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May 11, 1924 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1924-05-11

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__- - -



16 YEARi

etion Postponed On 'Enslan Manag-
ing Editorship; Ramsay to Direct
Summer Daily
Appointments for the managing ed-
ors and business managers of the
ampus publications were announced
y the Board in Control of Student
ublications following the board
eeting yesterday afternoon. With!
xception of the managing editor of
ie Michiganensian and the business
anager of The Summer Daily, men
ere named to all positions for the I
,hool year of 1924-25.
Philip M. Wagner, '25, for the past
ar a night editor on The Daily, was,
cked by the board to direct that pub-

ceering Sectio
Question WVill Be
Decided Tuesday
Whether Michigan students want a
cheering section at the Conference
Football games in the future, to be
situated in the center of the South
stand and open to either all male
students or the sophomore and upperr
classes only will be decided at the
campus elections Tuesday. The stu-
dent .council, in co-operation with the
Athletic association believes that the
student body desires to have a section
of preferred seats in which the stu-
dents may sit together in a cheering
block. The question is who do they
want qualified to sit in this section.
The referendum will be on the fol-
lowing: Do you favor an optional
section in the center of the South1
stand (1) to be composed of male
students from all classes in the Uni-
versity; (2) to be composed of sopho-
mores and upperclassmen only? Do
you favor retention of the present


Tomorrow Is Last
Registration Dayr
Tomorrow will be the last chance
for students to register in order to
vote Tuesday at the campus elections.
Booths at the various colleges will be
open from 9 to 3 o'clock at which
time those students who have not
yet done so can obtain registration
cards and fill them out. This must
be done before a student is eligible




to vote Tuesday.
More than 2,000 students are al-
ready registered. Their cards are
filed alphabetically. When the ballots
are counted Tuesday night the names,


on the stubs will be checked off with
Local Alumnae Already At Work; the registration list. After registra-
Team CaptaIns And Divisional tioh tomorrow it is expected that
Leaders Chosen nearly 4,000 will be qualified to vote
Detroit, Mich., May 10.--(By AP)- Tuesday.
''The Michigan League building is our
most pressing need, not for women
only, but for the University as a
whole, Dr. Marion Leroy Burton,
president of the University of Michi-
gadeclared at the dinner of moreflt
than 1000 Detroit alumni of the insti-P
tution here tonight in an address IL DP EM ST DA
wich wascarried over the radio to
Michigan women in all parts of the Campus Joins Nation In Observance
country. Of Mother's Day
The banquet at which President Bur- Program
ton was the largest of a chain of sim-
ultaneous banquets which marked the S. C. A. COMMITTEE TAKES
opening of the $1.000,000 campaign for CHARGE OF ARRANGEMENTS
a Women's Building on the University


Jablonowski Goes Route, Allowing
Only Six Hits; Purple Twirl-
er Grants Seven


Faculty Members
Write May Garg'
Faculty members display their wit
humor in the May issue of Gargoyle,'
which is to be sold Tuseday morning.
Caricatures, poems, illustrations, and
articles from the hands of the faculty
are featured in this "Faculty Num-

59 2-3 COUNT
3raize and Blue Runners Scor
In Vault and Discus; Taki
Ten Firsts


---- - er "
Special to The Daily Many prominent figures about the
Evanston, Ill., May 10.-Capt. Jack campus and in the classrooms haves
Blott's mighty bat which he weilded been satirized by their confreres in Ohio in a dual track meet Y
effectively on two occasions here this unmistakable representation. An en- afternoon on Ferry field, 75 1
afternoon gave his team mates a three tirely different type of humor is no- 2-3 taking 10 out of 15 first ph
to two victory over Northwestern in ticeable in this issue, according to :coring heavily in practicall
nine innings of interesting pastim- the editors.
ing. The husky Wolverine backstop This is the next to last issue of event on the program.
clouted out two triples. in four trips the Gargoyle for this year. The final Ray Smith, the star Wolver:
to the plate, with a runner on the number will appear about a week jumper, set a new Ferry Field
paths on each occasion. He also scor- from the end of the semester, and will in his event when he cleared
ed the winning run when he went include several unique features. with a leap of 6:3:3-4. Smit
home on Bengstens wild pitch in the
ninth. his own record of 6:2 made la
All in all it was a clever bit of base-jT McEllven tied with two Oh
ball. Neither team was able to ad-I men for second place.
vance a runner farther than second in Dehart Hubbard, Michigan'
the first six innings. Both pitchers broad jumper had little trouble
jwere effective all the way, Jablonow-
ski allowing six hits and Bensten sev- ! a leap of 24 4:3-4. Doyle of M
en. The Purple played errorless ball ailed o pl4:e. ThylBuckey
while Michigan muffed only one. highland Park High School Takes
Things went along in one, two Second Prize; Kalamazoo man slammed in the hammer
three order until the seventh. In . Wins Third throw of 126:00:1-2. first
this period Bachman singled to start Loomis of Michigan proved
the hostilities. Captain Blott then [[oNT PUBLiCATION CHOSEN prise of the afternoon when
walked to the plate and nonchalant- PRESIDENT FOR NEXT YEAR first in the 220 low hurdles.
my n:. ere....«. out....] . a..{ t.r2..p .le _.to !_..._p'

g i

ion as managing editor, succeead-U l" wI& 5.1I , of Michigan campus.
Harry D. Hoey, '24. Wagner hasM Dean Hanilton Speaks
ed for the past three years on the Final Score Placed At 3-; Cane Other speakers at the banquet in
lar staff of TheDaily. j. Event Ties; Officials Laud Detroit were Miss Jean Hamilton,
Roesser Named Spirit Dean of women of the University, who
e business managership of The is executive chairman of the national
y wa suawarded to William D LARGE NUMBERS RESPONSIBLE itcampaign and Mrs. James Schermer-
ser,'25, to succeed Lawrence Fav- FOR VICTORY OF TEARLINGS horn, Mrs. Velmer Dowling, Chairman
'24. He has served on the busi- of the Detroit executive committee
tstaff for three years also, act- ! I rsdd
sn th advertising department ur- By winning the rope tying contest e.
IPresident Burton declared that the
the last year. and thus garnering the third point need of a Women's building at Michi-
alsey Davidson, '25, was selected necessary to win, the freshmen cap- gan was' bound with the whole tangled
ke charge of the Gargoyle, cam- tured the sophomore scalp in the problem of changing social and moral
humor publication for the coming standards.
He has been art editor for theis morning. Although The campaign among the Ann Arbor
year and will succeed Carrol B. the cane spree was declared a tie, wa inaugurated last night
y " ~~~~~~~alumnae w nuuae atngt
s, '25L, as managing editor. (lif the second year men took the obstacle with a banquet at the Union which
C. Pratt, '25, was named as bus- race, and lost the rope typing event was addressed 1 y Mrs. Frederick P.
manager of the magazine to take only after a hard struggle against Jordan, E.ID. Calkins, manager of the
overwhelming numbers of the year- campaign, Miss Natalie Murphy and
etee, '24. Both men have served yn b '-
th tf fterpbiainfrlings. Helen Delbridge, '2-k,
he staff of the publication for The final score for the games gives I Mrs. Jordan lscusses Week
e years. - Ithe freshmen three points and the Mrs. Jordan spoke of the need of the
ti n espos nehn the ap- sophomores one point. In the cane builing and the development of wo-
tisn was t oe poing edit o th spree, which was. to count for one iens interest in Michigan affairs.
point, resulted in a tie a 'o points ?. Calkins explained the why of the
'Enslan, wh'ile George L. Pattee' were awarded to eit ne. Th_ individual quota of $207 - According
accounts editor during the last freshmen captured the fall games also, to his address, hut 4,500 alumnae can
w asTnamdas bsiness anagerrgiving - them a clean sweep for the b located, hence to raise the desired
ucceed' Tomas KitZnl, '24. Rob- yer.! uwm an average plege of $207 is nec-
Etamsay, '25, appointed to.a night Meeting at the Union and Waterman essary Miss Murphy spoke upon the
rship on The Daily several weeks gymnasium at 8U30 o'clock, each class success of undergraduate campaign,
after having served on the staff named its men for the team contests, i which surpassed all expectations.,
three years, as well as acting as formed in line and marched to the Helen Delbridge, the student repre-
t editor on The Summer Daily Field. From the start the superiority sentative on the program promised the
year, was named to the managing in numbers of the freshmen was evi- local alumnae that they would be
>rship of The Summer Daily. The dent, while the men wearing the red dining in the Michigan League build-
ness manager was not named. paint were comparatively only a hand- ing two years from last night. Mrs.
i an Lane, '2 L, was appointed to ful. George W. Patterson presided.
tanaging edtorshiip ffile Chies, The judges declared the cane spree I Divisional leaders for the local
pus opinion monthly. He has tied when it was found that each side i campaign were appointed last night,
ed for the past year as an under- had captured 10 canes, and the point as well as team captains. They will
'an an thatpublicaton.kred- toward winning the games was dis- meet at 7:30 o'clock Wednesday night.
I Pinney, '25, was named busi- ;ounted. The sophomores easily took Mrs. Theophile Raphael, as president-
manager to succeed John A'the obstacle race. In this event each counsillor, is in complete charge of
, 0253. He, has bad charge of '
1, Hdvert has for he"ca ..runner was forced to carry a brick the local campaign
advertising for the past year, instead of a baton, and was not al-
ng served on the staff of that pub- lowed to drop it except at the walll-
.ion for 'three years. Joh'n A climbing obstacle. One other inno-
cn, '24, is the retiring managing vation in this event was the teete-t
°r ~~~~~totter boards which the . unnrers we re11 LJ
oyd A. Maeder, '25E, was named to forced to climb.
maagrsi of totteretc oarswihte uni' I
managership oftheAthletcro 4 The rope tying contest was eas
ti to uced =F. C. Swigert, 24E, taken by the yearlings, us was the ES N 1
ag .Weitzel was chosen as "as- aels er i h n1o he*
nt manager. - Ievent. the count showed 178 sopho-
' ie Nigdate IDemoeratic Progra m u bsfIitte For
, Nine Nominated mores penned and only 131 freshmen Iemraic Pla Fiiia tedra or
n men were nominated by the the yearlings winning the point and elon Plan in Final Draft
rd in Control to have their names ihe eames. There were so many first of Bill1
ed on the campus ballot Tuesday year men In this contest that little I~~~_
e voted upon as student members red aint was visible st. OVMANIZATION LEADERS
he board. Three men will 'be el- "T e spirit exhibited durin the RECOMMEND BILLS VETO
,d, The nominees are: Edgar H. games was exceptional," said James
a, '25,'night editor of The Daily; Rice, '24, chairman of the games com- Washington, D. C., May 10, (By A.P.)
rt B. Connable, '25, also a night mittee, after the contests. "Only once -Stripped almost of every vestige
or; Eugene L. Dunne, '25, adver- did an argument arise, and that was of the Mellon plan and clothed in the
g man on the business staff of I during the cane spree, when 'the Democratic program the tax reduc-
Daily; Thomas E. Fiske. '25, freshmen claimed they had taken 11 tion bill was passed today by the
t editor on The Daily; John GIcanes, official count, however, was Senate 69-15. As a result it goes to
inghouse, '25, city editor of The ten all. All in all, however, the games conference for adjustment of differ-
y; Perry M. Hayden, '25, also ad- were unusually fair."I ences with the House with its life at
ising man on The Daily; Carrol B. stake.
es, '25L, managing editor of the I I Republican organization leaders in
goyle; John A. Sabo, '25, business Illinois Fres mnnen the senate today admitted frankly they
ager of the Chimes; and E. Gif- S r yO Ra j would recommend veto of the measure
- Upjohn, '25, circulation editor of Start On am'page rcmedvtIo h esr
.Uchgnensian, rc__d___by President Coolidge if it was not
Mictgaripsintm otransformed by the conference. The
ppe~r" staff appointments on the Urbana-Champaign, May 9,-Fresh- President had asked Congress for the
ous publications will be announ- men at the University of Illinois took I Mellon plan.
by the different editors at the All- affairs into their own hands last night Although his views were not made
lications banquet which will be and held an unsanctioned cap .burn- R;nown on the bill ;passd by the.
lered staff members by the Board ing. Rumors that the celebration was house which carried only the remnant
ontrol Wednesday at the Union. to take place were going around be- of the Mellon scheme he has voiced
forehand, but it was impossible to specific opposition to some of the pro-
ET Llearn anything definite. visions inserted in the senate.
DEN, E E CPrevious to the burning of the caps, The senate bill goes practically as
over 150 freshmen participated in a far in general tax revision as that
snake dance through the streets sing- passed by hte lhouse. It provides
RESIENTILUBIUI~fI~iJin g songs and yelling for the class of generally fr:
'27. The stopping of street cars was A 25 per cent reduction in income
the only marked disorder. In spite taxes payable this year.
e 25hav expressed their will- of this event the freshmen will be Repeal or reduction of mots of the
tea to become candidates for the compelled to wear the green hats un- special excise and miscellaneous taxes.
n y tof em Student Christian I til Wednesday night, which is the A 50 per cent permanent cut in the
lidency of the tdanC tIn official anniversary of cap-burning. taxes on incomes below $8,000 and a
itIsuedby Hrry C. arknn 'L-- general reduction on taxes on higher
at Issued by Harry C. Clark, '26L, 1 rrw ta. .__t.: _ .x, _.._ _ en# ,

Edgar A. Guest, poet for the Detroit
Free Press, and considered a leading
humorist and poetic speaker of the
country, will give the main address
in the celebrations attendent upon
Mother's Day, held on the campus
this week-end under the auspices of
the Student Christian association. Mr.
Guest is expected to read several of
his better known works when he!
speaks at 3:30 o'clock in Hill audi-
torium. here will be no charge for
Mother's Day is being celebrated in
all parts of the country today, and'
all universities and colleges are hold-
ing fitting ceremonies in appreciation'
of the mothers of the nation. In
this city yesterday t~he incoming
mothers were met at the trains, and'
in the afternoon several tours of the
points of interest throughout the town a
were organized. Student guides were'
secured for the trips, vhlich included
all buildings on the campus.
Tfhe chutrches, in the city are to hiold
special 'Xother's Day services this
morning, and the gathering in thej
afternoon in Hill auditorium will be I
the last of the several attending the!
Mother's Day festivities. Mr. Guest
has not as yet given out a definite I
title for his address, but it is thought
that he will present some unusual
sidelights upon the mothers of the
The Week's News
I-n- Brief
The Mellon income tax plan defin-
itely died. Its demise occurred when
the Senate voted to substitute the
democratic proposal, wich would
give lower tax rates for small incom-
es, and higher rates for large. The
plan, as passed, is almost identical
with the Longworth plan, which the
IlHouse favored, and no difficulty is
nticipated in reconciling the two.
Although President Coolidge cools
slightly wh'-never the bill is mention-
s ed. it is not expected that he will
veto it.
xrtse , (~~u }ni s nI xr i b i s hiI -


ly hammered out a triple to deep
center, Bachman scurrying home. Tho Detroit Northern high schqol's "The
rest of the inning went fast. Hlagger- Northern Light" was awarded the
ty rolled to Bengsten for the first out. Ann Arbor Press cup for the best
Dillman walked but was out stealing k
second. Steger was an easy out, Beng- weekly publication of class A schools
sten to Sidle. at the final session of the third annual
Northwestern came back in her hall l"Midhigan Interscholastic Press associ-
of the eighth and by bunching hits ation convention held yesterday
coupled with a base on balls managed nirning at the Union under the aus-
to score two tallies. Bengsten, the pices of Sigma Delta Chi, national pro-
first man up walked. Sfegnima seat
him to second on a single. Blott then fessional Journalistic fraternity.
caught the Purple catcher asleep off The Highland Park "Spectator" was
first. Christman lined to left Beng- given second prize in the class A week-
sten baing to third. McElwain's single ly group, and Kalamazoo took third.
sent both men home. This ended the In the class B Coldwater took first
scoring for the Purple, McElwain be- with its "Mirror". Detroit high schools
ing caught sliding to second a few took all three places in the class A
minutes later. bi-weekly papers. The "Central Stu-
The visitors then started in to win .dent" of Detroit Central received the
the game all over, in the ninth. Kipke Michigan Daily cup while the "Re-
strolled to open things bu-t was caught view" of Northeastern and "The
off first. Bachman singled through Colt" of Northwestern took second
first and went home on Blott's triple and third respectively.
to center. Bengsten threw out Hag-- In class A of the high school mon-
gerty. Blott scored on Bengsten's thly publications, the "Helios" of
wild pitch. Grand Rapids Central won the Chimes
(Continued on Page Six) cup, the Muskegon "Said and Done"
took second place and the Jackson
"Reflector", third. In class B the



' y±
, :1

Campus Wrestlers Win Fi.nal lIatelies
In Tryouts For Olympie

Saginaw Eastern "Student Lateen"
v on first place with the "Criterion" of
Arthur Hill of Saginaw taking second
The Ann Arbor Times-News cup for
the best annual, was awarded to Grand
Rapids South's "Pioneer", with second'
honors going to Detroit Northwestern's
Northwester.' The IPor~t Huron "Stu-
dent" won the class B annual prize,
while the "Sickle" of Adrian, and tlfe
"Ypsi-dixit" of Ypsilanti took second
and third.

Michigan started off by winning two
places in the first event, the 100 yard
dash, Higgins leading the field by 3
yards and Goldwater finishing a close
third behind Kukelcik.
Ohio State slammed in the one mile
when Kreider, finishing first, turned
in a time of 4:27, breaking the dual
meet -record by more than 2 seconds.
Flicks of Michigan ran a nice race
pushing Arnold of Ohio State hard for
fliggins, Doyle Get Firsts
Higgins, the Wolverine dash man,
took his second first of the afternoon
when lhe easily won the 220 yard dash
In a time of 22 5-10. Kukelcik of Ohio
State was second, hard pressed by
Doyle of Michigan got his initial first
of the year when he won the shot put
with a heave of slightly more than
42' feet. Ohio State took the other
two places.
Ohio State took first and third in the
high hurdles when Snyder, the crack
Buckeye handicap man beat out Hub-
bard at the tape, Guthvrie of 0. S. U.
taking third.
Charlie Reinke, running the quarter
mile worked his usual feat of lying
back until the straightaway when he
forged to the front to beat out his
teammate, Roesser. Wade took third
slightly ahead of Purdy of Michigan.
Reinke's time was 50 5-10.
Slam in Pole Vault and Discus
Michigan slammed again in both
the pole vault and the discus, Brook-
er copping first place in both events.
In the pole vault Rh-odes and Wilson
took second and third respectively
while in the discus Doyle and Hunter
increased the Michigan total by sec-
ond and third places.
Payne of Ohio State took the lead
(Continued on Page Six)
Alpha Nu debating society elected
its officers for the coming year at
its regular business meeting in Uni-
versity hall Thursday night. J. J.
Dunn,'26, was elected president; F.
R. Line, '27, vice-president; M. M.
Whitcomb, '26 secretary; G. Gibson,
'26, treasurer; H. E. Crowell, '25, ora-
torical delegate; and Elmer H. Salz-
man, '25, marshall.
The debate of the evening was: Re-
solved, that the University of Michi-
gon should adopt the Oxford method
of instruction. The affirmative of
the question was upheld by M. M.
Whitcomb, '26, and G. A. Stracke, '24.
The negative side side of the question
received the support of the society.
Local Boy Fatally
Injured In Wreck

x The Senate is tower in pumic em
teem than ever before, and as the
senate has deteriorated the President
has gone up," declared Senator WVat-
son, participant in a lively Senatorial
"Did you say blown up?" interrupt-
ed Senator Ashurst, another partici-
The conference committee working
on the Immigration bill agreed to
make Japanese exclusion effective on

IN NATiONAL MATCH, MAY 26 Officers for the coming year were!
elected as follows; president, the#
Detroit, May 10,-Six University of 'Arr:w-head" of Flint; vice-president,
Michigan wrestlers won the final the "Pioneer" of Grand Rapids South;
matches in the state wrestling try- secretary-treasurer, the "Optimist" of
outs for the Olympic team held here!Ann Arbor.
under the auspices of the A. A. U.
The entire team which will represent S treetR ailh ay
the state of Michigan in the national
match will be held in New York,
May 26, 27, 28, for the OlympicM
wrestling squad will be composed of j
University students. ByrAU o Bufes!
Following are those who won their
matches: H. L. Donohue won from P
Harry Sinclair, in the 158 pound class, Plans to establish motor bus lines
E. A. Radcliff won from E. A. Grieling, in Are rly wre present
in the 175 pound class, Edgar Matson he itys by heetrit
won by default in the heavyweight dayto the city council by the Detroit
match, R. G. Baker won from R. J. Motor Bus Company. Such a system,
Doty in the 123 pound class, E. .i says W. . Butler, president ofthe
iAnn Arbor Chamber of Commerce, will
Phillips won from Hugh T. Burn In!gv uhietrsevc otesu
the 34 pund las and TomKra Ih give much better service to the stu~
won from Fritz Aderson in the 145 tients, especially of the outlying fra-
wound matchz ternities. The company proposes to
d m run 13 busses carrying 20 to 29 pas-


July 1, rather than from the time the
bill becomes law. Then President
i Coolidge brought pressure to bear, and
it was decided to delay the date until I
March 1, 1925. The revised bill was
sent back from the House branded
"N. C." Things are now back where
they started.
Senator Oddie, from Nevada, said
that there were "defective functioning,
generally improper and unjust adjust-
ments, ratings and awards, and in-
human treatment, and Avidespread dis-
(Continued on Page Two) 1
a Minneapolis, Minn., May 10,-By pro-'
* visions of the will of the late William
J Aur~nlhv flip niversity of Minn-


aengers each over five different routes.
The proposed routes follow the pre-
sent car lines with the following ex-
ceptions. A line would go farther
out Washtenaw, and would go by way
of South University instead of North



.- -v University. A new route would be es-
Prof. John Sundwall, of the Public tablished from Geddes- Heights to the
Health department, will address the County buildings, via Main, Liberty,
Philippine Michigan club at three o'- State, North University, and Washten-
clock this afternoon, at Lane Hall. , aw. A new route would be established
His topic will be "Matters of Health from the University hospital to Liber-
Ppa +n in pmPilnnin "tv, and Fifth streets via North Oh-


Laurence Otto, son

604 Fountain street, Ann
mortally injured Friday
the Dodge roadster which
inj smashed into the sti

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