THE MICHIGAN DAILY IUII[ULL d IL[t LJ I [FEATEDIN HOUSE panese Exclusion Provision Placed In Immigration Bill Falls 191-171 OOLIDGE'S REQUEST FOR DATE POSTIPOINEMIENT LOST Washington, May 9.-(By, AP)- y a vote of 171, the house de- ined today to approve the Japanese xclusion provision of the imnigration ill inserted by house and senate 'con- rees at the request of President oolidge. The measure was sent back to-con- rence with the. house managers in- ,ructed to insist on elimination of he provision which would postpone e effective date of exclusion to March 1925 and would request the presi- ent to negotiate with Japan for ab- >gation of the "gentleman's agree- ent." This action threw open the effective ate, as the house conferees were giv- n no instructions to put up a fight r the original house provision to en- >rce the ban July 1. The senate vot- I to make exclusion effective upon nactment of the bill but the confer- e after agreeing to accept the house decided to recommend postpone- ent for an additional eight months. 'I LAMBDA THETA ELECTS OFFICERS Pi Lambda Theta, honorary educa- onal sorority, has elected the follow- ig officers for the coming year: resident, Muriel Fox, '25Ed., vice- resident, Elsie Berk, '25Ed., record- ig secretary, Marjory Read, '25, cor- esponding secretary, Lucille- Chalm- rs, '24, treasurer, Louise Penning n, '25, keeper of records, Frieda chimidt, '25. Clement's Library Receives EVENTS ON FEPRY FELD PHARMACY STUDENTS Collection Of Rare Volumes TODAY CONCLUDE GAMES HMO AT Rare volumes of unusual value have entific students of bibliography have ,y" Hanft 24t was awarded just been received by the William L. been endeavoring to arrange and (Continued from Page One) the Lehn and Fink gold medal for ex- Clement's library in the form of a classify all the known items so that I Three five-men teams will compete celenPinksghldip a thea- collection of the "Voyages'" of Theo- the field of knowledge on this subject in this contest, the side winning two nual dinner of the students of the dore Debry. This set was formerly might be more complete. To do this races winning the event and the point.-a College of Pharmacy held last night lacked by the library and its acquis-Co is neoessaryldathave nghtv1 ition will make the library the out- complete set, which but few collect- These teams, asIwi those for the cane at the Union. standing depository of this work In ors or libraries can afford. The spree, will be- chosen by Lowell Pal- This medal, which is "for the ad- America. Ciement's library can now claim a mer, sophomore leader, and George vancement: of pharmaceutical schol- ;ebry lived duripg the sixteenth nearly complete set, wherein biblio- Snyder this morning when the second arship," was given by Lehn and Fink,' century' at the 'time when discovery 1 graphical -investigation can be done year men assemble at 8:30 o'clock in a New York pharmaceutical manufac- and exploration of the new world' was with' some hope of making discoveries. front of Waterman gymnasium. turing firm. It is the first tinie that revolutionizing history. He deter- The present addition numbers In the cane spree, two teams of 20 it is has been presented, but from mined to publish a collection of ac- among other volumes the copy of the men each will compete, the winning now on it will be awarded 'annually. counts of the voyages of Colunbus and earliest history of Virginia in Latin, side to be decided by the number of. It wars preseinted to Hanft on the basis other-famous explorers, *-company- published in' 1588, in this 'case the id- 'canes captured at the end of a stated of superior scholarship maintained! ing each volume with a series of large entical copy which was in the library period. Each two men will have a during his four years in the pharmacy engravings illustrating the text. of the famous Archbishop of Canter- cane between them, and will try to college.h As time went on the pictures became bury, John Whitgift, at th'e time of take it away from his opponent The Rho Chi prize for freshman in a sense more important than the Queen Elizabeth. The rope tying contest will be con- pharmacists was awarded to Oarwin text and Debry soon began to, pick It is the plan of the oficials of the ducted as in the past, the side obtain- E. Sacheroff, '27P. He was given this up any standard story already pub- Clement's library to put these vale- 1 ing the largest number of tied pris- on the basis of scholarship maintain- lished and reprint it with his illus- I able books on exhibition at an early oners winning the game. All fresh-;eb inthfsthyar intao- trations. The pictures, rather than date, where they may be viewed by the men and sophomores are permitted gylegh. the text, have sustained the interst in public. to compete in this event, the only re- Debry, because so many of the texts striction being that of wearing tennis The banquet was held under the au- are procurable elsewhere in other Ilinsdale's Son Dies shoes. w aspices of the Prescott club. forms. Freshmen will assemble again at In the days before the Sunday roto- Dr. Albert E. Hinsdale, son of Prof. 8:30 o'clock this morning in front of Offer Prize for Being Polite u .t th "V W. B. Hinsdale, of the Medical school, 'the Union, to march from there to New York, May 9.-In order to en- age of Debry which gave the people died at 5:30 o'clock Thursday after- Ferry field, where the contests will courage the old fashioned and often of the old world some idea of the mar- noon in Cleveland. Funeral services start at 9 o'clock. The sophomores forgotten habit of being polite, a two velous discoveries being made by Co will be held at 3 o'clock today at the will assemble also at 8:30 near Water- years scholarship has been offered to umbus and successors. Here are the Hinsdale residence, 716 Forest ave- man gymnasium. the most polite man at Columbia uni- earliest known pictures of what the nuc- versity. The offer is made by L. J. American Indian looked like when the "Jimmie the adtaker" sells anything Fagan, dance hall proprietor, am1dis first whjte Englishman set foot on Patronize Daily Advertisers.-Adv. quickly.-Adv. open to all students. American soil. Here are the. pictured a- - stories of the Conquest of Peru by Pizarro, 'the discovery of the Pacific _ Ocean by Balboa land 'a thousand - ---" other episodes. The book-collector and bibliograph- er has for years sought ea.gerly for these rare volumes when they appear,1 dMIt 1 er sou choice a o:coreer,college tiditflg Lds increase ed, because no one knows exactlyi-o e ri where a complete set is, and the sci- your economic 'value, and whatever business or 7rofession yOu enter, _______________Iadequate life insurance is a proper self -appraisal of your powers in that ,R1 IDAILY TO ISTTE EXTRA[direction. 'ESTABLISHED 081-M MADISQN AYJNUE COR. FORTYFOURTH STR 'R NEW YORK Telephone Murray Hi/ SSoo Our representative will be at the HOTEL STATLER, Detroit Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday May 12, 13 and 14 with samples of ready-made Clothing Furnishings, Hats and Shoes for Spring. Send for " Iistoric American Buiddings" BOST OIN TREMONTCOR.BOYLSTON NEWPORT 220 VELLEVUE AVENUE Patronize Daily Advertisers-Adv. Patronize Daily Advertisers.-Adv. a 7' br I. LAST TDIES TODAY r 2:00--3:40 7:0-8:40 Epochal! VBrilliant! Vast! (brio)-1 A4 Baseball Results AMERICAN LEAGUE All games postponed on account of bad weather. NATIONAL LEAGUE Pittsburg 10, Boston 7. All other gamespostponed on ac- count of bad weather. Nebraska to IoA. Meet . Lincoln, Neb., Ma3 9.2More than 30 high schools will be entered in the annual track and field meet to be; held tomorrow under the auspices ofj the University of Nebraska.. It ;is, ex- pected that new high shoo t. t e records will be set at this met, for it will be the first' one to be con- ducted on the new Nebraska track, which is faster than the old one. ON ELECTIONS, MONDAY The Daily will issue a special elections extra on Monday, May I 12. All candidates for the presi- dency of the Student council, the Union, the Student's Christian association, and the Oratorical 1 board who wish to have their pictures appear in this extra I mistuturn in glossy prints today at the Daily office in the Press building. Credentials for i tht j :candidates;in order t© appear in the elections issue'must be writ ten :immediately and turned; into the ipresidents of the various or= ganizations.I If the =pictures or the lists ot j qualifi'qations for the officep ir i any o;e ,organization are incom plete' that organization will' b 6 omitted entirely from the extra. 0A a .y f; ttt ii. e The traditions, practices, and financial strength of the JOHN HANCOCK Mutual Life Insurance Company are such that a college man can take especial pride in having a John Hancock policy on his life. It is also a ditint asetfro th strt.It will pay you to buy it; and later on, dsict asset o te start.. should you think ofjoining the field corps of this company, it will also pay you to sell John Hancock policies. Our representatives willtell you just how, and assist you in selecting both your career and your insurance. I 1 IVICTOR HUGO'S PIMOR01TALI LOV.E EPIC with LON CHANEY as QUASIMODiO, the greatest; claractrna- Pion of is artistic career, , c4ddress gen cy Department. tin fLIFE INSURANCE COMPANY oF BosToN. MAssACHusrrS Sixty-one Years in Busim Now istiingOne Billion$S Hundred Million Dollars policies on 3,250,000 liv i1l A' I I - ~,. ~i'i 'I .( ,r7; 7 7 . F ,* Y' A 1 .G/r - 5 l r ,r. . f / u ' , ° a , . . c Y Like a tjdal 'wave is has swept the coon- try, leaving behind it s'uci an impression as was: never before created by a motion picre. For in it are all the things the whole world wants to see. There is love and beauty and adventure and mag- nificence and a whole army of thills; everything needed, in fact, to transport us from this humdrum, workaday age back to the days of strife. PRICES Matinee Balcony, 35c Auditorium, 50c. Evening Balcony, 50c Auditorium, 75c Diddles 25c All Prices Include Tax I'" MEN AND OTHERS ''Tom Wy," Bradley" and "Thermo" Knit Coats, Sweaters and Jackets. Iptresenting tihe Orig nal Musical Score Used at Its New York Pre- miere Showing. With Orchestra Doublcd to Present the Harmony 'f Melodious Effects. STARTING SUNDAY a up Umber, Up. Tennis, golf, baseball, track, racing-every type of keen, active sport leaves muscles stiff and sore until you've had time to get in real condition. But a rub-down with Mifflin Alkohol will speedily relieve this stiffness. The penetrating qualities of the Alkohol plus the gentle influence of the massage take out all soreness and leave yoi ready to have another set-or round -or whatever it may be! And Mifflin Alkohol has a dozen other daily uses, too! After bathing, a Miffin rub-down is cooly ing a ,d invigorating. After exercise, Mifflin Alkohol relieves tired muscles and many "sore spots." Mifflin Alkohol is denatured by r fornmula which actually improves it for external- se. College teams and many -other athletic organizations use Miffin Alkohol regu- larly. Be sure YOU get MIFFLIN-in the handy-grip one-pint bottles as il'ustrated. KNICKERS AND BREECHES, for all activities, in large assortment for ladies and men. Corduroy and Whipcord Sport Suits, Ladies' Knickers, White Duck, Navy, Linen and Khaki Trousers, Coveralls, etc., $1.85 up. of materials $1.98 up. r tea rice joy fktlo~e ZI } 1arfir'n STARTING TOMORROW A i Hiking Shoes, Wool Socks, Golf Hose, L eggings, Puttec , Officers Dress and Army Shoes, Tennis Shoes, Waterproof and High-Tops, Moccasin Pack' Shu for Ladies and Men. Army Shoes, $3.95 up. 0. D. Wool, Khaki and fine Poplin Army Shirts, Pongee Dress and Sport Shirts, all Kinds of Underwear, Hosiery, Golf Hose, $1.50 up. White Navy Hats, 50 cents. f T°opcoat.-anct ats Cravanettes, Whipcords, $13.98 and up, Rain Coats, $2.98 up, Slickers Tents All kinds and sizes. Shelter (or "Pup") Auto-Touro, Regulation Wall, Army, Mosquito, and Childrens' Play Tents. Canoe Blanket , CUshions, Auto The ARCADE plays another super-pic- ture [ Robe, Amy lankets Mifflin Chemical Corporation PHILADELPHIA, PA. Sales Agents: HAROLD F. RITCHiE & CO., Inc. 171 Madison Ave., New York Toronto Sdney Wellngton kM ae onm '4 At ;._ ,. Knapsacks, Barracks Bags, Canteens, Mess Cans, Grills, Stoves, Serving Sets, "Gold Medal Camp Furniture," Cots, Stools, Tables, Folding Buckets, Sam Browne Belts, Scout Axes, Picks, Shovels, Auto Tires, Army Trunks, etc. U EBm The most luscious feast since - AND MASAUHE Iith a DeMille Paramount Cast, Including These Big Stars i