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May 14, 1924 - Image 8

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The Michigan Daily, 1924-05-14

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4 ., ., . " ...

x Pubicaton in the litlletin is constructive notice to all members of
the U~niversity. Copy received by tbo Assistant to the President until
Volume 4 WEDAISDAY, MAY 14, 1924 Number 165 I
To tbi e ens :
Thiere will be a conference of the Deans on Wednesday, May 14, at 10
o'clock in the -President's Office. M. L. Barton.
r 'afr ~geji~llIg
Al m~ N 'm ag o eip 3 li grThe m e~eting of divisional chairmen and team captains for instructions
will be held in the auditorium of Lane Ball Wednesday evening, May 14th, at
7:30., It Ai l.-1be a, re~t belpvif all can b he ae promqptly
Ann Arbor Art Assocition:
The ~~~ paijitings by tarnon' and ValentinZtthiaurre_ *111<-e
tend from~. May 11th to May 26t.~ Open week days, 1:.30 to 5:00 P. M., Sun-!
days, 2:00 to 5:00 P. M., also on Saturday May 24th., 10:0{0 to 12:00 A. M.I
r1ree to stud its of. the,:Universit~y and Public Schoxols:
Warren1P. Lonib rl, President.
General Libratry:
All studients who are interested in lib~rary work ,v. a profession are cord-
ially inivited t4' meet at tea in the staff quarters of the University Library at
4:30 Priday, May sixteenth. Aluinni of several Library Schools will be pres-
ent and will be, glad to discuss the different, schools with those interested.
Enter basement door, west side of Library.
F. L. I). goodrieh, Associate Librarian.

}Pulitzer P r i z e
RoetFor Best Verse!
,RoetFrost was awarded the Pulit-
zer prize of $1,OOG for his "New Ham-
pshire", which was judged to be the
best volume of verse written by an
American author in 1924. This award
along with the other Pulitze awatds,
I was made at the annual meeting of the'
adivsory board of the Pulitzer School
of Journalism, whose members Ore
ineroiltan newspaper editors. r
Nicholas Murray Butler, president§ o f
Columbia university,' announced the
A. r'o£.'Louis A. Strauss of the EW f
lisp department expressed himself O4
lighted by the award. "There is'n
,oeabout Robert Frost; hle is gen-~
ule"Professor Strauss said. "Hley
thinks deeply about modern probleims'
and he puts these thoughts into his.
Poetry.,-- Although his poetry is more
realistic than that of' the great poets
of the past, his realism has the poetic
touch. Mr. Post reads less into 'nat-
ure in his "New Hampshire" than aby
other poet.
Koenigsberg, May 1..-- !,erMInaI'
Schulz established a newGermnan sail=
p 1lane record Sunday in a competition
* t Rossiten when he was in the air
eight hours and,42. minutes, maintain-
ingan average altitude of 46.4 meters.
londort, May 13- Great Britain, is
vmnlng to Fr'ance. ioi the Beaumont
cupi r ace- in June.a.,comumercial air- i
planle wib 11 an" average speed of t75
m~iles an hour. ,ar.ry Carter is pitot.

_ The George B oowthm sci'Iolfrsblp coiipe .
W H A IS GO NG O titi on drawings are 11(o)« on cxh ii
Itiont in the architecetural locturel
Iroom on Ithe seCzond floor of? the ji-i
girleerin?; building- where they nm
'All persons or societies using this he seen evry a fternoon.
rtolumn should Include In their noticesj Tenl ticlets remainafer the Arehitevi
day, hour, and place. All notices i A~lay party, and ma- he obtained from
without this data will lie disregarded. IR. IH. Oster in the architeetura cor-
ridor. Programas for the affa ir will.-
be given out in tlb ' ~rhitecto ra
WEIJNES co; ridor' at 2 o'clock Thu1r sday. Pro-
12:00--Matinee lfu Icale board luncli. gram coupons muxst be Prescntetl in
ecru, Union. order to se-'ure them.I
4 :04-Women's E~diacat lion club muaet.-
I n'g, Tappan hail. 'St atiozi NWC',C and The lDaily will
I d:00-Pubilcttons hminjuet, Union. temipora rily suspo'nd their broadca t-
1,60:1-Quarterdeck dinner, room 123, in; of baseball games becauise of Cf'

Wheni classes are over

hUnion. Night i'r angf+'cn1sit wa aN ., nounivcdI
1:1, Auerleau Society of Civil Enig. J ye tci
i ineers dinner, room 318, Union. _____
I ;:0and 8:30-happa Psi mntion i plc.
~:00 Patronize Daily Advertisers.---A lv.
*L ure-George Arliss in "Disraeli,,
!Wesley hall. ___ ___
:30-Youngstown I -ichigan c-:ubh
.meeting, room 304, Union.
7:30---niversiy lecture ----Or. Geor.ge A place of Refinemnait
de Bothezat speaks on aviation,
Physics west lecture room.z
7.31-- Atlaenc-alphau 1n joint i weetla,,l
t'lvriyFlaib.T EAN AR R

MNsee Europe!*
T IIJS ftmmer in Europe! The Olympic
(_'ames-the supr~eme quadrennial test
of Amrerica's prowess against the athletes
of the world. The British Empire Exhibi-
tion-the foremost event of its kind ever
held in England. The champions of the
British turf will race at Epsom and Ascot.
Deauville will set new fashions. Paris
will entertain you with sparkling gayetier,
The joy of travel-days and nighty on
the broad Atlantic.
Crass for $125
Now is your chance--for exchange rates
are favorable-living expenses abroad are
low. Second cabin accommodations on.
our great ships start at $125--spacious
decks--attractive public rooms--fine food
and splendid service. The cabin ships,
also--jolly and reasonable to sail qn.
Our service is complete-in sailing dates,
types of accommodations, and adaptabil.
ity to your vacation budget. Saili ngs to
five European countries.


Seniors Iii Busiess Adnminisration:
Mr. Benjamin Dansard of Dansard and Company~ Investnment Bonds
,Detroit NvIl b ob OI 0.;Eecomomics Building, 'Thlursday, l ay 13lx, at 2
'interview students interested in eniloynnt in the bond 1 usiness.
Edmnuand E. IDay.
Seulor Euglne r 4


"14)llci faclty fluncheon, IUn-I
I : l5---Uiversil y lecture - -Dr. Geo~rge
de Bothezat speaks on the law of
inertia. Physics wvest lecture rooni.'
P~:00)----A ipha Epsilon Mu dinner, room'-
3 23, Union.
7:30}---Gun mand Mad,, meeting, Union.
:l( :3--londLlp, room 304I, Uniton.
:. 3-('lau:her of (Comumerce meet ing,.
room 302, Union.
f1) 11n141 8: 0-kiappa. Psi notion ljd -
'~tu:?e>---Ceorgt Arliss in "Disraeli,"
WGesley ball.

t F5to V Ir'W11rwi 1 # i
21 5 South Main S!.
xNo doubt you have been eat-'
ing in a good many places
that give you a near s~tisfac--
Lion for SERVICE and
QUALITY. After you try
the newly opened ANN' AR-
isfaction will be filled.

Corpmencelrnent invitations and - announce~ments will bu. given out Wed-
noesday~and Tlura~day oX this' week on 'Seceond floor of Engineering 'Building,
IV. S. Flenug.
Tre' members of the Teachei's" Coursie will meet in Room 2083 T. H. at
cigli~ o'clock Thursday 1nibrfing. James E. Dunlap.
Students in the S91iool of Education:
The Faculty of the School of Education andl their wives will give a rec-
eption for -the Seniors enrolled in the School of Education on Thursday,
May 15th, from You~r to six o'clock at the ho.>!3 of Profes-3or C. 0. Davis,
1030 Ma~rtin Avenue. George ~. Myers.
Nathematics--College of Literatur e, Science, and tihe Arts:
Memlbers of the staff who have charge of sections of Mathematics 2. will
meet on Wedniesday, M~ay 14, at 4 p. in, in Room 110, Tappan Hall.
Josepih L. Markley.
Jounaism 2 t t~s' 4 abA 31 will meiet at the regtu1ar or I ai ggq tQ
Uni ez i l E>f" '" '- ' - -, ~~ , G, r.nRom'7
i: as; i 1lzdr4 i %Th UM ersty organist, will give the following program
of "Wleddinua Music" in honor of Mis' Theodosla 131 t nqt ~tl ,rigiator-
gan Recita-l I iiilll Auditorium Wedne;day afternoon at 4 :15 o'clock to which
.WAt$'Is ~billiU) Iifittuctih to A.ct III and brda
grin' CllorZS;fron ,'I,,ohn-
g'lnbe~itrP' VhebeA4 ' Soo'lizio (The Betrothal) (L.iszt);
is ,t1 ik 6 b; ti ..,y :'i:h "3 fT- -*, -- m 4 A
i l i larf 0tio the year will be held Wednesday afternoon. May 14,
at 4: 00 o'clock in Tappan Hall. Mr. L. T. Purdom -,vill _apakttt ,, l~ elub.
-- tfW~ nnIx 1election of officers will -also, tak~e p'llat th is oAll
memer'az i~ested to h&'there.' Francwe , gl akzo rie sid en 1.
P i'll_ _ _ _ _ _ _ Al
ARegular meet-ing wvill be held ini Room Z-242-N. S. on Wed~nesday,Airy
14th, at 7:30 P.. M.-
Professor P. 0. Qlkkelberg will speak. L. R. Wai'mucr.
Alpha Nuz:~
Our meetlig for this week will beta Joint meeting this evening with Ath-
ena Society. All members are urged to be present. Our initiation for this
semester w=ill take place Saturday, May 17. at 10 A. M.' in Alpha Nu rooms.
Our i4anquet will be on May 17 at 5:45 at Willits.
James J. D)unn, Presct.
ULniyerslty of Mieilgan m hid:
Regular rehearsal at 1land hedaquarters'tnigglit 7:00' o'clock.
W1illiuimti VruliclIi, Manager.
infn rIltl for all pompanies 'amid Band.- Assembly 3:00 rP M. at R,.
0. 1.t'. CHldgrs. Coniplte uniform will be wbrm.. -
I in. TI. Carpenter, P.M.S. &C T.

,a ^ "
r' ,~ " _
. , ;
,a ,1
; ; ,'
.. i'y C'rp' ; -
p ,/r .
. ;

Ask Airucopyof "When
It floppe~n-sin k utrope",
wthich tells just when
atird wherc the intre~st-
ing ,;gecnts of the Euro-
tpecin setason tak~e Truce.
Also "Your Trip to
Estrope" anid "Comnfort
in Second Class".



Read Thc Daily, "Classiied" Columns



Every meal we serve backs
UP, .,,our assertion that the


~cfm-d i eter, the srvc
q I cker,-P r ic es lo'.iwer herie
thanelsewhere in .An Arbor

A Ui

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