THE MICHIGAN DAILY TUESDAY, F AULTY N NAAL SECRTARY (Continued from Page One) "Of course," Professor Reed contin- ued, "in the beginning there were four alternatives before Secretary Denby. In handling the Teapot Dome basin, a naval oil reserve, wich capable geol- ogists claimed was being consumed by private enterprises, Secretary Denby might have done one of four things, either (1) restricted the drilling for oil in this basin by private enter- prises, (2) allowed private companies to drill for oil and then store in tanks for governmental use, (3) have the government 'step in' and take over the drilling and storing of the prod- nets, or (4) lease to private companies. "In taking the last step, I believe that he made a serious mistake In granting leases to the oil companies on the terms so favorable that it ap- peared as though they were unjustly enriching ttemselves at the expense of the people. "Daugiterty Will Resign When asked concerning his opinion on whether or not he thought Secre- tary Daugherty would resign, Profes- sor Reed said, "It seems to me that, in, the long run, Daugherty will be forced to resign." In speaking of William G. McAdoo's connection with the scandal, Profes- sor Reed expressed himself as believ- ing that IltAdoo's chances for the Democratic nomination would, no doubt,. be hur't, but certainly not ru- Ined. In regard to the legality of Mc- Adoo's acceptng the $150,000 as coun- sel for the oil company, Professor Reed held to be entirely ethical. Hobbs Vindicates Denby "I feel sure that Secretary Denby has resigned in order to relieve the President of embarrassment," said Prof. William H. Hobbs of the geology department. "It should not be inter- preted as confession of any wroig- doing on his part. The most partisan Democrat has never claimed that there was any fraud connected with Denby's action on oil leases, and no one know- ing his record would suspect him with- out the strongest of proofs. "The public is not generally aware of the pressure to cut out the duplica- tion of activities in the governmental! departments, and to concentrate leas- ing of land, for example, within the one department with adequate ma- chinery for the purpose-the Interior. "Senate Action an Outrage" "The action of the Senate in the 'ouster' resolution was an outrage and a price of political impertinence which the President properly rebuked. The! story that those naval officers that were opposed to the transfer were spirited away has already been shown to be pure 'moonshine.' "As regards the California basis! there is little doubt that to take mea- sures for securing the oil before it should all be drained away was em- inently wise. The large reservoi-rs of oil stored at Pearl Harbor, as a con- sequence, are all that give to that great fortress its value as base for a fleet in time of war. "The Teapot Dome was a different proposition so long as could still be PENCLS FOR-the student or prof., the superb VENUS out-rivals all for perfect pencil work 17 black degrees-3 copying American La Pencil Co., 220 Fifth Jve. New York i Edison, On His 77th Birthday, Sees Intelligence Test Failure MUSIC ANDI MUSICIANS Lovers of classical music of the art-! ificial "chamber" type are many in1 Ann Arbor. iuding by the large and l namics of the numbers, an excellent semble playing, and gave a pleasing' medium of displaying the technique exhibition of coordination, which performance. the competent persons who attemj lat As for the other numbers, they were ed it. reached its highest point in thelast clogged withconventional figures set!no. number. The Arensky trio in D minor in the music, no fault of the players, t r. fiinyt s a was by far the most pleasing selection but surely an impediment. The quart- It's ,. efficiency to use Dal in the group, and its effect was much et number was as convincing as the Classi feds.--Adv. Im ain thn th others There I. ...... 1311MVI r,IL6U U Ir LU11)1ep )eb1 LLUg U LIC . IC interested audience that attended the was something in the score itself that faculty twilight concert Sunday after- gave the artists additional inspiration. noon. Of the four parts of the number, it is Chamber music seems to have little ! hard to find one that was more per- appeal for modern audiences; but the fectly executed than the other. Of the general effect produced in this concert three players undoubtedly Mrs. Okkel- was unusual. Throughout the recital i berg was best enjoyed. She' fully there was a perfect sense of the dy- understands the difficult art of' en- i music could permit it to be, and the quintet was more of a curiosity than a Nights500 to $ 2.50 aet. Mat. 0oc to $9.00O .ARRICK ed. Mat. 50c to$ 1.60 lla)ty Plays You Doll't Want to h iss--One You rusINitMiss THE The Play Thfat 1, kes You Feel Bdet - PERSONAL PRINTED$1 00 STATIONERY - - - - Postpaid Box 75 Double Sheets (equals 150 single), with 75 en- velopes to match, linen finish, with your name and ad- dress printed on every sheet'and envelope in engrav- er's blue ink. Beautiful. distinctive, up-to-date; not the ordinary kind; wonderful value. appreciated by par- ticular men and women everywhere. Size of envelope ' bI-2x3 1-2, with stylish flap. Size of paper, beforefold- edG1-4x10inches. Money refunded promptly if not wholly satisfied and delighted. Mrs. Keith, Ohio, writes: "Stationery is beautiful. Never saw such wonderful value. My chub members are sending in orders. Cer- tainlynakes fine present. Delighted with linen finish." Aiwnys remit with order. Add ten rents for weet of Denver and foreign conntriec Address WESTLAKESTATIONERY Co.,.120 No-th Srie.Street. Toledo. Ohio. 't Frat YEAR BOS FOR ernties, Sororities, Dormatories FOR BETTER PRINTING AT LOWER RATES, SEE US DR OP "UP" A ND SEE us. Oher Arcade Theatre. " 1'oU' M.Ar etter itnpresslofls 1 liomnas Alva Edison on His 77th Birthday When a man gets to be 77 he sees things more wisely than he did. wuen was a youth of 75. Thomas Alva EIisoh, who observed his 77th birthday taking a vacation of two hours from his laboratories, has decided that a - .y ...-- he by :# _ _..- --' e ,c? c~~e~~r~rc :robc~cdc :J~e- I~s his famous questionnarie is a failure. He has found that men's mentality cannot be measured by their answers to such questions as "Where is Um- blubk?" and "Why is Kokoio?" obtained from the California leases. Re ad the W t Ads but it was easy for one not an expertAds to be contfused by the divergent advice. Dean Henry M. Bates of the Law school said: "I have implicit confi- dence in Mr. Denby's personal integ- rity and every fair-minded person will, I think, refrain from passing judg- ment upon him until the evidence has been heard.' Universities Form Republican Clubs1 Washington, Feb. 18.-Republican clubs have been organized in over 50 universities by the College Bureau of the Republican National Committee with activ nbrograms for the purpose of stimulari'g undergraduate interest in national affairs. The purpose of these clubs, as out- lined by John T. Adams, chairman of the Republican National committee, is not only to promote student discussion of national issues, but also to interest the college man and woman in the basic principles of the Republican party. Plans have been made to enroll Re-J publican alumni of these institutions Ja.ueline: "I'm cold, Jack; take me in similar associations to co-operate I inside your coat." in smilr asocatios t coopeateJack: "Pay before you enter; this is a with the student organizations, giving Jainchley one man coat." a large number of graduates. 1 the clubs the interest and support of (Apologies to The Wasp) S m ar t lr } i ' for Sprig hePA R iANE A is the most popular - overcoat on both con- tinents just now. Its.. endorsement by Amer- ican and English uni- versity men has come about through its two- fold worth--for with the PA R1K LANLE- you are not only smartly coated, but you're fixed for both late winter and spring. The weight is just right; the cut is straight and box-backed; Chesterfield front and silk-taped seams. $35 and more, according to materials. Ready to put on. L hat, ROYCELYN, is the prebail- ing model, and may be turned dolvn lvhen desired. $5.50. Y S y). !7" I)" n;Cuar I ~u " :: . 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