TIVAL FANA ) PAGE I 00ee -.ddL. I Ar 4kv 111tr tgan Dalig Sectio Two ,. _ _ _ _ 163 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, MAY 11, 1924 PRICE, MS' CONFERENCE AND THE NAV imitations stressid As Logical Solution' EDWIN L. DENBY That the late arms conference was not a success in every sense of the word, was the opinion of Ensign Rus- sell Dodd, '22, head of the naval unit here. H1e considers that one of the direct results of the conference was the swelling of the sea power of Japan in the Pacific region and the conse- quent comparative diminishment of tthe power of the United States in her island possessions of that region. The increase of the influence of Japanese he says to be particularly visible in the great number of naval bases that the eastern empire has scattered throughout the Pacific. "The conference gives to Japan ex- actly what she always wanted and has always been trying to get," he said and continued. "It gives her the naval supremacy that she has been trying to attain for years. It of course can easi- ly be seen that Japan needs territorial extension, much more in the future than Just now, and in my opinion and in Japan's proximity to the Philip- pines, her next perils of growth will undoubtedly turn to those islands." Mr.-Dodd thinks that the conference and the restrictiois it placed on the armament of the United States, but particularly on the restriction it placed on the establishment of na- tional naval bases, was one of the main causes for the present state of affairs. He substantiated his opinion with the reference to a paper that he had heard read before the Naval War college atNewport, Rhode Island, and which, he asserted if the planoutlined' had 'been accepted by the United States before the Arms conference took place', the present'situation would not find the United States in such an unprepared condition forsthe defense of her Pacific island possessions. The paper in brief amounted to an outlining of a method for the defense of "our possessions in the Pacific in- eluding the Philippinesand the is lands between them and th'e Pacific coast, and it also pointed out the dan- cer that our islands would be placed i if such a defense was neglected. It is the opinion of the head of the naval unit head that if such an outline had been followed and the value of its commendations sufficiently recognized, the supremacy of the United States in he Pacific would not now be forfeit even under the existing provisions of the Arms conference. The plan provided first of all for the establishment of naval bases on many of the United States owned islands that surround the Philippines and also for many of the Philippine islands themselves. The aval bases would contain supplies such as coal, food and repair facilities with at least one dry' dock that would be sufficiently large; to accomnodate)a first line battleship.. It is especiallA important th'at a dry dock large enough to hold a capital battleship be established in these is- lands for a cruiser out in mid ocean if it was one of the first line would not beable to dock any place for re- pairsbecause of its size and it would be necessary for it to return to San Francisco in case of accident. So, according to Mr. Dodd, when the treaty was agreed uponwhich forbad the erecf on Of any more naval ta- tions in the Pacific, our power among those islands and indeed the influence among all our possessions in the east was diminished a great deal. Besides tbva great harm done to our naval power, our defence of the islands themselves was dangerously restrict- ed. One of our best equipped islands rests its defense mainly on guns and other equipment that were captured In the Spanish-American war and ac- cording to the terms of the treaty at the Arms conference we are bound not to increase the defense. Mr. Dodd briehy outlined the dan- gers that were incurred in our lack of adequate naval bases giving state- ments which he had remembered from the paper. The ships without tile nee- essary bases were either required to retu'rn to San Francisco for compl- cated repairs and complete supplies or were obliged to be accompanied with a "train" of ships that would act as supply bases although of course the ships could not take the place of the dry docks It has been estimated also that these trains are much more expensive to keep up than the naval basees, so added to the fact that the speed of a line of ships is controlled by its slowest vessel and that the sup- ply boats are of course the slowest, the navy suffers not only with useless expenst because of the restrictive clause of the treaty, but also in effi- ,ianvi.n The sneed would be cut down be only the work of several days thatV that country could obtain entire con- trot not only of the Philippines but in all probability Alaska. This would be done before United States vessels{ could he in a position to defend its" island possessions. Still quoting from the paper Mr. Dodd advocated the plan set forth in it, which sponsored the establishment of naval bases on islands that are for- tunately arranged like stepping stones from San Francisco to the Philippines. This would be undoubtedly less ex- pensive to carry through than the haphazard stationing of bases and would not only provide a swift and easy means for communication be-3 tween the United States and the ! Philippines but would also place our country in control of all the sea sur-t rounding.: Age-Old Problems Always Presented' To New Executive With the resignation of former Sec- retary of the Navy Edwin L. Denby under the pressure of the investigat- ing committee of the United States senate, a new order of things is brought into being. This new order of! things, like all new orders from the beginning of time, was automatically! presented with problems which have grown old under the ever present at. tempts of humanity to solve them.t Whether or not this new administra- tion will meet with the approval of the people of this country is a mat- ter which will not be settled until the issues concerning the limitations of{ armaments are definitely and advan- tageously settled for all time. Mr. Wilbur is a man of ability, al- though in the matter of diplomacy a knowledge and satisfaction of his mer- it will come only with the passage of great lengths of time. It is up to the people of this country, therefore, to CURTIS D. WILBUR General Survey Giv OfArm amen tQuiesti, By Nurchison Mabie_ Curtis D. Wilbur, the new secretary of the navy, appointed to succeed Ed-- win Denby, takes charge of his de- partment at a time when the Amer- ican navy and those of other world powers are carrying out the agree- ments of the Washington conference for the reduction of naval armament, and when the American navy is being strongly criticized for the way it is doing it. Under the conference agree- ment the ratio of naval strength was to be United States 5, Great Britain 5, and Japan 3. Such eminent naval ex- perts as Admiral Coontz and William B. Shearer, inventor of numerous naval appliances, charge that in actu- ality the strength is Great Britain 5, Japan 3, United States 1. They say, in other words, that instead of having one of the two greatest navies In the wait and to watch with ever present interest the actions of this new au- thority in the ranks of the navy. Party Q rganization and Activities IBy Thomas H. Reed (In this article, Professor Reed discusses the way in political parties work to secure their one aim-that of getting the vote. He points out the difficulties under which the parties work, and some of the prob- lems which lie before the coming generation of voters.) We have already seen in the first article of this series that political parties in America are not based upon a definite dues-paying membership. In this re- spect they differ very much from the political parties of Continental Europe. A man who desires to join the Action Liberal Populaire in France begins by applying for membership in the local organization of that party and by paying the small fee required. In this country millions of persons consider themselves Republicans or Democrats who have never contributed a penny to the support of either party and who have rarely if ever attended any of its meetings. The first thing then which marks American political parties as peculiar is the vague and intangible character of their membership. There has been one exception to this rule-the So- cialist party. And at least one very distinguished So- cialist writer ascribes the lack of success of the Social- ist party in America to this rigidity i'n its Constitution. The ordinary party organization in America is a matter of an hierarchy of committees. These commit- tees are voluntary, in many instances to the point of being practically self-constituted. They hibernate like hears in the period between elections and only crawl out of their obscurity when the warmth of an ap- proaching political contest seduces them from slumber. There are, of course, exceptional committees which never cease their activities. In those sections of the country where political organization is carried to the highest degree, cities like New York, Cleveland, Cin- cinnati and a very few rural communities, there is alongside of the committee organization another hier- archy of precinct, ward and district leaders culminat- ing in the big boss. These persons nominally,, as a rule, derive their authority either from the correspond- ing committee or from the same source as that from which the committee springs, the caucus or convention. In reality they derive their position from the boss and hold it by reason of their political success. You will often find used in contrasting senses the words organ- ization and machine. I think the term organization fitly expresses those party agencies which really derive their authority from and are effectively responsible to the party itself. The term machine is the fitting label of an organization of party workers which is created by and responsible to a political boss. You will find the two shading into one another. Some of the most diffi- cult ethical questions of your life, if you are to be inter- ested in politics, will arise from this confusion of legiti- mate organization and machine control. At the very top of our system of party organiza- tion stands the National Committee. The Republican National Committee is made up of one person from each state selected by the delegation from that state to the National Convention. The Democratic National Committee which consists of one man and one woman from each state is chosen by the party primaries in the respective states. In both parties the term of office of the Committee is four years. The Chairman of the National Committee is nominally elected by the Com- mittee but in fact is selected by the candidate for the presidency. He is the person responsible for the con- duct of the presidential campaign. The National Com- mittee is divided into a number of sub-committees. It issues the call for the National Convention of the party and its principal activities are concentrated into the period from the issuance of the call in early spring until the presidential election in November. For the S- . '- - I - __1 ing his term of office. His powerful influence, his veto, his unrivaled opportunities for publicity and his enorm- ous patronage give him command of his party if he so desires to take it. Even the broken and bed-ridden Wilson remained the undisputed leader of his party. At the head of the party organization in the states is the State Central committee. It is variously consti- tuted in these days, sometimes by direct election in the party primary and sometimes by the choice of county or state conventions. It is always in nominal charge of the campaign for state offices and is charged with the care of the general interests of the party within the state. The direct primary, however, has done a great deal to weaken its influence. In addition there are usually Congressional districts, county, city and ward or town sub-committees. These may be named at a primary or be appointed by a committee higher in the list. It is safe to say that as politics are carried on in our country today the vast majority of this whole series of committees is something other than represen- tative of the party membership, unless mere acquies- cence may be taken as a proper basis of representation. It is doubtful if you can find one voter in ten who can truthfully say to you that he has regularly taken part in the choice of this series of committees. Except when there is a desire to placate some interest, like the Women's Clubs, by giving them nominal represesnta- tion on party committees, these committees are almost wholly drawn from one class in the community--the class of party workers. In every community there are a considerable number of this sort of people; some of them work for the party merely from interest in party work for its own sake. These are the kind of people who are crazy about politics as others are crazy about the radio or any other hobby. Their number is comparatively small and their influence is very slight. The bulk of the party workers are persons who hope for some material reward as a result of their party activity. They want jobs for themselves or their fam- ilies, favors of one kind or another from the state, county and municipal authorities; honors of the kind that make valuable publicity for struggling and ambi- tious lawyers. It is these party workers who always attend caucuses and primaries, who are always ready to accept the discipline of the party boss passed down to them through the ward and precinct leaders. Their one great virtue is regularity and in their code of morals the one great sin is independent voting. The most am- bitious and successful of them become precinct and ward leaders, or even in time mount to the lofty po- sitions in the city or state machine. The rest of them work loyally for the party and make what hay they can while the sun shines for them. To break the control of politics by this class we must have the active participation in politics of the well trained patriotic and disinterested citizens who, in the- ory at least, are turned out by our great institutions of learning. This rabble controls politics because it is always present when political questiof .zare to be set- tled. It never neglects the primaries and it under- stands the art of participating in them. They are a stupid and shallow lot of people dexterous only in the performance of the low tricks of their trade. They can be routed any time by a vigorous and well directed attack. College men and women should wage a never ending war on them. Such a war, however, cannot be waged by keeping a comfortable distance from them and holding one's nose. The activities of party organization aside from its effort to control the caucuses and the primary are chiefly concerned with the winning of elections. This is indeed their only legitimate field of activity. There is enough to be done here to justify the existence of a very thorough organization. In the first place voters h- ryzt.ir-+ Tnle theva re held un to it by ture must be prepared and distributed. In national elections a great deal of circularizing can be done at the expense of the government by sending portions of the Congressional Record under the ,frank of some Representative or Senator. Some states provide a pub- licity pamphlet which is sent to every voter and in which space is set apart for the statement of each can- didate who is willing to pay a small fee for the privi- lege. Bill-board advertising may be made use of, be- side a wide variety of window cards and smaller post- ers. On election day the vote must be "got out". That is a careful check must be kept of those who vote. The persons who are known to be ill or in feeble health or decrepit must be taken to the polls in carriages, and when the closing of the polls approaches the party voters who have not yet cast their ballots must be sought and carried to the polls. An essential prelim- inary to "getting out" the vote effectively is a check list of party voters. The ward or precinct leaders obtain from the election authorities copies cf the poll list, that is, the list of persons qualified to vote. Upon these they mark the politics of each individual. It is easy to know the politics of some prominent and ag- gressive person but in order to make the list complete, the house to house canvass must be resorted to. That is, someone must call on each voter and tactfully dis- cover his preference in the election. For reasosns which will be very obvious this house to house canvass work, is of overwhelmingly vital importance in any in- dependent attempt to defeat the machine. Now all ;these activities on the part of a political party cost money.: Speakers must be paid, their ex- penses must be provided for, meetings must be adver- tised, bill board space must be hired, expert newspaper publicity men must b employed, space must sometimes be bought'in the papers themselves, pamphlets must be printed and distributed, automobiles must be hired for election day, persons must be employed in clerical ca- pacities aboutthe;, headquarters. All these are legiti- mate sources of expgnse. It is unfortunately true that money is used for other purposes, sometimes for the direct purchase of votes. When money is to be used in this way it is ordinarily handed down from city boss to ward leader, to precinct leader. It is only through the latter that it reaches the persons who are ultimately to enjoy it. A good deal of its sticks to every pair of hands which is supposed to pass it along. Our attempts to prevent the undue influence of elections by money have largely taken the direction of a limitation of the total amount which a candidate may -spend. Candidates for the national House of Repre- sentatives may spend not more than $5,ooo in securing their nomination and election. A United States Sen- ator may spend $io,ooo. The states have adopted sim- ilar restrictions for state offices. A sworn statement of his expenditures and their purpose must be filed by al- most every candidate for public office. It is notorious, however, that by one means or another, these limitations are evaded. In some campaigns vast amounts of money are spent. It is probable that almost all of the money is spent for legitimate purposes. The real protection against extensive bribery lies in the fact that with the secrecy of the ballot there is no way of telling' whether a bribed voter fulfills his part of the contract. In fact it is rather generally felt among politicians that venal voters take money from any source they can get it and then vote as they please.- The great campaign funds are gathered from a va- riety of sources. Attempts have been made by the na- tional and state government to require publicity on this point. It is doubtful, however, if they have been wholly successful. A great deal of money comes from large corporations who are desirous of political favors. Some -omes from office holders, although this is everywhere illegal. Some, comes from candidates who, if they have large means. are usually expected to pay .hand- 1 world, the United States has a third. Indications are that President idge will call another naval disa ment conference in the near ft I He has already expressed his wi' ness; and the Senate has al passed a resolution authorizing h do so. The critics say, however, we should not allow our navy 1 weakened below the strength scribed in the agreement, until a move is authorized by another ference. The large problems facing the secretary are, then, to cut dowi fighting craft, increase the effic1 of the personnel, and make th duced navy as strong as it shou under the decisions of the Washli [Conference. The naval treaty r tiated at Washington removes the ger of competitive naval building thereby concentrates attention personnel. "Men .fight; not ships," must b slogan of the new secretary, th( perts say. This, with economy the two phases of Mr. Wilbur's which will occupy most of his ti Students of government say Secretary Wilbur is eminently for his new task. He is a gra of the Naval Academy, and at same time a trained lawyer, bel member both of the bench and bar. He is the first Secretary o Navy in recent years whto ma called professional.a1-litherto it been customary to select civilian the post, in the belief that suc action would ward off any fact strife which might occur were a man1to be appointed.iSecretary bur, however, combines a know] of naval affairs with the viewpoi the common citizen. v It has, been 'asserted that o ?a the navy's chief weaknesses is i of a definite policy regarding fue serve. The recent oil scandal brought this situation forcibly b the public. Secretary Wilbur ha pointed a commission of experts business men to look into the I lem. "I believe that this commission drilling of offset wells in orde stop private concerns from dept the oil in naval reserves," he said my opinion, this will be absol necessary unless we can induce private concerns, now tapping of serves with wells adjoining nava serves, to divide their supply, w in many cases is being pumped sources underneath the naval serves. of course, we cannot - owners of so-called offset wells t ter into an agreement to give the ernment a certain percentage o oil drawn from the vein in th'e m reserves. The only practical rei in that case is for the. Governme begin drilling offset wells in a tensive Way." One problem which Secretary bur faces with regard to the sonnel of the navy is that of redi the number of officers, which gress has not yet seen fit to 'do. present situation is that the Mnu of ships has been reduced whil number of commanders has not. result has been that the navy is loaded with officers, and top-h with admirals. The situation proaches that of the French na which there cre two or more adn for every capital ship. The fleet, ics assert, is hampered by the officers. Commanders are hin on every side by a bureaucracy v daily becomes more complicated other criticism is that there i the necessary sympathy betwet fleet and the department. More should be given the advice of shi fleet commanders. And there s be a greater emphasis placed o duty. One of the means by which tary Wilbur is planning to effect # omies in the operation of his de ment is by means of cooperation other departments of the govern "For instance," he says, "I sha: operate with the Department of merce in surveys, radio, and the tenance of lighthouses, with th partment of War in the manufa of guns and gun parts. In every possible I shall further exchang material between departments so savings alrqady made may be creased and a proper business s: maintained in Government." One of the main charges of c against the operation of the department is its lack of effic Mr. Wilbur intends to remove cause for this charge. "The success of the navy de ,-tda moreon ff'iienv , m.t I - Dodd Japan pos- >ns throughout the the Philppines and said that it would