THE MICHIGAN DAILY - , I - 'AMPAIGNerEXCEEDS JI JUOTA B1 -i105000 'ndergraduate Women Rsilse $60,300 In Michigan League Building Drive ENJORflS TOP PLEDG~E LISTf; ? 16 1101JSES SUBSCRIBE LIIT~i Ten. thouasnd three dollars is the un over subscribed by the women of Jch~igan for the University of Michi- an League building in the under- aduate carapaign completed last ight. The original quota wvas fifty ousand dollars and the sum reach- 1sixty thousanid three hundred. ehty five thousand dollars was'pre- ously raised by the women through, zaars, candy sales etc. Any women ho was unable to take out a life embership for fifty dollars will still te an opportunity this week,. Al- ,ough this is not a final report the uses which have reached 50 percent d over are as follows: Former Dean Talks ISENIORPLYRHASS At Alumnae Dinner PROGRSUSAS BRUMM Rehearsals for the annual Senior, F Girls' play. "If I Were King," by Jus- tin McCarthy, which is to be given on Friday, June 13, at the Whitney theatire, are progressing well, accord- ing to Professor John L. Brumm, who is directing this production. Acts one and two, are well under way, and in-I tensive work on the last two acts is to begin immediately. Pamela Brown, chairman of the play, ha~s made the following criticism con- cerning rehearsals, however : "Mem- bers of the cast .do not seem to realize the great importance of attending all of the practices, and this impairs the Mrs. Frederick P. Jordan I advancement of the production more than anything else can. Fines will be Mrs. FrederickJ. Jordan, former i rigidly collected from those who are absent, unless a legitimate excuse is dean of women,\vhio recently returned1 provided," from a two-years' sojourn in Europe,. Rehearsals for the following we i spoke to alumnae living in Ann Arbor will take place as scheduled: acts 3 who gathered to ,open the Michigan and ,4, at 7 o'clock tomorrow at New- Leaue ampignlas niht t te !beryball; act 1, at 7x:30 o'clock Leaue ampignlat nghtat heTuesday, in 'the. League, rooms of the Union. gymnasium; act 2 at 4 o'clock Wed- nesday at the League rooms; act l1m f fTV KALPPA PHI TO GIVE j New Pork, Mlay 10, (Bay AX 3 at 4 o'clock Thursday at Sarah 4,.b V HUV fhiM VI A DPTU T Carles F. , urpy,lae edx +caeloelhl ;for the PFreshman lpa-; plannedispecialh1eiusedeforhthe Kappaoclub, must be ready for inspection 'Tue mMs alRfs socitie whch illbe eldat O' ramci vens. rs.Car Ruusdent organization. Admission of x.25 clock Tuesday in University Hall. Thae ~s iron 1Bloodl, assistant dean of i ob hreafter noon. subject for debate is "Resolved, that sv, and Miss Mary Ross, general___________ s ce cr;'o.te University Y. W. C.jMay :Allmembers; of the FreshmlanC the United states should adopt further A.wlJhprn tepry ln~ ackson, My 10, (By A.P.)-The resricion'on cmigatin."lmve anuaecnvetiotoftheicign Gle club who wish to attend the he inins oc mit illbealoed"' is chairman. of the com-anulcveto ofheMhin mhetteeng scneycharge.allwed Federation of Business and Profes-i ty to be given next Saturday by to, hold for, one year the silver >up-)_____________ sional Women's clubs opened here Fri- U nversity Girls' Glee club inns, whiichm was won by Athena last yea, inoiic 3arig day with a luncheon at noon. The pr'esenlt at the regular meeting to and which will be perma'nently It3p1eMrig open welcoming address was given heldata 4:30 o'clock )tomorrov awarded to that society which has A nouncicmnt has been made of the by Mayor Palmer. 'Last evening a Barbour gymnnasiuml. possession of it the greatest. number ,miarriage of Eidna E. Jarchow, '23, and.. banquet was served. Today was oc- of times during 7 Years. OEdwina S. Gleason, '23E, on April 23 cupied by business sessions. The lcadlership~ commission at Mt. ln. Mr. and Mrs. Gleas- meet at 4:30 o'clock, tomorrow in .I Patronize Daily Advertisers.-adv. on are living in Ludington. Patronize Daily Advertisers.-Adv. berry hall. ti t Y3 t t to Adams.............100 SAlumnae .......... .....00 Collegiate Sorosis '0....... 100 Alpha ~ .Xi Delta.......100 Phi Beta Phi ..........100 Kappa Delt~a . ............. 100 i~Brown (2) .......... 100 ~Coon (2) ............100 Delta Delta Delta......100 Drunum (2)............ 100 McNeill (6)....... .00. Mohler (8) ........100 Tappan (3). .. .........100 Lindquist (5)........100 Ladd (3)......... ....100 Caughey (9) ........ ...100 Alpha Gamma~ Delta......96 Delta Gamma........95 Kappa Alpha. Theta......... 94 SReagh (16).......... ....93 ~Adelia Cheever (31)......90; Betsey Barbour.......9 Schaumen (8) ,...... ....88 R~ea (S)........ .. ...88 ~Martha Cook ...... .....86 Gamma Phi Beta ........85 Helen Newberry........... 88 Westminister (12) .........83 Kappa Kappa Gamma .......5 83 Treman (6) ..........83 ~Timpert (6).........83 Formnhals (21).... .....81. Delta Zeta......... ....... 80 WI'iteomb(5) ................ 80 SSweezy (9)..................... 7 rSpaulding (13).........77 Oosting (12)........ ... 7 ~Leatherman (4).......,......75 Theta Phi Alpha.......... 74 Alpha Chi Omega ........74 UChi Omega............. 71 Ash Hous~e (17) ..........70 Fawcett (3) ............... 70 Rock (9) ......,.......67 SFisher (9)................. 67 Alpha Omicron Pi........... 67 Alpha Phi ... ..........67 Zeta Tau Alpha ............ 61 Cozad (5).. .......... Forsythe (10).........60, 4Phi Sigma Sigma.... ...60 ~Mci~achron (7)............ 57 I lanselmann (7)... ....57 Jordan. (14) ...............57 'Brown (9) . ........ ...56 McClinton (16) ............. 56 Gorman (11) ............... 55 Fawcett (2)............. .50 ~Freeman (6).... ...50 tJedele (4) .. ....... .....50 ;Mason (2) ................ 50 NItchell (8)......... ..... 50 Mullisson (2) ..."........50 Payne (6) ...........50 AJeffrey (12)... .....50 SMcClouth (6) ........50 Sigma Kappa (12)......... 50 Smalley (2) ..........50 SWitham (4)............. 50 Memberships Freshmen................. 230 Sophomores...............250 Juniors ... ..........295 Seniors....... ........365 Nurses ..................6. SGraduates of other colleges and School of Music ........10 Totals......... ..... ...1206 $50 I IA iA SunDinner That You will Enjoy II ! CHICKEN PIE LEG OF LAMB WITH MINT SAUCE LEG OF VEAL . BAKED HAM I PORK LOIN ROAST =FRESH ASPARAGUS SPINACH - CREAMED TURNIPS S T A B R Y H R C K G ood F ood a P leasant Surroundings Invite Y ou to 1ian~T e Harmony Cafeteria 508- East William St. Ii STARTINGI TODA he cmd las Aothr, uper ldcture! The OSt LuC iious STr4ealvs t . STARTNI aic " Male - and aFemale" and "Man slaU ghter " SELECTED 3+FROM THE TEN FIRST SCREE~N PRODUCTIONS TO FOLLOW THE TRIUMPHANT ENGACEMPENT. OF VICTOR HUGO'S VA S'.ERPTECE, "THE HUNCHBACK11 OF NOTRCE DAME." cccll E. SUPERB PRODUCTION Q 1 -PH ASATURDAY EVENING POST. Story 4I Em 0 Leatro'ce A as ANN L ANI) $60,300 } Tokio, May 10, (By A.P.)-Seventy rsons are believed to have perishedI 3a result of the capsizing of the I otor boat Kinga Maru near Keelung, rmosa, press dispatches said today. WHEN YOU THINK OF If You Ride, Hike or Enjoy Other Sports Rod La'.J as RUING 4~ARET ROBERT EDE SON, G EORGE FAWCETT, JULIA FAY E, THEODORE KOSLO F ZASU. PITTS, Here are garments you need RAYMOND HATTON, CHARLES OGLE, VICTOR Garments that give the freedom of movement neces- sary to the fullest enjoyment of outdoor activities. Garments, however, that remember to be smart as well as comfortable, and low-priced as well as serv- iceable. VARCONI AND MANY MORE Good Food Think of Kn~ickers of tweed, wool twill, velour, eerduroy, lineni, PaiiiiBeach tand lihaki. $2.95-$ 12. Sweaters of wool in slip. over and butk n-froiit stylIe s. $4. x4$8.50. Golf hosc with fancy tops. Riding babits of tweed, Patinu Beach rand linemt. $1 -$30, i0. Jackets of redf and green flannel. $$.50-$1. Ridling breeches of -velour, tweed, corduroy,. white linen, White drill and 'The se in aster +sl9iewii ~}1 v-de it; fly ; mnwho crted "THIE-N CO- l~~~~~lApm-I NIL\T'wi he ioi with, l erypiture he ha-. crer iaae that lie. :knows what yonu wnt and Imo~w to serve ij t fa }Fa : l he fgi .e-syou iii, "TF.I- ":PII" asocyetylove dramna widchi brnsal? e-orsfir story-power, gor- , . I' RITNHAV I ADDED FEATURES- sup NDAy I c7Tf1.T ti T tu'D iit IA