THE MICH IGAN DATLY7r to Camp Showsl growth in Short TieI Campus Leaders Conference 3 1 t ,F pr of the University of Mich- staying at the University during theI sh Air Camp would go back summer months, anid O~ho would be ar 1921. interested- in acting as leaders at thisy ~ed. for somne sort. of lnstltu- institution for one or two of the ses-s :ake care of the unfortunate 1I is are asked to report to Mr. Rel- a of the city of Detroit, and mnenn, at Lane Hall, where facts, con- l [ng cities, was made appar- cerning costs and other necessary in-I1 tie~ officers of the Student Thfrmation will be available.c iassocation by Lew is G. i - IGin~ I'1921, anit is Ientirely LBOY PSYC'HOL G its initiative that the institu- E gowto take an the~ prepor- P. r an occasional new slant at boyt Lt i has Mr Reia~IT hI psychology, no man could find better these years been .ivgli his~ fie-lds than the Fresh Air camp offers. an~d all of his time~ for tie !Oe leader at last year's. section tells ! iumer. periods to this campIthis incident:I< payandhascreteda secal Snday, morning is church day at tl~e Student Christian s55oci- rhip: Everybbge o hrhi hiandle the camp and to~ tale iPnckney; {h Catho~lic boys being the institution for the comingi taken by' Pinkney villagers in. automo-,; its service. biles to and from the situ.. As tboey, [rst camp was on the shore called in time for morning mass, the Huron, and not~ more than. routine work was left to the other. s from' Detroit were present,J boys, which caused' subdued miumb-. aciliies at that' time were in- i ling. (There was a severe penalty e for any larger attendanice. awaiting the grumbler at camp.) The, ra special day was set aside Protestant-:boys are taken in the camp Univrsty as a~ University ct' track to, church. nF. resh Air Camp Tag~ Day, After the services were out the boys ugh money was collected in returned to camp as they had left, the nner to carry on and to ex- Catholic boys arriving first. As soon e. camp to include 500 boys the others arrived there arose the . owng summer months. "chgff; that frequently occurs be- led as a definite part 'of the k tween youngsters of different creeds. n for 'funds is the sending of~ One of the remarks that tumbledC ed booklets to, all alumni and forth from a long-silent kid was thi2 : ,ho might be' interested and in. "Why are there Catholic iddsan ner ecansiderable outside sub- Protestant kids ?" And the answer! ns are collected.' The Student camne from a little colored boy,' in all in associationi also is able to seriousness: "just because Godt wants ne finance to the grand total, Catholics and Protesta~.s." as been found'that with all of 'Which may exemplify the opening ources. of money the Student' statement. n association' has 'been able to ____________________ everything; connected' with they \ on., and. has never contracted concerning the camp which it { n unable to Meet. The annual Campus. Leaders con- l and talks by men prominent in their ference, which for the past several field~s of endeavor are to be a special year ha ben oganied nde th feature of the program. The purpose aiuspices of the. Student Christian as- o hsisiuini omk o'il sociation, and has been held at Cam pjoftiiniuinisomaepsbl Birkett, Just north of here, will be a closer discussion and cooperationr held this year at' the new Fresh Air ewnth vaiu grpsado eam~p of thiatI organization, located at foste r cram pus activities by turning Patterson Fake, accord'lng to ain an- cBthei i'o the correct channels. nioulicement magde ,recently by Charles1 M oteor carsI are to be secured for A. Sftevens, '26~; chliiap of the s'tu- 'lite trip, up -and .back, and 'the date d ~n~ cmmit~d in ~ Ti~ r c t is . ay 18, one week from today. rd elnent Baa nudepossible~ 'by the Thl':, date ws selected after today in atonof Mr, LT,. eiann, I -A Kee~n previously chosen, as the' .woas an officer of the association 'hs co11litiig arrangemints of other ac- doni lete charge o6f the Frs Air tiv;,tios mutiae ,this date impossible. cn '' Itiat:n s ' iave not as yet been ~l4dadet's fromw all blranches of stui- jc'toul1,] h~ugli the 'completed list d1°nt activity. at the1i University are to iof inv I'het< ';a bean compiled by the be present at tale annual discussion, 'ccinitt ce in charge. intc be' T tiey will thiE to othe proper paths they would not the crimnals they are today? Chat the w~ork of the Student Chris- nassociation in the Fresh Air camp, Ihave a tremendous effect upon ssituation, and have the tendency relieve the future generations of the care for these people, and will eventually help in lessening the crimes of the nation? !That by supporting the canmp in its tag dlay you are hel ping in the Avork of improving the general condition of mankind. IF, you do know these 'things, It should be a pleasure for you to sup-. port the Fresh Air Camp to your utt- most ability. "Jimmie the adtaker" sells anything quickly.-Adv. r Whitn ey Theatre Saturday, May 17 .w . . - I lp. GOJH.IpreAIend..rM.WL THE WHOLD WIDFV WO=anS FAVaPIa E ONrOV WARLOUS' O I E C±, {. } } 4 4,,"... ''i TURTLE EXCHANGE Betore the camp v s acday old, there was staged a mnatch between a 'snap- Tlhe turtle,; slowest qu~adruped afloat,. per" (o about ten inches diameter and is one of the cliie4. diversion of the! a little 'mapper about the size of ft camp kid. Ever'y boy m kes a point docllar. After it wa~s all over, anid thic, of collecting two or three turtles dur- ; GSo'n-Orto i~ ad died away (Which ing his stay at camp, and one of the' was the newt dadv) some boy d'ragged= boys. had fourteen at once. They be E up the race as mneat for conversation.., came such a nuisance that. they had to! "A w," he said, "No wonder your° be ordered into the lake. They had 'turtle won. lie's bigger than mIne."' become the recognized medium of ex~ And it started all over, change, and much dissention arose.___ They traded off. their duties with turtles, and they counted their wealth D o You.k(ea12z 1 in the number. andl size of the discular' reptiles.-- O ,ne. of: tbhe clxief excitements c~fth' That th courts, the parochial> camp is 'the turtle. race. When 1the G chools, the prisons, and- all otheri sw im is over, the kids chase zip. t., state institutions, are filled with. un- the -tent row and get their tuirtles, fortunate e who are the victinnsJ from their hiding places'-, and race j of their own childhood? 11tin woile they, don their clothes. i That is, these Men had been guided ,- I '.: +.a~'~ 1' NOW, ?ermanient Siteonated il this year noting definite was 2As to the location Of the camp, ' was always a question in the ,of' the-leadrsI-as to just where] ext summer's, to be ~LWth ths, arrangement' no ie_ and lasting Improvements ppssiblas' the buiding of uent buldings and. of' otherwise letmn.&such an institution in the it should bef, would naturally' impracticable when all was to -be useless he fllowing su- However, the Fresh Air 'Camp 'ortun ate this is, in Being ho ent o-a donation of 70 acres of st. camp site in Michigan, to be for the exc uive purpose of a air cam7p, and, to be under the tine, management of the Student tian association.. s land is located in the Patter- ake. district, and consists of a koded, strip of 60 ares ,:com- y surr~iinded , with laks of all "'&nd el dpted' for swimming, Mrace of the land Is rolling, and "emn s'Iray0alreadoY'been cofl lfor thq billing of permanent mss, iIn tre form of. a kitchen,' ther needed buidings, while the of' preparing the ground, and of Wise' ggetting ,.it ready for the ng:session,, in the early part of is wll uaner ay, Several is of. studnts under the -lader- of Reimann, have been maln l tripsto =tle camp, and have wrkredat;puildin tae road, laylg: out of the plots, and 10- .the'tents. 4f'he arget number 041tme spent theSpring reces) a amp,; and 'their Work hlas aeady a # results' which are' thought to tisfaotgry by those in 'charge. G t p ~apaety Doubled, lr. tlw completIon of the plans he camp this yer the capacity ;he number of smmer terms to Id wll be ,more than dubed, Ac- t0 toDr, Reimaann, wh states he expects to be ,able 'to handle thanu151,0 children,, bth boys jirls, during; the course of. the tw oar 'three years. The camp we dividod. into sessions of ten 'each, and students wh will e ies H. Jaeger, member of the G. of phYaiciaizts ,rand surgeon. hlas proposed the development of 4al settlement composed of art- craftsmen, and members of the is professions. His idea would have a' symnpsium of reined and Yeducated families each co- jng to culture and recreation. ould have hs Utopia in some "wooded section, not too far from schools and near New York. Jaeger's, own attitude toward LIs best expressed in the fol- Sstatement: "We shall be in the ~ of : the pioneers, of the six- h: id& seventeenth centuries, in hef'taih, colonies, ble tocreate a unity, to translate .or dream 'bea tiful houses, curved tghf ares, instead of haing to t' hat our forbear plannied for 414 what ommrercialy_midd' Msate men hae forced upon us. iwho aJoin me will: be able to ise sef-expression in home Gn and will be assured of con- lneighbors of lke Inclinations." ii -,, ;, :, i : ' ALL SEATS SOLD BY MAIL-MAIL NOW Lower Floor, $2.75, includes tax. Balcony, First fouir rows, $2.20; Second' mainder $1.10. Enclose self-addressed envelope. foul $1.65; , Re- ______________________ ;F, 4- , .+ S j i _ , ' ;; , . . Now, bright days inducec one to lay aside spring 'attire, and, to don &j svweater-sIhirt costume for class and cam p~s nwear. If a languid afternoon finds one carefree and~ happy in a stroll on the Boulevard or up the river, there is no betier coslu me than 'that of skijrt anti sweater-. Far and, away the most imp port ant the-atricaIl event of~r 'the,- det ade! A B'ETTER AUND Y SERVICE SWEATERS- You'll like 'the "feel" of your shirts when you put them on, freshly laundered by White Swan. You'll. like their appearance, too.. Collars spotless anmd unwrinkled; fronts fresh and white, sleeves soft and clean. This weather especially calls for "good appearance" in your shirts.. Coats are often off. Warm days and sunshine. bring soft white shirts into their own. ' Choose New Styles for New Haunts "'When in doubt, wear a sw,~eater, seems to be the rule' among notably well dressed college womezi nowadays. The Sweater is firmly established as an essential part of the warm-weather wardrobe, and in some colorful, distinctively cut, daintily patterned guise' or other, is seen at every imagin- able gathering that is not distinctly formal._ You will find here approved versions of the golf, slipover, sleeveless, cricket and tuxedo styles.- Very New Quite in keeping with the warmer' days are the short (alnmost sleeveless) sweaters of silk and wool mix-, ture and very light weight wool at Modern scientifically. laundries like White Swan launder your shirts and "clothes There's less wear and tear, more thorough cleaning, more satisfaction. You can't afford not to let them do it. '1 $2.95. Send us your laundry this week: salesmen will call for it-deliver it. We'll guarantee to please you. Our y4 If you prefer you inay save 10 per cent by bringing it to our new station in the Press building. TELEP!HONE 165 ". < t ,.,: - ? } r ,! t . - . .4 t 4 t1 The Roshanara Pleated Skirt Is-Fit Companion for Sweaters.. The Roshanara skirt 'with its fine plaiting was designed especially for wear .With, the many~ sweaters that a college - Woman include's in her tifardrobe& and among the new ones will be found 'the very smartest. of skirts priced $7.95 to -$10.7i5. 11' f