THE MICHIGAN DAILY .............. R k! 11 10TE Rl STAND Named For S. C. A. Head RUSSIAN SCHOLAR WILL SPEAK HERE! Students to Participate In ReferendumIr BA1lot on : Rooting SectionI ATyJ3VT ASSOCITION AN s Referendum vote on the camnpus bal- lot today will be taken on the! plan for a cheering section to be in °thd ce ter fth ti dvh 'standat the poi n ztfalit ing. CtU BB ST EELK>i HAYDEN 4esired by the council to knlow wheth- ~thsecstudn to lde udetro on he flo i re the qualifictions for the candidates for presidency of thl 5~tin t~9ma1~ et~i~ts ~1 th jthe Stud ent Christian association: Iivii~y~ w ~~ni itto ophinoes Donald B. Chubb, '24, chairtman "of: the hospital service committee, chair- kt and upperclassm en. The proposed plan as worked ot :man "of Older Boys' conference committee, discussion leader for freshmen, by a committee of th~e Student council I captain in financial drive, in charge of state officers training conference, 'iin cooperation with the Athletic asso chaliman of the. committee which sent speakers to visit fraternity houses ciation is as follows: the. application to iformnimen of the work of the S. -C. A. cards for tick~ets to the Conference H-farold Steele, '25E; lawy observance committee, interfraternity, discus- x; gamnes will give the student a chance ,rions committee, Mothers' Day comm ittee, delegate to the Indianapolis Stu- to signify whether hbe wants to sit in. dent Volunteer convention, reception committee of faculty-student mixer. th'e cheering section or not, If he git5; Perry M. Hayden; '25, Michigan Daily business staff (1), (2), (3) ; S. C. t in these select seats, he will be given A. financial drive (1), (3); Extension department S. C. A. (2), (3); bust- ;; the usual extra tickets but they can- ness mnaler freshman bible. (3)., not be with his, for the cheering block in the center of the stands must be S' limited to men. I cdo what the council sees best in the Christian Association, notwithstanding. Thtthei :ocain a p- matter so it is up to the students to numerous reports to the contrary. Aa_. Ft proved of this pan and states that it deecde upon the qualifications for the though is name did not appear, on wilgv a aytckt sthr r cheerin g section tomorrow. the ballot appearing in yesterd]ay's students who want to sit in 'thi$s de x -__iwll.iefun___tebalt sired section, but it does xnot feel that u.eta inil bvondnealt t freshmen should be allowed to sit iann A~lfAF [0 sdtdyi oig thee.Ths q~ldbe~ ~eprtretr HIllNDt.IIEIVFIL [U T1he Paris office of the American V thei oltcy o allotting eats by class te P I Unflriti~ n r ' iversity Union -reports that sdur- 1 mnahager, points out that ma~ny upper- rn1uui u ing. h academic year now closing clrsssmeu'who wrat to flt Zvith friendsj there were over 3,000 American stu-( ~ on&.thirI xtra 4icketg - b 6.bject at dents in France, 429 of whom were ! eing freshmnen stting in -thi cheer1ig Perry M. Hayden, '25, today signi- enrolledlcat the University of Paris- wz ;e Pp o the thy _Wou havebetter I fied his intention of entering the race.I and 1,348 at other Parisian institu- I 'seats than he had. for the presidency, of the Students' titans ai. learning.j On the other handidf, the freshmen ....- aren't cdmitted 'the cheering block mihAo e lr e 2 o g ,t a e! E11111111ii1i111111111111111-iill111111~ 111111111110 it worth while. At Californiaan -" other schools where such a. system I i= THE COLLEGE OF THE CITY OF DETROIT- used all male students are allovred to ' sit in this block. Also why. should '1no1G athe upperc~lassmen have' gr'oundls for = complaint when they can have themS M E best seats themselves if they are will- = U ME C OO F R M TIC AR- 'i ing to sit 'with stuidents~ only? The.!,:. cheering section seats will 'be ar-I under the direction of ranged in order of clase, so they will11= also benefit in this way.' AM -I/E f 'hre"i. re certainly, 'tro o.des to S M UE the qustin nd the~. council: belees Io. atiraars ~=i the campus refereDnm,: to te bs 1 or atiuar dde s way of souy.AinX ,out studeopiXh i Agst43. 3 olunAvne- The Athletic ascaini ili oI Det43oitGrMhig n S Sup~port the Fres Air Campln11111{it1i1liil1111111111l1U1111111fl '111"tI11117 Iing degrees from Russian and German j tures are expected~ to be ctfinterest nott schools, former professor of aeronanr- only to aeronautical engineering stul- tics' and theoretical mechanics at the dents, but also to physicists and north-I Polytechnic school of Petrograd and ematicians. former aerodynamic expert for the The lecture today wvill deal with United States army air service, as well motorless flying in conjunction nith a da8 the National Advisory comnmittee ' disciis~on of the structure 01 the, for aeronautics. wind. Chief among his aecomnplishments j ___ has been the designing, 'building. and; Two cities, Houstn and LIoui";illf, flying of the first American Aryaebdigfrte ,,Incao helicopter. The speaker Is a man of of the American Leg~ionaccord ing to' international prominence in the aera- tho national officers. nautical world, ani inve'ntor :of note,'-________ and, author' of numeous contributions Don't Forget to V oItc to aeronautical science, h'ydrodyn mi- ics and mathematics, so that his lee- Georges De Bothezat, Unhiierslty Paris, To Deliver Four Lectures of "THEORY OF SOAR~ING" SUBJE CT OF FIRST ADDRESS WEDi1 ESDAT Dr. Georges de Bothezat,, note'd Russian scholar ,and, doctor of math- ematics of the._ University of ParisI 1will deliver the first of four Univer. city lectures at 7:30 o'clock toiiiht in the west lecture room of the Phtysic. building upon "The General Theory of, Soaring.' lie will speak at 7:30 o'- clock tomorrow, and at 4:15 o'clocik =Thursday and Friday in the same roomI fupon subjects linked with aerodly- namic study. Dr. de 'Bothezat, who is being brought here through the efforts of Prof. F. W. Pawlowski of the aero- nautical engineering department and D.K. Kazarinoff of the mathematcs department, is the holder of engineer- AR)RIAN-ANN ARBOR BITS I. Central Time (Slow Time) Leave Chamber of Comme~rce Week Days Sundays 12:45 PL. _45 p. M. J3AS~. H.LLI~LOTT, Propietor Phone 9z6-M Adrian, Mi Oh Henry ! is the nan of an ideathsie - .Rich butter cream- dipped in soft caramel rolled: in crisp nuts- then coated with sweet milk chocolate. " ~ SUMMER POSIVIONSI We are now. adding college students tour force for the summer months to° work along religious and educa- tional lines. Students employed by us ( aed hav'e no further wvorries concern-1 lug finances, for the next college year. Oulr guarantee assures a minimum of $ 300.60 with opp~ortunitq of earning several times this amount. A number o (f students ear~ned well offer $1,004 last summer. No capital nor experience necessary. Write today for full par. ti('Ilars and organization plan. Universal Book & Rtible Bloise College Department. 10~10 : ArchStreet Philadelphis rrparng for Business? M - anxious, to rise to poitions of re. I sponsibilty in bu::inesslihuld investi- gate the one year intensive training course offered at Babson Institute. Classes are conducted on th~e conference plan. The instructors are experielcd bu i- ness men, successful in their own lines. You work on actual cases-not hypot het ical pr"b- lems. You are shown how to solve the same kind of problems that will confront you in actual business practice. Write for Booklet Send for booklet "Training for Business Leadership." Describes the couise in dct aA and gives complete information . h,)1t the facilities of Babson Institute and show3 hot. men ara, trained for executive roles, Wie today. No obligation. 318 Washington Ave. Babson Park, v(su) Mass, Some idea? You'l say so! Oh Hen'y! ,A Fine Canc 10c Every~wh ESTABLISHED 1810 MADISONAYEHUE 'C OR. FORTYFUTSREI E W eleP hone.Murra-' Ff1il soo I's iiy cla imledtor rent res _ )he I % .. 41 ti P ii"W " ' Our representative will be at the HOTEL STATLER, Detroit Today and tomorrow May 13 and 14 with samples of ready-made Clothing Furnishiings, Hats and Shoes for:Spring, .k ANew Pattern 0 SAMPLES Permanently oan Display at GUY WOOLFOLK &CO. 8.36 S. State Street Ann Arbor, xich. Designed by 1, Send fox "Iis~bric Americaw.ilidings" 'adA.' Ir9T,.O 10 .Y ti WHIEHOSE& HAR DY (NC('R COAA'TEO IIROADWAY AT 40'h STREET 144 WETS 4" STREET MiTRO."gLITAI OPKRA HODSp. BtX~a KNIjK£,OCK5R BUTLIDINO NEW YORK 220aELL vu& Avi14U @Ws~Ii19. a C ,;.a ,. ', a , ' :' W r i d t { C , ' ¢ :. s : :. xW W . x a 7-' 1- ; ' : 1 -i rV ' = , .'' ~ ' ' r - ~ eothqg~ -s -. w oa ihgnHsIsAnulOpruiyt upr "t;insxndao iSi{{1{I!{i3;i!!S{{ii{{{!F!!!!{{!I!!I .a t ?+ - +, Don't You Want to Invest in Future Manhood? No assistance too small to be. appreciated or too large to be accepted. 1 r ( %/ ,d C 1. Watch for' the duck trousers