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May 11, 1924 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1924-05-11

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- - - - .. -

y morning except Monday
rsity year by the Board in
t Publications.
ktern Conference Editorial
3Press is exclusively en-
for republication of all news
;d to it or not otherwise
aper and the local news pub-

ed at the postoffice at .Ann' Arbor,
n, as second class matter. Special rate
age granted by Third Assistant Post-
ription by carrier, S3.so; by mnail,

: Ann Arbor Press Building,'
s: Editorial, 2414 ano 176-M;


Signed communications, not exceeding ao
words, will be published in The Daily at
the discretion of the Editor. Upon request.
the lentity of crnimmunicant will be re-
garded as confidential
Telephones, 2414 and 176.31
News editor.................Rob%, B Tarr
Editorial Board Chairman.. R. C. Morarity
City Editor.............J. C. Garlinghouse
Night Editors,
E. H. Ailes A. B. Connable. Jf.
harry C. Clark T. k. Fiske
P. M. Wagner
Sports Editor..............Ralph N. Byers
W omen's Editor........... Winona Hibbard
Iusi e ditor............Ruth A. Howell
Assistant City Editor... Kenneth C. Kellar
Director Michigan News Bureau.RK. G. Ramsay
Dramatics Editor......Robert B. Henderson
Louise Barley Elizabeth Liebermann
J. N. Berkman R. S. Mansfield
Norma Bicknell E. C. Mack
erman Boxer Verena Moran
elen Brown iarold aMoore
J. W. Conrad Cai 1 Ohbnacher
l3ernadette Cote Ilyde i'erce
G. 11. Davis Andrew Propjer
(Harold 1Ehrl-lch 1Marie Recd
. LW. Fernamberg Iegina eichmann
J. O. Gartner Edm'arie Schrauder
Sadybeti Heath. , C A. Stevens
1. P. henry NV. 11i. Sto ienian
Manning louseworth Marjorie Sweet
Emil; lline Frederic G. Telmnos
Dmoohy E amin N. 1R. Tlial
Margaret Keil W. J. Walthour
Lia Kendall Heman Wise
Joseph Kruger
Telephone 960
Advertising...................E. L. D inne
Advertising.............. .Perry M. ''Hayden
Advertising;............... W. Roesser
Advertising........ .....H. E. Rose
Accounts................11. L. hlart
Circulation...............C. Purdv
Publication................Lawrence Pierce
G. W. Campbell N. E. Holland
Iennie Caplan 1. 1.Irelandrk
Chas. Champion Hiarold A. Marks 1
John ConlinByron Parker
ouis M. Dexter A. J. Seidmak
oJseph J.,Finn Geo. A. St'rce
I)avidI A. Fox R. C. Winter
Lauren Haight
SUNDAY, MAY 11, 1924
Every year, there has come a cer-
tain day in the month of May at which'

ness. One hears of candidates getting
together their friendis and exchang-L
ing votes, of organizations forcing
their men to support a chosen candi- jU
date regardless of individual opinion "
and many such political schemes byAY
which men hope to get into office. TOAtE
Many of them are only rumors, it is
true, but at least the, general trend of In the hour of need, as always, the
talk is indicative of the kind of pol- inimitable Poison Ivy crashes through
itics that does exist on this campus. with properly topical stuff. We urge
There is only one way to beat it.-! all those who really love their mothers
Every man with a mind of his own to start off the day with Poison Ivy
should get out to the elections and and finish up with Eddie Guest in thel
make out his ballot for the men that afternoon. Inbetweentimes you can
he thinks are truly fitted for public hum the song from "Little Nellie Kel-
offices. ly"-"You remind me of my mother,a
To acquaint the voter with the can- that's why I love you. I've got aI
didates The Daily is printing the pic- tintype of my mother, when she was a
tures and qualifications of the men girl like you," etc. etc.
nominated for the spring elections in
an extra which is to be published Mn- YOUR MOTHER
day morning. This will give the s There are friends that are friends
dent plenty of time to study the list en
of men proposed and choose the can- In the right sort of way.
didates whom he will support before There are "friends" who'll be with you
the elections which come on Tuesday. To leave the next day.
At that time he will then cast an in- But, the friend who will stick
telligent vote and his ballot will mean And before all the others,
more to him than merely the tool of The staunchest and truest, that
some office seeker. Friend is your Mother!
It is to enable the student voter to Poison Ivy
make such a decision of candidates
that The Daily is publishing this ex- There's something about this kid's
tra, The service of the students ren- stuff that just knocks us for a gool.
dered is directly proportional to the Hard to analyze, but itfs there. Must
interest taken in th'e project. The be the mysterious something that dis-
theory of Democracy is that every in- tinguishes the artist from the common
dividual concerned should have the man.
means of expressing his opinion on a * * *
subject of public concern. The in- A University Lecture in Natural
telligent vote is proof of the theory. Science Auditoriumj
*4:10 1 aged gentleman, 4 ladies, not
4 tNADA AND CHICAGO T)RAINAGE quite so, seated in auditorium.
The government of Canada is inter- 4:1" 27 faculty members, 9 towns-
ested in maintaining the stage of the people, 2 students enter.
Great Lakes. It is therefore protest- 4:17 11 faculty members, 21 towns-
ing to Washington about the Chicago Ipeople, 6 students enter.
drainage canal taking so much' water ( 4:20 Introducer introduces. 17 en-
from Lake Michigan. ter.
The Great Lakes are the property 4:24 Speaker begins preface to re-
of the Canadian and United States gov_ marks. 14 enter, door squeaks 28
ernments. Neither country has right times. 43 turn- around to watch en-
to remove water from it in excessive trants.
quantities especially when that wter 4:0 2 co-eds drop books, titter,
is not returned. The natural drainage subside.
of the lakes is Niagara Falls. Welland [4:37 Speaker ends preface to re
and Erie canals take some of the water marks. 18 enter; 7 leave; door
but It is infinitesimal in comparison squeaks 50 times. Speaker scowles 3
with what Chicago removes times.
Our government must give respet- 4:44 5 enter realm of unconscious-
fut attention to the Canadian protest ness.
and take such action that will pre- 4:58 12 sigh and shift position; 1
vent water going down to the Gulf of leave; 1 enters; 2 wake up.
Mexico by wy of the Mississippi. 5:01 18 leave; 6 enter; speaker
when nature intended for it to go to scowles twice; door squeaks 48 times.
the Gulf of St. Lawrence. 5:06 Speaker quotes foreign phrase;
Millions of dollars have been spent audience attempts to look intelligent.
by both governments in dredging the 5:10 Speaker begins conclusion; 12
channels of the lakes to make them look in, depart hastily; 2 wakened by
navigable to the big ships. Chicago force.
closes its eyes to the fact that lake 5:17 21 leave; 13 sigh; 2 cough; 1.
ports will be damaged by a lowering sneezes.
of the water and eventually its own 5:23 Speaker ends conclusion- au-
port may become so shallow as to dience departs.
make the landing of big lake carriers 5:25 1 aged gentleman, 4 ladies, not
an impossibility, quite so, leave. Door squeaks 10
Chicago should be compelled to fil- times.
ter its sewage as Cleveland and other x:30 I ' u
ports on the lakes are doing, before * Eastern Standard Time.
it drains into the Chicago river. This JayaR
qLdone-Iiy th water ta en-to

In his lecture Thursday Professor
Schmitt blamed Austria and Germany { "
for the immediate outbreak of the war,w1
although he recognized that neither
country was solely responsible for DETBW T U LINE
the general conditions which lead to EAST BOUND
the war. These conditions he pointed Limiteds: $ a. M., 9:1n a. m. and
out, were conflicting interests, nation- every two hourz to 9:10 p. m.
alism, and imperialistic ambitions Express: 7 a. m. 8 a m. and evr ; For anything Y
shared by all of the European powers. Ltwoi .,urs to 8 . m. 1ndy
Locals: 7 a. m., 8:55 a.i. and1 f P n, Ik
But it was quite surprising that when every two hours to 8:5 p. f., -Pens. InI
he came to the question of placing 11 p. m. To Ypsilant! only, 11:46
responsibility in 1914 he seemed to p. m., 12:25 a. m. and 1:15 a. m.waper, etc,,and
I ignore those organic relationships WE $f BOUND
twhich he had stressed for the greater Limnteds: 8:47 a. m. and every twojao a
part of his lecture. I wish to coin- hous to &I'f p. i.
ment particularlyrabout the evidence Express (making local stops): 9: TH)S U E TS
. r. and every two hours to 9:50
for German responsibility. Germany p, m «.
was to blame, Mr. Schmitt said be- Locals: 7:50 a. m., 1:10 a. m.
cause (1) she gave a free hand to 1 11 S
Austria and promised support, (2) __
she was hasty in her attitude towardA i
Russian mobilization, (3) she rejected, il.'I. n. r. KIS.
fSir Edward Grey's offer for mediation. 1 :. l?; IIjt lIiIIl II l l tItlltUtllllllltluI
Admitting that Germany committed 4 6 7 8 v 10
a blunder when she gave a cart 112n 13 14L1117
blanche to Austria which would have 82 13 2 21 2 S3 24
resulted, without Russian action, in NOTIC\
a local war between Serbia and Aus-
tria, is it entirely fair and entirely I'ELT I-AT SALE E pK
Iorder inO clgout sell blring -
reasonable to place the responsibility Feltists before Straw Hat time
for the World War upon Germany we are iaking the following sac
alone? riis hats Now.3
Again, I find it difficult to compre- All 0It Now... .0
hend why we are justified in con- All 4150 Hats Now .......375
demning Germany because she thought AJl 5h.H Rats Now......4.25
that when Russia mobilized troops(j Lots of Large Szes
I on her border, she meant war. What 'ac'QI O RY A &T STORE:
her subjective intentions were we can 017 Packard ;. Plne J9:
never know. Professor Schmitt said (Wher. Y1-. k{ r
that in his opinion Russia was simply'----''.
bluffing to make Austria back down. Patronize Daily Advertisers.-Adv-.
But must we not ask, are we to con--.
demn Germany becauseshe disagreed __________
with Professor Schmitt's conclusions AD1RIA NANN ARBOR IS LINjust East ofWa
established ten years after the event Leave Charrber of Commerce
after thorough investigation of evi- Week Days Sun.ayThi idp n ,m"
6:4g . M. 6:45 . in. m1:odCEyIti l .1n
dence? Was it entirely unreasonable 145 .i. p.m.'. r"fn5mpt. tM. e
for Germany to assume that when J .H. ELLIOTT, Proprictor -T t.CL
Russia mobilized her army on the Phone ,126-MAdian, ich.SEE IT AT YOU
border, she was not merely amusing
herself, but probably intended war? ............. ................C1 1MR. NE
And is it fair to argue that Germany Do't fo t Moth
should have waited till the Russians Sundaorge your th.rHARL
marched through Berlin?Sunday, May I I th.
In view of the facts was it alto- i
gether unreasonable that Germany Take her out. for a nRc' iIlII t#II01
hesitated to put her fate tip to a con-1 dinner. WjIlits, 3 15 3. State
ference in which the majority con- 1: St., will serve a Special Din-
sisted of powers allied against her? ne Mother's Dy.
Perhaps it would have been well if y, N
she had, but there is nothing to showth
that the conference could have pre-.' Fruit Cocktail ,
vented the war. Moreover, Germany Soup
felt that it was merely an attempt to Cream of Asparagus I
'enable Russia to gain time in her Radishes
preparations. ftOlives as afers
I recognize fully that the other
Prime Rib Roast of Beef au jus
powers .were suspicious of Germany Rost Leg of Lamb, Mint sauce I1i
nsLunmFinee quality, lu ber is the
and I am not condemning them for Roast Young chicken a.la
it. The whole answer is in the de- Maryland ence and beauty in that
lusion of them all, and to ask who Ray Junp PaIs
was .the first cause of this mutual rlAPashed Potatoes a
distrust and hatred is like asking {l W NEW1Ht1ME1
"what came first, the hen or the egg? {a d
Better to recognize the problem and 'alead lettue and Tomato
act toward removing it. with Thousand Island Dr"i0sin 1 r suc
Walter A. Morunga, '24,.g;s r
Dessrt N1°'Ca
llome \lade Apple Pi97
Strawr rry hortcake with
Whipped ,ream
ZVani la Ie Cream
TIC THEIATRE] ii i ib £k I
y ,7 ," Tea Coff ee 1 iI "
f t 2 B. .7 ' . Pr; i ce 14' B"
-l es er e a TVale Now. Phone 17 C'!
MR. DON McINTYRE, as you know, a IN
is the manager and impressario of the XVILLITS CCn 5t
local Whitney Theatre, and as such,

it would be fitting to take this op- I:L .
portunity, collectively and personally, ---
ti-t - --_hihi a

rsr rtrrrlrrtrurttrrttrruallltttrtrrr
n, .
ou need in the Iii
BIUebooks, Writi
an excellent assor
y cards.
11111H 11 11111111111111111111111111
c ) r d ad
shienaw Avenue
displays more cktails and
1 ords can explain.
W TON wiih.
Phones 315
i1". 11?Ml t r f 1 41 1 131 16 1 81 1

champagne, as a sort of deluxe de- J II l fillll fillIII lli fillIIIIII ill; IliifII1Illl lfill i llt lit li il
But thinly of the students at the
University of Illinois. They live in
Kind of a sour one, hey?
Mr. Jason Cowles

dsri 11[oitliil I fI li nt t ttt erttu t ut




time special respect and attention has
been payed to the mothers of the land.
May 11 has become traditional in this
very short time as being one of the
most cherished of our hoildays. And
that is as it should be.
Today, many mothers of Michigan
men and women are visitors in Ann
Arbor. Fortunate indeed are the sons
and da~ghters whose mothers have
been able to come to tlie university in
order tha't Mother's Day may be more
properly -and rightly celebrated. Tot
those who have been less fortunate inI
that their mothers were unable to
actually participate because of the
great distances separating the univer-
sity and the home, or because of oth-
er reasons, there can come some glad-
ness in knowing that mother awaits
with a delight a certain word of love'
from her son or daughter. The obli-
gation rests with those away from
homhe, and no individual who professes
to be an obedient child should let this
day pass by without sending home a
message of cheer and good will, if he'
has not already done so.
Here in the midst of all the bustle
and noise of college life we are so apt
to forget, and perhaps not intention-
ally so, those who are at home. We
take for granted so many things in re-
[erence to parental love because we
pj~ so young and inexperienced; be-
-ame we do uot reaLize. nor shall we
ever fully realize until we ourselves
tave become parents, the unusual diffi-
clties and i sponsibilities that par-
enthood entails. It is by far the great-
sst task in the World, and requires the
greatest amount of love and co-oper-
iticn from all the members of the fam-
ily in ord;er to insure the fullest
imount of success. And these being
fully essential, it follows that whether
-t home or away from home, it is
very nec ry tlat the son or daught-
l keep in con.stant touch with' the I
sand tihat has guided him or her
hrough some of the most testing years.
of one's existence. Even at the col-
ege and university age, most indivi-
luals are stl needful of that same
;uiding hand, even though many are a
ositive that they have reached the
age of independencv.


uul, Le quantity of water taken to
wash the sewage Into the Illinois river
would be very small.
Canada is justified in her course.
Cameron Beck, personnel director
of the New York stock exchange, re-
cently declared, "This country has
Sentirely too many half-baked steno-
graphers, half-baked plumbers, half-
baked carpenters, and half-baked
everything." The term "half-baked"
should not be applied to our steno-!
graphers, plumbers, carpenters, in the
sense that they do not know their'
profession. They may be called half-
baked because they know nothing of
the problems of life. Indeed, the
greater part of humanity may be!
called half-baked for this reason, at
least, those who have not thoroughly
learned the problems of life through
experience. They are half-baked be-
cause, having learned little through
experience, and indeed having been
taught comparatively nothing of life,
they know nothing of it.
The director's words hold more'
truth in them than is capable of re-!
alization. They express, at once, a
problem that is arising in our civiliz-
ation and a clue to the solution. Beck
declares thatsthe knowledge of the
facts of life should be taught to high
school students "to enable theta to
guard against the pitfalls of vice and,
Can this indeed be a clue to the
solution of the problem? Today, stu-
dents graduate from high school with
a more or less sunerficial knowledge
of Latin and Algebra. They embark
upon the tasks of life equipped only
with this more or less artificial know-
ledge which can give them compar-
atively small aid in solving the pro-
blems of life. Therefore, it is thatI
their education is sadly defective.
According to supporters of Mr.

Now that the campus grass is once
more becoming green and luxuriant,
it is high time that the annual plea
he made for students to keep off
of it. It may seem silly to remind'
the student body of this matter every
year, but since facts remain that
every year the students need to be
What the students do not realize
is this: that while it will do no harm
for one student to "cut across" a
corner, when 10,000 students do the
same thing, the grass cannot grow.
If each student would get over the
idea that he is the only one, and
that it does not matter what he does,
the campus grass would be in much
better condition, and much worthier
of Michigan, than it is now. Just
watch yourself on thisI
Perhaps you observed, and perhaps
you didn't, the story in the Daily of
May 8, that purported to be an in-
terview with one G. F. Kasser, of
the Buildings and Grounds depart-
ment. Mr. Kasser rashly aired his
views on the annual custom of haul-
ing a class flag to the top of the Uni-
versity flag pole, forgetting himself
so far as, to condemn the practice
utterly. The Daily reporter quoted
him as follows:
"In addition to endangering a hu-
man life everytime a man is sent to
climb the pole it is exceedingly un-
patriotic, for during a week or so
the flag of the United States is not
in its accustomed proper place. This
gives a bad appearance to the cam-
pus and impresses visitors unfavor-
The last sentence in the story is
pretty good, too: "Better and more
manly things are expected from stu-
dents, he stated."

ild regh
basis. for all strength, p*


i lumber


ir Lumi


Phone 3

f O celngraLIe 1u11 ORm 111s seUson 1
nearly past. The point is not that he
was unable to procure Ethel Barry-
more, the Moscow Art Theatre Players
and their ilk, but that he was cour- -
ageous enough to book anyone under
the prevailing road conditions.
Every year it becomes nmore and
more impossible for productions to
tour with any show of profit at all
except in a few metropolitan centers.
As a result the smaller towns that
used to boast of a flourishing "opera-
house" and the country's greatest act-,
ors, now are absolutely destitute or
gobbled up by the plague-like movies.
It is significant, therefore, that Mr.
McIntyre was able to present "The
Mikado," "Zander, the Great," "The
Greenwich Follies"-very beautiful, I
was told, in its way-"Kempy," and
"Lightnin'," to name only a few. Of
them all, "Zander, the Great," of
course, was the superior, although it


We know it whether you do

zw not.

rli crovds p atr on -

azing t e Arcae come be-
rause they Vet finestfod
at lowest prices in town!

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