THE MICHIGAN DAILY HDUiHt JRl BALL' Gne4s At Annualk g And Features Planned ,AT Patrons and patrontesses for the :th annual Architect's May Party, to t held Friday, May 16 in Barbour unasium under the auspices of the idents of the architectural colle ge ve been announced as follows: President Marion L. Burton, and s. Burton, Regent Junius E. Beal, d Mrs. Beal, Prof. Elit-l Saarinen, d Mrs. Saarinen, Dr. Robert Bridges d Mrs. Bridges, Dean Jean Hamnil- , Dean Joseph A. Bursley, and 1 s. Bursley, Prof. Emil Lorch and s. Lorch, Mr. and Mrs. Earnestl aey, Prof. J. J. A. Rouseau, Mr. and s. Alfred J. Pelikan. Prof. Lorch ,s named as the head of the faculty mmittee which is to have charge of osing the best costumes at~ the rty, for which prizes will be °given. ['he committee wishes to make cl ear t corsages are to be taboo at the .air. No other regulations as to tumes have, been decided upon at s date. Dakicing will be from 9 .11 2:30 o'clock and includes sev- AI interesting and unusual features which with the refreshments wil goj Pendleton, Ruth Sauler ; Julia Pendle- to make-up the entertainment for the ton, Ruth Christensen; Mrs. Semple, evening. The orchestra is to consist Leola Mercer; Carrie, M'adeline Me-ja of the largest Rhodes group. G _, , dtewndru opas The Latin quarter setting is to be Saddie Kate, Gladiola, Loretta, Mamie,1n put into place throughout this week,c the authorities in charge of Barbour and Ftredie Perkins, Althea Hinkley,!a gymnasium having given the floor! Lucille George, Marguerite Immel, over to this purpose. It will be nee- !Marian Hollister, and John Hoad. essary to make most of the settings I should also add that Robert Hen- e on the floor itself. (.erson s in the cast as Cyrus Wykoff,- 1~..A.AIthe trustee who looks like a June Bug. (ContinuedfrmPg Four) DAL TO ISSUE EXTRA any rate, the seat sale will be ire -_EECOS,__DA_ mendous. I The Daily will issue , special * *. 1! elections extra on Monday, May THE CAST FOR "DADDY LONG- I 12. All candidates for the presi-I LEGS" tobe pesened Tursdy Idency of the Student council, the evening in University Hall, is so un-; Union, the Student's Christian ! lare s o eqir asearte association, and the Oratorical a usually lag st eureasprt board who wish to have their notice. June Knisley and Stanton jpictures appear in this extraj Ellett as Judy and Jervis Pendleton. !I must turn in glossy prints today .the daddy in question, wil have thej at the Daily office in the Press leading roles, and the remaining lI building. Credentials- for the j players- follow them closely and you candidates in 'order to appear in are ure o fid a leat on peron the elections issue must be writ-(G aresur t fid t las on prso Iten immediately and turned intoI you will like to see-are "as follows: the presidents of the various or-I Jamnes McBride, Tionel Ames, (there's ganizations. I one!.); Mrs. Lippet, Elizabeth Pike,f If the pictures or thle lists of (another!) ; Sallie McBride, Dorothy fi qualifications for the offices in Rcwell,(n anote!; Anr y one organization are incom I Parsons, Edward Gibson; Colman, C plete that organization will be omte nieyIrmteeta I omtte entrel trm th ex. a Harold Fritche; Griggs, Albert WAg-S ner; Walters, Harold Fritche; Miss Pritchard, Mildred Packard; Mrs. Daily classified for real results. CorrectionI "Jimmnie the adtaker" sells anything Due to the surplus of advertising,I quickly.-Adv. a. number of advertisements were- kwithheld from The Daily yYesterday ________________________ morning. Among theme wase one con- cerning "The Gray Mouse." This ad appears this morning on page 12. "Jimmie the adtaker" sells 'anything _________________ Welch Hat Sop IP THE GRAY' f MOUS h Whitey'I heater ANNA tF.. WESu Read The Daily " Classified" ( 9 Phune 19.40-R 266 E. Liberty St. Friday May 161 111 i iL First RunPictures" _ . _._ dII INOW SHlOWING . NAllNEE 12:30 to 2 EVE' NIN f i to 9 Herfibert Rawlinsorl ORDER A IN DINNER for MOTHER e '''e lee' Up Qt BY Washtenaw Inn H. H.VAN LOAN "The House of Blue Shutters" Century Comedy and Fox News Phone 12925-31 1309 Washtenniv P- e , , "" '_ - li - ----. .,... - t 6.P RTII TG ST *'O TINOwN TmIM 00 IE [EARLW, FOR GOOD 3,[AVS ,.... - in I 4 Alin't it a G-r-frand and G'lorioous ledain'? ' k At ol " Hiset- InlHs Best *TI s t in, ]jest.. Patb~ ictur Here heis! The lhd wose waggery rmakesthe vwnio. world kin! And Boy-,OhBoy, what a Cormedy! I C :& 4~4 --Added At tractions- I ouR GANG in "LODGE IC H 'Fun from the Press" WV UERTH CONCERT ORCHESTRA PaheNews ._ . .._.._.. , . _.. .. _..a.w ._,. . _ ._., ...w.._.. ., .. ti,..._.F.. SUNDAY AND EVENING PRICES dults, All Seats, .. . ... . . . -1. 0 )-c Attend the la tinees SHOWS ax " " " *" " f+ " " s " " e f " ". ." S . 5c .55c .2c SUNDAY DAILY- * *.@ee.*O S * S S 0e** S S *S@* S * * S S 555 5**e** @SOS S S S S ~ 3'4(x,520,7, 8x30 2,3:39, 7, 8:30 _..._ .__ ... . _ ,.:w.s..._ i, , ,.