THE MICHIGAN DAILY 11111 1A d *+ a t I =1 - . . The Campus And The Theatre The J'ubfor and Senior Girls',carneful handling of massed effcct4) much romantic action. Some six- By Marion Barlow 1ty or more girls have been given parts 'Music!" The weary -pianist re- in it. ands doggedly. Chorus number This week the campus is manifest- irteen comes tripping in, similes ing interest in a new dramatic ven- llectively, and tries to remember ture, which likewise concerns Prof. at to do next. Brumm. The Playmakers, which in- No! No- shouts the director. "Stop cludes in its membership a large num- Now listen! Try to imagine thath ber of students, faculty members, and£ the aggregate you represent a townspeople, will make their initialG oru-ngt a o rsn appearance before the general public orus-not a flotilla of crippled sub- atthe Whitney Theater this coming trines. A real, live chorus. Say I to yourself-'Day by day' you Friday. Tre play, a three act social ow how it goes. Just think you comedy, was written by Prof. Brumm. n do it, and maybe you can. I It presents the story o, a charming nno. We have music for a purpose. young flapper, who havng made in-£ sets the time. Now see what you tehlgent observation of the misadven- a do. This is the easiest chorus in tures in matrimony on the part of her e whole show..-but it is absolutely I'rather colorless parents, has no illus-4 e worst I have ever seen! Music!" lions about married life. Sheunder-1 A Junior Girls' play rehearsal is on. takes to manage affairs for her hap-¢ 'ofessor John L. Brumm is directing. !less parents. Once awakened, how- e balances himself iu a chair at the lever, father and mother take things ge of thes tage, the chair tipped gingerly into ther ownhands-just citk precariously, threatening at any as friend daughter schemed that they oment to topple over into the orches- should. Though the play is a light a pit below. But it has never top- .comedy, it carries an undercurrent of ed. Breathless expectation has potential tragedy. ver been rewarded. The Playmakers have been carry- It must be a terrifying job to direct Iing on their work during the past{ e Junior Girls' play. There are year in a remodelled barn, their own iywhere from eighty-five to one hun- property. Their programs have con 'ed and sixty performers in it. Many sisted of the presentation of original them are temperamental-or think one act plays. They afford an author ey are. Temperament is always the opportunity of having his plays 'mething of a trial for a director. So i produced before a friendly audience shouts at them, and thus conceals I of fellow playmakers, pledged to help- e fact that he is terrified. And pres- ful criticism. Prof. Brumm's is the Itly he is not terrified any more-- first three act play to be offered by 1ly dreadfully insistent that every- them. The cast consists of some of dy in the show.,'sh'all do precisely I the best dramatic talent on the cani- .e thing required of her. And most- pus. Growing interest in the Play- r she does'iit. Temperaments dis- makers activities gives promise of ipa.And, in the course of four the early fulfillment of a dream-the r six weeks, order has been wrought ' possession of a real community play- it of chaos, and the show is ready I house. Prof. Roy W. Cowden, of the r public presentation, a finished rhetoric department, is president of ling-the most ambitious dramatic the organization. erformance offered by the women Every year the report is given out iring the college year. that Prof. Brumm has definitely de- Producing a successful Junior Girls' i cided not to direct any more plays, lay means that the director has to and every years thus far he has ap- solve himself into a benevolent ty- peared at the appointed time to take lt, and shout to get things done. charge of rehearsals. It would seem, hings have to get done. It is some-' however, that this year's announce- ing of a strain on the director, of men will hold good, for he and his nurse-on the girls, too. This year family expect to spend next year ie ,director succumbed to a severe abroad, living chiefly in Paris, but tack of tonsilitis and took to his travelling about the continent and in ed just one week before the dress 1England as opportunity offers. Ile ehearsal. But hie got out of his bed will make a study of European editor- ad *ent to the dress rehearsal, a ial practice. egaphone in one hand, and a throat Quite naturally, the campus is won- pray in the other, and all evd'ning dering what will happen toithe Junior asped direction in a hoarse whisper. Girls' play in his absence. The spirit 'he cast and choruses of "Thank which has prompted him to give it ou, Madam," will long remember the his most loyal service during the past pectacle presented by their afflicted nine years, will not easily be engen- irector as he tried to crowd a week's dered elsewhere. And it is to be pre- )ss of training into a final dress re- sumed that Prof. Brumm will regret earsal. the necessity of relinquishing dramatic teStage Whitney A distinct theatrical novelty is an- nounced for the Whitney Theatre Sat- uirday, Mlay 17, when that interesting comedian, Raymond Hitchcock, comes in the stellar role of -Don Marquis' New York success, "The Old Soak." Mr. Hitchcock has become so closely identified with musical concoctions that his appearance in a straight com- edy will be the occasion for enthusi- asm among his legion of admirers. Tjlhe departure has been brought about through the knowledge that the star is so thoroughly equipped for legitimate comedy characterization, and the fact that the author has evolved a role that precisely fits the unique method of the comedian. The engagement of Mr. Hitchcock for this season's tour lends additional interest to the production, because it is con- ceded that "Hitchy" has no equal as an exnonent of stage drollery and is pa-ticularly brilliant in portrayals of homely types such as Clem Hawley in "The Old Soak." Garrick "The Bat," the most spectacular success ever presented on the Ameri- can stage, will be seen at the Shu- bert Michigan Theatre beginning Sun- day, May 18, for the first time in its history at popular prices. "The Bat" was written by Mary Roberts Rinehart and Avery Hopwood. Although both of its authors have earned undying fame in the world of letters, "The Bat" is the greatest work which has ever come from. their pens. Produced under the management of Wagenhals and Kemper, "The Bat," has swept through the country, scor- ing phenomenal successes in cities of every* size. Nothing tells the success of "The Bat" better tha'n the actual record of wh-at it has achieved in the theatre. It was, played for more than two years in New York; for more than a year in Chicago; for one entire season in Lon-; don, Boston and Philadelphia. It has been seen by 6,000,000 persons and has turned in over $2,000,000 in earnings to its owners. The prices for the showing in De- troit are as follows: Evenings, 50c up to $2; popular matinees Wednesday and Saturday, 50c and $1. Mail orders will receive immediate attention. En- close a self addressed envelope and add 10 per cent, war tax to the price. Madison, Wisconsin, May 10,-Prof. H. C. Ingham, University of Kansas, was elected president of the national university extension association today. DAILY CLASSIFIEDS BRING BIG RESULTS- ON LITTLE INVESTMENT ------ ;t !!|11111lll~ illl}I111 Elll}}11316}111illl il illll{If I{111i 111111111i 11i1~ ii Many Artists To Make Debut HTNE COLLEGE OF THE CITY OF DETROIT In Annual May Festival Here announces a _estsnthe__s____n__rs___th SUMMER SCHOOL OF DRAMATIC AR While great attention is always quests in the music centers of the focused upon the reappearance ofI world. The Thirty-first annual Mayj- under the direction of some old favorite who has delighted I{Festival which opens on Wednesday May Festival audiences in the past, May 21, to run throughout the week still greater interest is manifested. with six concerts, is peculiarly rich SAM HUME Sin the local debut of some singer, in such interest, as the list of stars fresh from concert and operatic eon- and operatic favorites to make their For particulars address -1_first appearance 'here is long and FRANK G. TOIM dPKINS interesting. Emmy Krueger, one of :: Agust 4-31. 838 Colburn Avenue Festival Pianist the greatest of the continental sing-i jMDetroit, Michigan ,ers, Dusolina Giannini, Tito Schipa, ' 1'orrest Lamont, Vicente Ball ester and :.0111 11{1111fill11.11111111[ H lu lil lll i i l I l l l ll l l III 11111111111111111111111111111111111 'Royal Dadmun are numbered among those who will be heard here for the first time. Peculiar interest is felt in the local Your 1-ro ITes s measured debut of Vicente Balester, pupil of Jean de Reszke, a young baritone of the Chicago company, who won hisW Vetw first American reputation as leading baritone with the San Carlo forces under Fortune Dallo, with whom he has toured the country in the past three seasons. Possessed of a voice SAVINGS DEPT. of rich and reasonant quality, it was in Mexico City that his big oppor- tunity came to him. While singing OF sithere with Rosa Raisa, Ricardo Straa- ciari, and others, Giorgo Polacco heard him, and engaged him for the Chi- N E I ST NATIONAL.BANK . cago company when Mary Garden as directress, recalled Polacco to the (Oldest National Bank in Michigan.) Windy City. There be has acquired r MAIN STREET AT HURON fame for his impersonations of "Es- camillio" in his native opera, "Car- men," for his "Riggoletto," and most- i especially for his "Tonio" from Leon- Hrold Bauer cavello's opera, "I Pagliacci," a rol. which has always been regarded the Harold Bauer, the master English exclusive property of Amato and the pianist, whoa will appear at the Satur- etral avrt cti.Hsapa- r } A day afternoon concert of the May Fes- a t S Hi apea FUTURE REMEMBRANCES tial payn, it te hcao. ym nce here on Saturday night of the! tival, playing, with the Chicao Sym- Festival is awaited with considerable phony orchestra, the brilliant Em-1interest. peror" concerto of Beethoven. Mr. Dauer has appeared with every im- Royal Dadmun, another baritone, is I of portant symphony orchestra in Amer- an American product entirely. Re- ca, while his recitals won him admi- pited to have a voice of uncommon ces the world over. - beauty and range, he has long been a favorite in the concert field. He COLLEGE DAYS has appeared with most of the leadC-L ing orchestras of the country, his HO ME OLUM~(Continued on Page Sixteen) o PS Have The Pictures Framed Now OF SPRING FESTIVLNewCrop Flower --- Seeds Ann Arbor's annual May Festival, Ann Arbcr people do not real- like most great enterprises has evolv- ize that right here in our own ed from small beginnings. Thirty-twvo home town we have one of time years ago, as a climax to the season's largest stocks of flower seeds - concert activities, Dr. Albert A. Stan- in the state. In annual seeds Sleyy, who had a short time previously we 1ave not only the wel known 207 East Liberty Street Phol assumed the musical (irectorship, pro- varities but we have the new- assuedathemuicag'sietrsiptro- est novelties in separate colors vided an evening's entertainment ofI as well as mixed. In perennial hoarl ic wit acopnen flover seeds we have a wide DRAPERIES ',WINDOW SHA the Roston Festival Orchestra under variety and carry many kinds EMilMollenhauser. This was the be- not carried in rotail catalogues. W ALL PA ER, PAINTS, OILS (Continued on Page Sixteen) If a small quantity or an ounce is required we can s'nply. Our SHOW CARD COLORS stocks atre fresh and germina- AR IT 'S PLE tocnis garanteed. Everyhn in flowering seeds, plants, bulbs, ARTISTSSUPPLIES shru .= HARRIS SEES STEORE Ideal Cor. IV'ldnxtmi '& FithAve. hIihj2,IujjuIIIlIIIIItIilIiIIjlIIIIIi;ljgIlII °-, ,,,,,, , _ ., ~,~ ,,,~~,,,.,,r.-1111 iii11iwi f il!irk1iallili1ii11int11111E1I1iii IT T ne 84 Prof. Brumm has been producing inior Gorls' plays during the past ne years. For seven years he has di- cted the Senior Girls' play, pre- nted at Commencement time. Three' ars ago he wrote the play presentedI the girls at the Whitney theater, morality play, entitled "Everyna-I >n." All the other senior plays havel en professional productions., This ar's offering will be Justin Huntley cCarthy's "If I Were King," a de- ghtful romance realing with episodes the reign of Louis XI. Tradition- enterprises which have so long been his recreation. To see a Junior or a Senior Girls play through from its inception to the last curtain of the last performance involves a deal of work, much pa- tience, and more skill. Prof. Brumm's directing does not consist of requiring others to imitate his personal enact- ment of a character in the story, but of helping each player to realize the character through his own tempera- ment. He is ever insistent upon the recreation of character in terms of Following, An] zlly, the senior play is an out door the actor's own personality. "You >erformance, given in the temporary arenot to try to become somebody heater erected on the campus for the 1 else," he explains patiently to the urpo se. Only two of the plays have I young actor. "You are to be yourself hhus far been produced at the Whit- in this new environment into which ey. Owing to the elaborate scenic the story plunges you. Don't imitate ffects of this year's play, it will be anybody. Recreate the character as a taged indoors. Like "Sherwood," new expression of your own person- ast year's production, it demands a ality. i Through our dears of service here at Michigan we have established an ideal to live upn to. That ideal is good food. BESIMER'S Across from D. U. R. Depot "We've been serving the best for years." 11 she 7 eo"% Mu JS 1119 1 is the central character in a Play by It's the Food-- It's the Place-- Not only are the menus at Cutting Cafe deli- ciously satisfying, but also, the guests are arranged so that each is at a table congenial to him or to her. We can take care of your group, see us about a table, or private dining room. !11 Prnfessor J LO RUMM 0, --------------- --- 9 Day and Weeklly Rates 111 CUTTING CAFE Corner of State & Monroe Phone 1358-W All which will be presented by the i111 Iitiiii ililDDiil~i~i DiDiIDDl i~l til 11D11HHHH ~l """"""" iD~ti4i~iti High Class Engraving We Engrave Your New Cane at 50c Banish Chill the Electric Way! Heaters,$795, $ 0.0 Ann Arbor e alaymakers In late evening and early morning, even throughout the summer, you need the the warmth and comfort an electric heater affords. These throw their cheery rays wherever you desire. Can be attached to any socket. Consume little current. Il Whitney Theatre, Friday, May 16 C