THE MICHIGAN DAILY T , I Idal Bao JUNIOR ENGINEERS mQGE PROGESES GOkISIDER THIRDPATY TO MEE T-ST icot2 (B Class lli Hoid Annual Banquet ;'caioeofth orgnlP ges IAssembly Hll of 01sineste, has prospects of a new T1f1Y. LL CAMPUS ELECTION, TUESDAY, MAY r131 [ 1101 TRUCTION JS :--Place a cross in the squarre ([ ]) beforel E. F. DAY AND) H. IV. 3T IE SCHEDULED TO lVE TALKS the name of the candidate for whom you wish to vote.i Michigan Union Students' hristian Association (All 'TeniVote) PRESIDENT (All Men zVote) PRESIDENT C]I L7I I=] C] C1I C[] FRANKLIN J. DICKMAN RO(BERT J. HUMMER CHARLES D. LIVINGSTONE WIILARDI W. SPANAGEL WILLIAM J. WILKINS ThO0MAS CAVANAUGH RE CORDING SECRETARY [' II E: II ] II ] II HAROLD 0. STEELE DONALD B. CHUBB PERRY M. HAYDEN SECRETARY RENSIS LIKERT CHARLES S. HIGLEY LI Junior Engineers will hold their an- nual banquet at 6:15 o'clock in the assembly hail of the Union. Prof.Ed mund E. Day of the economics depart- ment will speak upon "Business and; the Engineer," while Col H1. W. Miller of the drawing department will. talk on "The Obligations of the Engineer." . Bartram and Saxton, the two Keith vaudeville singers that are appearing at 'the Majestic theatre th'e first part of the week, will also sing at the ban- quet, giving several selections. A band composed of junior engineers, IJ collected under the direction of WVil- lard Spanagel, '25E, will furnish music'for the affair. Other numbers will be on the prpgram. Tickets for the dinner, which will be placed on sale this morning at the Engineering arch are priced at $1.2<5 a relate. It is expected that more tharj 200 junior engineers- will attend the banquet. tLeo A. Cannon, '85E, has actedl as;. general chairman in arranging the program for the banquet. War Me m'ori al to Cost $,}f3400 Los Angeles, May 12-A war mem- orial building will be erected here! [by the county supervisors and the; jAmerican Legion, at a cost of $1,- 000,000, it is announced by Buron Fitts, former state commander of the_ Legions; political movement, linked closely~ to the movement for Senator Robert M. LaFollette for President, but sep-1I arato from the Republican party in the state. A call has been issued for a state-wide conference on May 18, to consider the formation of the Wiscon- sin Conference for Progressive Poli- tical Action. The meeting was called by persons known to be favorable to Senator LaFollette as a presidential candi- date. At the same time, endorsement of some candidate for the governor- ship other than Governor John J. jBlaine, incunb4'ent, is declared by leaders of the new movement' to be' likely, since the call is signed among others by Lieut. Gov. George F. Com- ings, a candidate for governor. Other announced Comings supporters also have signed the call, which includes 32 representatives of state organiza- tions and labor groups. 1 IFormation of a third party in the state was threatened some time ago by followers of Lieut. Gov. Comings. At first it, was said an entirely new party was, probable. It was decided by leaders of the movement, however,.1 to join in the national move for pro- gressive political action. The con- ference here, will determine whether the. state gTroup will join the nation- al organization; whether individual candidates for state offices will be en- dlorsed, andl whether an entirely se- parate state ticket will, be put in ,the field,,Accordting to its sponsors. More than 650 Mllchigan men and women attended the alumni banquet held recently at Chicago at which Ed- win Denby, '96L, gave the principalf address, speaking on "The University and the National Defence." Sg'A T Don't Forget to Voter I Y STCMBmkeih hi sa cme in any style you like even after it has? just been washed. STACOMB-the original--has been used for years by stars of stage and screen-leaders of style. .,.Write today for free trial tube.r Tubes-35c>'- Jars-75c , I _JHI rT' S Insist on STACOMB-in the black; yellow and gold package. For sale at your druggist or wherever toilet goods are sold. - Standard Laboratories, Inc.ti.- I, {t$Ma 'i r. 1' 13West 18th Street, New York City oo,$7. Sezsd coupont for Free Trial Tuba. $1.10 All Se=1 STANDARD LABORATORIES. Inc. I11S West 18th 5St., New York City. Dept. 1 1 Ade #1 Read T~ jitney Thneatre A IN TH.IS eENTURYS CROWNIN1G COMEiDY AC H i Y E MN T !^ r o N Mz a v i s U R DAIYAI, 1MAYf 17 21iEuOAKS CLEVEREST COMEDIANi 14 h, ILAi2IQUS NITCHY" (MONDPIM56LF LI] L3] KARL ROBERTSON MILTON PETERSON (Vote only for your department) LITERARY VICE PRES. LI t LI 7 J ROBERT IHALSEY H-ARRY WV. McCOBB FRANKLIN R. SMITH JOHN P. BROMLEY ENGI1NEERNG VICE FPRES. I] RUSSELL S. SCRIBNER L1] CHARLES W. MERRIAM I CI 1 Oratorical Association (Enitire Campus Vote) PRESIDENT FRANK H-. BACKSTROM ELMER SALZMAN MILLARD H. PRYOR WALTER E. PEAR VICE PRESIDEM'T BURTON B. SIBLEY MELVIN H.. SPECTER WILLIAM C. DIXON SECRETARY is Daily r"Clasified" Columns Filled in Order t Jecve-M'f~il !ow--Pries for LI )wer [{ah 0133y, front, ;2.20; 5e( ond %ec'foft, ,16;remiainder ;It" Reewrved. 3 1 3 CI CI 1 'LAW, VICE PRES. ROBERT V. RICE ARTHUR M. SMITH WALTER VELDE CARL E. ENGGAS MfEDIC VICE PRES. [I BEATA WAGNER [] F LIZABETH VAN BURGH Patronize Daily Achertiserg.--Ad(v. Daily classified for real results. I 1 Supplort Me Fresh Air Camp lDon't Forget to Vote VALKHN- . , d TREASURED I1 ALBERT SAWYER [ ] JAMES J. DUNN ([] BURTON E. HYDE CO¢MIiNED VICE PRlES. Don 't Forget to See I [ II] WILLIAM CUSICK JACK P. BEUKEMA Board in Control of Athletics (Entire Campus Vote) (Vote for three onlty) THE GRAY MOUSE Turn IntMo _' Jiutterfly i Studen ouni [ ] IRWIN F. DEISTER [1GEORGE'S. HAGGARTY [ ] ARTHUR 0. GRAVES ]EDWARD E. MIURANEi .,'~j I Whitnaey Theatre 'Frill3*;May (All M.en Vote) 7 g Tickets at Wabr's -rr-- ~PRE SIDEINT~ l i V s ]I EDWARD M. FOX I]ALFRED B3. CONNABLE SENIOR REPR'ESENTATIIVES (Vote for three only). Board in Control of Student Publications (Entire'Canmpus Vote) (Vote for three only) Ii tI ] 7 1 EUGENE L.- DUNNE JOHN G. GARLINOHOU SE WILLIAM W. KERR CHARLES W. °MERRIAM JOHN A. SABO IRf WIN F . DEISTER [ LI [ C 7 I 1 EVERETT G. UPJOHN JOHN A. SABO CARROLL B. JONES EUGENE L. DUNNE JOHN G. GARLINGHOUSE THOMAS E. FISKE. EDGAR H. AILES PERRY M. HAYDEN .jI, IOR REpjtRESE'NTATIVES (Vote for three only) CI LI 1 .1 1 FRANCIS W. DAVIS LEE W. ENSEL JOSEPH J. FINN KENNETH C. KELLAR 11OWARD A. TURNER WILLIAM T. COLMAN Ceering Section Referendum (All Men Vote) Do you favor an optional cheering section in the center of the South Stand comnposed of: [I ] 1. Male students from all classes L] 2. Male Students from sopho- more and upperclasses only LI ] Do' you favor retention of the present seating system with a freshman cheering section> in the West Stand. -Ao Varsity Cheerleader 3 (Entire Campus Vote) ROBERT L. LEOPOLD LYMAN J. GLASGow - '.. ....r... :, p. Anything. from a Card to a Book Serbice and Quality at Jioderate Prices, is Our M'onto. 'r mJlr Better impres5sions" OVER THE ARCADE THEATRE ACROSS FROM 'I HE CAMPUS Phone 269-M _- a .r .'. - - ar w a coladapelnlylsrus-ctM ovrtm-tidpters-ttce-ok ' livNeA otheEale tslear AKEagle BETTER--six-buttoned-ceniter-plaited_ - to the bottom. White and solid colors. aA J. F. Wuerth Co. Your progress is measured by what you save, not what you earn. SAVINGS DEPT. OF THE FIRST NATIONAL ES (Oldest Nation2al Bank in Michigan.) MYAIN STREET AT HURON TANK rA Fresh Stock of FILMS TT CTr'I T