THE MICHIGAN DAILY Usual YOU TOO, by Roger Burlinga lished by Scribner', $2.00. Reviewed by Norma Bick] "You Too," the title in itseil cinating. The -fascination half-way through the book a without evident reason, it dies the end of the first half the stolid and usual. Occasionall points drift in but there is no the spontaniety of the first ha The story deals with Gail, a er who possesses a sense of Through the death of his fathe herits an income large enough port him comfortably until hec duce a novel. He goes to as resort and falls in love with who has a step-mother. The c exhortations of the step-moth Gail into advertising work. B comes his god, producing bu vocation. Gradually his work4 him so thoroughly that hen his wife. Jealousy and dissen low. Gail's wife leaves him bu the book ends Gail is confid he can win her again. There is a definite force an to the character of Gail. Mu wife, is not consistent throughi step-mother is admirable. The best touch in the who comes in the next to the lastc Gail, despairing because his w left him, decides to drown1 Just as he prepares for the p gigantic yellow sign flashes ac river, "It Floats." Gail's sers mor saves his life. POSION IVY REJVIEW Though the trills of feathered song- sters, the deepening green of the fields the wisp, has attracted people throug and all the signs of newly-awakened,. Th ahicopea nrougfspring invite you to venture far out the ages. The Philosopher's Stone is in the country, yet be sircumspect in a hypothetical substance which, ac-; your wanderings for lurking in dis-I re. Pub- cording to the mediaeval alchemists,y guise, the fateful poison ivy lies in would convert all baser metals into wait or just such nature lovers. :nell gold. To the wide and unremitting The tell-tale triad of leaves has not f is fas- search for it'according to this inter- et elo-edl ot hedxo s weed, extends pretation, we are indebted for the yet deveioped on the obnoxious weed, nd then birth of the science of chemistry, as making it difficult for the novice to .. Fthebirthofrhmanycieneoheins ry distinguish it, and in consequence he b.From w l las for many inventions.n who stoops to pluck a crocus or per- book is Later the elixir of life came to be an chance an early violet is liable to y subtle extension in meaning of the Philoso- suffer great torment. A crocus or olonger pher's stone. After the 13th century' violet is not at all exclusive in its alf. a mystic and esoteric interpretationi siletin o neigbors nxouv mate how dream- seems to have been applied to morals, detrimental the neighbor may be to humor. the stone bringing the wearer wis- human hands or arms. r he in- dom and virtue, purifying the soul. s to sup- ; Mr. Larsen uses it as symbolic of the can pro- faith for which the various characters summer which people his pages are groping. It' a girl is the strange byways of thought andCi:e m onstant action into which these people are led er force by their search that forms the nar- unk be- rative of "The Philosopher's Stone". unk his absorbs] neglects Sion fol- ut when ent that: d depth riel, his out. The le book chapter. wife has himself. lunge a ross the e of hu- Arcade H- __ _In his latest motion picture, "Tri- umph", Cecil B. De Milie returns to Th Critics An*;the type of modern society drama in which he scored his earlier and most * idecided successes. Leatrice Joy, the I __ heroine, is loved by two men. She starts in the world of business as a humble factory forelady and becomes It is a singular fact that whenever a famed opera singer with two worlds anything appears in literature which at her feet. And yet wealth and fame contains any element of novelty or are not enough until-Fate tumbled originality, there is the widest diver- one man, Rod La Rocque, from a mil- sity among critics as to its value. lionaire's fortune to a park bench. Some are for carving a niche for it Fate sweeps the rival, Victor Varconi, immediately in the walls of posterity. from overalls to a limousine and per- Others, in biting phrases, consign it fumed pajamas. But through the vicis- to the garbage pail. A writer like Carl situdes of the two men's fortunes, one Sandberg can precipitate more fights thing remains constant-their love for than half a dozen Kaisers. Why is the girl. Upon which lover does Fate this so? Why is there an almost finally smile? unanimous lack of unanimity in opin- Pola Negri comes to the Arcade on ion concerning anything which' has a Friday and Saturday in "Montmarte",J touch of freshness, a taste of the orig- a picturization of Hans Muller's "The inal? Flame." The answer almost invariably comes that no two critics agree upon a truly Ma.jestic original work because no two human j "The Fighting Coward", produced Empty Hands EMPTY HANDS, by Arthur Stringer. Published by Robbs Merrill, $2.00. Reviewed by Robert S. Mansfield At last a novel of adventure with enough plot and general interest to make it worth reading! Arthur Stringer has avoided the college and has journeyed as far as possible frm the social whirl in seeking material for his latest novel, "Empty Hands," and has built a book which does him credit. I enjoyed "Empty Hands" from start to finish despite the evident impossibility of it at various points in the story. Handling only two main characters throughout the body of the book, the author has stolen a point of interest from the Greek tragedy, and has made a success of it as well as Dickens made his success through the apparently nuimberles.s characters of his novels. "Empty Hands" is thes tory of a man and a woman who are thrown to- gether, cut off from civilization, as a result of the man's attempt to rescue the woman from drowning in a swift mountain stream. Scarcely knowing e ch other, and cast ashore far down the canyon without even a vestige of clothing between them, they face the wilderness life empty handed. The man is,,fortunately, a skilled woods- man, and his progress in the fight against the primitive conditions sur- rounding them can be called nothing less than phenomenal. Mr. Stringer has stretched a ooint here, but his minute description of every piece of work accomplished by his hero dulls, in the reading, the racr of hnpos- sibility.. Claire Endicott and Shomer .Grim- shaw are at the outset very unlike characters to the casual glance. I could not help but admire the mastery of Mr. Stringer ,in bringing the':two widely diffre ntiated minds together. An athletic girl who is woefully in- competent at everything but swim- ming and similer sports and a man who has spent his life in the undevel- oped sections of the world as an en- gineer, and who is undeniably a wo- man hater, aren ot likely to under-' stand each other nor feel particularly enthusiastic ov'er the abilities of the other. The building of the home in the wilderness brings them closer to- get her, and at the same time rein- forces the iwall tha.t must come be- tween them. Claire is the daughter of the man who employs Grimshaw, and he, with an unlooked-for restraint feels himself laboring in his employ- er's inteersts in saving his daughter and trying to restore her to civiliza- tion and safety. Claire has no such enlarged. ideals, and when she finds herself falling in love with her com- panion acts much as one would expect a primitive woman to act. Mr. Stringer knows whereof hE writes, and he describes scenes and incidents in the forest life which could be told by no one who was not famil- iar with th'e subject. The story is sc typically imaginative as to seem al- most real. It is the first book of pure- ly fictional adventure which has ap- pealed to me, and I found it refresh- ingly different from the recent run of books which I have read. It is not a new theme, but it is a new treatment of an old one, and while it may never be a best seller, it will provide active interest, however brief, for those who read it. THE PRIZE NOVEL nort n Fat.ller anid r _ a , IIv v minds are alike. Yet, all of these same by the man who made "The Covered critics agree on some things. They Wagon", James Cruze, and featuring all bow to Shakespeare, Smollett, Ernest Torrence, Mary Astor, Noah Fielding, Jane Austen, Dickens, Tho- Berry, Phyllis Haver and Cullen Lan- mas Hardy, and a host of others. If dis, is showing at the Majestic today human minds did not work alike to a through Wednesday. The production certain extent this would never be so. is the Picturization of Booth Tarking- There would be the same fights over $ ton's "Magnolia", a southern love Shakespeare and Aristophanes that comery-drama. It is a story of the we witness now over Vachel Lindsay Mississippi before the Civiil War. and James Joyce. Richard Dix is featured with Lois The commonest criticism of new Wilson in "Icebound", which comes to writers is that people can't under- the Majestic on Thursday. The pic- stand them. People say, "This doesn't ture was awarded the Pulitzer prize mean anything to me," or "What's this for the best American drama of the all about, anyway?. Their chief past season. Bartram and Saxton, criticism, then, is not in what the who will be remember as having en- writers have to say, but in their way tertained us with their song melodies of saying it. But words, after all, are last fall at the Majestic will make a nothing but symbols for ideas. They return engagement this week. mean nothing in themselves. So, when a writer has something new to Wuerth say, he must give new meanings to Girls, here, there, everywhere. Short his words, must twist and distort theni ones, tall ones; blond and brunette; to agree with his ideas. The reading flappers and vamps-girls of every public (including the critics) has be- kind and description! Picked by a come used in the meantime to the old beauty expert! No wonder Harold manner of expression. Then, when was "Girl Shy"-surrounded on every something new appears it gropes # hand by such a crowd of pulchritude blindly around in search of the key and pertness. And The Girl is Jobyna to the puzzle. Finding the key, it Ralston, the little seventeen-year-old lauds; failing in its search, it con- miss who starred in "Why Worry". demns. (Continued on Page Fifteen) Historical Non-Fiction A trains The Limelight I I . r . Remember Mother! See her face beam with joy at your thoughtfulness. Make her great; big, loving heart throb with happiness---on this day set aside for her reverence. Mothers don't ask for much in this great world---and too often they get less. The older we get, the more we realize this and how much we truiyowe them. Mother nature is to get joy from gmivng---from self look for anything in return. safi ce. eT don't A LASTING GIFT THE FABULOUS FORTIES. By ea de innigerode; published byl Plrtam, $ 3.50.l Reviewed by Robert S. Mansfield. Back to the days of P. T. BarnumI back to the time of Dickens' visit to kmerica, back to the decade when; Vew York was beginning to feel its ;neatness and to form its "400", Meade Winnigerode has carried his readers ,)ver three quarters of a century to 'iew the customs of their national an- :estors. "The Fabulous Forties" is -ell named,-they were fabulous in io small sense of the word, and yet I wonder, as I read the book, if our day lnd age may not be as. easily made lu- licrous some seventy-five years henceI uiuman nature changes little, but noral standards and habits of living ,hange with each sunrise, and theS iuman nature of 2000 A. D. is very ikely to laugh at the idiosyncrasies of .he smug, self satisfied life of 1924. From the drama of the period hrough two presidential campaigns, :ontemporary literature, habits of 'ome life, patent medicines and num- )erless other phases of th'e life of the 1840s, Mr. Minnigerode wends his seemingly aimless and highly inter- sting way. He deals with the period n a half amused, half patronizing at- .itude, spicing the pages at pleasingly °requent intervals with quotations rom diaries, letters and newspapers >f the day. Hand bills of entertain- 'nents are reproduced in fasimile, and the more primitive methods of adver- tising by appeal to what are now con- sidered childish emotions are highly amusing to an up to date reader. The illustrations are all made from woodcuts and engravings of the per-. iod, and are fairly numerous through- out the work. Fashion plates from Gody's "Ladies Book", a magazine of fashion of the period, are fully as ex- aggerated and impossible as those oft the present day. Historical cuts, evi- dently from newspapers and maga- zines, appear from time to time, ample evidence of the sensational cravings! DANCING." If, in 1844, one were "so unfortunate as to have contracted the low hat it of smoking, one must prac- tice it under certain restrictions, at least so long as you are desirous of being considered- fit for civilized so- ,ciety." Journalism of the period is quoted freely, and the tendency to lengthy accounts of festivities is well shown. After reading several of these ex- cerpts in succession, I feel that the de- cade could well be called the "age of the adjective." Under the chapter hea: of "Prodi- gies and Tambourines", Mr. Minnige- rode has discussed the character of the entertainments in the '40s. Negro minstrels were particularly popular, one troupe which planned a stay of a few weeks at Mechanics' Hall on Broadway remained there nine years and eleven months. These troupes went about under various high-sound- h ing titles, among them: CHRYSTY'S far famed and original band of ETHIOPIAN IINSTRELS and the hand bills spoke of their "unique and chaste performances" as having been "patronized by the elite and fashion of all the principal cities of the Union." With a vivid account of the gold rush of 1849, Mr. Minnigerode brings his book to a close. I closed the book somewhat regretfully. It is non-fic- tion, to be sure, but I feel that it ranks in interest with that remarkable non-fiction work "Galapagos" by Wil- liam Beebe which has so taken the literary world. "The Fabulous For- ties" reads like a. series of short stor- ies, but never neglects historic facts for the sake of interest. It is a com- preh'ensive treatment of a famous period in the history of our country, and deserves a wide reading by all American citizens. Support the University of Michigan Fresh Air Camp! The cost of sending one child to the camp for one of the, lowers fade, even the thoughts of a telegram or letter die away as time passes, but the returns from a few shares of the Michigan Mutual Savings Association will remind her .elk on every dividend day of your thoughfuhness. Phone for a representative to call and explain the difference between risky "stock" a1d a safe security tblat we cen offer. Cnly a limited umber of memberShips 1'emain. The grw of the Michgan 1 utuaSavings Associahton Ias been rapid in Ann Arbor, but the books will sil be open for those who apply within the next few days. Do not delay until it is too late, but see us at once. M Mutual lfidmmmb ft Almtk A s J. r Larsen's "The Philoso- ne" which won the $14,000 prize is being sent to the Alfred A. Knopf for a sec- printing a week in advance ion. Written in Danish, it Phones 598. 64-M 121 E. WASHINGTON