A:.. THE MICHIGAN DAILY A 52 0 C-16 mw ILTAV" SR EWA,'wA GUEST RECITES POEMS FOR MOTHERS' PRUGRAM E'dgar A. Curst, better known as "Eddie" Guest, of the Detroit Free Press, spoke Sunday afternoon in -1111 auditorium before a gathering of niore1 than 1600 mothers and as many towns- people and students in celebration of Mother's Day, held here May 11 under the auspices of the Student Christian1 association. Th'e general organization was under the chairmanship of Donald Williams, '26. The program began Saturday af- ternoon when several groups of vistors were escorted about the campus and interesting places in the city by stu- dents. A banquet was held Saturday. i h n t e U i n a d s eil sr night in the Union, and special ser- vices were held in all of the churches in keeping with the occasion. Guest spoke on the general subject of Nlo- thers and Fathers and several sel- ections from .his poems. EXCLUSION SUPPORTERS OPPOSE DELAYI N BILL5 Washington, May 12.- (E1 A.P.)-- Faced by the apparently unutterablef opposition of the house of any delay, in operation of the Japanese exclu- rion provision of the immigration bill, conferees upon the measure today again agreed to make theexclusion section effective July, 1924. The agreement has the effect of elimina'ting completely the proposal of President Coolige that this govern- ment endeavor to negotiate the ab- rogation of the, gentleman's agree- ment prior to the effective date of exclusion. WO2MIENXl F ]MlCHItGAN adopt further restrictions on immigra- tion." The negative team, represent- ig Portia society, includes Dorothy Nix, Alice Viiet, and Gertrude Bailey. Five members of the public speaking faculty will act as judges for the event. nAnyone interested in the debate is OMEN TO 81 ELAC HME invited to attend. AT i JUNE CONVENTION BRIDGE TEA TO BE -- GIVEN FOR LEAGUE New York, May.12.-(By A.P.)--Wo- men, who will be more numerous and University women are invited to at- more powerful at this year's National tend a bridge and mah-jong tea at 2:30 Democratic convention than in any o'clock, Tuesday, May 20, in the Un- previous conclave of the party, have I 1 f Come and tryoutt IPerha )s you hate latent "pos- { ibiiities. Don't neglect to continue your exercise just because you can't play baseball or tennis. Give. trak and field a trial. I iPractice from 4 to 6 o'clock j every Monday and Thursday. Costumes for the Freshman pageant must be ready for inspection this afternoon-. i iii - E set out to show their male confreres a few things about convention conduct. The authority for this statement is Miss Elisabeth Marbury, committee- 'woman from New York state, member. of the Democratic national executive committee, and recognized leader of her sex in councils of the party. j Among other things, Miss Marbury says, "men have had political conven- tions all their own way for so lc-w they've fallen into a rut"; women in politics "have been taught to take the responsibility more seriously than men." PORTIA, ATHENA TO"HOLD'DE^T1 This tea is one of the first of the money niaking projects to be carried off in connection with the University of Michigan League drive and is un- der the direction of Mrs. Hugh Keeler. Mrs. Leslie Wikel, of this city, :nkd Miss Christian Foster, of Detroit. Tables may be reserved by calling the two former women. Tickets may be purchased at the Calkins-Fletcher drug stores and at the Lantern tea shop. Price, $3 per table. Single tickets may be purchased for 75 cenI q MARRIED WOMEN MAY ENTER RACE Philadelphia, May 12.-Marriage will University Girls' Glee club will hold a brief business meeting at 4:30 o'- clock today to elect officers for the coining year. All members are re- quested to be present. Act 1 of th Senior Girls' play will rehearse at 7:30 o'clock tonight in the League rooms of the gymnasiun. Act 2 will rehearse at 4 o'clock tomorrow in the same place. All interhouse baseball games scheduled for last rThursday will be .played :offat. 4 o'clock today at Palmer field. : I : . , f A L'/ 1F not make ineligible any student who Portia society will debate Athena desires to compete for the position of society in their second annual fresh- Miss Temire, according to the recent man debate at 8 o'clock tonight in announcement of the beauty contest University Hall. Alice Goudy, Edna committee of Temwle university. The Ziegler, and Margaret Nichols, from I winner is to be selected by a board of Athena society, will present the af- three judges. firmative side of the question. "Resolv- ed, That the United States should Don't Forget to Vote E1NW YORK IN VER SITY PALMER FIELD HOUSE WILL BE REMBODELED Partitions are being torn down and old furniture removed from Palmer field house by workmen who are busy remodeling and making the house into a club for the exclusive use of U3ni- versity women. The work will be] completed and the house ready for use by Tuesday, May 20, the date set for Lantern night. Florence Probst, '26, publicity man- ager of the athletic board for next year, has presented plans for the in- terior decorating of the house. This work will be carried out by the wo- men on the campus. EUROPE-ORIENT E. G. UEBLER Licensed Steamship Agent 601 E. huron St. Ph. 1384 Local authorized agent for White Star, Cunard, U. S., Canadian Pacific, Red Star, American, Pacific Mail, North German Lloyd, Mtalian, French, Greek, Hamburg American, and ALL other lines. Also, all College Tours on above Lines can be arranged thru me. See me early for best reservations. My services on booking you are free WVrit(%phone or call. NAT LUXENBERG s BRos. showing at CAMPUS BOOTERY May 21st and 22nd CLOTHES FOR THE COLLEGE MAN I t al'osperBw BusnessJ$w1 - takinv my Co Yeu, too, carnoake good nowyhighgad shoos IRECT TO~ THEs WEARER. There's a real o ortu{ nity in this work both during WC,_ s hoo year in spare time and aso making it a profitable full tire Every man bpys shoes and weguar- antee the k Juality and styre of ;ire# >oublewear Shoes. Ours is the larg- est =sho rnpa ~the U. , sell- ing ire t# Sori. ,f our me, have 1 establslsra fine,.repeat lbusiness with thousands of Doublewear cus- tomers. Good Coimnissions-Paid Immediate y. You get tlie'original $1 deposit o1 every pair of these popular priced shoes. Start now- prepare for a big summer vacation business. WriteI DOUBL.EARSHOEOMPANY MINNEAPOLIS, MIN N. v - r- '4 A 36-day tour taking in the principa = of interest. For Particulars see PATRICIA BROWN, 10.2 Baldwin Or E. C. 1KUEBLER, 601 E. Huron :111###1111##1l#########1#1#II#11#111#II~fII II I IIIII l Phone 2949 Pl9nle 1384 t I I . 1 *41 - I .' Romance! al events and $33000 I wwM, r rirrNrwrrrrir.. rr... ru.y The thrill of adventure and romance still lives in the Wild Northwest. There-clear out, away from the beaten path - you can live the breezy life of the great out-doors: on horse-back, in camp, taking your pack outfit-if you will--and spend- ing long, glorious days far from the haunts of man. The Great Pacific Northwest is still unspoiled-much of it untouched by man. A vacation there need cost you little. The food is excellent-hunting and fishing fine-horses splendid, and a pack trip for a week or a month is easily arranged. 4ccornmodations at over 50 CattleRanches, Camps or Mourtain Inns in Wyoming and Montana. C2 Ae I ud Trip Chicago to Notth Pacific Coast May 15 to September 30 See Yellowstone Park "In Gardiner, Out Cody" Let me plan a real trip for youil A. B, Smith, Passenger Traffic Manager 985 Northern Pacific Building, St. Paul, Minn. Northern Pciflc R The Route aof The North Coast Limited-One of America's Fine frans f; .. ^^ .. I II . - - I i v f 1 I I ' , k i / ~~1" + i. i , \ ' \ \ i 1 .. , j ,-- " I -, . ' ' . ,- i I i ML Al Arm Now Showing i i ' 5 . Z i e r '- fllf . . , , , ' r ; -- , r . in Yry ,; '%;sN3 '"T : '. :' .r -fl m -