VOLD. Xxxiv. Nca 163 FOUR PAGES ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, MONDAY, MAY 12, 1924 POUR PAGES Exi PRICE, F] II 1 Five mhen have entered the race for the, presidency of the Union on regu- lar,"nomlutition and two others will r runs for thle postion oni petitions. Fo- 1 loWing are'.a list of the credentials of( the candidtes certified to bzy the pre-(' f ident of to Union. Thomas Cavanaugh, '24, Union Ac-r tivities: ,assistant recording ecre- tary', recorder, chairman of registra tion 'committee, chairman of the An1 nouncenet committee, reception ommniittee, ezeu tve committee, chair- mnan of . the :fall °housing committee, BACKSTROM . PEAR chairman of the roomiing committee. _______ Frankilin J. Dlckma, '5,Union Ac tvtes: Fther'. Day' committee, RcrigS~rtr chairman pf FAtthei's Day, Uinion me- Milton Peterson, '25, Union Activi- moral committee,- Union opera cor- ties: assistant recordingsecretary, re- mnittee. Oter' Activities, chairman of corder, Mimes, Union opera, Fathers' Class °publicity ,ommrtittee, ;;class -social Day.committee, executive committee. co,mmttee, Michigan Daily (1). Other Activities: Chimes editorial Robert J. .Hummer, '25, Union Ac- staff, Michiganensan editorial staff. tivitles:~ chairman of house depart- Tiarl"Robertson, '25E, Union Activi- mient,.riascommittee of Union Fair, ties: assistant recording secretary, re- 'Uinion op ra stagemanager of Mimes corder, .eeutive committee. Other (heater, Father's Day committee, Deanj Activiies auditing committee of Cn- ates pbitrlt comminttee, executive gineerig class. commifttee. -Other activities: secretary Council Nominees o f thae Studient counci. , The qualifications for the candidates Char(liftles P. Livingtone, '25, Union on the bfallot for the presidency of the Antivties:, general chairman recep - Student council are as follows: [ ti0th dpartmuet, charman' of Booths Alfred B. Conable, Jr., 25, Student[ ttfdconesobs hitatUnion 'Fair, Union f -I chairman of faclt-student mixer re o couincil, night editor Micig'ari aily,1 corder of" recordling department, Dean Union opera committee, Union uppr-[ bates 'portrait committee, fall, recep- cls[dioycmiteeio rs- tionconmiteeUnin oera Miesman handbook, freshman' glee club, exctiv.ct te o ulOth eractMivimes:!Varsity glee club (2), publicity chair- execuive councl. Oher ativiies n an S C. A. (2). S, C. A. cabint (2). prestidet f the_ Comedy club, and Ewr .'o,'5,Sueteu- Chairman of the alumni grid graph ci 3edardneeFxng2EhSude commn-ee committee. '.SpneUno dl() giern'hnrcm tee Willrd '5Esecretary of