E AY 14, 1924 THE *MICHICAN DAILY TAX BILL[ GIVEN TO CONFERENCE Committee in Charge Of Measure Hlas Majority of Republican C,,nferees VITAL ISSITELS 'T' BE CLEA',RED By PARTY REPRESENTATIVE S Washington, D.C, May Imo.-(By. AP)-The tax reduction bill was en-1 trusted today too'a- conrere'nce With'al Republican majority, but under a r ~~threat' froth Democratic leaders that, i eoreAvtrail;cagst-measure as, passed by the senate, it wouild be, remodeled., ,Senate Republican orgfmnizatlon' leaders turneddown a suggestion from the Democrats that they be given a majority on the senate conference comittee, since the measure carries most of the provisions advanced by the milnority party. The, conference which has been (call- ed to meet tomorrow, is now composed of three Republicans and two. Demo- crats each afrom the house 'and sen- ate. The vital provisions of the bill . ~are. in dispute and must be adjusted by the conference. The senate amend- mnents are the most distasteful of the administration and with a Republican imajority in control of the senate con- ferees it is considered likely. that the report will be framed to suit miore the wvis5hes of the president and the treas- ury, department. Under the auspices of Kappa Phi, George Arliss in ";Disraeli" will be w . ~w:a nd, -0 'lc 44and tomorrow night at Wesleyan hail. ; The.:Plantation Melody . akers:. will ' also particpiate in the program. for Busintess? M EN - anxious to rise to positions of re. sponsibilty in business should investi-. gate the one year intensive training course offered at Babson Institute. - ! *Classes are, conducted on the conference. plan. The'instructors are extferienced busi- ness men, successful in their own lines. You work on actual cases-not hypothetical prob- lems. You are shown how to solve the same kind of problems that will confront you, in actual business practice.I Send for booklet "Training for Business Leadership." Describes the courses in detail d esom totinf matpon, a1out the Terarlie of a bn Ins ttut~anid bhqw how ~~ ~1~artie4d for e iectit rote§. Write A Eudowed1 nao~nniusurt £dutintj i 1$ 81hn gton1Ave. B~abson P r ,stn '° DRAMA BOHZA ECTURES ON (Continued from Page Four) A[UO!AITIrI 00001 ERI freshing story, and does not even as- IUIUIIlL[IUL IJ pire to greatness. 'Therein it more- nearly approaches the great than if! Dr. G;eorgcesde Bothezat, noted Rus- t had tried and couldn't. Literature jSian scholar and recognized as one of end drama which are content to rest tihe foremost authorities in the world >n a p a e w t h v ra e h m n u o e o a t ca r b e s a d a r-ing,' and which is still good, is al-I dynanic questions gave the first of a .cay> vluale t wery inds "Dd-series of four University lectures in ,asL uab-Les t oer id s. "Dad-the West 'Physics lecture room last dy LogLg"i odpto, good ,.gnt upon. -The General Theory of cmedy, and, good love. Three cheers Soaring." lie will speak at 7:30 o'- for the daddy and the orphants. clock tonight in the sarne'room upion Of course, even if your mind is not; - weary, you will still be welcome. if aet plays. "The Potboiler" by Alice you are used to this sort of sweet! Gerstenbery, and "Caleb Stone's D eatlh living, that is undoubtedly the ..sort! Watch" by Martin, Flavin.' The first I of life; you most enjoy. Your heart: is quite as obvious as its name,, but will. go out to the dear little orphans. the second by the author of "Children They are irresistable, jas our neigh-, of the Moon" is very distinctive' and bor on the page wii agree. And the rennasrkable-and very difficult to pr'o- mysterious benefactor is equally love-' duce with the proper illusion. able. The Player's Club, however, is re- Marion Barlow vivig itself, and although you, as a judge in the audience, may not yet THlE PLAYER'S CLUB will present be willing to admit the fact, it is more their-or should it be ""its"-last pro- competent to present such ambitious, gram of the year Tuesday, May 20, and exacting dramas. Certainly, the- n Sarah Caswell Angell luaul . The', program will be interesting and even, 'rodllction will consist of two oune- surpirisingly expert.I "The Physical lift cI nrc' af ioa of the a~ been brought to tihe University Junior Pngincrev, r:; cteilayv Called otT s enior lit era 1 i ,nludt who Renold's numbe'r." hi ough the efforts of Prof. F. WV. theil- anntual l:inquet wNhich w %as niot caled for their cla, invit, Dr. de Bothez~t, who is a doctor' of Pawlowski of the aeronautcal engln- scheduled oto e1( Lr A night at ma-y do ..o from 2 : to i o'cloCk thi mathem'atic~v at Paris unix errtiity spoke ecring department and "D.:K. Kazarin- 'the Union. No reason way given for j ernkoon at the1 booth in the mazin last -night on soaring in connection off of the mathematics' department. T;;he cancellat ion of plans. dfor of Vniivc r::ii hall. with the a i'r 'eSix;t ancn and a discus- Sion of th, structure of the air.,IHe Pdt ronize Daily Advertisers.--Adv. iA - i" ' yn ,s,. . ,, i VA'CRAFT PATENE { y ° .A; - 1 . , 3 , _ , , y; Somethn ore After meals: you want ,something; mote--a bit of sweet with a change of flavor. WRIGLEY'S is 'that "something more" and it's 'more than tht! It is a great aid to your good health, as medical authorities say. j Mviade in 3 superb fabrics - poplin, mercerizedl cotton pon gee, and vecry fine broadcloth. This is from a recent book on health: "Many physicians now recommend gum chewing ... for a better and more complete change of the starches into dextrin.", - $3 to 15. Openings in 'a desirable profession Consistent , with. its time-honored policy, the Insurance Company of North America has created a number of desirable openi'~gs in ,its, organ iza. tion for college trained mene. This oldest American fire and ma. rine insurance company was organized in 1792 by the founders of American independence. It enjoys close contact with American business and enlists the services of progressive men. S ~OFT" shirts, with collar attached, seem to have a personality, all their" own. 7qimf~rtable, too. That's probably why you ~like; the mi. True; they are a" trifle, messy, esjpecially' about the collar , . but .r{ ' hafs a sacrifice you have been willing -to r4ak !2.: r .Tai~ away t e-wrinkIts and put in a trim, cool kook and ybix 'hive just about 'a per-' fect shirt ... that's the Van Craft. It' has the Van Heusen Collar attached. ILE afterevr el --means that your digestion is aided 'while your, pleasure is served; teeth and digestion both benefit. Your choice of several flavors, all of the WRIGLEY quality-sealed in its purity package. INQUIRIES ARE INVITED WVriting-Fire-Marin-automobile-Tourit-Parcel Post, etc. jfy' f f Insurance Company} North 'Ameica 3rd; c&zWalnut, ;tf , PILADELPHIA Io 1 } 4 ; 3t7 d ri .! just as individual, just as comfortable, as the shish~ you've been wearing-and twisce as trim and cool and well fitting. It's the shirt you've been hunting for. iFNo land~s or seams in the collar, no starch Sto irritate theineck. Cannot wilt.. Faultless 1 ., A;-vitou~pmfrable tth a s.oftcollar 77 th omfwrnkl ;-thnlus V las betrlookinjg than asifcla. I ,4' r P lH.I II t 6 1I? r ' NEW YORK cITY Y S, s ; ;I ;; ;i. i ,_;: .o, ,:J i Wrigley 's mtakes the taste better, E1 tt' r -i '1 , , I NIN --- tfl .. ms ,., ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~'',: ,r , .yi "1V_.'rxc : a"r i, ' rf ', ' ' } I' , C on' ' h" , ' i m n'.' r 14 ,r ? , h u Vx' 1 a THIS GREAT SALE' EVlENTBGN Our Enire Stock ste k LowSweeping Red uction on Everything SUTSand.TPI * 0 0 X33.33 * 030.00 ul * 0 0 26.67 . 23.33 HATS an Al2.0 I - M I 3 0 FF, $ 50.00 Now 45.00 Now 40.00 Now 25.00 Now 30.00 Now OFF Collar Attached or Neglige PS3I-2 off. $2.50 $3.00. $4.00 Now. Now . Now . .$..1.65 .. . .$2.75 $5.00 $6.00. $7.00 N OW Nov N ow, ...A-.50 wym"" - I . , I 1 11 1 --1 --Iro in 100 doze n BARKER COLLARS at ARROW STIFF COLLARS, ARROW SOFT COLLARS" ARO OT ScqaiVAN HEUSEN COLLARS, 60c per dozen ... ,' 2 for25 18c, 3 for5600-i:ne ty 25c each 35c, 3 for $1.00 ,: v. ,_ I Union r 1_ 0 su j x ffi