I Waits For Call is supposed to consist of. clever pla-I garisms from the latest New York successes. First there is a tall girl with legs trained a la Ned Wayburn in the split and head-kick, and then a short girl with a red velvet gown, a voice, and a grand form. Next comes' the rigesseur of the show, a little blonde man with some songs of Sal- ly and Mother in Ireland in a s0o)b tenor, 'and finally a shingle-haired roman- with a violin .and a manner. 1 On top of it all there is -a lady who' plungs the piano viciously and a Very, elaborate setting. The whole performance is injected w-ithz a boundless punch and speed. pep, verve=-anything you choose to call it. It is typically pointless, typically vulgar, typically Americean.I You will enjoy it tremendously. ".Jimmie the adtaker" sells anything qo ickly.--Adv. Don't Forget ri ~rand Duke Nicholas lpieholaievitch The time is ri~'e foi" an Attempt to ecapture Russia fromt Communist oininion,. believes Grand Duk4 N ich - 1a8 Nichols ievitch, second codsln to le late Czar, and former head of the usinarmies, and he is, waiting in! saris for a' call =to him to lead the} 5s ilt. againsvt the Beds.: lie wants ie. call to wa~ne frontth.Ve Russian ogle. All pterwowI or societies Using tIhiw 1hini ild , idie is their notices 13', hlnr, and plae. All noties itliottt this data w ill be disregarded. il i )AY :40 1i n.-Micii ian hitersdcholastic Press association. Opening session, Union. 00)4 a. Il.--lYrank Bl. (lilbretli speaks onl "The One Best Way to Do Work," room 348, Fngineering building. i :410 H. n.-Jiiov Eiuieci elr ls mneeting, roonP 348. Engineering building, ':00-Law ficlty.luncheon, ULnloil. :40-B1aptist ('AOlid' ca billet menmbers meet for trip to' Cavanaugh Lake, D.,:U. R. station, "0 -Lawrv Ie view dinnerl, room 318, Union.. ] i"-Sigma Xi inltiatlin'banquet, Uii- ion. '30-1lhnlei' Webster Law club dinner Union.. 30--St Paul's Y oung People's 0oc- iety meeting, 420 W"7. Liberty street. -:00--Atkinson prize oratoricali coat- test, T.?niversit~y hail auditoriumz. j :00- Isabel Cunimings and Jnl'iiu l Neihaus- in joint vocal recital, Schooli of Mustc auditorium. SATURDAY 0:90 A. in -Forestry deparhinent anu nual f ield day-, Saginaw forest: :00-Sprng'gamer,, Ferry field. 10 ~t--T'nnIs maet-Illila is . Mich-; EIgan. Ferry field. 2X431-Phad #traek ,'meet- Oio StAte v s. M icaigan, Furry 04!1d. 8 :00-Chfinese Stiidnt ' cl) meetlhigj Lane hall, auditotli m. The George Booth sclo-rlatr hlp cene. pition drawings. are: now on exhibi- Stie n In the arch itectural.'lecture room on. the second floor. of the En- tgineeing building where they mea ' e seen every 'aftei'noon. All Frepghnien able to pl03' a ibnuit h '3trum~lent. should re'port at the Lu- ion at o'clock this afternoon. DRAMA. to, remember your mother on Mothers' Day. Too often we are busy and our ninds are occupied with studies and campus activities and we forget. We don't remember that there is a day consecrated to our Mothers. We don't remember that she is at home thinking about us, and wondering if. we are thinking about her. But let's not forget her this Mother's Day. Send her a box of sweets from Preketees Sugar 'Bowl. 109 S. Main St. Light Lunches Fountain' Read The .Daily "Classified" Col L "° ,, IN AN INVESTMENT' OOD APPEA ANCS I ATE UN U tALII UKNI.A ONSove ifqualified. Inves- Soar facilities for securin 1' on 'before coming here. Ex-1 ves, salesmen. office workers. erica9L. Professiional, legal, en-[ 'ring, agriculture. dairying,; growers. Wkrite for details. g-Brumer Co., Hobart Bldg.,i 'rancisco. Calif. fA1,1. MAK1,8 .Agency Aood t ck Rln Oliver typewrit ers, Sun st rand sadd( Inn machine, Lino-s-TIOIP ~k !holders. rlibber samypqribbons eushfo keys, type ckoanors nd io plies. Machines rented. ANN ARBOR TYPE WR1fITF.R FIXCFIANGIF. Phone 866, downtown No. 9 Ann Arbor Say. BankBldg. k a f! (Contintned from Page Four) AT THE MAJESTIC THEATIZE{ there is, a very interesting .vacudeville alct playing the last half of the week. "Ihts"----car "Hits," I' forget which- "of -Broadway, " it i- called, and 'it buy Ku~pnheier Crop Flower Seeds Arbor people, do not real- hat right here in our ow'n town we haave one of the st stockrs of flower seeds e state. InI annul seedls ave not only the well known ies but we have the new- novelties in separate colors ,ell as mixed. In pereninial. r seedls we have a wide qty and carry many kinds carried in retail catalogues. small quantity or an ounce quired we can supply. Our s are fresh and germina- is guaranteed. Everything )wering seeds, plants, bulbs, ANice Bo:x aFresh 'Gilbert's Chocolates will be appreciated SDELICIOUS CREAMS FRUIT AND NUT - BITTER SWEETS, ETC. Eberbach &Son, Co. 200-204 E. Liberty St. GOO CLOTHES hihest, standard ofclothing sty/c and c~uality :D STORE & Fifth Ave, 'Patronize Daily Advertisers.--Adv. r. Patronize Daily Advertisers.--Ady. ublished "tA CURIOUS MISHAP" Byq CARLOS GOLDONI ii ALA Copyright 1924 The House of Kuppenheznisr .?: s l1--I Al- --s__? t -. ii - C., - - - --; " t- III