THE MICH-14 DAILY . ....5 ® , --i ., -I 1 IL9EADERs LANTERN NIGHT Socialist Party Led By Woman FORP SV~sUDMEN COUNCILORS" HIELENIV EL4BIDGE, '24, ELIZA. PROCESSION Helen Delbridge '24, president of the Universty of Michigan Leaguer,l and Elizabeth Cain, '24, president of the Women's Athletic association, will lead the L~antern night rolcession at 8 o'clock Tuesday, May 20, on Palmer, field. Three hunvdred women from each class are expected to take part in the Lantern ceremony, according to Dr. Margaret Bell, head of the physical education departmenit, who states that 20 per cent of all Michigan women, or 400 women' are taking some form of elective work in the department this spring. This number includes 279 wo- men in the interhouse baseball tour- nament, 75 women in the interclass baseball series and 56 in the tennis tourney. All women taking part in the'proc es- 'sion will wear light dresses or sportI clothes with the exception of the 'sen- irs who will wear their caps andf Camp .Sealth, Washington, offers an opportunity for wojnen who desire to act as camp councillors, to spend the. summer vacation at a mountain resort with all their expenses paid while they are there, according to the camp- directors. IEach councillor must be equipped to instruct in some particul- 1ar activity and will be expected to take charge of a tent of 5 girls. The camp is controlled by the Sea- ttle council of Canop Fire girls. The property, includes 184 acres of wood- ed land, a mile of waterfront;,_15 cot- tages, 24 tents, lodge and outdoor ath- letic equipment. There will be from 150 to 200-people in camp each period. The girls are divided into three ,groups according to age. Anyone interested may obtalh full particulars from .Miss Ruth A. Brown, The Camaraderie, foot of Garfield St., Seattle, Wash. Announce Ma1Q#ge Announcement has been made of' the marriage of' rances P'eahody, '23, and Marion Hersmnan, '23L, which took. place April 9 in Toledo. Miss Pea- body is a member of Alph'a X1 Delta sorority and Hersman is a member of SKappa Sigma fraternity, from West Vir iginia ui~versity, CLUB +PRIVILEGES OMEN NGhE~toLS OFFIEREDT OMN# lf!i~ Sat. Ma.soo to $2.00 L E,1TS NOW F OH-NEXT AWEEK Club privileges dluring thee summnner THE £'J , Malt months are offered by the 1Montereg;-I 'G N H ian club, 22 MceTvvish street, Mon- GIRL treal, to any Michigan woman grad- With Eddtie Baizzell and Entire N. Y. uate or student who presents a letter Cast and Chorus of recommendation from the Univer- sity to the secretary of the club. Diur- -- ing the acaden*P year a gradluate or IAY' student of the University may obtajin S. M. T. IV. T. F. S. we iegs n tclb for a period not 1 2 3 exceeding wowek. ?5% 7 9S Rates for rooms during the summer 11, '12 13 14 -15 146 17 mionthis are $'2 per day, $12 per week,' 184 19 20 21 22 23 24. and $40 per mnth -1for small. rooms 1 20 2 , 27 2,1429 .308;'81 awhile large rooms cost $:3 per day, $18 ! - NOTICE___________ pser week and $60 per month. Full' NO 11~l 1T IE:i dining-room privileges will also be av- ETATAL a.iable.: In order io close out all Spr~1ng The bov inormtio wa set t' ! Felt IHats before Straw Ha~t time The bov infrmaionwas entto ie are making' the folloiwIng sac- " the office of the dean of women by I rifices: Ethel Uurlbatt, honorary presiden t 1 I1$3.t)0 hats 'Now. .. of the Monteregian club and warden All 4.00 haits NO....r5 of the Royal Victoria college, McGillf All 1,50 Hats 'Now ....... 3.75 university. .All 5.00 Hats Now .......4.I r J~ots of Large Sizes "Jimmie the adtaker" sells anything F'ACTORY iIAT STOlRE quickly-Adv. 617 Packaird St. JM~one 1792 Patronize Daily Advertisers.-Adv. (Wer D U B StpsatStte 'OF CASH'STORES Quick sales and Small rofot Famnous BUTTER.C :41~f A 3 DyTur of Europme Excllntaccommniodatio ns, congenial compa nions,"and, attractive itinerary -~~ For Particulars See PATRICIA BRPOWN1, 1052 Baldwin, Phone' 2949 ieMR. E. G. KUEBLER, 691 E-. Huron, Phone ;1384 Phone 2949 1052 Baldwin= Picnic Sugar Cured I 2Ag ' I Dr. Bell urges every Michigan worn- ni to miake it her responsibility to ome out for Lantern night. With a rge num~ber of women to make up ie line of march and the -block "M," ir. Bell believes that the possibilities r a successful ceremony are inisured.- Notices There will be a make-up class in ding for women who are taking tho :rse for credit at 10 o'clock to- ,y at-the Fair grounds. All members of the University Girls' ee club who are to take part in the other~s' day program will rehearse at o'lock today at the Congra- tional -church and at 9:30 o'clock' morrw at the School of Music. r Mrs. Bertha lhale White The only woman directing the cam1 paignt of a big political party is Mlrrs. Becrtha Ilale White, executive secre- tary of the ocialist Party of Arner- lea. She is at present making -a big drive for members, routing speaker~s, sending out campaign literature and raising money in preparation for the national cornvention of 'the party in Clelreland, July 6. i.AT THKE THEATER { ~Screen-Tfoday Arcade -- "The Hunchback of t _ .. t .. , I I I Sport o III Strictly Why pay 25c toQ28c?. Wby pay 45 and 50c, it's all nonsense / A9 l" AR B LWI~LF ThE io--Gis' play 3:'n,4 wil mdaay at New- meeting of Litery sc l). A. JI. WILL HOLD ANNUAL MEETING 14men:lerS of the S ara h Caswell An-- geol chapter of the Daughters' of the Amaerican revolution will' hold their annual meeting at 10:45 o'clock,I Thursday, MALy 15, in the Union. IRelports of the officers, committee chairmen, and election of officers will take place. Luncheon will -be served at 12:15 o'clock. -Reoervations for the luncheon should be made before May 13 by calling Mrs. L. E. Tingley, 1f100 Woodlawn,pone -2479-IIR An executive board meeting wil be held at 2:30 o'clock~ Monday, May 12, at. the Chi Omnega - house, .103 Wash- j :tenaw. ' , I V JUDGES A~NOUNE COIF TEST WINNERS 11rizjes for. the- Jbest cass sonig s~b- I iitediiith Feshmn ag ~eant con- test have been awarded by the corn- mnittee. of judges to the following wo-j niep: ~ Catherine B~uhrey, Norma 'Snell and Dorothy Allison. 'Mary Kent-Mil- ' her won the -Prize for the best prog'rain cover design. Or "ucrth - "Daughters of' Rich." rPheum---"West-Bound." N'otre Dame." ajestlc-Walter Heirs in "Fair Week." the I I I 1I 41 I -ql k I l t, r. f i II ' 712 Pt+. . a I II 111 - 1 all colors to 'Leaothcr or crepe rubev R tage-This Week irrick - (Detroit) - Gingham Girl." Vt soles. II "The I I n sandal and strap eff ects, select fromr. SENIORS N OT1CE I All seniors= W116 thae § ub.scrlb Ied to the Alumnus are urged to, Fpayr their subscriptions and re- Iceive th1eir Alutriiu -buitton be.- fore Jun~e 1, at fie Alumnus office 'in Alunid Memoria~l hall After G the above date the subscription Iprices will advance frm 50 I to $3.00.} John Bradfield, Business ' Manager~ r I - ) . From$50 to $7 Hosiery to match {. q'I 7,5Sf P. S02 re.-.AI. ' 4F,#£ lover of ORAE I : , . Thes~andrond o th tenis tour- , -h n i3beplayed off by 6 'o' ,cJ Wedtnesday. A list of partners is sted in Barboumr gymnasium. Costumes for the Freshman pageant list be ready for inspection Tuiesday ernoon. '.. I'1 I I I To Come and Visit Our NEW MARKET 7 ' -~ at Our Main, Stor~e. ~~t'- Wathr's Sfloe DOWNTOWNV ®' Or Display Counter Is the Pi U, 4 r--^---- *---- el ti U ii A it A2 OLYMPIC TICKETS ON SALE FOR WOM03EN Louise Roberts, '26, has -tak- n over the sale of Olympic try- gut tickets among the women on he campus. Miss Roberts urges hat all organized houses on the ;ampus co-operate with her and subscribe for these tickets, in locks. Tickets may also be, oh- ained by the women at the W. A. office in Barbour gymnas- um. Tryouts will be held in nn Arbor May 00 and 31, The ickets are good for either day. 'rice $1.C 1 I4 EHBTION\ 1 BEST IN THE' CISY D-on't Buy any cheaper kind., IW's ta r to Buy QUA.LITY Than to Pay Doctor Bills. Here's news for When you want Good Eats send to Pie rce's OURl NEW SANITARY I aw Crop Flower Seeds men hunting fine shoes. Sh~oes that look well' and wear; well, that are gentle on the feet and easy on the ptirse. In oather words Crawford BAKE "CZ051HOP I Ann Arbor people do not real-' ize that right here' in our own home town we have one of the largest stocks of flower seeds in the state. In annual seeds we lave not only the well known varities but we have the new-' est novelties in separate colors as well as mixed. In perennial, flower seeds we have a wide' variety and carry many kinds not carried in retail catalogues. If a small quantity or an ounce is required we can supply. Our stocks are fresh and germina- tion is guaranteed. Everything in flowering seeds, plants, bulbs, shrubs., HARRIS SEED STORE Cor. Washhigton & Fifth Ave. shoes. We, them. We cause vitnced Have no Mice ok' Cats around EVERY AllIGMODERN and at Laving Prices are sole agents for took the agency be- careful study con- us that Crawford is Of a' CLOTHES AND HABERDASHERY ET F~ fb E E ov a shoe men really like. Good looking, smartly styled, long wearing and modestly priced. Business sense approves style judgment 'in Crawford shoes. Beau Brumnmel would wear them, so would David Harum. They, appeal to the man of fashion and the shrewd trader. Come and see them. CAMPUS BO OTERY Monday, Tuesday, WedncSeay,, May12, 13, 14 GEO. MEREDITH, Represeatative Witha S500 rder We WillGive, a ExC~uin lg Sugar or Flour Save oillrs and Ilarn STRAWBERRY SHORT-CAKE TILE ENLIARGED AN1D VERY COMPLE TE SER VICE RENDERED Br FIN CILEY IS OF DEFINITE Z! FOR TANCE TO COLLEGE A/EN, AND IS AIMYlED PAR TICULARL Y A T MEETING THIEIR R.EQUIRE- "lwA'.TC'TAY A1A ,rTlTJ4)VnAPPRPAATI? 11A4ATMFA ochnow' s