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May 14, 1924 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1924-05-14

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Published every morning except Njonday
during the University year. by the Board in
Control of Student Publication~s.
Members of Western Conference Editorial
The Associated Press is exclusively en-
titled to thie use for r-epublication of all news
dispatches credited toe it or not othe-isie1
credited in this paper and the Local news [)Ll'
%ished therein.
entered at the posto ftice at. Ann Arbor,
Michigan, as second class matter. Special rate !
of postage granted by 'Third Assistanit Post-
miaster general.
Subscription by carrier, $3.50; by mail,
$4.00. r
'Of'hbces: AnnArbor iPress Building, 'MIy-
Phns:,ditorial, 2414 an. 1644; Bsi-
ness, g6o.
Signed "commiunications, not exceding 30"
words, will be published' in The *Daily at
the discretion of the Editor, Upon request,
the ilentity of, cimmunicant will be re-
garded as confidential.
Telephones, 2414 and 176-31,
News- Editor.... ..........Ibt. B. 'P'arr
Editorial Board Chairman .... 12. C. Morarity
City Editor ...............3J. C. Garlinghousc

THE 'MIOSIGAN' DAILY wuflisDAY . A 1 1924
on hastening the stabilization of the I done quickly and efficiently, and his 'HltIIIlIIIIIlINfhIIIIIIlIlIlpIIiIIIIII'II IIIIiIiIIIIIIII111iI*Illll l1iIIIIIIIlIifIIIIIII111llhII111iItINIIIIIlIhl
world. The new government will pro- plan will be forwarded to hie at _____- ___-
bably accept the Dawes' report, aid. I' AS F once.L 771
evacuations; the new government will ROLL, Jason Cowles «
nd the trul.bu.acin nj -Ho' ht ,.r f E.
probably combine with Great Britain !WE S4JL LOTS LI- ._______________________ _______________________
in adopting a League of Nations PP OF THOSE
lcy;and join England In recognizing ____________ __________
and entering into direct negotiations.i! hr' oetigthtsnsu CAMPUS OPINION 1 ... ...... __.__..
w i h R s i . I h r , t e B i i h r i t a t w r n a e t i h e aka u d d n m F r e n c h o l a n d i d e , T h . q l i t e ( l a y . Y o u g o i n t o a v a s t o r e e a n d a s k ' A S L I G H T D I S A % V R E E 1 1 I 1 2 Y I
" oyin the overthrow of Poincalte's 'for a pair of shoes. The guy hauls! To The Editor:-_________________________________________
absolutism. , out q wretched-look ng thing, holds t rt terqeso , t OH N SO
EThis overthrow may be rcivdiuptyoreanthnbgnto fr i7fornaton concerning the au-'B TH, , O0THEt DIAGON1AL
, -Ii i oy u y ,a d t e ei st _1-.with some mark of jo n tila Unted . e p n the ,virtues, of the Welt, and thorities upoti the World - W arr, we'
jo go~ i't4aul i o is "I111l UllllliI11lIlllIIUI1l11l1lill~llli~illllllII6111rIIRIllllil ______________________________________________________________________
tttsas.I ir t pla i ay e h ,an$ the ingenious ,ar -woldhg °heauhEiY o P-s--ter---IVIIIIIt
Stte7as. n istlae a Wn rY g lossofi f the hiity(er-
result in thueva Lion of the Rihr. lng I fl, t wi) h Le Sole ismade It ' t ----llet-- -iC(, TIC' fCetth
Sconlyi Owieh lep~ance of the Da ~es rel lacable. et rf lso astatl n~ rn~ iv ~i r ISU1EI' , r r 'IE iI- O~1I.Itest salayhnd
pawolmen'htA riahd And after you have endured these dotte E S, itt, 4f Cleveland, and BVTITJI U!t QQ Lfl'1'AT A'1' °R X'S lhrpoition you want as a teacher.
rd Aechnialaetils".or Sydney B. F of smith ;caolege have, EAST BOUND ()lt c~l~JWSpnigs in all States. Ask fr free
played a great part in pro tidng lAS t~in ecaialdtil=
means by whiqhtrue E ' 1steuceibdut fiv %nmi- utes, and h"v -d'4d Jad more of the llliginal papers andiLimiteds: 6 a. min9,11 a;. .and 7 hirnI~t fr~li4t bank and list of Michigan
Europeoeavienethnn. p reltacen a ka~l4rifvraduats placed by us.
would mean that Germany and Fratne you tell the man thlt you 'don't think Pthen two men in the United States. Express: 7 a.on,8O.deondn'. -B___ ~ lldg St. Loui, Ala.
would enter upon a new constructive IYou could afford to pay 14 smackers. ThsanwrsPofLeiocuetona als: 7a. im. 5:55 a. m. and I
period, and business in the UnitedI "Fourteen! I should pay 14 dollars to who was the other outstanding au every two hours to 8:56 p, .,. ADRIAN-INN AIIOI US LINE'WARMLTS,
Sttswl ehp ec e ihfor a pair of shoes! Ha, ha!" tory efrrr!to'in The Daily's re- 11 . Tom Y silat! only, 11:40I Les '-ie (Slaw .ime)~.ccI~YI~
water-mark. This new construactive1 And it is then that the nman. always iport of the Schmitlctr.p.im., 12:25 a.i. and 1:15 a. i. ? wek Das Sn. a
. 1 6:45 a . "64ia. m. Ciopdst)n
period will come about when France p ulls his line: We sell lots of those Prof. Levi statesx that he has studied 1 S ON 24 "m 4
no longer will have the Ruhr saddlledi he says. With the air of ia man who j thssbetcrflyan e a i td:8:47 a. im. and evry two ij 1fm ELLIOTT P-'oprO 77NrhopUnivest hn 6
abu e ek n emn il1 dacsa boueyciciga-never heard of Prof. Schmitt. One hours Eo :4,i p. m. t vore si-I Adran Mich.
ab outo o taieth neck ,hat thend G er m any will b e. a.dadve ery twoanceso an absolutely'f the his ory pro ess rsnays tha E x resp(meinslo alakoi)ng local__ ____stops)__ ___ ___ ___ ___ __-___ __°'__ ____-_ ___ __
umet...i f hehitor pofssrssas ha


' I
: i
': ': ,"i x'

Night Editors can yield her. The only thing you can do is cram ! ,s satement rem~IIinasU mm oHIaVman p.m in. 4 3
E. H Aies B.Connble Jr Hoeve, thre s apoit wich hishe hoe don hi nek... Iwhohad studied evolution for ten i4cals: :50 a. m., 1210 a..
Hat.C lakM. Wagner ike , France landslide must povto thirdesdwn**hi yec,. arsiand then asked who this man ttfiI
Sports Editor,......Ralph N. Blycrs party, the whole world. Civilization DE IZENS NOTICE Dawnwa. ~ .j
Women' ,Editor... .....Winona IHibbard fty7 ."rWli4
:D sic citor.........uth A. hiowell has'eached a place where militarism! All members of Denizens who plan D_________ ead te VarIt AdN. IA
esistant City :, oitor.'Kenneth C. Bella. and ' . whtir 5en not approved t tedtefrtana inca
a~Michig an News Breau. R. G. Ramsay 'oabsted hefis anul icicat7
DirW ntics E~itr..Robert 1.3,'lendersun by 'the world;. in general, can, no . Wwm' LUewllpes laetei' ~DENT 'SC'EIC 1'}~ flu,
Asistants T h dto: ITrDLf~~'T
Lou rye Barley Elizabethl Lieberrnann finger prove a successful policy. The =names with the secretaryatLn
A.( cekmn , t . S ?ai sield entire world rose against Germany Hall.,. Crwl evfo h a-il I'tm enamrIrls aiulrI~
Nitra Bicknell EB.,C.tMack . Cr;wl lav romheBa-mb av er fte audmore o olshbtualof , fE
Herman Boxer Vrena Moran when she assumed the role of miltar -'tst church at, 1: 30 Wednesday. after- Iiei math Ign eenBonlaol loete cmersoftherodions, ofumstav ofV
). W. Conrad Cari l il'rcher imadabouimwhich France was ; npon.te amusprdctonVIA hv
'13erpadette Cote llyde Perce imadaslts oe wt ertta neeypo rl E l!1nS.1i
W.DvsAde 'opr playing when she siezed the Ruh1r +If you plan to g, please bring 'o ihrgetta neey Iwo- 001l. aloriel Sgt. Ior Wie.a ,~r-]
H;.Iarovlhiich arie Ren 'e ' alleyfroande Francewn the scenic Ioa u2~iOlaetfrWieSa, i
I W. l'tFetrnmberg egiia e fredv~aleanfd racehas failed. , Ieither 10 cents for lunch, or half a ga fofteoer owCunard ,. S., Canclia a Paci ic. }l +I;
1o. Partner Edtarie Slraudr Finally, the world in enh'ety has 'dozen "hot (togs." If you can't afford Iwrisamtwthuxceti; ta;,r? mricai, Pacfic Mail, North ;'
Sadybetli Heath C A. Stevens(It . ~ dn byete th;drco, rapr- G -n lad"Taan Fr c2 ree l°,
T.- P; Henry W1.ti. Stonemanl scored more or less, a moral victory it, come anyway. We want a gang." oeb ihrSh'drco, rapo 'mn lyYainFecGek
~Tanning louseworth Marorie Sweet 7 tare. fessoal painter . Hamburg American, and AL other;'
k rily ritimeJF red eric G. Tenos the deeat of Premier Poncae Id Fist Ex Pot Facto. <P
ortyKni N.. aI-vhose militaryides wer It has alwaysseeltoreha lines. Also, all Colleg Tours on abhve+
Margaret Keal W. I. Wa'thour 3' i esLer probabyi hairman, Picnic Committee. [ines canm be arriaged thru nie. 5ce~J
Lilias Kendall He~man Wise I eading him to the desire of setting'i** in order to make a production truly me early for best reservations. My
Joseph Kruger a__ nte iaeori nternd thoroughly the work of the stu- services onh ooking yo _r free.'
Rur ti oa itrwihIF A B L E d 'ents and organizations which are pre- 1 Write. phone er cal. I
BUSIESS TA~ Rur. I is morl vctor whih IOnce upon a time there were two I enting it, at least the designs for -
Telephone 960 wii do much toward straightening T ittle boys. One was named Arch- <. cenery and costumes should be the IIl;
BUSIESSMANGERofunghewldafte rova ctinejpefrod I ald 'Van Rennsalaer and tne other, work of those who ;present it rather M-1AI *
LAURENESHMANAGRI 1 f in b and gprveabout athe mfo-'Jack Terumup. Eh an that of some professional l 4 ' . V ''. 1'. L
Now Archie was a star scholar in urey, threIs asmuhfbiit i6 7 R 9 10
Advertising ....._.......... .D le eie oldpae oth i grade and high shool. He was 1hs field at hand as rthre s ain act- 112ini i 61
Advertisin ...........erry At. Paydenl 9,-'o 1D I .) 1, 1
Ad',ertist ......... ....W. oesser h., &teach~rsjoy and Carried off Prize L 'h 1If'thiQe1 ndetheT." l IV
Advertisg......... .l. E. Rose i i / v t° " fn. ', p ,,tnd tle. uior 13 J
~c.it............. 1 . t.yale _af__e___rite ' both for "his attendanc@ -rl' ' rcnIl -nog :tln t ~ ~2 30., ., "n~
on.....................t, 4i nce iercP i nd depor et"Dl rig fis aa wjritbhir oks and m s sdoes it °-
AtinCnt I ln.. .A a
n ,sistrtsi ti(me he read upifting oks and ntse q tj ly sihl n t ,.<1.fbI
Al. L. relad nlayed with the girls, Everyone dpiswho ul;design .sllwrdhiclse!
t a'',.[- ~ol t e would :be,.< rPRdent or would be as go;ifnt i si:t lnt Ietir 4'i ttm
t iyrnl r er« 4Dg p + b ethan
A. i. Seidman * v ae ilk n*O"! # ljMQt 1ii C- nI
e ~~ n Gen. A. Stracke W$CTI.A smtig ; ,,toeue i l~at
- tC ine a klsie w.1 ; just" t bite. ; - n prpfson ii. work .the senic All $.f} hti s .v : .. ". 4#J OtP
'1 _ ' A ITa TEND 'NCA ever went to sc ilnl s is mamaI director is onsirK:red no less f rt- All 1.1)4) Hits N.. .. ... .
'atme thea nr pct l.bfo the_>'Q' t ~
I .i . ' a ei e h.t dm I t " .ac2.t ""i e direQctor, adgrits~ ~ J
's t b ay rm n e uarflers he by ad gl-'- d so ld b uly a i p.tod,.w (Itile-Al r1 . IJ* R . ,o:.t.f., 11.1
pke 1os meatbuevene elssprie.. - a suanly pother. 1 bfr L
at .1.. , , C , t Ccllgem an iaton s sem
b~~~~~~t' abot rehig 1:4 a ale X gi1 p wa po i-ao 'rt: cee'ftse rg aniz
ate 'pro, ~a~ t i otbl67teW - '-. t along sc ii:.- I ' II.It
gn eaiza th e s i l ha nostie lm y no tend ngm ndt e liti g c m m n so" eia .h t o p i ar o t n e i n n
Inhligfrtefrttmsntec atona-rasenaoltrsand, rep rettvefntry..admioubly teb! nb enatteficialutoetenlusMany
s I
hitoyofuthetnersit rle anoor all to mo n-andpwi ,yisreno Jckws unaystra.s-vrth"wile ; desi gn ol b u- *
convoction abrecdetha obios-xseulq urpse.rMoal.:tdantwud hsnt nygv
.y been set. and in stting such ar2, I never can: tell. pn }S
prcdettos hoaer' pnsbel h smitttdei oootesmen-.wEZ ere dB-ignrstailtysbtioul nodoub
mede. neofth neitbl r- ers asan tob:strctiveibody fauin-!yafeWor rnt gowe ereintI'hisIs fte csh ih tIchos es
sunaitsoasctcotons which wnd ltting owhmmb dient n ,wh ~ee tteUin nteD .V,'6
w ith utgoubt becma e has M oithiga y ens t oeb g stick"ndf an t roigng c e of Tod I a y A rc. h eb ld spe r es idn tc r of si gt o ni f ae r d ci n o l
tn old inglfbethe irs tijme gnt r 'at aiousl socitiesanpresntoatvscoun tryq -h1'iti areentryinal totmekelums.eMan
histor ofchlasticnaversians.oCosIpetsAerican op~oss mnand re ncs-'or nathewaprooh-now.Ye eraps At isiedein wudbe:ub '
tivcton rcdethsovios p If p Sudx oracl thtasgoieter n twudtusntol ieI
wyllnse.of d necsttingrcsucamongo conescaitutllo'ne tlibgovernmentetima-rof -e en-
the~~~~~~~~ studntsinmrderthatthyumae- is tooAyhoofteyehvetauscei
patk fteseilrcgiincet apbE- etmEn ~~oal ,t~~tpdr o.FLIiBrtigbnd I abiliy u wudnodub . 1\
givceentoreraoiareschoansic to.e thewspperpainrfagraperandcars- iy azpec n hni ly
* ivmn.I eeato hee n ntttos l h oo ok'tpeeta--s' azz;,ithentit'plays
will ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ etl reulna icrasd tdet or tatnmgt e on troghtes' ieelhaithntnethtesnt
ua sly crrytaong withthem ige r ange o n ieor.s, o wit esrg cely onntral ize nypukd atoh-k rm te jr sm tm s"er e--pros h~ t
morale. Oeoute wvialer-aitin te doweerdinsnsfobednitted to thse.ra~4onmt -
That tose sudent who chieve____________who__must* beis thiiFridyandyatur
wiunus utorehige gades han the A BOBBED-AIR BANDIT Inerludoda ae crdillrinite t thpr- - -
vrg tdvdalsoldbhie A icus bbbed tr>e dtltTime+re sgigt esm oega fpast epeetdti
tspecil reot a.in ibeadmtd 's sii; tuf bu h no na nnt ,vnn nSaa awl nelHl
from. New Yorkehas written ankauto-ey
bypatcalanonrh s id ioraphycineich.psesgtatstat01 ta i eee'dtoill onsa igto'lckT b frn,.e
purpoasshoflatcolleages.orouniesiy.=n suh lvel adguccssulcarerl =t lstnihtthemaeu ma tldvittin.ov;sPheproraaoly
Sowlsticeityan aamn fi h i yte ounalth mni sthte was gnneithtinsg trd f tery ofUdrer.Hsey
pttrose ecaue o unuual biliy wom they enci ,'oueredentaremely (i°,t. aeorclunftwe l DAD OGT~G
are oftuseinore muc h eycoury, a tonterroze, whiletwoentthngAnitwetheninesiclong Thraeonyihtptsnext-
ptk benourag ed.Icirgit eli~oie eiinectoergcugh we nclde imtepow.lFism'e otbtf.andy tno heophn loa
fi fo even amoreinati sctoymasnal-psoplwasithe-onlybperi a Well, thiseught tenut aynhs sto sknw ochdu" bt raaet'"WIipcrs
thaeen t onageentoouse e tontheinretitodn otob eyc oder s a pecehaf .isnith'talitleaumo.;adthmenty-it -- plays~
wolredsutaninwcrecog sudnto mad nstityMimpoe her o rie frhrk n nesesdwt ahs n ~ T' ~ ihfU I
ols afodd.Tetieilotfrdi-'ethnsahte egpoptdd" :pec htiste in thti 'th est tAnsmk 'lih~V~iSetr(r
t~t benschacutm i tiehat msh re dnel. 'nthr.of tby e'.,
aedotedhinhe and.ard nd aoerges -frgenedshlelassanandks on taslthe st t~oeacut ofer T-OT-Ipa~ nSpiteOfthEY CLtUBifyand
nnseutralized~e nO3Ohsict~, ad yiis-'an l
t~d nivrsites n th contryuan I lwcofirest aeens s ha
tillttthosepisodeentesewhoo acUiene * * * igts taot sorfthing.rTdy fnd Sth- - C, ~
btepsatwardlthenperecthioo uaws mover. 3nltht if wewee etallyd hat t eornuhIt'rocressbe frankc&ert
cusomrre-awasaotb awnred wou~nld Ir poas teAnn r- elie, t9stldsedeSothof. hi- 0 ol hkIadfn ol

in-, old
abiAc to It

Lwho (toes. not notice that lie 1s-grow- ,
and so is letting herself get old-fashioned-:
I' ,'
SBAND who refuses to' grow old, and-
:trp out- in places whecre the footing is pretty
,UGH T R who is young and fr isky, but
ick after herself and willing to, take charge

-' - III,~
A ~ 1 1 . . .1 - I *

of her p iilts-'

A COMBINA ,TION , altogether, that will
Lil OVer if aniybody sets it oan the fire.
It rntyI L~e st e',1420owg in
-~Tikct3 t 'WT1hr; e

, .

_ _ ,..



V, ,_

"lTom, Wye" SI11BradleisY " and
" Thermo ",,Knit Coats,
Sweaters and Jackets

$2.98 up

p~ '

-ES. for Ilsac vjite~y n jage passortment.
_ .Zn ri illdie, ad en. Cordlu-
i' y and 1 ipcord p{.1rt Suit~.' Ladies
KnkesA'1 9 ;'p. 'Wh1iteD k, N avy,
Linen arnd Khaki T.'ousersjCovcralls, enc..-



IIking Shoes, Wool Sock~s, Golf Hosc,*
Lggixng -u. (qts, Officers Dress an~d
Amy Shoes, 1Tennis Shoes, Waterproof
and High-Tops, Moccasin Pack~ Shu for
Ladies and Men. ArmP Shoes, $3.95 up.

lin Army S'lirts, Pongee Dress and Sport Shirts, All Kinds
If Hose, $1.50 up. White Navy Hats, 50 cents.}
t-Ra incoats
~3.98 and 'upa, Rain 'Coats, $2.93 up, Slickers
sizec. Auto-Fcujro,. Regulation Wall,, Army, Mosquito,
P UD)adChlrens.' l bV Tents.


~ Cushi onsAu'to

.ma w lna-#a

The reign of Raynmond Poincare al-
ready seems at an end. The French
elections Sunday made Edouard Her-

The bobbed-haired bandit's dedtie-bov Real Estate board. What under,
tiou from her experiences is intr-est-i heaven they were doing in the Union
ing: "I think that if all the clerks ! was more than we could find out.
and managers were women you could *a
hardly get away with robbing a store Candidates for the position of sue-

tfer bms chosen- "Daddty Long-Legs"
to be the fourth play of the series
pf-esented by his class in play pro-
ductions this semester. The event
is to happen Thursday evening at

Kipsacks, Barracks Bags, Cariteens,F Mes~s Cann, Grills, Stoves, Serving Sets, "Gold Medal
Camp Furniture," Cots, Stools, Tables, Folding Buckets, Sam Browne Belts, Scout
- . .t ,Cat i A - TA' ' 1 .



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