TH11-E WEATHER' COO 0L AND ItNSETT,LED; PROBABLY RAIN \'L SOitr tikau .. _ f ____ .. . ._._._._ _ .. ._._.___._._- w -- ---- ---- _. ____._.._ _____ z.. ----- . VOL. 'XXIV. No. 166 EIG14T PAGES ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, MAY 15, 1924 EIGHT PAGES PRICE, FIVE CEI CHARGS AG~nSTStudent contriz LANGLEY WI1,LL 6BE JFacutyGa AI~ht~ghthe faculty faile d to come SUBMIT'[0T0 I t through in the expc tod mnn e, ;we wis topraise in our hunll mang refr the May "Faclty Student Num- HOUSE COM1ITTEE ,,TO .COVER I bcr" of Gay glye. What the 'learned BOTH PHASES' OF I gentlemen -failed to ,contribute~ to the INQuIRY I issue was, capably replaced by the stf, and the whole result was pleas- TO RESIGN POSITIONe can claim that this is the ON HOUSE COMMITT FE firt attempt of any college humor Imagazine to devote all of its pages to W3ill Confer -With Speaker Gillette to the faculty, regardless of expense or! CUlIarran Barton mental strain. As was expected, the Imnnediateryj novelty produced some fine examples - -I of wit and otlier contributions.,lbut Washington, May 14-(By A. P'.) --- fortunately the lines were original The reports, of the house committee instead1 of the favored class room authorized to investigate crimin, quips. charges against Representative Laang- Outstanding in the issue were the ley of Kentucky and Dihlman of Mary- caricatures by Wilfred Shaw, '04, anid land, both republicans, probably will 1 Dr. Frank Robbins, which were ex- be subfiitted tomorrow to the house.I cellently done. The p~ortraits of well- It -Will cover both phase. of the in- known campus figures were unmistak- quiry, committee' members said, but ( able, even without the character vers- they declined to give any inkling as to findings. F~r. Langley, who was convicted sev-, eral days ago in federal court in Ken- hibition law and was sentenced# two years imprisonment, returned to ately made arrangement to confer - Nvith Speaker Gillette and Chairman Dean Kalaw To Delimer Illustrated Burton of the investigating committee. , Lecue uia n ac It was said that Mr. Langley might e rgre uam landne decide to notify the speaker that pend- Porn lne ing final court action on his appeal1 FAMlOUS 1iUNDI3lIAN SON'GS TO he would absent himself from the BE FEATURED AT FESTIVAL house and take no part" in the pro- ceedings, of the, public buildings .coin- "Philippine Night," which is given mnittee of which he is chairman.: Mr. w aith the purpose of bringing together Langley declined to comment on this -Filipino students of the University to possibility but his friends in the house enjoy a musical and dance program have uxrgedt him to pursue this course of Philippine" character and speeches confident that it would prove taccept-j upon the conditions of their country, able to both the investigating comn- will .be held. at 7:30 o'clock, tonight mittee and the membership o f the I in LaneHl uioim house. ~Dean M. M.. Kalaw,. exchange pro- fessor fromt then University of, Philip- t . ~tions Make rrgoyle A Success j saccompanying themr. "Seen on the 'Camuhs," a. faculty prorlu ct andi the COOLIDGE WRITES IHOUSE MESSAGE ON nu mi rn Speas A Ban.etSTAFF APPOINTMNENTS MADE A AT PUBLICATIONS BANOVET; FRESH AIR CAMP ORIYE EXCEEDS FORE RER I pnes in the political science l epArt- wnent, will, dellvcr the; princip~lal '- dress on that country. is talk will be illustrated with slides i.epresenting views of' the island and' conditionsj existing there. 1 j ; f I ,. . l ne svices V t JL 1.,r*11puv TLL 11. I More than $530 was raised in the Band of Detroit have been procuredI annual University of Michigan F~resh for the occasion by Jose A. .Enrillze, ,Air Camp Tag Day held 'Tuesday on '26M, presidenzt of -thiePhi'llippine- the campus, of, the Uni'versity, under Michigan club. - -Klidimnari songs, I -,the ;auspices of thie Stuarnt Christia-n ;said 'to have' been sdung'iii the Philip-1 association. Milo'" Oliphit,' '25,, in Ipines ,even before' the comig of Ma-l' charge 'o tthe cear ' 'for 'the associa gellan7 to the~i island,-'-wili be' the fear' tion, states th~' this' does , tit include ture nnumbers odf- the mui s'cal hprogram. 'tbe amounts 'raised in the various fro- . "Ca rinosa," often' 'calle the, famotu tornity and sorority 'houses, which. he Filiino -love dance 6 Will'als6 'he li thinks, will increase the 'total so that sented. thisi :afc being 'given pe- it will far excceed the amount raised Baps for the 'fl-rst time in Ann' Arh1or.f last-' i*vear Ludiyini Torres,.'27,1 S. Of '-iW.?', and frontispiece, was well done..f ~ l~ i I U1II "D e ou A kM - to l unny?" a I U U1 U UI L L I "iYuAs e Be.TE~N 1DAiY PERIOD , IOI1IFO 0 -PET T L S O JOU NA IS tributor, the cover design for the 5Plll1 is I IIO ... k... _____________ site. by Leslie Krieger, '26, and "To I't'1FRIDAY a. Fi'osh, > also lby an unknown, fitted .DECR~ IIESt '~I L D'%ICY OF PN5 i 'bAtAI 11 SELECT( AIILINGaHIO splendidly' into the character of the I :.3c-T ERDEEi4S[ ASYAD Al i PR DC ILS RETURN ILArAG lA PY1OSITIONS The written work, in general, can WIT I T HIS SIGNATURE f?'.. ....$,MA A EE the handed no peons of praise for its.- ..*........ NEWSPAPERS MUST LEA I)'NEW M N G R EE - exc'ellency. Class room experience' eti) Expecfed '1o (Cite Mesue'e\. .IMP~ . .ROVEM ENT, C L A I MSEVER AL APPIN~TM ENT breeds lengthiness, which detracts Drain on 'Irewt'-urn .::f':: f from hoodl ideas. The most interest- emnircees''"' t.Bcnt y~oyo Ble Sfl"Eioil&n u~ies~sat ig articles were "The Ballade to 0l] M-- lomnery Sec.'"2and(1"Sage XAdvice to Washington. M'ay 14, (By A.P)-i Moemn i >iglan aItNamed l ar'EIi san. Cime Expectant Newlyweds." I ~~~i old~ olvbgnpe nciaGiol Whether or not the issue appeals to 1 th apswl edeie yte!taration of the message he w ill send- Dr. Robert Bridgtes, poet au.^ite 1 Apointments to the editorial an tecmu wiledeie byteto the H-ouse in explanation of his '1f1gan)h olsteUn ricbuiness staks of the various campu clamor for or against, but we would ^tof nglathewoshllierhebonus bill. the number a. needed and wel- 'Wltile no officiail annouincenment has"i fellowship for this yeari ' att publications weean"cdb h come experiment which could ell be, been made that Mr. Coolidge would Dr.' Robert Bridges art, gave his second al~ress sine e irs managing editos and business map; reetdi h uue veto the measure, persons close to l Poet Laureate of England who was aai n n ro eoet altaers following the address by D G.W . the noxRoberteBridgesdpoet-laureatie oftEng G.W.D.eectie ae ad atmp1 teprincipal speaker. and guest :of (nul All-Publications banquaet last ,landbathigeel uiat o bnue to conceal his intentions. The facti honor at the Board In Control of Stu- Aada h l-ulctosbru that helbegan preparations today of a! dent Publications annual banquet, helm night. The dinner was tendered byln Conrolw Stidr~tPublast night. Appointments were maid IOUHNAL 1 5T TO message to the House was considaeredt last night at the Union. the Board in itrlOSldetub for all 1ulctosecp h ui proof 'of his decision to return the;, lications to Summern25 bi~uir;o mTesureswithout'shissgature e the staffs of the variokrs campus .nub which no manager has yet been'a- sentto he 'ousr toorrw orit { lcatans pointed by the Board in Control 01 RE t ' Z sen toy he la oduetomoFrrowy. orei sDplrn h dee lanpo'Student Publications. mtna edlydutl' arf afh nSesvP enkens 'Philip M. Wagne, '2, managn --tndy period during which the exC l the English press f degrading the jeio fTeDiyfrtecmn Sclastic Standing and 'Efforts on, ecutive-nmay act on the bill will ex- B r e. aef c s! gii anugh salt e t yar anounhe Dathe follte owingp Plitin etnleir exa mdnigt Frid eay. temssage( tempts that have a'ed been made staff appointments: editor (filling pos- Three Wlinuersvisepece ob oewa iia'-° Iition now entitled editorial board to that sent to the Senate by Mr. When from out the paleface wigwam I by philologists to aid in promoting cara)Jh alnhue 2r IIOARI) PLAN\S TO APPROPRIATE ' j Coolidge in vetoing the Bursum pen- j From behind the staring moonface better speech in America and Englandchimn JonGrngus,'; 1 sop illin ha itproabl 1news editor, Robert G. ,Ramsay, '5 $50t) EACH! YEAR FOR AWARD)S!so ili ta tpoal will cite Conic the slow and solemn five and success that has been made. "The l city editor, Edwin C. Mack, '26; nigh I___ the drain the measure would impose( booms edtrJh WCoa,'2;Grg upon the Treasury. Telling that the, Evening spirit newspapers are essentially a com- ~,ios onW ord 2;Gog In the belief that a high scholasticWadrovrwdsndmdws mercial exploitation of advertisers,) V. Davis, '26; Thomas P. Henry, '26°; standing is essential to a good journal- ~Iandtoscralurtv hofjnehC.elr,'6JsehKu ist, the Board in Control of Public a-i .! i "S[ONSIfl 111N Lights the camipfires of the heavens,I adverttoNIisements, they must apea t ger, 26; Norman BR. Thal,'2; edtor murThen the Michigamnua warriors i cageo Snaya 0d g~ia tions, at the annual Publications banu- f U 1.190l4fV nWIeiLfahesLn ter a the widest, the lowest, class of read-inchreoSudyeodsctn quct last night, announced prizes of l l ilin*ii~ Ipites"h elrd oe' : asil,'6 prse $250, $150, and $100 to be awarded to J flj Rpaint I r ' "he decamco hatereto,.ilia. Soe1 I2 the three p, blicationis niembters high-IILIUI IILUIIILI Soon will gather round ithe oak tree hadinbetweetn it en's editor, i iVerenaoaio Moivaaemcwokfo prodo Rudthnakteeclldth'25;,cad mu1t' oer B.Hndro the1 Tap-1 1sic eatin cadmicwor fr aperod f Rundth oa tre clle -two national committees which have ,addaa oetB edrson two years. All candidates for theselAnoce nt of a matinee dance- pan 26: Toasted Rolls edito, ate Iadmerttae laefo 2:0 There to greet the trenibling pale-benfrdoenEgld doe Nubbihs, 25. awards mrust furnish statements from fadmxrt aepace.frnt ,- in the States, their purpose being to DiyBsns tf the man aging-editorg'of their respect-: to 5:30 o'clock next Saturday after-:i'ume wi tebidn spread philological knowledge of the1 Wlim oesr'2,luussan ive pubications testifying to- the effic-! noon at- Grangers' Dancing academ y Mn . - wi h idn Egihlnug aog'hs h -icucy' and fidelity of their effort-s on :I was miade yesterday byy officers of the Of the loud-rejoicing redskins, uEngishlng.eai agtoewh en asThe aides nare1924-25: lop 7 e bGcto~trth eido'ie'atholic S .- lb.Ti afi' For before they take thelong trail iusn , genofThe ailys named thefColw ,tepulcofothe eriodTf ttehtudbmclu.ofhs afai I ontact durg hih he hveben cnd- wllmak heconluio o te r- Totialsonti fmian'iures The reasons for- educatinig the w~ritng, Joseph J. Finn, 26^enr dngwihty'hvbencni- w Manymtrials and many tortures orpeople to have an intelligent oisci- HaroldA.- Mariks , 326; pubili aton dates.' ganization's social .programt for the, ence in themate~tkoldeae The resolution of the award is cop- 'school year. -Frtms rv hi teghadiitatr fl'oldcae ji-nW~o~nJ~;orutoRb ied from ' the minutes as written in the rAtt,",sunshine squadi1" wise dutly it coorage ' is 'twudbaget4srid ,rr.~i~e,',.6 e il b ae secretary's b 'ook,----w i bto .diagne-I glooilou~ids is tol try the ired tman bids the-niweleconu f hno agae's'sP~-i to .ke-hag facuiA RsoedTatteBadiCo-'.i l rejlie 'cal 1 e ac efc."Inditan," uI ng over te wrldwe ddno diO' ithit l a+n d freign 'avertsig ih Reovd ht h or n - be ope .of, the' features 'of the party,, ice .-l,, cl- est to mlake it asconvenien;a maieans in the . ne t o,,eekst, itvas n- trollf ofStudient Publlication-s lhereaftei- according to Bei'nar4'-Siiila-h,'25; , r- ~, I I' eaepp iok os kv psil orteepesin-Rser'last egt offer each' year three prizes for schrol- ;mian of the .:- -' - ca~go I ff mteichange of, ideal:.;-Secondly, tvr-' taff-appontents ;to .the- editorial arship>-=a first prize of $250.00. a sec- ,j hers, of the ; snshine %sqa il ing l tnguiage- is a groing angf+ihge'Kide ot the, a-foylet were 'smae by ond prize of $150.00, and-a-third prize i chosen on the - basis WEreptatioh - for PiL AN!n, t rot{an dve ntU '~ai"''tsey aid o.'25, as flow:an I".* h~0.p :an+isoston.------- [,-Idetermined bythose -ho u@ t ~ill 'he'edto, Wlkr.vertt, 2r;art staff 1tiY sturlt -nt ahl' be' etligible for ;'-[- - snecessary,:channels- -of life. ' It -od'!t . Ireel eBolt, 25; Norman GilmQre these prizes wh shall has~e done sub-fl P Yll ' be ,a disgrace to us if-° we-allow the' '26,; Leslie Kreiger, '26; ~Albert .T stlnit.-arc as4-t-*- .,Or uonI' -- ;wam; f-nduatdan- af !III ri"25rMxnr Ilff, pc; -tt ii 1 tntsident "tionti# oor uon PublicaI U- wamsofunduatd ndhaf dh Pck n'5;Man Tnncl'2,7pe;' an~ tdn uiiar rpublics- - cated seakers to degrade or deform it . olf de, 27 and Frederic tnsfor four or more semiesters, the jAIfU I O~ TIiTile uAnn Airberi invh if iffs! Alir our speech." W yks. '27. The following wee se ossummer sessions to be rated as one- UC LIFOON19 P O I T iIO~lNank caLo' E~~Xo The speaker went on to give the,- ected for editorial positions: Marvin half a semester. scan Associwi orsn , fi~nv *iy 4ii history of the movement for b~tterlAverbrook, '27; George Davis, '26; "Te shlrhp rcrs uo Dr. (ca 'i.! P. Bramnd, of the history de- iorhtr.Tas-vfeioi, speech originatedl by himiself in Eng.I- Merwyn Leatherman, '25L John Par which award shall be made sh bet hs;ccntd hisoforrhentra2Tainflill auditor'imnlay i1land, and the formation of a Society ter Lee, 27; Elizabeth McDowell, '26;, limited to those obtained duringsuh;2,iBiladtrn t,'A 'lok for Pure English, which was finally SmulMoej.'2;K nthMr a)ro fwr pn h tdn u ssistant - lrofeisorship at I Leland rY 2;Cli oln;'6,Gog peicIfwr pntesuetpb Stanford university, Calif. I-ecwilla Mr. Whitemnan is knowni evem'were -;launched after several disappoint-!Iry 2;Cli ohn,'6 erg hicaion. -iiintsan~ whih fundmuc fac'cRoss jr., '26; and Robert Wilson, '25 lieatiofeah c llge he take up his duties as head of the Eng- Ias the oi-igi itol' nd 'lean ~g cxp lu-'ii-t n h c o n m c a p on m n "A h illya ish history department there next fall. -aogteEgihpiooit n ponmn of the assistant editor: managing editor and business editor TieumrDr rnl -- nit f lassical andlterryleder. ate asiila bdywill be made at a later date of each student publication shall plas of Olte band at tho ;alai:i Ro)ye.i in was fornmed in the United States, who , lfodC rt,'2,bsns a teach history at the Chico Normal - 1alter ofthe Grolmd ih jointly prepare and certify to theshowic hsaca-pssm N (,of ,,')o h ,Ind[as e *.tred ebr pledged their support to the :proect of Grylmaeegtap schol wic hs . cmpsesin f ift 4te t t-t tthe' upper' business staf Boarda list of those student"s who i,.I o the recet "Zc-ig~cld F"ollies." I f promioting' a betterEnls lank-t - haednsusaiihadstsat ix51 weeks in the open at thetoo; fI et forotu -Vie~~s e~ra ofEnls and two to the lower. The senio hae oe ubtnta ad aisacoyMat Shasta, in nrthern 'Caifri. Sas fnia i iic.~a' bfro i age. renesGog let 2 work under their direction a'nd super- 1 I ,. . nce in Bll am'iito°j+u ,ror' riecd c j"The chief objection t"t.-aysbe nicnesae ere letn 2 I hs e-the seondeintin t_:1rt EAniter, '26; Lee Ensel, '26; Tho visin uon uchpublcation duing inthe English history depiai'fCet this ; follows: entire nia~ loor am. ad firstI raised against the practicability of the I pfies Fote, '26; Harry Messer, '26 that year, sliecifyirig whether for one eia rfso-Tre as lae orrw ntebl.' , re- s VC 'movement has always been this: 'Youi rederick Snrer, 26; Stevens San orar two semesterr. andnarimilorlistesiIx our manlr ofs.thefiitlrv rl fir-, Ii)sahfaceolv and f=I shalln ortobeestrepreand certified bysth ext- fallto take :charge o a simiilar mat 'sinth de si'can do -noting. 'in th efc ftecr e','26; ,Orville Vaughn,26. To shall bepreparedandcourse ated Yalee. ight rw'sint e ^bai, $1 ;ienvaino- !renit jornaisni--l'ow can'you fight ,o er staff appointments made las managers of the 'Summier Daily at the er'ci of the second b.,ic ay, $G7 . The1 the' bad influence of the newspapers? night were: Gabriel Rosin, '26, a' end of the summer session. sponsors feel tor=:"inte in obtaining To which t always reply, 'I-ow could ax Guttman, '26. "The prizes shall be awarded each ah Stalks At such a reasonable scale. of prices, asi anything 'be doe with'ut the ews- ','ChImiesAppintments year between theopeningu fheUni- ;vir. ' tickets f or Mi'I. Whilemnati's 2ppear- papers'? It is through thenesar,'Thfoowgwreamdt h versity and the Christmas vacation, '''Cii~t 'S 0 ance -that eveningt inl 1eerit, range' that we shall reach our aim.'"I upper staff on the Chimes editorla and any 'student otherwise eligible; -' tfrom $1.10 to $2.75 I Ie declared that support had al-;side by Lucian Lgne, '26L managin who at that time has ceased to be a , Cowles-thie great -Mr. Jason Cowles, ' All seats will be unireservedt, andi ready been pledged by such papers asl editor: Albert B. Adams, '26; Jo41 mebe o h Uivrstybyreso f!huou eitr e ux o teGreatest; ;will ibe placed on saie Monday, May I the New York Times and the London Diekoff.'26; H. B Hammill jr., 9 rdain hl edee ohv olg'2iy6ilps u rmte1,a ai',GanmsSae',adjTmsfrtepoeto ete n-Ni telr 2; n alLilt waived his right to be considered in columns of The Daily with the closing the University Mush H i~~s.Iish. In concluding he urged the Uni-- '26. Nellie L. Rittenhouse '25, wa- the niaking of the award. of the current school year. f-ieito{vriyfMchgnjualss to aidnamedwomen'seditor "In awarding the prizes each year, ibe succeeded by Mr. H'artley Nubhbins, I ii ti'ithe f ihsaingnjoralsthoiidnme womiestad all tudets hen ligble hal be-on-; '2,Tacorhngooughouticethiso[ warfareTKIS you "Trostouposedwaraof osixstitse wasixannounceduncd b asude sntes tntiibs hllribeson ',Phli agertoangnoneioret o.ILJnoiLt forgetT fihatyaetacsayingdFreChiebusi uinsssstaaill eri an ostudent shall be a contestant of The Daily. nnIm makers of language. In poportion as IThose selected were: Albert E. Allei) modre thas.onestnt ornubrib. P in'Wappeimnt aietora-lectNIED nHR otfrgtotatwouae teachers nd FredJ. H.inn dey ,'25;usinessI manage The scholastic standing of each con-! great surprise to all whlo hadi admired a scientific pleasure in that part of !Bumen~ntha, '26; Sam W. Levy? 2 testant shall be estimated in accord- ! the work of Cowles, including Mr. ;-n ilb oa ota~s h ice zaarne anice with a uniform tm of grad- 1 Nubhbins hijmself. While the appointee I As a part of the entertainment yourd work-ae-ndrcwil beroyalto that! r it. ni+Scie, a,'a6 ing applicable to the various schools !,has long been the chief admirer of th'^ Which w Aill be provided for Father's efficiency of the movement which Ii George L. Pattee, '2,'bUtsiness mas andcolege, wichshal b adpte Colesan tyl,. 3 bast ablit toDay, the Mimes production, "Sweet-] have introduced to you toigt" aer of the - 1925-Michiganensan, madytehad ilte olsso:,ad vnoe-!tetQcwCal tra u "In .ase of a tie for any one prize, flow them. "'Kiss wllb-ivni teMncsc comitte Cass S. Hough, go, and LoiCaded T u G e 'I p~aay2; tccutt Fe ' hl eev h ulk"However," query those who kn;icw hite tomorrow night., The pro--Gomd--~'5- oun.,Fe each student j eshahl1receiveptherfull2- 1'thierthr" eaountht ofifre that ie prize; provided, howu Cowles; "why did the great Mr.' owes° grani announced lby the- ,committee in 'rL erc .Pepsj. 2; dets evr taiftreor more are tied for change his name?" , - "-'charige . so includes several acts ofL, TlrUu,&i Facte,-ne}hh 4 t d ry , . circlatlo first prize, no second of' third prize I vaudeville. - --W iliam J. Howard, 26;._ directr; shall be a-warded, and if two or mnore " a o's~['Al fraternties and, other campus it was proved yesterday, by'a loade&pditW. 1vI':2 F, gai~to are tied tor second prize, no, thrd ( ogaiizatioins are asked to. send inl truck, that dirt packs harder" by naI Hidild ,V. Gaff,,-.'2,.andi wonmce24 prie hal e. ivn.Im rovnaSlwl their orders for tickets immrediately. tr e than If forced by hiian inipile- etar , - er. Wallington, '6 "Inawrdng riesbasd n hoe ~ Te icktaar pice a $.50whchI ents when said truck went through u n l dioral Leaders,a ircludes the above entertainment,- andI the pavement on State'street with a F ' hevMichiganensian editorial star !or part upon work done upon the stn- Sonic improvement in the condition Ia-' dinner at the 'Union.Tceswl e-o eto foeo h olmspce yWlimEhrde 2,m- den Pulictios p~io-- o hacadem- of Miss Mary Cabot, critically ill ini be on sale in the Union this afternoon'i which is eventually to make up parti aging editor, was named as folow isuc yevidenceof the sBsanti1 hsial sati-Na pesIay, was in- nFrdy of one of the eight columins on theI advisory comnnittee,- David M. Bran suc eideceof hesubtatia sns dicated in a cablegrami received from i --- new literary building portico.{ ble, '25; Milton I-. Peterson, '25; ~, t 'All fraternities 'and 'sororities who Cairon Capistrano, ';22L;-, will take' have not as yet been able. to send in par't. in the interpretation of the dance. the money for the University of Mich-' The program that will lie carried igan Fresh .Air Ca-np aire asked to dho outt is as follows: Music by the Fill-;- so as' soon as possible, as it is neces- -1iio Str-inlg Band cif Detroit: a short sary'that a total be reached: at once.# talk by Enrique; Philippine love song Checks may be made p~ayablhe to the3 by Mliss Torres; a short talk on- piro- U. of M. Fresh Air Camp Fund, and gmess of the Philippins by associate mailed to Lane Hall. Justtice Finley J.ohnison of the Philip3-- ________ ; :ine Supreme Court ; Philippine airs' Fey the baud; "The Philippiines" by; Curistana utter ,s 'Dr~am Kalaw, time lecture illustrated "- ti ii~ slides; "Carinosa,'' the Phili;)- eddinge ! linn love dance;, and talelaus repre- TwilghtCon ertsenting the, different epoclis of Philip)- No admission will be chairged. Theme Palmer Christian, plaiying at special Iafirilbopntthpulc 'Twilight Organ recital Including v-1afiwllbopntthpuic -- era-l selections from the most famous ' ' -f wedding music. of 'the world, in .cels Theodosia Burton, daughter of Presi- inu~ ~ n d'ent -Marion L. Burton, 'exhibitedl the m y BOOK KHEU FOR-PRESSb renmarkable technique and dy e ighiftuh interpretation 'Which invariably mark I---=. his playing. Completion of 'the ;details ieces- The program included a rhzapsody Isary for the 1924 Freshman Hand written by Rossiter Cole, a gr- I uate ( 1-ook, put out yearly by' the Student; of the University, as well as two Liszt Christian association foir the benefit selections played by request, the pop- f of the incomning, underclassmen, was ular Liebestraum and the Sposaizo 'announced recently by Harry G. Clark, bridal chorus from "Lohengrin." I'25IL, retiring president of the associa- i Mr. Christian played from the light I tion.I fanciful of the echo to the deep bassi The Hand Book' is being edited this of 'the double diapason. l i th,. "MVa- year by A. B. Connable, '25, recently~ dnrigal" by Siminetts, the interest ab'di elected president of the Student Coun- the registration went band in hand eil, and the business interests wereI resulting In a perfect interpreKadt I taken care of by P. M. H-ayden, presi- of the world. The entire progranm was dent-elect' of the Student Christian a celebration for' tfle coining nuptials assocation.- of Miss Burton. The b)o0k this yea-i in to include, pictures .of :the, campus. lenders, andl ! scens, nd ill e ddictedto Hall Democrats tFavor. ' Ceofn. secreta.ry. of the associa- tio. There,' mill 'also' 'be theusa Coo1ey For U S departments,- as well as sched-ules ofi Sen tePoiton athletic eve'nts and' wiltllsoprovide' tn te-,Posiio 'for a place to put information and other necessary data. - '' *Flint, Mich., May '14.-Dean Mot ti-~ The books will. be mailed' in advance: mer E. Cooley, for 43 years of, the en- a-l. students ;planning -oticmn gineringcollege of the University of to Michigan, and it is thought that ingl Michigan wa-s selected'by'the pre-pri- this manner a larger number of- per- mary' Democratic convention. here' spective students can be convinced {i Wednesday night as its candidate for of the desirability of comning to Michi- 1