I rHE MICHIGAN DAILY FY oo, And WCBC Shatter ecordU In Long Radio Progr / COLUMUS GTS FIRSTRESULT OVER WIRELESS BELIEVE STATION MADE ' NEW 41 TIME FOR CONTINUOUS TRANSMISSION NEW DISTANCE MARK Columbus, O., May 10-First reports on the Ohio-Michigan dual track meet to reach this city today were the event-by-event bulletinsfbroadcast throughout the afternoon from station WCBC, Ann Arbor. Evanston, Ill., May 10--Northwest- ern students here who were unable to go to the Michigan-Northwestern baseball gagne played in this city this afternoon had the unusual experience of hearing the report of the game broadcast to them from more than 250 miles away when The Michigan Daily sent out bulletins from Ann Arbor, Mich. Broadcasting for more than three and a half hours yesterday afternoon, station WOBOC radioed a program o athletic results engineered by The Michigan Daily which is thought to have broken all previous college rec- ords for continuous transmission. Early reports indicate that station WCBC may also have set a new dis- tance mark for a university radio, it was believed last night. Beginning at 2:30 o'clock yesterday afternoon, The Daily furnished to beardrs in this city and all over the continent an almost unbroken stream of reports on the Michigan-Ohio State track meet going on at the 'time on Ferry iFeld, on the Micigan-North- western baseball game at Evanston, Ill., and on the annual Spring games between the sophomore and freshman classes. The results were "on the air" in every case-within a -few seconds after happening. A direct wire to Evans- ton -brought news of the baseball match while a similar connection with Ferry Field carried instantaneous re- ports of each' move in the dual track competition. Having swung into action not long after midday, station WCBC, under the direction of E. E. Dreese of the elec- trical enginering department, did not shut down its motors until after 6 o'clock. At a late hour last night re- ports dpntinued to pour in from ra- dioists 'n every part of the country who had heard the big program sent out by The Daily. Alter UniverityI Radio Quarters Extensive changes have been effect- ed in the radio division of the elec- trical engineering department quart- ers in the Engineering building. Uind~er the new arrangenwent the radio department will have rooms 193, 105,, 109 and 111 on the main floor of the building, giving the division a substantial gain over the size of their original quarters. Room 109 has been made the office headquarters and will probably be used for broadcasting purposes in place of room 104. Wiring connec- tions for this use have already been established between the room and the transmitting apparatus in rooms 103 and 105. Room 111 is being used at present as a general laboratory. The equipment for using the loud speak- ing device on the top building is now located here as well as a. radio re- ceiving set. Room 109 was originally the office of the Michigan Technic campus engineering journal. The small room previously used as a local studio has been merged with another and the new space will be occupied by the hydraulic engineers, it is believed. This work on room 104 is just being finished. The changes have necessitated the temporary dismantlement of portions of the apparatus of station WCBC, al- though reassembly in the new space is expected within a short time. What The Wild Waves Are Saying Radio Points past few monnth*s,vil0 be surprised to find their volume growing less during the next few weeks. The summer heat l is Ve cause and nothing is wrong with your set in all probability. One Tuesday's session of the Red Apple club, WCX Detroit, was a memorable one for Ann Arbor. None other than Sir Tom Lovell, poet, songwriter, archery official and thinker, was pres- ent at the weekly meeting and ren- dered that old favorite of his, "The Best of Luck to You." (The "Chief"' read off all his titles including a few we had never heard before.) * * * One of the most recent to realize of the power of the radioed word is Billy Sunday. While conducting a revival in Memphis, the Reverend W. A. Sunday delivered one of his peppy orations, minus the gesturing, from station WMC of that city. "Radio is really of more benefit to the farmer and others in the rural districts than to the man or womanf who lives in the city," says Prof. H. H. Musselman, head of the engineer- ing department of Michigan Agricul-" tural college at East Lansing. Pro- fessor Mussolman attributes this to the fact that farmers cannot with such ease get out to lectures, concerts and similar forins of instruction and en- tertainment as can be brought to his door through the radio. * * * Getting in line with the tendency of the time, Yale university will give a good deal ofattention to the subject of radio in a new '"communications"' course announced recently. . '* * * The settlement of the patent in- fringment suit between station WHN, New York, and the American Tele- phone and Telegraph company, has swamped the latter company with ap- plications for new stations. There are said to be at least six new broad- casters in prospect in the city of New York alone. "Community antennae" are a thing to be expected in the near future. Ex- periments in a smallnway have al- ready been successful in Chicago, a correspondent informs us. If you have surveyed the roofs of flat build- ings in that city from some such van- tage point as the elevated railroad you Headliners Programs TODAY 11:00 a. m.-KYW Chicago, 536 me- ters: Church services. 5:00 p. m.-WWJ Detroit, 517 me-: ters: Orchestra. 5:00 p. m.-WDAP Chicago, 360 me- ters: Organ recital. 7:30 p. m.-WWJ Detroit, 517 me- ters: Church services. 10:00 p. mn.-WE.AF New York, 492 meters: Cardinal Hayes, speak- er. MONDAY 3:00 p. m.-WWJ Detroit, 517: Or- chestra. 4:30 p. m.--WMA.Q Chicago, 447.5: Musical. 8:00 p., m.-WOC Davenport, 484: Musical. 8:00 p. m.-WGN Chicago, 370: Mu- sical. will immediately realize the necessity of some such arrangement. There are often as many as five or six aerials on one flat. I have counted 11, and ben told of an edifice said to boast 34. According to the community aerial' idea a number of neighbors would have lead-ins from the single big aerial. * * * I t ie largest broadcaistrs, iocatea in Don't allow dust to accumulate on Pittsburgh, estimated a few days ago condenser plates. Lint, particles of that signals between Ann Arbor and paper, dust and similar obstructions that city might be cut in half in vel- that are apt to fall on the plates tend tume by the time the mid-summer to alter the capacity and to hinder twe months arrive. best functioning of the condenser. * * flro1tR n i~ i j t 1 { , Students and alumni united, per- When a bulb set is not in use the d Y7 haps for the first time at an alumni filament circuit should be brolen in Time Difference banquet, when the annual affair at some place besides the rheostat, pre- Chicago was broadcast by station ferably at the cells. Maily of the rheo- Due to the importance of getting WMAQ, the Daily News, Friday even- stats supplied with receiving sets ar ; Irarious different time scales ing. Though the students were not defective and are easily left apparent- straight in the minds of radioists, yes- present in person, many of them en- ly shut off with a slight current as- l iay's issue of the Radio Digest toyed the program almost as much, caping into the bulb. contains the following schedule (sum- judging by reports. *i marized and adjusted for the use of * * * Amateurs are advised to use can- amateurs in this state): What caused the peculiar muffled tion in erecting tape aerials. This \hen it is 10 o'clock at night in quality of the voice of Art Herske, type of antennae is highly efficient b^- Ann Arbsr (Eastern Standard time): announcer. as he signed off a few cause of its large surface relative to . . . nights back from station WTAM was mass, but when used in places where t is 7 o'clock Pacific time, explained by letter which came in this a high wind may strike, it is apt toI .t is 8 o'clock Mountain, or Pa- m .cbreak because of the great wind re- daylight saving time. morning. It seems a neighboring ;bekbcueo h ra adr-IIt xi, 9 o'clock Central or Mountain confectioner had sent the station a sistance offered.k t big cake, measuring in fact 18 inches * * * i:light saving time. in diameter and 6 in height. Appar- n r t 1') o'clock (Ann Arbor) East- enty te szehadbee to mch or With warm weather near, radloats edrn, or Central daylight saving time. ently the size had been too much for a re also cautioned to keep B batter'es Emo eta algtsvn ie Art and had caused him to bite per- ra is 11 o'clock Eastern daylight sav- h ad isey cuscerthinmytoobite per- away from the strong sun and from ing time. haps wisely but certainly too well. particularly warm parts of, the room.' t is oclckth.ex mrnngi We have received a number of fa- athat rn rso eoo n o'clock the next morning in vorable comments on the article (o t tion and ultimate deadness of he bat- Engd. last Sunday by Z. S. Bailey on paying eries. aThe puffy btbbless observed en foil broadcasting. A new story by Mr. the surface of the sealing wax, will R o Motors Plan Bailey is now in preparation. sooner if the batte6ryIisstxposaRIadi ***to undue heat.Io Ins tall Radio The Ann Arbor Times News has * * * started a weekly iadio page. It ap-}Listeners, many of them at least, Another large broadcasting statiern pea* **Mondays. Who have just joiied th iranh sin te Will soon enter the crystal range of Pcrystal range of local amateurs, it was announced yes-'Local Impresario terday in Detroit. The new plant is being arranged by the Reo Motor Car Leads "Sing 'Fron company of that city and installationj. is expected to begin in the near fu- Radio Station WJ ture. Programs primarily of the enter- Ann Arbor radioists last night hea tainment type are in prospect although William Wade Hinshaw, owner of t officials are said to be seriously con- University Music house and produc sidering the broadcasting of adver- of the recent operas "Cosi Fan Tutt tising matter. and "The impresario" in Ann Arb leading a national radio "sing" frc Throat Lozenges station WJZ, New York. The brow casting was done from Aeolian h; ailed To W.L.A.G. 'in that city. This is the second attempt by I Minneapolis, May 10-Station WLAG Ilinshaw to "lead the world in son of this city confesses itself mystified. The first trial on March 27 was clai ed to be a marked success. Scores Each day they come, a little red box telephone calls and telegrams flood of throat lozenges addressed: "So- the radio station shortly after tU pranos, Station WLAG." Simply that. "sing" and reports from New York All efforts to learn the identity of the dicate that this first success was me critic, or friend, as the case may be, than duplicated last night. have failed and the singers in question are at loss to know whether the gifts are made in a spirit of encourage- "Jimmie the adiaker" sells anyth: I ment or rebuke. quickly.-Adv. i II 1, r ss cupa tion by ourr the habi 10:00 p. Pc 2:35 p. Cc 7:00 p. 0 8:00 p. si 10:00 p. ni 5:00 p. Cc 7:00 p. si+ 8:00 p. si, 9:00 p. C] 10:15 p. .Gsb Gra m agents nave found a new oc-' in the radio game. Judging mail, every big station has got it and got it bad. m.-WLW Cincinnatii, 301 : opular R euricg FRIDAY,- ttr z m.-WMAQ Chicago, 447.5 m.-IKIaj A Pittsburgh, 326: By a ranking tennis player of the West who has had five . operetta. years experience restri ging rackets for Wright and Ditson in m.-I(GN Chicago, 370: Mu- c, popular and classical. Chicago. m.-KYW Chicago, 536: Mid- = ight revue. SATURDAY m.-WBZ Springfield, 337: oncert. m.-WCX Detroit, 517: M1\i-G Gcal.ECONNE L L m.-WGN Chicago, 370: Mu- 2 [cal. m.-WMAQ Chicago, 447.5: 325 S. 5th Ave. Phone 2420-W hicago theater revue. .l-KU Chicago, 536: Late Work Called for and Delivered 24 HOUR SERVICE duaterc ruic'chool Gives Recital We Call'it Tourist Baggage Insurance -hut it applies to a week-end trip as 5urely as it does to a whole year of travel. Tourist Baggage Insurance protecls you from loss on your investment in baggage that is 1o3t, damnged or stolcn on trains, in ,the h nds of transportation companies or in hotels. Tourist Baggage Insurance is one of the most inexpensive forms of property protection we offer-and very practical protection at that, Butler Insurance Co. X01 1St Nat'l Bank Bldg. Consult Your Insurance Agent As You Would Your Lavwyer or Doctor Phone 401-M TUESDAY 9:45 a. m.-WWJ Detroit, sical. 2:35 p. m.-KYW Chicago, sical. 517: Mu- 536: Mu- 4:00 p. m.-WDAF Kansas, 411: Mu- sical matinee. 5:04 p. m.-WWJ Detroit, 517: Early baseball scores. 8:00 p. m.-WGN Chicago, 370: Chi- cago Musical college program. 10:00 p. m.-WCX Detroit, 517: Red Apple club session. WEDNESDAY 4:15 p. m.-WCX Detroit, 517: Mu- sical with early scores. 7:30 p. m.-WTAQ Chicago, 447.5: Music. 8:00 p. m.-KYW Chicago, 536: Mu- sical. 8:00 p. m.-WGN Chicago, 370: Mu- sical, popular and classical. 1:00 a. m.-WGN Chicago, 370: Pro-- gram for Donald B. MacMillan at North Pole. THURSDAYj 4:00 p. m.-KYW Chicago, 536: Stu- dio program. 7:00 p. m.-WCX Detroit, 517: Mu- sical. 8:00 p. m.-WGN Chicago, 370: Pro- gram by Sigma Alpha Iota so- rority. One of the most interesting student recitals that has occurred in New York in the past month was that of Thomas E. Dewey, '23, for four years artist pupil of William Wheeler of the School of Music, and now studying under Percy Rector Stephens, a prominent basso of New York, who numbers among his pupils Reinald Werrenrath and Paul Althouse, both of the Met- ropolitan Opera Company. The re- cital, as reviewed in a recent edition of the Musical Courier, was interesting and promised great things for the young basso. His first public appearance in New York, Dewey presented a program of German, French, Italian, and English numbers. Beginning with Beethoven's magnificent In Questa Tomba Obscura, he next sang Heydn's She Never Told Her Love, and Handel's Si tra i cappi.' Four Schubert songs followed, An die Musik, Der Doppelganger, Heid- enroslein, and the famous Erlkonnig. His big aria, the Vision Fugutive from Massanet's Herodiade was greeted with great applause. Dewey sang this famous aria in his last appearance in Ann Arbor. The program was closed by two short English groups, three Rachmin- off songs, and "The Song of the Tink- er," which was written for the singer by Max Ewing, '23, while both were attending school here. DAILY CLASSIFIEDS BRING BIG RESULTS- ON LITTLE INVESTMENT You'r aff Laund ry 'II rs A -s Wa Y to solve P-roble, Quality of work taken for granted, con- venience is always an important thing to con- sider. When you send your clothes to VARSITY you receive the best possible serv- ice modern laundry methods can, provide. Phone us tomorrow. Let the promptness and courtesy of our service be a revelation to you. HI It's true efficiency to use Classifieds.-Adv Diaily Cinema (Continued from Page Thirteen) Carlton Griffin is the villian without whom no good story could speed along to a happy ending. In "Girl Shy" Harold Lloyd introduces himself as a' bashful country boy who is trying to make a secret study of the opposite sex. The spectacled comedian in this picture gives to the public his initial independently made Pathe comedy. Claire Windsor and Kenneth Harlan in "The Little Church Around the Cor- ner" is announced for an early show- iii 11111 III I II111 ii ll1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 1111111111111 i - aC SWe specialize in blouses, sweateYP rs Sand hosiery. Phones 20 76 or 2077 Orpheum a FCltr ... a ... ; I ) . . .. , .., , . THE I