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May 13, 1924 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1924-05-13

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Mul1igan at t it .

lished every morning except .Monday
g the University year by the Board in
of of Student Publications. ____
mlbers of Western Con ference Editorial
eAssociated Press is exclusively en-
to the use for republication of all news
thes credited to it or not otherwise
ed in this paper and the local news pub-
ered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor,
gall, assecond class matter, Special rate
stage granted by Third Assistant Post-
bscripiton by carrier, $3.,S(; by mail,
fice: Ann Arbor Press Building, May-
ones: Editorial, 2414 ano i$-TV; Busi-
96 ,

view, he quotes the words of educa-
tors which seem to deny the desir-
ability of vocational training and OA TE R LL
I ITDearly specialization in university 3L
work. t ,,
t atastdnsmkamitkt cannot be doubted that many iro- TODAY IS
fessors believe, and do not hesitate I OTING DAY L
in studying for their life occupations 'Today is the day on, which the cam-
to the detriment of- the cultural p lus decides who are to be its leaders
studies. It seems to be believed b y (rn the coming year.. We trustj
not a few that a student should spend tlit all ourrclients. will vote with
his days in Latin, Greek and other due " regard fort the true merits of
classical courses, and that~ anything{ each canldidate for'the several offices,
which has a sugestion of practli 1weigh'ig uhis honesty, his integrity,l
worth 'in it, is bad. -Thiey are thie be-[his- moral- courage, his" temperance,
lievers in a college ,education which ' his pittity. Ini case's Avhere the voter
will plant into th~e student s..minid the !is un~ihforiIi'ed in'onle or, all of these
deeds of the past. Hie will-find ou c mrat quliicaios, .he' should,
enough about the, present when he 'in our opinion,. refrain from casting'
graduates, they say. . ballot.:
The two schools seem irreconcil- Consider for a moment with~us, very{
able, but only when viewed in their earnestly, the, possibility of elect-
extreme forms, one of which we have ing a man to the office of President
just presented. The larger majorityC of the Student Council who did not1


To The Editor: .:
j Referring to your article, "Schmitt i
Blames Germany for Wvar," I beg leave t ttt a o r c nl d n a a
graph iswrai ny i you can _
tis eeoiini ot uprove it to be based on reliable statis- :.__________________________________
little and often t harm fuli_ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ ___ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
IMoreover, I have never heard that ~~E
Professor Schmitt is one of 'the two 'BT - O~F 'T H DIACONAL
outstanding authorities on the 'World
W ar. W ho is the,,other authority?--!Ill ________lllllt11i tl11Fl' ltlll11119il0l"01t = ' !+ A~If111010111H~l1111LIEIIIIII~
f or several years but have never seen ,.DTOI NITED LIE

ned co
st will
d ass
rial B<
vC. (

:onmnicptions, not exceeding 300o
:! be published in The Daily at
on of the Editor. Upon, rcquest,
ty of cinmnunicant will be re-


EDITORIAL STAFF of those who side with the classicists
phones, 2414 and 17644 will admit that a little practical in-
struction is advantageous. Similarly
MANAGING EDITOR most of those who believe a college
HARRY D. HQ3EY should waste no time on "dead ]an-
.r .+.Rob. B1. Tarr guages and' suell" and who believe
1ard Chairman.... R. C. Morarity t; the place to prepare for the busi-
.3....... . C. Garlinghousc
Night Editors ness of money-getting, will admit also
s A. B. Connable, ,Jr. that a little of, the more cultural
Clark T. 1. 1wiske lannjil o eais
1. Mi. Wagnerlerigwlnobeams.
itor............... Ralph N. Bycrs
Editor .. .. .. .. .. . .Winonia Ilibbard
tr....... .Ruth A. Hlowell "Either man must lift . woman up
pity Editor ...Kennieth C. Kellar to his level or she will'drag himd down
chij'an ~News Bureau. R, G. Rauisa9
Editor...Robert B. flenderbon to hers,", as Professor Turner quoted
Assistants ysedy ihrwy o f"rg
ley' Elizabeth Lieberimann ysedy ihrwy o f"rg
man R. S. Mansfield is necessary!
:knell IE. C. Mack__ ___ _____
oxer Verena Moran -
aw l'larold Moore
brad Carl 01d racher Intelligent voting can defeat p01-
Coe IHyde Pecrce itical ruses.
vis' Andrew Propper
brih 'aie R e

have the courage to stand out for
an early Cane Day, if his reason con-
vinced. him it was for the pest inter-l
ests of Michigan to do so. Of ten-
ah, too ,often!-has this matter of
an early Cane Day become a mere
political weapon in the hands of an !
unscrupullous council! And w~il our
a older readers ever, forget the time
the Presiden~t of, the Council vetoed.t
a resolution dvancing the date of
Caip Night, simply because' a fresh-
man '-ini" his 'house' was 'confined 'to
his bed with::.chi'cken poxj? That was
the ~ar the Senate Committee on
Student Affairs mnade the Great Graft}
Investi~gatioi ,~ and -liscovered that t wo
fraternities had agreed to vote for
each oth~er's; :caaiddates for Pr~esdent
of the Oratorical association and' Stu-'


the name of 'Prof. Sch'mitt. I regret'
to be so ignorant. However, '-I shall
gladly accept your opinion on both
points if you can prove it to be true.
I am absolutely impartial in this
matter. All I am trying to get at
jis the truth.... .if that is possible.
Your editorial: "The Third Party'i
Frost" is interesting. Permit me to
express my opinion "based on facts."
IA candidate for the' presidency of the
'U. S. who is opposed to a thorough
investigation of corruption is goodi
enough for no one. I think you are
too young to be interested in "party
~M. Levi
To' eEditor:
SI have readt with some exaspera a
tion and with great regret Mr. Murchi-
son I\abie's article on "General Sur-
vey Given of Armanment Question"
in the -issue of. the Daily of May 11.
I refer particularly to the statmlent~
"-that the navy is overloaded' with
officers,-." Why, one naturally asks,
are more than a hundred destroyers1
either in reserve or in active re-
serve, if there are too many officers
in the navy? If Mr. Mabie would in-
vestigate a step farther, he would find,j
I believe, that the Navy Department
is loathe to order officers to shore
a__u .ty . ..,. .n o h coriy f o -

Limniteds: $ a. mn., 9:19 a. mn. and
every two houi !! to 9:10 p. Mn.
,Express: 7 a. mn., 8 a. mn. and evv.-y
two iiuurs to 8 D. Sri.
Locals: 7 a. in., 6:55 a. mn. and,
every two hours to 8:55 p. mn.,
11 p. mn. To Ypsllant! only, 11:46
p. in., 12:26 a. in. and 1:15 a. mn.
Limiteds: 8:47 a. mn. and every two
hours to a :'i p. mn. 4.
Express (making local stops) :9:1
a. ni. and every two bourn to 9:60
p. . Jn
L'ocals: 7:50 a. in., 12:10 a.. .

For th1 e Price of Two

All This Week

for this is





3 Senior 'Clas Pictures

P. ilenr
fing I
othy 1<
'garet lI
as Ken
ph Kru

namnberg l'teina Reichmann
ter Edmarie Schraudcr
heath C. A. Stevens
I~y lW. 1.Stonenian
Iotiseworth Marjorie :Sweet
ie Frederic G. Tchlnos
amin N. R. Thal
Neil W. J. Waithour
kdall Hle. man Wise

Telephone 960
lvetisinR...,............E .Ljni
I prtisipg.............Perry M. Hayden
vertisin.............W. Roeser'
ertising............... E. Ros
counts............. ....1, l~ ae
-culaton. ........ .....C.Tidy
biain . ........awrence Pir
W. a 6bel N. .Ifollad
rnie Capla i lt. L. Irelnd
as. ~hampnn Harold A. Marks
in Conli'n Byron Parker
rls 'M .I D erit'4 '. ]. Sidm il _'
soa jFin-- -Ceo. A. Stacke
A.,d F ox R. C. Winter
i13'Hal l l, I' '66 1' e.-i , ' I
ght Editor-THOMAS E. FIi'KE
ksualywhen people hear of the
val of another tag day, and we1
~ak quite advisedly, they a re prone
twst their faces into displeasing
Aures and exclaim, "Will these tag{
ys ever cease?". And we will agree
t in most instances these lpronsf
Ve- a perfect right to do what thcy i
nally do; but there are several tag
ys during the course of the year
Aich warrant anything but a sign
displeasure. One of those days is
Thie annual fresh air camp which
ceonducted undeprv the ,auspices ofj
S. C.' A. and to which several[
~dreds of youngsters are each year
fitted for a period of weeks has
ome traditional as one of the most
Sful and practical undertakings of
Sorganization -on the campus. Each
km er, these youngsters who are
:en from the poorest of homes us-
y from Detroit, are allowed to
QY a few of the pleasures that
ry youth yearns for and dreams
tt It is the only time during the
ire year that he is given an op-
tunity to view life from a slightly
ferent angle than is his usual wont.
A it is all the result of the earnest
d sinc ere work of a few individuals
to are so inclined as to aid in the
ght of humanity. Here however
well as elsewhere, there is needed
3necessary funds in order to arry
tto the greatest amount of success
sible ' what the directors plan.
eref ore we have tag day, tag day
which university men and women
given the opportunity to contri-
~as much as they see fit to a
se that outstrips by far in im-
tance more. than ninety-five per,
ti of the usual tag days. AndI
~being so it follows that every
ilover and sympathizer of hu-
ipty will' without question not only1
lr rtute to this cause, but will give{
~h such a degree of satisfaction
k he will bless not only those whoI
3in need, but also himself, because
the spirit in which he has given.

WOMEN 1N POLITICS den~it Christian -Association respective-
That women are taking a greaterI ly-a disgraceful affair.
interest in politics is fast becoming! But this year we want things to be
an accepted fact. The ancient joke different. If each student will con-
about the woman who voted for cer- i scientiously do his part, there is no
tain men because she liked the shade( reason why the campus should notI
of their hair is certainly not applic- elect a group of men really worthyj
able to the majority of present dlay of being called Michigan's Leaders. (
women voters. Frequently they know***
more about the respective merits of The other day we saw an automo-
the candidates than do the male per- bile whose rear was covered with
tion of the voters. ' a, license, a University parking tag,
Many college wo~ne ,. in addition' to a sign that said Ann Arbor, anida.,sign-
voting, are taking an active' part inj that said Exchange Club. If this sort
party"adnministration. 'Speaking; on lof thing keeps' up,'; we'tinay' 'soon ex'
this subject, Harriet Taylor Upton, pect to see cars dashing around with
vice chiairmian of 'the Republican,.a-ifraternity' lk ii~sig1iW, and mar-
tional Committee, says: ..I riage lic.ir seU Qn Par Or perhaps
"It~i vry grtiylp tatall this information that comes
college women 'students' are gving fot ftis' pce'ntbos
serious attenton'to, politic .4?+,As'I', A ' sWQ~ns~rm polfe9; iIze ,p
see it, such an interest goes hand in '' at, size of shirt, size of socks,
hand with good citizenship, and it ! numiber on case of watch, number
is, never a question of'beco imin j4of works8 or::. . .. I weighed'..
terested too early. lbs., and was ........ feet.........
S"There are many cases where this inches in height. In case of accident
interest has led to active participa- !please notify ...............
t ion in political affairs. For example,
Miss Sara.h Schubyler B klr, r Si 'nDetrof,4a S ol
of Nichola's }Murray Butle, pr' xt IRCUGT E '1
of Columbia Uzidvers>itys one g GIVE
college woman Wbo' "'ktti ng ':; - _ P PEROUS'I 1
worthy part in political activities. 'Flunk up your own commnent.
Miss Butler, although she is but***
twenty-nine years old, is vice chair- Solemn Announcement
man of the Republican State Comn- The time draws near when the

4 5 '6 7 8 '9 10
11 102 13 14 15 16'. 17
I8 1;1 20 21 22 23 24 .
2 A .27 12's -,9 30 31
filt order io close out all Spring
Felt Hats before Straw Hat time
we are mlaking the following sitc-
ri ices:
All $3.50) Hats Now......$3.00
All 4.00 Hats Now ....... .
All 4150 Hants Now ....... .75
All 5.00 Hats Now . .....2
Lots of Large Sizes
617 Packard St. Phone 1792
(Where 1). UT. iR. Stops at State)

ILyndon & Company





ficers afloat. The problem becomes
then, not one of decrease, but one of




mittee of New York. Young women
like Miss Butler are needed in greater
numbers in the political life of the
country." Intelligent politics and, in-
telligent voting seem nearer now
than ever before.
Now comes the open season on
student politicians. Out with the can-
dy and cigars! The elections are
with us.

Read the Election Extra and
your candidates.


Every artist, it seems, must have
his eccentricity, or as in the case of,
George Bernard, his eccentricities.
There are really very few things that
this gentleman does that are like
what other people do. For instance,
Shaw says that in order for him toj
write his most successful plays he
must write theni in moving railroad
trains. He claims that he positively
cannot write while, in London because
of the terrific smoke there, and that
the most satisfactory place of refuge'
is the railroad train. To most of us,

~great Cowles will retire from publiic
life, and become once more a plain
citizen. Like Cincinnatus, he will
[simply barge home and pick up the
t lawnmower where he left it. But,
before the year draws to its annual'
close, we feel that we owe something
too the paper.
And that, breathless reader, is the
I matter of selecting a suitable succes-
sor to ourself: a m'nan who will carry
on the tradition established by the
great Cahligula, and improved by
Gow~es Oe l frst ,paragritph). We
'shall1 brsi ie~r it 'our' duty- to secure
such a man for the Daily before we
heave away our mantle..
To that end, although we swore that'
we would never again pose as the
I proprietor of a contest, we are giv-
ing an opportunity to the campus to
show its mettle. If anybody wantsI
to accede to our office, let him-or
her-submit a sample chef d'oeuvre
vi~a the 'U. S. Mail at once. We shall'
consider all material so submitted as
absolutely, confidentially, and we shall
judge it all with the same fairness1
that we urged (see above) for use in
the balloting tomorrow.

increase of the entire personnel, both
commissioned and enlisted. l'"
F4rank J. Hanafeo-
,h"iiirL TIIEA3?P iES 'IAQQ 'K"v .{ G it dlid Pyressor Smith mnean
ii~t~.IIsilk, purse out of a sow's earP"
-," e m eant that I' f: _ c
- . ~ .. -'..-.- - - ~ "to~ t't iid iv 'Wrl i1 t apoor pncil,
I TH .t1N ABORPLAYAKER ( uess I'll have to get a Dixon's
THE NN RBO PLAMAKRS ldorado. Old Smity says it's the
intend with the money, which (they I best drawing pencil made."
hope,) they will mnake from "The
Gray Mouse" to be presented this
'Thrsdy evening at the"3 Vht
'e~eto remodel eir pru' t y-
hUeor even to coi truct Vew ^- " .
't ina o"-' o 17 lead--all dealers,
The first plan, of course, ii, the ________
more feasible from a financial stand- j___
point In such a case the barn which-
now serves both as stage and auditor-
ium would become all stage, and an
auditorium seating several times thme
present numtber would be erected be-
tween- it and Spring street."
The other 'possibility, the construc-
tion of a new building, is a dream to
be dreamt' more concretely 'after
Thursday evening.
In any event, negotiations are short-
ly to be placed in motion to increase
the capitalizationi of the Ann Arbor
Playnakers, Inc., from $1,000 to $10,-.
000, with new shares of stock to be
sold to prospective members. ,The''
~irectos7,5gnifico ntly----rc'port !"Widte-
spread interest and readiness to buy
this non-profit stock.".. (dot, dot, dot!)
This semi-annual' increase' in capi-
talization is one of 'the'more, im-'
pressive features of their organiza-
tion. Being very inmpractically minded,
it means nothing to me, but doubt- -
less to the numerous local financers
it is awaited with Dated,, breathless in-'
There are many other things to add* E
concerning this premiere performance
and its sponsors, but most of th,3in
have slipped my mind for thne mo-
ment. Here is one, however: those
persons careless enough to lose their
Imembership cards are to apply to'C O H
Oakley Johnson and tickets for "Thes
Gray. Mouse" will be mailed to them}
at once.
As for the other copy, it must wait
until tomorrow, while you turn to'
our next.
THE COMEDY CLUB will hold its
final meeting of the year tomorrow
evening in Sarah Caswell Angell at
eight o'clock. The new members, un -
der the diection of Valentine Davies, r4'
'27, will present three one-act plays,
"The Man wkth the Bowler Hat" by1 H EtI
A. A .Mlne, "A Matter of Husbands" 1LA
by Ferenc Molnar, and "The Woman RENDERED
WhoWasAcquitted," a" Grand Guignol P R NC

'Hosiery to match

Walr's Sh4#-,,..Stoi"


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In sandal and strap effects,
'all'_ -colors 'to' select from.
Le~a6,the't,- or-ccrepe"'rubber
l~~rp Aii


. t ia:4s °ad 5.' U' ;+ g L L E U JLI' : c ' a tt +'I',
from~ V-''" L.4I J




who have travelled via railroad, there Thnat isn't really a contest, any-
is without question something amiss ow.
in this particttlar line of reasoning. Ariig tteLirr.aryys
But then, George' Bernard. Shaw will tryrivngte ibaryeryses-a
be George Bernard Shaw, for~ that;tra onnw inse
is what makes him :just a bit dliffer- srnean wsm setce
ent from the rest of us. r~- ive j'anitors stood awkwardly near
Meanwhile, Mr. Shaw continues to the door of the Upper Study Hall.
produce. And after all it does not! One janitor said:' "This is Martin,
matter whether. Mr. Shaw can write and this is Mr. Wheeler, and this is
better in a railroad train or on back Archie, and this is Harvey, and this
a bronco. It is what he gives us,,as is Mr. Jenkl is." 'F
the ultimate product, that which wil-l Then he said: "Bays;, I want you
compete with the best literary mat- to meet Luke Jenkins, our new man."
ter of his day for a place in posterity, And all the janitors bowed and
that is the all important thing to be scraped their feet and mumbled and
considered. For all that we should looked out of the window.'
concern ourselves with Mr. Shaw can The distinction in title, we conjec-

Noonday, Tuesday,' Wedncesday,11
May 12, 13, 14'
GEO. MEREDITH, Representstive




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