I KINOGRAMS
~A2 Reel Cori~dv artra'n & Saxton j ~ cINw lxe
A 21 heel C'oiacdylIn N w ;'onh NumbizersTpenNwsRve
Mkbigavs. h

INow wonderfully comfortable
it feels. E~specially if nothing
but the purest of soft wvat-er is
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the water used has been softened
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The loveliness, the exquisite
cleanliness, the abounding vital-
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by a. shampoo is enhanced by
the use of this soft water.

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